"To be sure, we are interested in the children at home, not for a day or two! But what makes them more interested is the students of the children at home! They surprised everyone! What a surprise

"Is it?" Ding Yu didn't have any accident. "The performance is not bad, it's still progressive. The main reason is that the way of guidance is good. In addition, there is special support for schools and education in the market, so it will have a considerable effect."

Wang Changlin laughed at his son's refusal!

I know more about the things in my heart!

However, the role of the elder in the teaching is not important! In addition, there are also children in the family who act as catalysts, so Wei Lai has a very good development!

"Yes! Without the support of the city, it's very difficult to develop. However, it is absolutely impossible to ignore other things just because of the children in the family. It is said that the development of the school there is very good, and now it has a small name! "

"Is it? Not really? " Ding Yu asked, "they are just a bunch of bear children, and the school is only a few years old. How can they have a good name now? I think more of it should be false information. It's not worth mentioning!"

"Even if you want to get rid of it, it doesn't have much effect!" Wang Changlin knows this heart clearly, "anyway, this matter has been written on your head, or we have recognized it! Nothing can be changed! "

"So?" Ding Yu asked, "Dad, I can't understand now. What do you want to express?"

"Let the children come back? They're all on holiday anyway! My God! My eyes are almost blue. On the one hand, how many children do you want? On the other hand? Also want to show? "

Yeah? Ding Yu gave a wry smile, "Dad, if you said that to me a few days ago, there is a considerable possibility, but now you tell me this thing, the possibility is not so big, it really has nothing to do with me, the main thing is that several children have made considerable arrangements, there are some problems!"

"What's the situation?" Wang Changlin was stunned at that time!

"In half a year, they are leaving!" Ding Yu is very indifferent to say, "but Wei Lai and their people, when the time comes, can not bear to live, this is an unknown thing, so the children in the family are very worried, will use this last time, consolidate, the previous time has done with me to do quite a discussion!"

"What do they want to do with this winter vacation?" Wang Changlin showed great interest!

"I don't know?" Ding Yu replied happily, "I really don't know! Because I don't ask so much about them! As long as the main body of the above problems do not matter, you can! But I already told them! There will be time to visit you and your mother. That's guaranteed! "

"It's no big deal, are you? You have no other requirements for them? It's not like that in normal times! " In this regard, Wang Changlin has considerable doubts!

"This time it's their own decision, and I don't mean to be involved in it. It's basically like this!"

"I'll tell your mother, where's Xiaogang? What will he do? "

"He didn't ask for it. He should be able to go home. There should be some arrangements after going home. It should not be too heavy. He is still a child!" Ding Yu seems to be indifferent to say!

"You know that's not what I'm talking about?" Wang Changlin's voice changed immediately!

Ding Yu was smiling, "Dad, things are not like this! I just came to watch the party and let him know some of the best. That's all. Why? Why do you want him here now

"You haven't mentioned anything about it, and I haven't asked, but Xiaogang will be back soon! As a grandfather and a parent, I know something about it. Otherwise, I don't know how to explain it? What do you say I do? " Obviously, Wang Changlin is very angry about this!

As for whether it is true anger or false anger, this is something to be discussed!

"Dad! Didn't you say that earlier? It has nothing to do with other aspects. It is to let Xiaogang come and feel the atmosphere. Since he is involved in such things, he needs to understand some of the facts and conditions. In this way, the impression can be further deepened, and there is no relationship with other aspects! "

Wang Changlin took a deep breath, "can I say you are deceiving ghosts?" Wang Changlin is not satisfied with this. Do you really want to make it clear? You big jerk!

"That's what I mean. As for what the outside world thinks, it's their idea. I can't stop it personally, and I don't mean to stop it. There's no need to stop it!"

"This is where they are! Why did you not pay any attention to it? " Wang Changlin asked, "is it that you underestimate them too much, or do they simply do not understand your intention?""I'm not so clear about it." Ding Yu laughed, because from his own understanding, things seem to be like this. The people from the capital didn't contact him, and he didn't disturb them. We can say that everything is in peace. How can we say that from his father's tone, he seems to have some problems? What is the situation?

