"I have to say, Mr. Ding, are you very cautious?" Rowling seems to be very emotional about this!

"Cautious?" Ding Yu wiped his hand and said to himself, "I haven't seen it! Maybe! Will of the individual? Sometimes it doesn't mean everything! "

Obviously, Ding Yu is already impatient and even takes the initiative to pick up the chopsticks on the table! Rowling's heart is also moving, Ding Yu's meaning is too clear! In one step!

I don't have so much time to dally with you now! If you want to, we can talk about it. If you don't want to, it's OK! It's not just a choice for you! I am too lazy to use those hypocritical words!

"Well! Mr. Ding, I admit it's my problem! " Rowling immediately picked up her chopsticks. "You know, for a legend like you, you always have a lot of curiosity. I believe that anyone who gets such an opportunity will not refuse it! Because no one can resist such temptation

Ding Yu didn't care at all! It's time to eat! When Rowling looks at Ding Yu's actions, she knows what she has done is in vain! It doesn't play any role at all. Ding Yu is more difficult than what he imagined. Even some of them are too calm! It's like a dragon in the sky!

May occasionally glance at you, but never show too much concern!

It is true that he came with a purpose this time, or that he had something in his hand that he was interested in. But whether this kind of thing would move Ding Yu or not, there is a considerable judgment in Ding Yu's heart, and this judgment will never change because of a few words or feelings!

That is to say, he is too calm! All the previous performances were just illusory to him!

What's more, he thought Ding Yu would be silent in it, but on the contrary, it seems that his performance is too stiff. Ding Yu just looked at it calmly, and even Dingyu woke himself up. Otherwise, it's hard to say what kind of situation it would be!

But I will not be too embarrassed about this, there is no such need! Before I came, I had already prepared for this aspect. If I was embarrassed by such a thing, how could I possibly come back?

"Mr. Ding?"

After dinner, Rowling felt that she could not be reserved any more! If he continues to be reserved, then Mr. Ding may end this dialogue, and the vanguard of his own forces will really disappear! Elizabeth will come tomorrow, and the efforts of the forces behind her will be in vain!

Seeing Ding Yu's invitation, Rowling nodded!

"Mr. Ding, I want to ask you a question. If you and I unite with your opponents, what will your situation look like? I don't believe you haven't considered this problem. This will certainly be an important blow to you, and I'm afraid you are not willing to bear the consequences of such a blow!"

"I've thought about it!" Ding Yu didn't refute this, which surprised Rowling, and even shocked her!

"Mr. Ding, do you really think about it?" Do not believe Rowling, unexpectedly asked again!

"Yes! And after careful consideration, I believe you or my opponents have thought about this problem! "

"Mr. Ding, if this really happened, what would it look like?"

"Must I say that?" Ding Yu suddenly laughed!

While Rowling looked at Ding Yu's smile, she suddenly fell into a bit of dullness. Of course, she saw a lot of information about Ding Yu, including paper materials and video images. But it was the first time that she saw Ding Yu's smile in person. She felt that she was infected in a moment! I can't do it myself!

However, Rowling is different from ordinary people after all, and soon she has restrained her emotions!

"Mr. Ding, since you don't want to say it, I'll do it! In our judgment, if we and your opponent go together, the final result may be that there is no way to end, everyone will end up! When the time comes, everyone will be in a good mood, and even there will be no way to control it, because things are no longer under our control. It's not good, it's not good! "

"Yes! All of us are entangled with each other until we can't fight. Most people will participate in it, and their interests will suffer considerable losses. Even in the end, all of them are cheap to others. Do you want to rise again? In general, it can be done by everyone, but the speed of this rise varies from person to person! Of course, this is without any change! "

"Mr. Ding, are you so confident?"

Rowling still couldn't help it. Judging from what he said, Ding Yu seemed confident that he could rebuild his own industry as soon as he broke the stall. This is not so simple to say!

