"If you ask Mr. Ding to confirm it, is it possible?"

This is like talking to myself, but the bodyguard behind did not have any words, as if nothing had been heard! What should be said, what should not be said, I am still very clear!

"I have a good relationship with Shishi! The relationship with Taylor is also very good, but I didn't know about it. I'm very disappointed about that! " Rowling snorted, obviously quite annoyed at it!

They are their best friends! But even to conceal such a thing, although there is a reason, but also unforgivable!

"I can't find out about it through other channels! Sorry

"Has there been no news of this for so many years?" Rowling obviously didn't give up on it! I believe that the family must have a considerable investigation, but the problem is that I don't know! That's a little too much!

"It's not just us. There are many people who are interested in it, but we haven't heard about it all the time." The security guard at the back said it truthfully! "What's more, we have been considering and arranging all these years. There are not so many people who have entered the Oriental family. As for the people who have entered Mr. Ding's eyes, we can almost say that there are none! I don't know if it's because Mr. Ding's eyes are too high! "

"That's not the reason!"

"What?" The security of the back is not very clear, subconsciously asked!

"You don't understand!" Rowling sighed and said, "you haven't made contact with Mr. Ding. I had a meal with him yesterday. At that time, I sat in front of him, no more than 200 cm away, but I couldn't see his face for a moment! Obviously, this is not an independent event! "

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by that."

"What we have heard is just hearsay. We have never had formal contact with Mr. Ding Yuding. Only when we have contact with Mr. Ding, can we feel how mysterious and even incredible he is." When talking, Rowling did not look back, as if she was talking to herself!

"Yes! When we came here, we noticed that there were quite a lot of land still vacant. What is the reason

"It has been found out! The land is because it wants to be pregnant, and these? We don't need to check it out deliberately. We just need to go to the farm's network to find out everything. They have nothing to hide about it, because the land can't be used without restriction. It's like the maintenance of a car after driving a considerable distance! "

"It's a vivid metaphor! I see! "

Rowling stood at the window with her chest in her hands. "Elizabeth will come here today. It's very safe to hear that she's here." In this regard, Rowling obviously has some opinions and ideas!

"Yes! After arriving here, Elizabeth has visited the courtyard, which is a manifestation of attitude and also a signal to the outside world! " As for the meaning of this signal, the security has no meaning to explain!

Does this need to be explained? There is no need to visit the courtyard and walk into the courtyard. It means that she is the guest of Mr. Ding Yuding. You can start to the guests of Mr. Ding at will. This is not as simple as slapping face!

"Mr. Ding gives me personal feelings? It's kind of nice, but on the contrary, it's very dangerous! "

"Ma'am, if you order, I will respect your order!"

What about security? Nature is what Rowling said! This is not different from Tang jicuode, who rushes to the windmill with a spear, but he has to do this. There is no choice!

Rowling nodded, very satisfied with this! "But from another point of view, Mr. Ding is not interested in ants, he is! What is revealed now is just a few scales and half claws. We can't see the so-called panorama at all. He is so well hidden! Yes, I can't believe it

"So?" Security asked!

"So? So we should keep a good mood. I believe that at noon, we will have dinner with Elizabeth. We will sit together and have a chat. We just don't know whether Mr. Ding will show up? After all, it's very appropriate for him to come forward with such a thing, but if he doesn't, it seems that we can't say why. "

Quite a thing is not said so simple! Rowling is also judging now and making her own choice!

But his own judgment is based on Ding Yu's action! So now I can only wait, and this kind of waiting is a bit of suffering! Because of the conversation with Mr. Ding last night? It seems good, but actually it doesn't make any sense!

Elizabeth came to Ding Yu's farm and sighed a little!

I'm afraid only myself can make it clear! It's really dangerous. It's close to being buried! Now think of it, there are still some exciting! I haven't had such an experience for how long!And I also got reliable news that someone had come to Ding Yu's farm ahead of time!

For this point, Elizabeth has a considerable feeling, to know that the big black fish can be forced to stop, what else can not happen? What a secret thing to ride in the big black fish? And what kind of Weihe does the big black fish have? But even so, there are considerable obstacles. Is there anything more humiliating than this?

