At noon, Rowling and Elizabeth arrived as scheduled. Ding Yu didn't pay attention to the communication between them!

It doesn't matter! There are no other problems! It would be better for two people to communicate! At least for myself, two people's mutual communication, at noon time will not be too stiff! As for no communication, there is no other impact!

Rowling and Elizabeth really have quite a communication. Elizabeth takes the initiative to find Rowling. No matter who she represents, her identity is not equal to Rowling!

So there is no need to care about the face of the problem! I am just a broker! Although this time came with a considerable identity, but the protection of this layer of identity, time is too limited! In that case, why not use it? May play a considerable role in their future!

It's like you and Ding Yu! At least I can still walk into Mr. Ding's farm now. If I didn't have this relationship with Mr. Ding, would I have walked in so smoothly? It's impossible!

However, not everyone is as generous as Mr. Ding, and quite a few people are relatively stingy. For example, Peter, the old guy in his own impression, is definitely not so good! Because he just regarded himself as a tool, not as a person! This is particularly hated by their own!

The so-called broker is also a tool man, but he still expects to be a person, not a tool that can be discarded at will!

It is also because of this aspect of the reason, so I have a very special feeling for Ding Yu. After all, there are still quite disputes between each other, but this is also a normal person? If not normal, pure tools, there should not be such feelings!

Ding Yu made a gesture of invitation to the two people, and then took the lead to sit down. He was not such a gentleman!

Rowling and Elizabeth looked at each other and sat down separately in the canteen of the farm. From this point of view, it seemed that they were not so solemn or even serious at all! However, it seems reasonable to think about it. After all, it is not appropriate for Ding Yu to invite them to come back to the villa together!

After all, each other's identity has considerable scruples! What's more, it seems that there is still a long way to go from our so-called friends. What's more? It's obvious that Ding Yu had some intentions, otherwise he would never invite them to the canteen of the farm!

From the style of the room, a little monotonous! Even some indifference! Both Rowling and Elizabeth felt this way! The only benefit? Is more quiet!

Ding Yu looked at the two men and did not pay too much attention to them. After thinking for a while, he stood up and walked to the table beside him! He pushed the table gently and took out a box from the drawer. He didn't know what it was. Anyway, Rowling and Elizabeth looked at each other. They were both inexplicable!

After drumming for a while, Ding Yu went back to his table again, and soon the waiter sent the food and drink over. It was a little simple! It gives people a very dull feeling!

Elizabeth is such a feeling, but Rowling is very knowledgeable!

He gently moved his nose, "Mr. Ding, I didn't expect how grand your reception would be. As far as I know, these things seem ordinary, but they can't be made by an ordinary cook."

Ding Yu looks at the boiled cabbage and chicken bean curd on the table! Made an invitation gesture!

"I like something light! I believe you will not like too much greasy

Rowling and Elizabeth both tried, and after that they were full of praise! The taste is so much better than you think! It seems elegant, even some ordinary, but in the ordinary revealed too much unusual!

"Mr. Ding, you usually eat here?"

Ding Yu shook his head. "No, usually I eat in the canteen below, or go home to eat. I thought the canteen was very convenient, but later my parents thought it was better to go home and eat!"

Ding Yu has nothing to hide about this point. "I seldom come here in the private room. Sometimes when it is not convenient at home, I will have a meal here with my parents and family members."

"Speaking of it, we should feel honored!"

Ding Yu tapped the back of the sofa with his hand, "how long does it take?" Directly skip the previous greetings, "before this, I need to make it clear that the Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals of the year for all Chinese people. If there is nothing, I basically need to get together with my family! So in this period of time, no! "

Attitude is unquestionable, after a period of time is the Spring Festival! Before this, Ding Yu is not allowed to have any disturbance, and has reserved enough time! You can sit down and talk to each other! Or think about it carefully!Elizabeth did not have any objection, also did not look at Rowling, slightly nodded her head, agreed!

And Rowling thought for a little time! "Mr. Ding, for me, time is OK, but I haven't got a specific guarantee. I need to explain it to you! After all, this is not a small thing! "


"I need a specific guarantee, at least after I go back, there will be a considerable explanation to convince everyone!"

