When you come, you disappear quietly, and when you leave, you don't make a big noise! Even very quietly!

Considerable forces are very concerned about this time, when Elizabeth has not come to Ding Yu, we have quite a move, but when Elizabeth arrives, all the things stop!

Obviously, some things are irreversible! In this case, don't reverse!

What kind of agreement will be reached is still unknown, but judging from what has happened so far, everything is still good! At least there is no contradiction, from this point of view, is a good thing!

Rowling and Elizabeth are leaving so fast! It's not enough preparation!

But even if it's ready! What role can it play? After all, their identities are quite different! Elizabeth can be better, but Rowling's side revealed that the situation is really a bit daunting!

"Don't you want to tell me something, nephew? I'm coming home from work now! "

Obviously, Su Quan has found the right time!

"Uncle, it's off work! Should we have a rest? It's meaningless to know too much! " Ding Yu is not interested in something quite! At least not yet mentioned interest!

I believe that my uncle can understand this, but he is likely to pretend not to understand, the reason for the job, his job! Really let people love and hate, very helpless!

And the result did not come out of Ding Yu's expectation, "nephew, is it not good to say something I am interested in?"

"What are you more interested in, uncle?" When Ding Yu said this, it seemed that he didn't care about things! But who is Suquan? Naturally he could hear that his nephew's words had been dealt with!

"I heard that two people came, one of whom is still an acquaintance of yours, and did not have a good chat?"

"Sit down and have a meal, and then I'll go first! As for what they both talked about, I'm not so clear about it! I don't have the habit of peeping! I don't have the habit of asking questions! "

Su Quanming knows that his nephew refers to himself, but he doesn't have any anger. He often goes to do such a thing. What's more, what he does in this business is to be cheeky. So no matter what his nephew says is good or bad, he will not have any influence on himself!

"I've been asked about Rowling's identity, but I don't know much about it! It's like it was born out of thin air! I think you must know something about it

"No! Is her identity not easy to investigate? It should not be so difficult! It's so easy! "

"Come on! You have a lot of friendship and face. Let's talk about it. " Su Quan ordered a cigarette for himself. "According to the situation I have investigated, whether it's birth or growth, it's not a blank, but the things above are basically fooling people! And I've never heard of it! Think of it, I feel a little cold on my back! Suddenly come out, really want to frighten people, isn't it? There is no such thing! What do you say? "

Ding Yu understands! My uncle didn't know what he didn't know, but he couldn't get it. But what he said was different! My own uncle! It's smart!

"I haven't seen it, I haven't even heard of it. I don't like to ask about other people's privacy!"

"Don't put your nose on your face!" Su Quan knows that his nephew doesn't eat hard and soft, so he needs to take appropriate measures and methods. He can't press him, but he can't be too loose!

"I really don't know! But Elizabeth seems to have mentioned some of them, all useful and useless! Who knows it's true? Or fake? I can't say it clearly! "

Ding Yu will not be too entangled in these problems, is it due to his own head, does not matter, the so-called lice more do not itch, more debt do not worry, it is difficult for his uncle to give himself how? Or what will the forces behind Rowling give themselves? Impossible thing!

Now that Rowling stood up, it means that her cover up identity has not much use, whether it is Rowling, or the forces behind Rowling, all know it clearly, but the original time Rowling's cover is better, so now suddenly exposed, let people a little surprised! It's no big deal!

"Oh! Xu's judgment is wrong, boss

"On the same level as the third and Taylor, even more powerful than the two of them! It's a little tricky! "

"It's not easy. Can you say something like that?" Su Quan thought carefully about the meaning of his nephew's saying this to himself, "I haven't heard of it before. I just look at my resume. It seems that there is nothing serious about it. What's the matter? It's so hidden. Why? How do you know how good she is? ""I've heard quite a lot. How many meetings did she attend?"

"What? It's impossible! " Su Quan was really shocked!

