"I heard that the small town over there is going to be expanded, isn't it true?"

"It's just the need of urban development. It's not a big deal. How normal it is!" Wang Changlin knew what his wife meant, "but you don't have to think about the boss in the family! What a disposition he has! I'm afraid you don't know. He never cares about anything about the farm. Even if he works now, he still rents the farm! "

Ah? Su Yuan was stunned! "So personal?"

"To a certain extent, the soy sauce bottle is also inverted, and there is no need to help it! It's quite personal! "

The child at home is the next morning, received a call from his grandmother, a simple explanation of one of the reasons! It's not that you can't go back, but there are other things! Hope the family can forgive me!

At this time, Ding Yu is sitting in his office, looking at the information placed in front of him. He shows his teeth!

The man standing in front of Ding Yu has a solemn and solemn look and does not squint! I was told before I came here! Be sure to hand the information inside, intact to director Ding Yu Ding's hand, as for other things, I'm sorry, a question three don't know can! Anyway, director Ding is not going to do anything about it!

Although director Ding has a bad character, he will not make fun of such a small person as himself!

Ding Yu examined the information, and then put the information into the file bag, and took a look at the person who was still standing in front of him! "What do you say?"


Ding Yu took a glance. "I'm not a white tiger hall here. There's something to say directly. There's not so much mess."

"Yes! Director Ding! The job assigned to me is to be responsible for the specific contact matters, which is basically like this! "

I see! Ding Yu looked at it again, "OK! Report your home Maybe it's something that came to mind. Ding Yu added, "just talk about your own home! I don't have any interest in your disguise. I don't like other people talking in front of me and hiding their own faces! "

"Director Ding, although we are the two of us, if I say my identity, it will be very troublesome!"

"Is it?" Ding Yu nodded, "then I know!" There is no threat, because there is no need to know or not to know. In fact, for Ding Yu, there is not much practical significance! Anyway, he is a contact person. If there are some problems, please contact him!

"Years ago, I didn't have much time! I don't have so much experience, but I found a more suitable place for them Ding Yu patted the file beside him with his hand, "I'll inform you of the specific situation. There's another point. You should pay more attention to it! Is there anything else? "

"No more!" "Director Ding, if there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first."

For the people who left, Ding Yu didn't care too much about it, but the information on his hand! Ding Yu took a picture again, and then put it in his own customized safe, and even added some protection. The third uncle didn't want the outside world to know about it. It was not that he was worried about these children, but about their parents! It's hard work, too!

Ding Yu didn't contact his third uncle, so he didn't need to. We should keep a good understanding with each other! What if not? Do you have to tell everything clearly?

What's more, what's the most important thing now? Is it survival? OK or not? Their opponents, as well as the third party, are looking at themselves, of course, they are also watching them, but now too calm!

"Sir, our men have received a signal!"

Yeah? Ding Yu surprised to see their own security, security immediately explained, "Elizabeth signal, she wants to come to visit you! It seems a little anxious! " The security reflected the situation truthfully!

"I'll go!" Ding Yu even couldn't control his surprise. "Is she really going to die? Come and visit me at this time? You know, we are going to have the spring festival soon! For Chinese, it's definitely the most important day of the year. Did she take the wrong medicine to visit me at such a time? Or did you forget to take the medicine? "

"The specific situation is not so clear, but she sent such a message, and her relationship with the consortium is OK!"

Obviously, this is to ask Ding Yu's attitude. Do you want her to come over? If you refuse, you should refuse at the first time. Don't procrastinate. This is not the style of the consortium, nor does it belong to Ding Yu!

"What's the state of your analysis and can she come here? I am very curious

"There is a certain chance that a broker like her still has some means. Otherwise, it is very difficult to get around among the major forces. As for whether she will come here personally and how she will come, this question has nothing to do with us! But in the end, it's good to hear the news! ""I understand in general! Just say I have prepared a gift for her and hope she can receive it

"Yes! Sir Security at the first time to understand the meaning of Ding Yu! If you Elizabeth can come to me, there will be no problem. We have prepared this gift for you! If you Elizabeth can't come here, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. There's no such thing as a gift!