"It's a good turn for a small boat! I didn't have anything. At most, I made friends with some people! Broken things, just start again! It's no big deal! But Rowling, do the forces behind you have such courage! There are many people staring at me, domestic and foreign, but I can be sure that even if I broke everything, others would not give me what? But what about you? If you break everything, do you still have a chance? "Rowling shook her head. "There won't be any chance." Such a thing, I have a very clear understanding, simply impossible things! If such a thing really appears, when the time comes, whether it is the enemy or friends, will open their mouths, directly bite up, so that you finally have nothing left!

Even if it's a comeback, it's just a snub! Even if it is like this, can survive, this is the two things said! There are too many precedents for such things! For example, the most famous sixth emperor!

They still exist, but what? Now what is the situation like, each other's heart is clear!

If we say that our side and Ding Yu's opponents unite, then it means that we really have no chance to talk about it! Ding Yu will not have any concession, step back, step by step! In the end, there is no retreat. It's better not to make any concession from the beginning. Let's fight to the end directly! Never die!

Rowling and Ding Yu's opponents are most worried about this!

If it is a purely commercial contest, within a reasonable range, it can still hold down Ding Yu a little bit, or everyone's fight will win or lose each other! It's not pure suppression! Still have the opportunity and ability to resist!

But if Ding Yu is really desperate! No one really dares to say what kind of results and effects will appear if we put them into extreme force! At this point, Ding Yu is definitely a big piece higher than everyone else! Quite a lot of people hate Ding Yu's immortality. Isn't that the reason?

If it is put into force, Ding Yu is too tough! Although there are several years of time, Ding Yu has not started! But the rumor about this aspect has never stopped!

Even before the hair bear thing, let everybody realize! Ding Yu's ability is not only without any degradation, but also has considerable progress, which is not enough to describe the two words of terror!

If Ding Yu is really reckless, how much damage will he cause? For this problem, no one dares to make this guarantee!

Since the opponent with Ding Yu can't be united together, it can't let Ding Yu unite with his opponent. If Ding Yu and his opponent are united together, it's a torture for the forces behind Rowling! Originally Ding Yu's power is the weakest, but if they unite together, their positions will be reversed!

And Elizabeth is here! In this case, there is no other choice!

It has to be said that Pete is an old guy who has a great view of the overall situation. This old guy is not as fierce as usual, and Ding Yu is not as fierce as usual. Rowling is really not good at feeling when he is against them!

Peter is an old fox, but what about Ding Yu? I just saw the scales and half claws!

And I came here, it seems that everything is similar to what I expected, and even I still have some initiative. But Rowling is very clear that this initiative is because Ding Yu has no interest in this aspect. If Ding Yu really shows interest in this aspect, then the position between himself and Ding Yu will happen immediately Upside down!

"Mr. Ding, if we stand together, what kind of consequences do you think it will be?"

Ding Yu said, "there's no consequence. They won't give me anything, but it will definitely make you very uncomfortable. For my opponent, it's also unbearable! As a matter of fact, the matter has come to a certain conclusion at this stage. Whether it is admitted or not, it is the same! "

"Yes! If we hold on to such a standoff, we will all bear considerable pressure, and even under considerable pressure, we will make impulsive measures! " Rowling still has a considerable understanding of this!

It's a pity that when Pete washed this action, we didn't react at the first time! Because at that time, everyone felt that this was Ding Yu's revenge! But I never thought that there was such a deep meaning behind this!

And Pete could even understand the meaning of Ding Yu, and even let everyone fall into the fog!

The force behind Rowling is under great pressure! Who could have thought that Ding Yu could give up the past suspicion and unite with his opponent. Although he has not yet made a trip, he has already had the intention in this respect! Elizabeth's arrival is enough to illustrate a considerable problem!

Ding Yu must not be allowed to stand together with his opponent. Even if he can not destroy the relationship, he must join it! As for standing alone with Ding Yu, and then fighting with Ding Yu's opponent, the cost is a little bit too big!

Maybe the fight between each other in the future may be the same as before! Everyone hands each other, but now this time must do to exchange what is needed, thoroughly solve the matter of Mao bear! It's just like chalk words. You can erase them directly. Let's forget the past!

