In fact, bathing in hot spring is just an excuse. Wang an takes it for boys and Ding Yun for girls. After soaking for quite a while, they wash again, and then everyone sits down in the rest place outside!

Have something to eat, drink some water and have a chat at will! Ding Yu has given this place to the bag today, no one else to disturb!

"Uncle Ding, in fact, we have already said thank you. We know that elder sister, they gave up quite a holiday!"

Wei Lai, these people speak very sincerely, even with a little excitement! The hair on the top of the head may be stained with water, so it's fun to have some upright hair now!

Ding Yu sat there, very relaxed, but other children are very difficult to do this! Look very envious, but really try, know this is absolutely true Kung Fu!

"I don't pay much attention to this! Because this is your own business

Ding Yu said with a smile, "they don't want you friends to slack off because of some other reasons. Similarly, they think that you have infinite potential and mutual progress. Nothing is more happy than this! As for holidays? Maybe it's important, but really speaking, it's not so important! Wei Lai, does your father have a holiday

"Well?" Wei Lai thought for a while, and then shook his head. "I can't say that there is no holiday. There is a holiday, but I don't see how long my father has been resting at home. When I was in primary school, I was better. Now? To have a meal with me, I feel that my father is off today

Ding Yu looked around. "Maybe many students think that Wei Lai's father may be very important, so they have some imagination in other aspects. When you have time, let the school contact you. If you go in and observe carefully, you will know how busy their work is! It's not as easy as you can imagine! I don't think it's popular to drink spicy food! "

"There are other students' parents. I don't know if you have gone to realize that maybe you will have a time to eat with you. Besides, how many people really have holidays? It's not that I don't want to be with you, everyone wants to, even if I am myself, I want to be able to lie at home every day, stretch out my clothes and open my mouth! How nice that is! Maybe it can be done at home, but how many people on the farm need to eat? If you lie down, it means that others will be hungry! "

Ding Yu seems to have deviated from the topic, but it has attracted everyone's attention!

"Let's talk about the so-called holidays. You said that the children in the family gave up the holidays, which is not so accurate! After a year and a half, I think a lot of students, have a kind of understanding! There are a lot less cram classes and more interesting classes. Why is this so? Heavy! Tell me

Shen Chong's classmate was a little fat man, even with eyes on his face. After being called, he raised his hand, but then he was ridiculed by many students nearby. Some even deliberately messed up his hair!

"Uncle Ding, before primary school, I didn't know how to learn. The so-called review means reading books, how teachers teach and how we learn. That's all! I don't know anything else. A holiday is just playing, so I don't know what I've learned after learning, and I don't know what I'm playing after playing! "

"After I went to junior high school, I began to have an understanding of this aspect. In fact, it was very simple to learn, and the things to deal with were relatively simple. However, we didn't realize such a system, and we didn't check it. There are too many relevant materials. We just need to look for them simply! Very convenient, even after a simple self-learning, the teacher's class, is a simple consolidation! Sometimes you can choose a teacher's mistake. It's a very interesting thing. However, after I went to junior high school, such a thing didn't happen. What a pity

Ding Yu couldn't help clapping! "That's very good. In fact, it's just a system. A very clear system. If you take a look at it, there won't be any problems! What matters is how to control this key! I think you have mastered this key now, even some students, now do not need to find extra-curricular teachers to tutor! When you have such time and don't want to waste it, you can do other things! "

"Yes Shen Zhong nodded hard, "when learning is not difficult, we start to learn to enrich ourselves in other ways. I like to play games, and now I am the king!"

People applaud, of course, there are also disdain, because it is too low-end! But Shen Zhong raised his fist!

"Giant of language, dwarf of action!" Obviously, there is a reason to despise some people! There are a lot of people who play games in the class. We can play two kinds of games at ordinary times. Of course, we won't be too infatuated with them! But in addition to themselves, there are really not many kings, and even quite a lot of people are not even gold!Although there are many reasons in this, but I did it myself! So I can despise others! This spiritual pleasure is nothing else, incomparable!