Su Quan naturally knows what the meeting is, but there is too little information about it! There are so few pitiful, even unheard of, I know my nephew is one of them, but I haven't dug out any news from his mouth. From this point alone, we can see the considerable problems and conditions!

However, Rowling even attended several meetings. The influence of her family behind her is absolutely a very important one. Her information and files must be redefined! This is the most correct!

And Ding Yu naturally knows what his uncle thinks! Therefore, without any burden and pressure, he said, "there is nothing impossible. I don't pay much attention to this aspect. On the whole, other people are responsible for it, but basically they are relatively fixed. No one has broken the rule. Even if they paid for it, they did not dare to break the rule. Therefore, there is not much information on controlling Rowling What's the effect of it? "

"Master is master, useful or useless!"

"Just change your identity! It's not such a thing! They often do such things, even if Rowling really has the idea of this aspect. When she meets again next time, she may change her identity. She has too many disguised identities, that is, she needs to be honest with them. So this time she has exposed a little bit! But that's it! Other things to think about! I think it's a little bit more! "

Su Quan said, I don't know it's true! Or is there any other consideration!

"Boss, just because of this incident, Rowling has been exposed. Is it really worth it? It always feels a little too much! " Su Quan can't understand this!

Ding Yu blinked his eyes. "Uncle, for example, do you think I still care about the courtyard at home now? For me, it's just a place to live! "

"I see! You don't have to explain that clearly! " Su Quan is a little black! His nephew is absolutely intentional, is to make himself angry! I was a little confused before! Perhaps in their own eyes, too much waste, too much of a pity! But for people like Rowling, it doesn't matter at all!

For them, identity is completely used to cover up! It will even make you feel seamless after seeing it! It's so simple! We can't take care of ordinary people at all! Because Rowling is no ordinary person! I think some deviation!

Ding Yu is not wrong at all! He doesn't care about the courtyard! For him, it's just a place to live. If you like it, you can spend more time. If you don't like it, you can abandon it at will! It's no big deal!

After a while, Suquan let his mind calm down again, "boss, is a simple meal, so that each other can quickly reach an agreement, will it be too trifling?"

For his uncle's temptation, Ding Yu did not make any hesitation! Because things are too clear! As long as you use your brain, you can analyze it. It's not difficult at all!

"It's not a complicated thing! What does uncle want to verify? "

"That is to say, all three aspects should have felt that things can't go further!" Su Quan said in a deep voice, "we all realize that if we go further, it will be a devastating blow to all three aspects, and no one can bear such a result! However, you even gave up the investigation of the Mao bear, which is quite unexpected

"Is it? How do you feel, uncle? You seem to be very dissatisfied with this

"Dissatisfaction?" How could su Quan be cheated? "I always think it's too cheap for them! And on my personal understanding, I always feel that you seem a little too aggrieved! This is not what I know about you! In my personal mind, you are not like this. I always think there are some problems in it! I don't know, don't you? "

"Who knows?" Ding Yu said with a calm smile, "no one can go 500 years later to have a look and see if what he has done is right or wrong. If he has made a considerable choice, then he needs to be firm."

"Give me a specific time!"

"Spring Festival?! What an important day! And it's a day for all Chinese to get together! I don't want any other problems and situations on this reunion day! "

Su Quan and his nephew through the phone, is sitting on the sofa thinking, his nephew scheduled the time after the Spring Festival, it is a good arrangement! Each other has quite relaxed space!

But is his nephew really so honest? Su Quan is really suspicious of this! After all, his nephew is what temperament, I still know! Absolutely bad!

Will he give up this thing so easily? In my opinion, it is a little impossible! Here is the hair bear thing, he is so light to put aside! The more you think about it, the more unlikely it is!But now this time his nephew chose to take the overall situation as the priority, and temporarily put the bear's business aside! But in my opinion, my nephew! Now I don't know how itchy it is!