As for the process, we may have to pay something and take out quite a lot of things, but this is better than that we are all in a group and the last piece of ruins! Although it is obviously inconsistent with the previous estimate, and even reversed, what can be done? This is the moment, isn't it? Can't always tangle in front of this thing, to focus on the future!Dingyu doesn't care about the matter over the Maoxiong, or he has already put it under pressure. Will Rowling and the forces behind him care? To a certain extent, the first to win Dingyu's friendship, this will be better, at least in the process of negotiation, will occupy a certain position!

It is appropriate for the three parties to negotiate and stand together in combination, or to strive for considerable benefits!

Even if it is not able to get Dingyu's friendship, but at least it has a good relationship with Dingyu. This is even more important than getting a considerable benefit. After all, we have no final face turning!

"Mr. Ding, I think you have made a choice, haven't you?"

"Do you think it's the right choice? Or is it a suitable choice? "

Well? Rowling really thought about it for a while, then she looked at Dingyu and said, "I think it's a difficult choice, and it's a hard choice to refuse!"

Ding Yu nodded, "that is to say, we can not achieve their own ideal, even all things may fall, really do not know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Sir, isn't there a word like this? How can you be blessed by a loss of luck! I think it makes sense! Although we may not get too much to want this time, but avoid more dangerous situations, this is a good thing in itself, too greedy, only annoying! "

Is it meant to point to yourself? Ding Yu has so many funny things in her heart! At least Rowling in front of me, in words, is really not suffering, even some do not want to let, but I really do not want to fight with him to fight for a high-level meaning! Won, is it really brilliant? Still don't be too humiliating!

Dingyu also does not say that there is no gentry, and in front of Rowling, she represents not only herself!

"I hope that Elizabeth will come tomorrow, it will be a good day!"

"Mr. Ding, is that so bad?" Rowling asked a question, there are so some intentional ingredients in it, Ding Yu glanced at it, smiled, but PI laughed meat did not laugh, even let Rowling not be able to beat a shiver! It's a little cold! Suddenly cold, I don't know if it is because I wear a little less!

"Some people hope, and some people don't want it. There is still a considerable gap in the end. No one knows what the final result will be! I hope everything is good! But what will be in the end, I don't know! "

"Mr. Ding, I see! I'll be tough! "

The two people soon separated! As for Rowling's residence, Dingyu would stay there without any inquiry, if she liked to live on the farm, he would live on the farm. If she didn't like it, she would find another place, and he would not pay attention to it!

It is true that it will not do any attention. At this time, it is meaningless to use the three abusive means, even will be underestimated! I am more sensitive, but I will never doubt it because of such a thing!

In the morning, Rowling looked at Dingyu in the video, and some doubted to the people behind!

"Glass, is that what he looks like every day?"

"No use, we even see it! There is no use. Even we have mastered these things very early. Many things of the Oriental family are secret and not transmitted. Even if we put into practice, we have no use. I heard that some of the things Mr. Ding has raised children have been brought from the East family! "

"I know! I mean Mr. dingyuding why every morning exercise, to know that he such exercise, even can not catch up with running? At least I feel the air here is still fresh! It should be nice to run two laps! Look at the kids out there, they're all very motivated! "

"I can't explain these problems because it involves too much Chinese ancient culture! The education our ancient culture experts have been carrying on for thousands of years cannot be compared with those who have passed on for thousands of years. It is not to speak Chinese or read several Chinese books, and then we can understand Chinese culture in depth! "

"That is to say, Mr. dingyuding's exercise way is quite different from the traditional way. He has integrated some of his own understanding, so we can only learn its shape! If you want to really learn his God, you can only teach it in person? "

"No chance! We also found many children, but they can not reach Ms. Taylor at all. But I heard that the old Peyton family seems to have such a child. Mr. Ding is more interested, but it is said that no one has seen, too many old Peyton families die! "

"I haven't heard of the news!"

"There is no source of channel, never confirmed, and even the strongest doubt has been expressed!" The man standing behind Rowling said calmly, "it is not excluded that this is false news from the old Peyton family, because Taylor missed quite a certain opportunity at the beginning, but anyway, the three and Taylor were very valued by Mr. Ding at the beginning, so it is impossible to have such a child!""What if it is possible?"

"It's going to be troublesome, it's tricky!"

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