At the beginning, my parents were also very opposed to this, because in their view, games are poisoning children, but I have proved everything with practical actions! I can control everything in it very well!

"You have quite a lot of abilities now, but how to apply them well? This is a problem. What's more, it seems that your ability has increased if the children in the family stay here, but there is another situation. I don't know if you have noticed it! To a certain extent, it also hinders, to be exact, prevents you! "

"Uncle Ding, it's not like that!"

Looking at the many students competing with each other, Ding Yu waved his hand to make everyone calm down, "think carefully, you are about to reach the bottleneck period! How to break through their own bottleneck period, absolutely not when high school comes, time is too short, will let you do not do a good preparation, so one year in advance! To give yourself a buffer period is also to plan for your future

Students are in silence, they are clearly aware of some of the problems and conditions!

Why did Ding Yu say this, because these words can't let the children at home say that they say it is a kind of situation, but let the children say it is another situation, and the final result is not the same!

"Uncle Ding, we will be careful! No waste

"This is not for me, nor for your friends, but really for yourself! Firm your faith because of what you're driving? It's not just you. You may drive your schools, schools in the city, even higher schools, and the whole province! Of course, this will take time. Maybe ten years or eight years, and only a little bit of effect can be seen! "

"Uncle Ding? Is that going to happen? "

Looking at everyone's expectations, Ding Yu nodded, "look at the learning atmosphere in the school, the changes in the whole school, including extracurricular activities, and so on. Do you think this can be done by one person and two people? Impossible things, is to rely on the efforts of all people to do! In this process, you pay the most

"Hey! Uncle Ding, in this way, we also carry the flag? "

However, Wei Lai's words had just been finished, and Ding Yun came over and pressed down! "I haven't gone yet? Do you want to prick? "

Ding Yu immediately laughed, "in my opinion, you can already do it! But what about the future? Can you take the responsibility? Will go forward bravely and so on, these are tests your existence! Don't underestimate yourself too much, but you can't be arrogant! Grasp the size and measure of it

I taught these children a lesson. They stayed in the dormitories on the farm side in the evening. Do you want to go to the villa? Are you kidding? It's not that Ding Yu has such a great habit of cleanliness that it has nothing to do with it. It's mainly because these students are a little bit more! No matter how big your home is, you can't live in it!

As for the parents of these students, they don't have any worries at all. They even give them the feeling that living on the farm is safer than living in their home. They can even make use of the time. With the existence of children, sometimes it is not so convenient!

What's more, today's situation is so special, the children in the family invite Ding Yu to dinner! Although the family is always trying to fill the children with money, none of them will accept the money. The parents in the family are really angry. They have such a good opportunity. You don't know how to cherish it. What are you thinking about?

But what can be done? Are you really willing to beat children? It's impossible!

The children in the family are all baby bumps now! No matter what is the study, life or other aspects, there is basically no big problem! Under such circumstances, what else do you want to ask for? Don't go too far, OK?

These children are no longer children! Even they have begun to think independently, which makes parents both excited and depressed. You should know that when they are at this age, they are not like this. How about a thousand miles away?

But anyway? Happy is happy, such things are said to have so some pride!

We all have a lot of friends, quite friends are very upset, did not catch up with this wave, may be the difference of one year or two years, although still entered the school, but how to say? After all, it's still a poor level! And if you want to catch up at this level, it doesn't mean that you spend money, or you try to do it!

Ding Yu returned to the villa side, there is no immediate rest, time for himself, is still early!

And I have received a call from orange and apricot! The layout of electronics is almost finished! For so many years, there are a lot of disguises! What's more, is there something wrong with keeping Jin there at this time while ignoring Ding Yu's safety?Although the electronic layout is very important, Ding Yu's security problem is always the first. If there is any problem in Ding Yu's security, the whole consortium will not fall apart, but there will definitely be problems, and it is still quite a big problem. Even everyone's efforts will be wasted!

