After talking to his uncle, Ding Yu sighed! My own uncle! Too much!

What my uncle said was really what I thought! Elizabeth's affair seems to be confidential, but what is it? What should be known has been known! Especially with third parties! They also know quite well. The question is what kind of feedback will they have? For this? Ding Yu really has some other considerations!

Judging from the power of the three parties, he is the weakest one. Of course? He may also be the worst tempered party! It is precisely because of all kinds of reasons, they are the best to attract the object! Whether it is a third party, or Ding Yu's opponent, now this time is really noisy, there is no good!

Although we were at daggers drawn earlier, the more it is, the more likely it is to fight with each other. It is not as big as we think. We are shouting. If we really do it, we will be very calm, as it is now! No one leaks any sound and color!

If Elizabeth could come, she would have some expectations; if she could not, she would have been disappointed!

Because being here represents Peter's attitude, and failing to come here represents his opponent. To be exact, Peter still has no control over the so-called initiative!

The third party? Will someone come? Who will come? Ding Yu is quite curious about this!

However, such things are really not urgent, they do not need to find their own opponents, also do not need to find a third party, if they take the initiative to come, do not know what will happen?

Or to put it bluntly, people will sneer at themselves! Ding Yu will never do such a thing!

Weighing the pros and cons is one thing, but kowtow is another! It must not be confused!

For three consecutive days, Elizabeth did not have any news, along with the third party did not have any news, Ding Yu naturally will not have any action, everyone is waiting! Maybe the next moment there will be a message to be delivered, of course, it may be the next second, there will be a fight between each other!

But the children at home, these two days is so a little crazy, one by one to go to the north and south! So are their classmates! okay? I thought they would stop and stop, but I didn't think they could not stand it. In the words of the older generation, they were just some "losers" who couldn't sit still!

Of course, there are some joking elements in it! Together with Wei Lai and their parents, they all agreed to this. They must have their parents' consent and signature. After all, such a thing is not the first time. Whether it is for safety or other considerations, it needs to be so!

Fortunately, this activity is supported by the farm! Even after the school entrance examination and waiting for the winter vacation to begin, the farm has already started this aspect of operation! I've had a lot of experience in summer!

From the perspective of the situation, there are considerable expenditures, but there are also huge harvests. However, relatively speaking, for the farm, the harvest is not just as simple as reputation. Although it seems that the farm is planting vegetables and fruits, but in fact? The investment of farm in industry is absolutely not small!

Look at the office buildings and buildings in the city! Now the city is really an inch of land, and the city has a very strict control of this! Because there is another possibility in the city, even this possibility has begun to realize!

Tax and other aspects of income, far more than the sale of houses! Everyone now's idea has completely changed over!

It is a pity that the small county is still a little bit small, although it has been declared! But if you want to pass the approval, you can't do it in one day or two! It takes a long time to insist,

I'm afraid that no one has thought that the small county has such a development now! What it drives is definitely not as simple as a county and a city! The original economic development can still be like this! We really opened our eyes!

Now that there has been a considerable development direction, what are you hesitating about?

Ding Yu, sitting in the office, looked at the security guard who suddenly came in and raised his eyelids. "Sir, Elizabeth has entered the country and walked on the sea. The situation is a little bit of a crisis and has been damaged. Her own problems are not so big! It's a good situation! "

"Oh?" Ding Yu finally raised his head at this time, "it seems that her performance is very good! Unexpectedly can come over, still really have so some underestimate her! It's very slow and dangerous to walk on the sea. I think she took this road in some other way? "

"Yes, sir, I hear it's a big black fish!"

"It's exaggeration. Who is so capable! If it is Elizabeth herself, she should not be qualified to enter the big black fish! What's more, it's a big black fish. It's not a simple thing! "In this regard, Ding Yu has other insights, of course, this talk? There are also some wanton! I have never enjoyed such treatment! Speaking of it, it is quite a pity! So when I speak, I feel a little jealous!

Security is very helpless about this, how can his husband suddenly become so petty? it is beyond logic and above reason!

"Sir, we have made a considerable speculation on the fishing boat they took after they arrived at the sea. We should come tomorrow."