Looking at Elizabeth who came in, Ding Yu put down the documents and pens in her hand, and then put them together with her hands crossed! Facing a smile, "I heard you came through a lot of ups and downs? It seems that your spirit is not bad! "

"It's nice to talk to the housekeeper."

I'm already here? Can you say you don't know? What's more, I went to the courtyard!

"Is it? The housekeeper already has a family! The children are old! You are not suitable! "

Elizabeth's eyes turned, and the housekeeper was very amusing, not to say that she could not consider it! "Sir, I'm glad to see you again. It's been a long journey for me to see you."

"So? Do you want to take the wind and wash the dust? "

"It's a pleasure!" Elizabeth is sitting on the chair in front of Ding Yu!

"Don't you inquire?" Ding Yu personally sent a cup of tea and placed it in front of Elizabeth. "I think you should be very interested in her."

"I can imagine it!" Elizabeth did not show any weakness, but full of spirit! "This time, there are quite a lot of risks, but risks and opportunities coexist. It's interesting to be able to prove your own value! Or, I earn more! "

"Yes, but some of them are too risky! I heard you came here in a big black fish! Won't you be bored? "

"It's a little scary!" Elizabeth stood up on her shoulder. "What can I do when the big black fish have a rest? What's more, I don't have any driving experience, what's more, I'm worried if I really drive! Will be directly suspended, more serious, I think I can not escape! It's light to be buried in the belly of a fish! "

"Obviously, they don't mean to kill you. At most, they are delaying your time!"

"Time is equally important to me, sir. We should have a better relationship."

Ding Yu nodded. "Last night, I met with Rowling and tried to talk with each other. She is quite confident. She is a difficult role to deal with, but from another perspective, she is! Some of them are younger than you in experience! But the family situation should be very good! "

"I seem to have heard the name! Sir, have you not inquired? I don't believe it! "

"I asked and got some comments, but I think it would be better to listen to your opinions and opinions!"

"I've heard of this man. His background is extraordinary, even more powerful than that of the old Peyton family. The old Peyton family has a long history, but due to other reasons, it has not been well inherited and developed. However, Rowling's family is quite different, but it is one of the untouched families!"

"Say something interesting!"

"Interested?" Elizabeth hesitated for a moment. "As far as I know, she is also the leader of this generation. Although she is not well-known, it has been circulated all the time. She belongs to the same category as King III and Taylor. She usually has her own cover up. There is no report about her, nor can I see her report, but as far as I can tell She attended the meeting more than once

"No!" Ding Yu indifferent evaluation, but Elizabeth revealed the news, for their own enough! Attend the meeting more than once, pay attention to explain all the problems!

"It seems to have a lot of weight! That is to say, she can decide quite a lot of things! "

"Sir, although I've got a lot of authorization, from my personal point of view, her weight is too heavy! I can't even afford it. If it's Peter, maybe they are more equal to each other! This is just my personal opinion. I don't know what it is! "

"Let's have lunch together! But my personal habit is that I don't like to eat too much at noon! "

"I think a cup of coffee will do! For a woman, high calorie is definitely the most troublesome enemy

The conversation between the two people has been completed. The arrival of Elizabeth shows a lot of problems. Even Elizabeth also shows her own attitude. She came here to act as a messenger. Peter obviously has plans in this respect, but Peter has not fully integrated all the resources, so it takes quite a long time!

Ding Yu is willing to give this time, but how long will it take? Ding Yu can't make a complete decision on this issue!Each other seems to have nothing to say, but in fact has done a considerable exchange, and even more satisfied!

"How are you? I heard that your life has always been monotonous! "

"Are you really going to know, sir? It should not be particularly happy! " Elizabeth said in a certain way, "if it is really mentioned, sir, you must have quite a feeling."

"Is that so? That would be too much of a pity

The question of who is right and who is wrong is really not worth mentioning, because it has no meaning! It's all over! As for what Elizabeth thought in her heart, it was not too important for Ding Yu! I believe Peter should have the same idea!