"I see you! Just pretending you don't understand, do you? Isn't this a little bad? "

"I really don't know. At that time, the work was a little busy. Whether it was the senior management of the farm, the senior management of the consortium, and the personnel from other aspects, they all came to visit one after another. I couldn't spare any time at all! So I really don't know who comes from the capital city! "

"The reason is good! It's irrefutable! " Wang Changlin is almost gnashing his teeth! This bastard has always been like this. If you want to let you know, no matter what happens, you will always know. But if you don't know, even if you break the casserole and ask the end, it will not have any effect!

"Dad! If there is nothing else, take a rest earlier! You are old, too

Ding Yu will not give his father any chance, it has been like this! If you keep the chance, if you are caught! What can I do then? So what about the equivalent? Is that still the case?

Wang Changlin took his phone, some gnashing teeth, has been waiting for his wife to enter the room, Wang Changlin face on the expression of resentment did not dissipate, is really too angry! My eldest son! It's really not a common asshole! Can such a thing be handled like this? He didn't think about it at all?

"What? It looks like there's a little anger there! "

"Can you not be angry?" Wang Changlin did not have a good breath of hum, and then he sighed heavily, "this bastard! It really makes people speechless, let you know some situations, it's really useless to plug your ears, but if you don't know, even if you try your best, there's no use. I'm still his father! But it doesn't work! Look at this guy! It's a bit of a mess! "

Su Yuan, who sat down, nodded slightly, "did you tell him about the children? What did he say? "

"Do the children at home have their own arrangements? As for Xiaogang? He should have come back in these two days. He didn't stop him. After he came back, he might have some homework, but there were not too many problems! "

"What's the situation?" Su Yuan's eyes narrowed together! "What does he want?"

Looking at the posture, Su Yuan is so angry, but this is understandable. After all, as a grandmother, she only has a few days a year to be able to contact her children, and Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying? You can see children almost every day. The difference is too big! They are all grannies. Are you too superior in this condition?

"It has nothing to do with him. It really has nothing to do with him!"

Wang Changlin sighed and then explained it! "This time it's not mentioned by the boss! It's a decision made by the children themselves! "

"Believe what he says Su Yuan is a little unreasonable!

"Hi! That's what you say! Although the boss sometimes does things too much, does he talk? There is still a considerable guarantee, which is no problem! But Xiaogang should be back! Because Xiaogang's classmates are still poor, his friends are not as many as he imagined! "

"It's just that Xiaogang can't do it, so I've got it back, isn't it?"

Wang Changlin waved his hand, "from a rational point of view, I think the boss this time! There should be some consideration. In the past, xiao gang went there, which caused a lot of trouble at home. But what happened afterwards? The boss didn't say it, nor did Xiao Gang! It's like a Muggle! "

The so-called did not say, refers to the things above the surface, Xiaogang really has what to say, there is no hiding, but the things behind it? One question three don't know, this is a little too much!

"So let Xiaogang come back and leave the other children behind, huh!"

"There are quite a few problems in this, but what are involved? I think it should have a considerable relationship with the consortium and the farm. Since the boss has released Xiaogang back, it means that he is quite sure. Will he do something that is not sure? unable! This is where his strength lies

But Su Yuan is not really angry because of Xiaogang's affairs, because in her opinion, Xiaogang has nothing wrong!

"And they? Didn't you plan to come back years ago? "

"It should come back!" Wang Changlin shook his head, "for such things, the boss is very important, but he did not come back! After so many years of time, we should also be prepared in this respect! "

Every year's courtesy, you absolutely can't find any fault, even if you want to find this fault, you can't find it! They don't give you any chance to make mistakes! At this point, his eldest son, never give anyone to grasp the so-called handle, is no one!"If there's nothing else, I'll ask them tomorrow morning to see what they want!"