Ding Yu's index finger of his left hand was beating slowly. Obviously, Ding Yu was also thinking about what kind of reply to give him. After thinking for a period of time, Ding Yu slowly said, "I can give you a signature, of course, I can also give you a keepsake. You can think about it!"

Then Ding Yu took out a gold coin and put it in front of Elizabeth!

"I don't give much. This is your gift. In fact, I have prepared a gift for you. But now, there is not much need! You'd better keep it! "

Elizabeth looked at the gold coin on the table, then reached out to take it up and placed it in the palm of her hand. Her attitude was very respectful!

"Sir, this is already the best present

Ding Yu turned his head and looked at Rowling. The same gold coin was placed on the table. "What's your choice?"

"Sir, can I ask you two more questions? What does it mean? "

"Elizabeth, explain it to her!" Then Ding Yu left the room. He didn't mean to stay. He explained to Rowling that it was a waste of words! There is no value, have this time, not into a good outline, perhaps better! Anyway, the meal has already been eaten! There's no need to care about the rest!

Looking at Ding Yu who left, Rowling's heart murmured and scolded! I don't deny that he is really an ideal target. Unfortunately, he is still very good for his family, and he is more cautious in some aspects! I want to combine with him, which is beyond my ability!

"Elizabeth, I'm curious. Why did you choose this? No, it's not that you only have this choice. Why are you so interested in this coin? "

"Ms. Rowling, you don't understand. If this coin is made, it will not be too difficult. But as far as I know, you may know what it looks like, but nothing will be copied, because it has no meaning! Every coin has a different meaning! "

"So? What choice should I make? "

"From my personal point of view, I will choose gold coins, because gold coins are very important to me. As for signature, I should not consider it! But I do know one thing personally? "

Rowling looked at Elizabeth. "What do you need?"

For Elizabeth to speak, Rowling did not feel any surprise, or even feel disapproved, because Rowling is very clear about Elizabeth's identity, since she spoke, it means that this business can be done! And it will be worth it!

"I need a guarantee, or I need a friendship!"

"Are you sure it's worth the price?" Rowling didn't mean to be stingy. She was thinking about whether it was worth it or not?

"I have received quite a lot of information. Mr. Ding Yuding once wrote three characters in calligraphy, two regular script and one cursive script. Two of them were given to Dashan and Tanaka, while the cursive script was collected by orange and apricot!"

"Oh?" Rowling is really interested in this time, "I really don't know this news!"

"Don't think about it! Even if they are destroyed, they won't take it out. Even in one or two hundred years, they won't come out of the world! "

"So important?" This, Rowling is really did not think of! Even quite surprised, this is to arouse their own considerable interest, "how? Is it more attractive than the works handed down from generation to generation? "

"If you ask Mr. Bruno or Mr. Dongfang Jing, I think they will pay a lot of money! Even if it is to pay something, they have to get it, but because of Mr. Ding's sake, they can only envy! I won't choose to do it, but this is only my personal estimation! "

"I've learned something about it. As far as I know, it involves spirit and will?"

"I don't know, but in Mr. Dongfang's words, it will be of great benefit to put these things on their hands. Even if they don't know, they will at least play a role in settling down their homes. Dashan and Tanaka may not understand this, but who can guarantee that? Not in the future? "

Rowling thought for a period of time, took a deep breath, and then picked up the coins that Ding Yu didn't take away from the table. After examining for a period of time, she said with praise, "don't say, it's still very delicate!""Elizabeth, is this thing safe for you?"

For Elizabeth, this threat is a little bit too big. "To a certain extent, it is not just a life. It represents that I have a partner and a reputation! If I have this thing, I have a certain identity. This identity is more important than what I think. I even pay my little life when necessary! "

Rowling frowned because it was beyond her expectation, even out of her plan!

"Who else?"

"I don't know, but I know Wang Xiaogang has it! What else? I am not so clear about the other children in the family, because Wang Xiaogang is well-documented, as for others, it is very difficult to verify, some things can be a little careful! But some things to take the initiative to do, is a taboo performance

"In general, I understand! I didn't expect Mr. Ding to prepare such a gift for you Looking at the coin in her hand, Rowling felt very sorry, because Elizabeth's coin was given by Ding Yu on her own initiative and did not need to be returned. However, the coin in her hand is just a keepsake and needs to be returned at that time!