"Old Pete is very good. Under such circumstances, all the people are concealed by him! I really want to see something! " Ding Yu looks thoughtful!

"Sir, I think you are of the same kind as each other."

In fact, this is quite presumptuous! But Ding Yu did not have any criticism, and even laughed, "we can't say that. Although we all share the same mind, our positions are completely different. We seek common ground while reserving differences! If it was not for this reason, it would not have happened like this! "

"Sir, if I don't take the liberty, I'd like to ask, what if Peter didn't come on stage? What will happen? "

Ding Yu took a glance, a little surprised that Elizabeth would ask such a question! "Elizabeth, I believe you have a lot of partners to work with, even your opponents. I believe you have opportunities to cooperate. Why do you think this is happening?"

"Everyone is smart! At least I'll work with smart people! "

After being ordered by Ding Yu, Elizabeth understood immediately!

"Yes! All of us are smart people. I have already sent a signal. If he can't accept such a signal, I'll send another smart person. How to understand the signal is not so important. The important thing is that this person must be a smart person. Peter doesn't mean to be the master, because he is very clear that he can accept such a thing passively, but never Yes, we can't take any initiative! "

"The reason why I was offered a sacrifice to the sea was that I was a little bit short of offering sacrifices to the sea." Elizabeth suddenly realized, "it seems that Peter is in charge, but in fact Peter is just passive. Although he said that there may be a black pot in the future, no one will go to him! Because he's not the leader! This old fox

"This is the wise man. He has seen quite a lot of problems clearly, but to see clearly and to speak out is totally two things!" In this regard, Ding Yu still has some feelings, "what did Peter tell you, it's not so important. To let you come here is enough to explain all the problems. Letting the big black fish be subject also shows too many problems. Peter is really smart. He knows what things can be done and what things can't be done. But are there any people sitting on the chair? But I don't know! There is a considerable difference between what should be said and what should not be said! "

Elizabeth closed her eyes for a moment. "Do you have any wine, sir?"

"No! I don't have any hobbies. If it's tea, there are many here, but there are some cigarettes! " Then he took out a box of cigarettes from his drawer and put them in front of Elizabeth. "They are very dangerous. I don't like to be contaminated, but I usually use this one when I have no choice."

"I've tried it. It's delicious! I really doubt why there are such excellent cigars. You should know that these things should be grown in other places, at least not in China! "

"In a different way! In fact, there are more intense cut tobacco, you will not like it, just taste it! After all, the environment is different, so the taste is quite different! "

"Mr. Ding, I heard that this kind of tobacco is very precious!"

"The main problem is the yield. There are not so many suitable environments for growth, plus cultivation! Planting, picking and so on, need to have a considerable cost, so the things out are not so much, that is, relatives and friends to taste! Don't be like that fellow Bruno, he's a little too far! "

"Sir, why doesn't he and Mr. Dongfang show any attitude?"

"It doesn't matter!" Ding Yu shook his head and took the cigar from Elizabeth. After lighting it, he leaned back on the sofa. "Now is not the time to tell them. Although they know everything, knowing is one thing. When they move, it's another thing! Friends don't make use of each other! "

"Maybe we don't see eye to eye!"

"Nothing different! It's just that understanding is different. For you, interest is paramount, but for me, it's not like this! Interest doesn't mean everything, because the culture we inherit is quite different, so in the process of doing things, our choices are quite different, but in the end, we can find a lot of similarities! ""It's the so-called tolerance. I can understand it in this way, right?"

"It doesn't matter! How to understand it can be explained smoothly! "

"Sir, all of a sudden, I find that distress doesn't exist in you at all!"

"How can it be? It's just a little different way to solve each other! You don't think I'm under any pressure? " Ding Yu shook his head with a smile, "two days ago, there was a lot of pressure. Otherwise, we would not have held such a big party!"

"I thought it was a consortium party!"

"What's the difference?" Ding Yu asked, "whether it's a consortium or a farm, it's just a reflection! When I am under pressure, it will be fed back to the farms and consortia, and when they are under pressure, they will also be fed back to me! It's mutual, inevitable! "

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