When Elizabeth received the news, she was finally relieved. Ding Yu did not refuse. However, Elizabeth was very clear that it was not an easy thing for her to go to Ding Yu. What would Ding Yu give herself? I can be sure of this!

But what about Ding Yu's opponent? Peter just represents a part of it, but not all of them! What about the third party? Now they are also looking at it with covetous eyes. Will they be satisfied with Ding Yu's hatred from the third party?

So this time I went to Ding Yu, it was really full of crisis! No kidding!

Because of this, Pitt has made considerable preparations, but for this, Elizabeth is not so sure, even can not believe! Who's the old Pete guy? Would he place all his hopes on himself? How could it be?! Don't even think about it!

If there are any changes and problems, he will be the first to solve them by then! There will be no compromise! Because for Peter, he is just a pendant! When you can use it, you can use it. When you can't use it, you can discard it or destroy it. It's just a matter of thinking!

To a certain extent, Mr. Ding Yu is better than Peter!

Because of the communication with Ding Yu over the years, Elizabeth still has a good understanding of Ding Yu! pretty good! It's understanding!

Perhaps Ding Yu is very cruel, even quite bad, but dealing with him is quite interesting! To be exact, it's quite a pleasure! This is why he must go to see Ding Yu!

As long as you enter Ding Yu's territory, your safety can be basically guaranteed! If you say that you have not entered Ding Yu's territory, then all the situation depends on yourself! I need to mobilize considerable resources now!

Now we need to get Mr. Ding Yuding's resources! Impossible thing!

If resources can be so wasted, Mr. Ding will not be so "calm" now!

"Sir, do we need to provide a considerable escort?" After contacting Elizabeth, the security guard came to Ding Yu's office again! I've reported quite a bit to him!

"No, she didn't enter the country, so it has nothing to do with us. If they enter the country, then I have the responsibility! Look at her specific means and performance

"Yes! Sir

However, Ding Yu did not let the security leave, but slowed down for a while, "put a message to China! In the end, we will know it in China! " For this matter, Ding Yu has his own consideration!

The security did not have any doubt, and soon went to do a considerable arrangement, such things can not have any carry! After all, it was the husband who gave it up!

The information management department is a little puzzled when it knows the situation! What a situation Elizabeth is coming at this time!

Of course, the intelligence department knows something about Elizabeth. However, she has never been active in this continent. However, there seems to be a considerable dispute between her and Ding Yu. We all know about this matter! And now Elizabeth is suddenly coming! What's more, it's not just one channel that delivers the message. What do you want?

When Su Quan knew about this, he quickly analyzed it. Elizabeth came to China, there must be some things. This is a doomed thing. As for what? This thing? Something to be discussed!

However, there are several sources of information! This can explain quite a problem!

The message from Ding Yu's side is very obvious. If Elizabeth fails to enter the country, it doesn't matter. If she enters the country, she can use some convenience. As for the problems and situations that she didn't enter the country, it doesn't matter. This is Ding Yu's attitude!

As for the news from abroad, there should be several meanings! Some people hope that if Elizabeth really enters the country, it can provide some convenience. Of course, some people hope that if Elizabeth enters the country, it is possible to let Elizabeth disappear without a trace!

Su Quan did not call his nephew, want to find out the purpose of Elizabeth here, should not be difficult!

After all, we still know what kind of situation it is now!

Now the question is, can Elizabeth come? This question really caused a lot of people's curiosity, the domestic is not too harsh on Elizabeth! But what about Ding Yu's opponents and the third party? What was their attitude towards Elizabeth?Further analysis, Elizabeth's range of activities should be the territory of Ding Yu's opponents, that is to say, to a certain extent, Elizabeth should be sent by Ding Yu's opponents! But did Ding Yu's opponents agree?

For this? We still have some doubts!