There are some big differences between each other, which makes Rowling a little dissatisfied!

Now Rowling is considering whether to get a coin for herself, but is the relationship between herself and Ding Yu? There is no way to compare with Elizabeth in front of her! Elizabeth is completely taking her own life in the transaction, coupled with the relationship between Ding Yu and these years is appropriate, so Ding Yu is not any stingy!

But what about yourself? Ding Yu just takes this coin as a token of trust, and he can't keep it! For Rowling, it's a little intolerable. It's like a child loves a toy!

"Rowling, as far as I know, Mr. Ding is a more serious man!"

Look at Rowling's state, you will know what she is thinking now! Maybe this is why Mr. Ding left so soon before? On this issue, Mr. Ding still has quite self-knowledge. If Mr. Ding continues to stay here, he will definitely be entangled by Rowling!

But the problem is that I'm here now! Rowling is definitely not a generous person, at least as far as her understanding is concerned!

But what should be said, I still need to say. Rowling of the province has dragged herself in, which is not appropriate!

"I suddenly found that I was a little confused about the relationship between you and Mr. Ding!"

"I really want to be Mr. Ding's friend, but I know that I'm not qualified now. I have nothing to do with gratitude and resentment. To be correct, I think I have a considerable problem. I can face it squarely. There is no shame in it!"

"As far as I know, you, Elizabeth, have a considerable status!"

"Understanding is different!" Elizabeth is a little envious of Rowling's identity. Although Rowling is more powerful, she has too many bonus points in other aspects. If she really stripped the other identities of Lori, that is to put the order, Elizabeth felt that she could let her have a hand, without too many problems!

But this kind of thing is envious not to come, the mark on Rowling's body can't be wiped off forever! Even if her family stripped her of her identity, did anyone really dare to do it? Don't play such a joke, if you encounter such a thing, even if you turn the gun, you will never shoot at Rowling!

"Elizabeth, do you believe in Ding Yu Rowling looked at Elizabeth, as if on purpose!

"I believe in Mr. Ding, at least he is a man to be trusted! Have nothing to do with other, although sometimes a little temper, but this is a very normal phenomenon! If only from the perspective of personality charm, impeccable

"I feel that you have a special affection for Mr. Ding, just because of what happened at the beginning?"

"It has a lot to do with it, but it's not that big!" Of course, Elizabeth could hear Rowling's provocation, so she did not evade the incident. "Mr. Ding and I have never evaded it. It's a matter of fact. Mr. Ding's character is trustworthy."

"Trust? It's a very interesting thing. I haven't dealt with Mr. Ding before, but I've heard about it? "

"I believe that after contacting with Mr. Ding, I will have quite a feeling!"

After leaving from the farm, Rowling went back to the hotel, playing with gold coins in her hand, and then had a considerable communication with the forces behind her. I believe that Elizabeth will make the same choice at this time! At this time, we should all know what kind of situation it will be. From the time point of view, there is a considerable operating time!

When putting down the phone, Rowling turned the gold coin in her hand, "do you know?"

The security guard at the back looked for a period of time, "it seems that I have some impression! It should be Mr. Ding's gold coin! "

"So famous? I've never heard of it before! ""There have been materials about this, but they have never been circulated on the market! Even now, even if it is true statistics, there are not many things about Mr. Ding in the world. Although everyone's collection is very attentive, Mr. Ding is very cautious! "

"That is to say, he is a very low-key man!" Speaking of this, Rowling couldn't help laughing. "What I said seems to be a bit of a problem, because he is a very low-key person, not high-profile at all, but as far as I know, he has lived abroad for quite a long time."

"Quite a lot of things are meaningful when they are collected, but it doesn't mean that all things are meaningful!"

"Yes, but I have heard a lot of things said by Elizabeth today. Mr. Ding Yuding is really a legendary but mysterious person! It's interesting! Even a little reluctant to stop! What do you say? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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