"Where is she now? You won't tell me she's already here, right? "

After all, their own territory is by the sea, but also more convenient!

"Sir, you are joking! She doesn't dare to do such a thing The security official said, "I will be in the capital today, and then I will come tomorrow. Here, her safety can be guaranteed. If there is a problem here, to a certain extent, it is our responsibility."

"A little early! I believe we will have guests tonight

Ding Yu said abruptly, "Well! You can arrange for our guests to come first! I believe our guests will not wait too long! Then get in touch with Yingnan and Sasha! "

Security is puzzled about this, but will not do too much inquiry!

In the evening, Ding Yu didn't have dinner, so he got a call!

"Sir, a present has been sent! It's a strange gift

"It's just that I haven't had dinner yet. Let's go! Keep it secret. It's in the farm! "

Ding Yu still attaches great importance to this point. If he wants to let people know, then everyone will know. But if he says that he doesn't want to be known, then I'm sorry, basically no one will know about the situation. This guarantees that Ding Yu can still do it!

Waiting time, looking at the people who came in with the gift, Ding Yu took a glance, slightly there are so some accidents!

Are these guys on purpose? Or do you really leave us a ghost like image? So let such a beautiful woman come here? But I do not seem to know her, at least in their own impression is not! Maybe sun Yingnan and Sasha will give themselves some tips! But that also needs to eat after the meal!

"Hello, Mr. Ding! Nice to meet you

Ding Yu didn't stand up, just nodded his head slightly, "I didn't think of it! I don't know if there is a real misunderstanding, or what misunderstanding exists between each other? I'm a little curious about it! "

"Mr. Ding, don't you wonder what gift I sent? Or... "

"Greater than the interests of mutual union?" Ding Yu asked a question, and this sentence made Rowling directly aphasia! That is to say, but the power of this sentence is too powerful!

Rowling was not well prepared for this situation. Before she came, she made thousands of preparations, but she didn't think it would be like this. They all said that Ding Yu was extraordinary. Maybe from the perspective of spirit and bearing, it seemed that she was really like this. But when she was really sitting face to face, Rowling suddenly found that she seemed to be a little confused about Ding Yu!

The so-called can't see clearly, to a certain extent, it means that you can't see Ding Yu's face clearly! Did he do it on purpose? Or what kind of technology was used? In this regard, Rowling felt as if she had deviated from a lot of understanding!

"What about it? You should know me well, but I don't seem to know much about you. Even in my impression, I don't have it at all. Of course, what about myself? I don't like communication so much! Therefore, there may be some biases. Please forgive me for the incompleteness. "

"You are welcome, Mr. Ding." Rowling's face was straight. "I've heard about some of your situations mentioned by the third generation and Taylor, and I've known you to some extent. But this is the first time that we have a real contact."

"Don't you put the third and Taylor in your eyes? It's interesting! "

"Mr. Ding, you are deliberately misleading me!" Rowling smile, but let the whole room have a feeling of flowers in full bloom, "maybe the family situation is better than the two of them, if really, there is still considerable difficulty, how to be a person? Can't be too conceited, do you think? "

Was it intentional? It's not a loss at all! Quite full of fighting spirit! However, she didn't mean to introduce her origin at all. However, Ding Yu didn't force her too much. She didn't need to know what she came from!

"Tomorrow, Elizabeth will come!"

"Yes, but it's a little late! I believe Mr. Ding is prepared! "

The meaning between the words is very clear and clear, you Mr. Ding waiting for the person is not Elizabeth, but yourself!

"Who knows?" Ding Yu didn't think so. "The guest is the guest. Should the guest follow the Lord's will?"Yeah? Rowling didn't expect that Ding Yu choked herself directly, and made herself a little speechless. Is it really good with a girl's family like this? As a woman, you shouldn't pity a little?

"Mr. Ding, we hope to reach an agreement with you, Mr. Ding?"

Ding Yu looked at Rowling and after a period of time, "there are many dishes today. I haven't eaten yet, but before eating, can you pick up chopsticks?" Ding Yu made an invitation gesture!