But Su Yuan, who had just got up, sat down again, "yes! The winter camp has begun! Didn't you ask? " Su Yuan was still very interested in this?

"No! What's up? I haven't heard of any problems or conditions! "

"This time, many people from 49 cities went to the boss's place, and they also observed a lot of situations. After coming back, they were all talking about it. I don't believe you haven't heard of it at all?" When I speak, I also look at my husband with suspicion!

"I've heard about some of them, and even know some children. The eldest brother has quite a guide for them. I know about this. When the children come here, they also mentioned it! Did you forget? "

Su Yuan shakes his head, "when the time comes, I'll hear it as a joke! Not so as a matter, did not expect these children to be so excellent, do you mean boss? I really want to see you now

"Basically not! Not likely to see you either! You probably didn't know that much in the past, but now? I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at it! They are also very envious

Naturally, Wang Changlin also has a considerable idea, but this idea? To a certain extent, it can only be pressed in the bottom of their own heart! There can't be any disclosure at all!

Mainly because of the family, the boss has already stood in front of him. If he comes out again, what kind of situation will he make? Even I have so many unimaginable! So the family for this aspect of the matter, especially have so some restraint! What should be argued, what should not be contested, their own grasp is not bad!

At least from the present situation, everything is OK!

However, it is not an easy thing to restrain yourself and even the people behind you!

The level of their own boss to teach the children, who saw are envious, now is not the problem of envy, jealousy and hate! It's like those people in the first echelon have already taken up their jobs. They are like little tigers one by one. Of course, they do not deny that they have considerable ability, but how to guide this ability out?

Other people didn't do this, or because of time and other reasons, but anyway, they were going to address dandy disciples to a certain extent at the beginning! Maybe after time, they will make progress and perform, but with the guidance of the boss, their performance is really impeccable!

For the first echelon, everyone will be focused, not to mention there are many other examples!

And now the kids? Is the most important, but in this point, the Wangs have occupied too much of the cheap! Wang Xiaogang's son and grandson?! And Ding Yun and Ding Chang are needless to say! With Wang An and Tong Tong, the relationship with the family is quite good. What else do you want?

"I've heard that they are brought up by the children of the family! And often in and out of the boss's place

Look at his wife's eyes, inside has begun to shine!

"There should be mutual help! I think it should be the meaning of the boss. I didn't think about it in the original time, but after quite a lot of things, I found out something! "

"Make it clear!" The light in Su Yuan's eyes is even brighter!

"The Longyou shoal is one of the children in my family. Now there are not too many problems, and there is no need to roll in the deep sea. They will be drowned, but they will eventually swim in the sea, no doubt!"

"So? What you want to say is that dragons don't live with snakes? It's not right! "

Wang Changlin hummed and laughed, "boss! He should have some ideas. Although he said he took the children back, he didn't mean that he didn't care about the children. Even all the time, he was particularly attached to the children at home. No matter in terms of education or resources, none of them was left behind! "

"I don't object to this. In any case, as far as I know, there is no difference between Xiaogang and Xiaogang, but he has both of them, and there is no difference between them!"

"It's the same with Wang An and Tong Tong Tong!" Wang Changlin pauses for a moment, "as for the reason why we train these children of Wei Lai ta'en, I mention two reasons, one? The quality of these children is still good! One more? What kind of environment do you think the eldest child will keep in? "

Have you made it so clear? How can Su Yuan not understand!

"But is it so big? Or do we not understand the happiness of the rich? "

But this joke did not make Wang Changlin laugh, but let Wang Changlin look white!

"The so-called pro or not, hometown people! Beautiful or not, home water Wang Changlin said in a deep voice, "after all, the boss was raised there. I think he should have thought about this aspect, and really speaking, how big is the farm over there? Everyone's heart is clear, just a small county, but the boss's heart is not general big! ""So it is!" Su Yuan sighed, "the development over the years has been quite vigorous, not only in agriculture, but also in ocean, electronics and even forestry! You really can't be underestimated! "

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