"Sir, this is not just my personal opinion. I think everyone has such opinions and opinions! At the party, I already felt the situation on my side, but the situation was not so suitable at that time, so I didn't have the convenience to say things out! Excuse me

Ding Yu's time to knock his own knee!

"Don't worry. It's not necessary for the moment. Don't be too anxious! I am still very safe to stay here, because the layout of our entire consortium in the electronic industry can be exposed for less than one day now, which can give us more time. At least, our competitors have not responded yet! If our opponents react and hang us, we will be in a very difficult situation

"Sir, we have laid some foundations! The development is still very good! "

"The development is good, but relatively speaking, compared with our competitors, we are still quite backward!" Ding Yu shook his head. "There is no problem with the so-called low-end chips, and there will even be overcapacity. But the high-end chips are not just as simple as throwing money!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu even sighed!

Orange apricot is in charge of this aspect, she naturally also understands!

If we rely on the consortium itself, it is not enough, and it is far from enough! That is to say, thanks to the fact that Mr. Zhang has considerable power behind him, he has developed to this extent today! Now is the critical time!

But the electronics industry is quite different from the farm! The development of farm can be integrated, and now it is on the right path, and even can achieve immediate results, but the electronic aspect is not!

"Sir, you are the foundation of the whole consortium!"

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "don't have too much pressure, it has nothing to do with you! So there is no need to carry such a responsibility to their own body! I'll talk to Kim. I can understand his mood! "

After hanging up the phone, he looked at the communication line. Ding Yu made a call to Jin!

It didn't take long for the phone to be connected!

"Sir, this is Kim!" Still a low voice! as always!

Ding Yu didn't ask if it was convenient for him. Since Jin chose to answer the phone, there would be no problem!

"What? Did you hear that? " Ding Yu's speech is very casual, without any dignity! Feel very easygoing!

"I've heard that although the situation is so calm now, it's rough under the calm sea!" In this regard, Jin has his own unique understanding and judgment!

"Well!" Ding Yu didn't deny this. Several people in charge know this situation. Jin, as his own security supervisor, can't be unaware, because all the information at home is open to him! "Now the situation is calm down, but really speaking, no one knows when and what kind of waves will come out!"

"Sir, I want to go back and deal with it. After all, the opponent we are facing now is very troublesome, and we need to bear two forces. For you and the consortium, the pressure is very great!"

"If it's you, what do you think you should do about this time?"

Jin Leng for a moment, he really did not think of this situation! So there was a moment when there was really some loss of consciousness!

"I don't understand that, sir!"

"The current situation is very inexplicable. No one dares to break the situation when the three sides are fighting against each other. If we break this situation, it is because one side has to face the pressure from both sides. No matter who the party is, some of them can't bear it! Under such circumstances, there must be a way to solve it! "

"Sir, from my point of view, I also agree that if such a long time goes by, there will be enough pressure on the whole consortium. After all, we are a consortium, and the time of rising is too short. Compared with our competitors and third parties, we have no details! Under such circumstances, even if it is a victory, we can get too little! Not even enough for us to rebuild! "

Jin has a very clear understanding of this! Rome was not built in a day! But it doesn't take much time to destroy it!

Ding Yu thinks so too!

There are so many oppressive and unyielding. If you are a person of your own, then there is no problem. Just confront them! It's not a big deal that people face the sky!

But now, what can we do if we are sitting on the top of the consortium and eating so many meals under ourselves? Just think of the spirit, just want to fight to the end, yes! It's possible to win in the end! But what about that? Is a mess really good?"Sir, do you think our opponent will see this fact clearly?"

"Hard to say!" Ding Yu did not make a judgment on this either. "At this time, it is difficult to unify their internal opinions. The reason why I gave them an idea is also because of this aspect. Now we must make them calm down. If we say that they can't calm down, the next thing will be difficult to deal with!"

"I see!" Kim was very positive and said, "Sir, I need to prepare for it."

"The new year is coming soon."

"No problem!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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