Chopsticks? Rowling is a little puzzled. She looks at the table, and the dishes are a little light. It is not even as rich as you think. It is quite different from what she knows. However, she is understandable. After all, she is a guest. Ding Yu made such an arrangement, which, to a certain extent, also considered herself!

However, Ding Yu's words are definitely not as simple as letting himself take up chopsticks. There should be a deep meaning in it, or he can understand better. If you want to move the dishes on the table and eat them, do you have the qualification?

Can you make such a decision? This is the test Ding Yu gave himself!

Rowling looked at the chopsticks in front of her, and there was a wooden holder! Chopsticks are jade, not jade! Looking very elegant, originally one of his hands can be lifted lightly, but after Ding Yu said a lot of words, he now has some worries, even some fears. Can he take it up?

He is very clear about Ding Yu's meaning. If he can make the decision, then he can take up his chopsticks and have a good talk. If he says that he can't make the decision, then it doesn't matter! To put it bluntly, it is so simple!

"Mr. Ding, do you have Elizabeth's chopsticks?"

I may say no, but is Elizabeth in charge? This is just asking Ding Yu!

"It's better to come early than to be clever. It's hard to say!" Ding Yu's expression is very indifferent, for Rowling in front of her did not deliberately take care of anything, there is no such need, he is to pressure her, and he can be sure that she must have considerable decision-making power, do not be confused by her behavior!

"Mr. Ding, what will happen if Elizabeth can't come?" Rowling didn't mean to take up chopsticks, but she showed considerable interest in the tea beside her and poured and drank from herself!

"Well! This is a problem! I believe you can do it! If she didn't come to this ground, I couldn't care, but she came here, I need to be responsible! After all, I have a good relationship with Elizabeth. We have had quite a lot of contradictions, but we also have a good cooperation. It's not bad! "

Elizabeth is more familiar with me than I am. What about you and me? No face-to-face, we do not know each other, or you know me, but I know nothing about you. Under such circumstances, who do I believe more? It goes without saying! This is Ding Yu's attitude!

Rowling nodded, from the reality of the situation, it is really like this! After a contest with Ding Yu's words, he didn't get any advantage, but similarly, Ding Yu didn't get any advantage. Now we are still testing each other! But look at the current situation, you may need to further understand!

"Mr. Ding, if I take up my chopsticks now, Elizabeth will be a little late, step by step slowly!"

"There is an old saying in China that a good meal is not late! There is also a saying that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. I think it's very meaningful. At least, it's very suitable to place it now! "

Ding Yu's attitude is very indifferent, not impatient at all! It's all here anyway! There are quite a few things to talk about. It's OK to know this! Anything else? Talk about it!

"I've heard that it's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar."

"Are we friends?" Ding Yu asked back!

Rowling is helpless about Ding Yu's bad taste. She really didn't expect Ding Yu to say such a thing. It's too direct! Don't your husband think so? And is that really good? It's too disrespectful!

"So Mr. Ding and Elizabeth are friends Rowling nodded and then said, "but I'm friends with the third and Taylor, and you seem to be friends with Mr. Ding. We should all be friends!"

Ding Yu hums and laughs and ignores Rowling's argument! There's no point in grinding your teeth with her!

"Wait a little longer, the food will be cold! There will be no taste after eating it! "

This is forcing Rowling to make a choice. Do you want to take the chopsticks or not? If you can't take the chopsticks, it doesn't matter if you can't, you can eat this meal, but you can go anywhere! If you can pick up the chopsticks, say so, we can talk to each other!

What I have said is very clear and clear! If Rowling doesn't deal with it, she's pretending to be stupid!If you are willing to play, you can play with you, but I don't know if you still have this time. Of course, it depends on whether you are happy or not? After all, this is our own territory. It's not that everything needs to be heard from you. How can things be so cheap? You take all the benefits?

"Mr. Ding, it seems that this meal should have taken a lot of effort, even quite a long time to prepare! Is it? " There was no embarrassment on Rowling's face. She was calm and calm. "Should I say that Mr. Ding really has a heart!"

"I can't say that. If you are not prepared, will you come here so soon? Each other! "

Some problems, Ding Yu really does not care! But some things have to be serious! Don't say that they seem to be very hypocritical, everyone is each other, no one is more noble than who to go there! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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