And the third party? They have always been attracted but not hair, Ding Yu and his opponent's contradiction, but the key! If all contradictions are resolved, what will happen? All of them may disappear, and the previous layout will be wasted!

So the most wanted to fight Elizabeth, may be the third party!

Have been waiting for clear after these things, upright this just called his nephew!

Also did not have time to do any greetings, there is no such need!

"Nephew! Are you so sure? " In this regard, Su Quan is still quite worried, so he also said his own worry, "what if Elizabeth can't make it? What will you do then? After all, the present situation is not a subtle description! Now everyone's mood has been quite relieved, but it does not mean that we can be armed with knives and guns! Ma Fangnan mountain

"So? What do you want to say, uncle

"I can conclude that Elizabeth is absolutely not your goal, or to a certain extent, she is your cover. Although all things can be explained, and even make everyone think it should be, it is absolutely you who put it on the surface. You have other preparations in the dark. Can I understand that?"

"That's interesting." Ding Yu is very indifferent to say the words, "but said out of the words, is to be responsible! Uncle, if you say so, aren't you afraid that someone will ask for trouble in the future? You know, it's a very troublesome thing, it's hard to say it clearly! "

"Don't you come with me!" Su Quan's attitude was hard at once!

His most irritable is this point, he did not do any response at all! Also did not go to do any explanation, anyway is what situation, everything is your own estimation only! I didn't admit it!

"No! Uncle, you said everything, I didn't say anything! I don't know what to say when you say this to me at this time! "

"Is it?" Su Quan snorted coldly, "I really know you too well! But now I am very surprised, where do you come from? A third party is sure to come to you? Or do you think Elizabeth's actions will touch a third party, and they must not be able to sit still now

"It is for this reason that you let the news of Elizabeth out! Because Elizabeth will absorb considerable firepower. For you, whether Elizabeth can come or not is not as important as you think. But the longer she lives, the more important it is to cover up the third party. "

"What do you think, uncle? I doubt it! "

Ding Yu didn't admit it or deny it! What can you do?

Maybe Su Quan is right, but who can guarantee that it is not wrong? What's more, what does the third party think? Su Quan also lacks sufficient evidence for this problem! Without evidence, say that? It's a little ethereal!

"I've said so much. Aren't you going to say something?"

"Say something?" Ding Yu is indifferent, "you have already said what you should or should not say! You're waiting for a lot of doubts about what I'm saying now, so I might as well not say anything. In this case, I think it's quite good for each other, isn't it? "

"I can understand it as a void in your heart!"

"Yes, it's quite empty. There's no way! Under such circumstances, how can it be true? "

From his uncle's words, Ding Yu can clearly feel that his uncle is stirring up the general! If you like, I don't object. Anyway, it depends on your happiness. You can do whatever you want! It doesn't matter!

For his nephew, Su Quan is really helpless, he is very firm in this idea, but firm has no effect! They don't admit it at all, and the things on the surface are explained clearly! Even some people have no doubt about it! Under such circumstances, even if there is doubt, even if there is no understanding, what can be done?

Su Quan's trial did not play any role!

And go on like this, not only does not have any effect, even what he has done now, let his nephew heart is already very dissatisfied! After all, the relationship between relatives and blood is still there!

What's more, if you say so, you need to take responsibility to a great extent! Just a moment ago, their professional behavior caused, so there are so many heads!

And his nephew, also did not let people down, should say, should not say, even if he had guessed, also did not get any verification from him! Even if you are still angry and angry, you really take your uncle as a thief, don't you? Do you have such a bad time?"All right! I just want to communicate with you to save yourself from any preparation and prevention. Since you are quite prepared, I will not say anything! " Su Quan finally comforted him and said, "things have come to the present, everything needs to be careful and cautious, and there is in China! You! Take it easy

"Well! I got it! You are worried, uncle Ding Yu is very polite!

As for politeness, is it true or not! This question? Who knows? Anyway, it's just the two of them talking!

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