The things that should be understood have been understood, and his nephew has no intention of concealing, or he thinks that there is nothing worth concealing about such a thing. Think about it! There's really not too much burden! What about Rowling and Elizabeth, even if the outside world knows?

Will Ding Yu be affected? Basically, there's not a lot of possibilities. That's all? Not enough to affect Ding Yu, not to mention Rowling and Elizabeth! Although Elizabeth is not a peer, but her energy can not be underestimated, really if you want to do something bad, not too many people can bear it!

Compared with Rowling, he is more taboo to Elizabeth, but to think about the relationship between Elizabeth and his nephew, Su Quan felt that there were some helpless and emotional! I am very taboo, but for my nephew, it is a fairly good friend, and even the word "friend" for Elizabeth, there may be some "Climbing"!

There is really no place to reason! Let Suquan feel very helpless, even some speechless!

And Ding Yu here is not so much worry! What to do!

All the plans for the Spring Festival have been worked out! Comparatively speaking, we are very satisfied with the welfare of the farm, although it has not been paid yet! But basically everyone knows it! The farm never meant to be mean! So we are also very attentive, this is mutual!

At this point, Ding Yu has always taken care of everyone, but the same requirements are quite strict! It's not that the farm has never been a loser, there are indeed! In dealing with these problems, Ding Yu has absolutely no mercy!

As an old saying goes, keep them for the Spring Festival!

He can tolerate quite a situation, but for one of the saboteurs, Ding Yu will never be merciful! It can be said that seizing one and settling one is absolutely intolerable!

"Dad! Mom! How did you get here? "

It seems that the father and mother come over, Ding Yu feels very strange! If there is nothing, their parents will never rush over! Even if it is something, at most is to make a phone call, today together, let Ding Yu have quite puzzled! So quickly stood up!

Place other people, absolutely no such high treatment!

"It's OK!" Sitting down, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have a look at the office. They are as simple as before! "I went back to see your grandmother today! I don't know how it happened. Your grandmother suddenly got interested and said she would go out and have a look

Yeah? Ding Yu was really surprised! What is this?

When did my grandmother let go of her mind? You know, it wasn't like this two days ago! Is everything free now?

"I have no problem! What's grandma's idea of going abroad? "

"To what foreign country?" Zhao Shuying shook her head. "Your grandmother wants to see the rivers and mountains of the motherland! But there is no plan to go abroad, at least not now. It's not easy for your grandmother to have such an interest. You are the only one at home. It's more convenient. She hasn't told Ding Ding Ding! She! It's so stupid

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "come on! I will arrange a medical team, and then arrange two housekeepers and nannies. In this way, I can take good care of grandma all the way! Whether it's a plane or a vehicle, they'll have a lot of arrangements, Dad! Mom! If you have nothing to do, go with your uncle and aunt! It's like going out for a break

"Is it suitable for so many people? Your uncle and aunt didn't agree! "

"Without my uncle and aunt, grandma would feel very uncomfortable, but it doesn't matter whether we follow or not! The old lady finally got this interest. She must make good arrangements. As for the family, let them rest assured! There will never be any problems! "

In less than ten minutes, everything was arranged properly!

"Dad! Mom! You can start tomorrow, and tonight, if you want! It's a bit of a rush, but there won't be any problems! " Ding Yu immediately handed the list and arrangement of the accompanying personnel to his parents, "but I may not be able to accompany here! There are quite a few things on my side. At least these two days are not so convenient. As for the next two days, we need to see the specific situation! "

"You are busy with your work, so there is no need to do so much! In any case, you can take care of it

Watch your wife go out! Ding Lin sighed helplessly, "I don't know what your grandmother thinks. Anyway, suddenly it seems to have changed. I don't understand it now!"

"Not normal, but think about it, it's normal. I'm old!" Ding Yu explained, "I really thought about this problem, grandma! I think I should stay in this home all my life. I can't go out. Now? It's also because I'm old! Sometimes too persistent, may also have adverse effects"Your mother and I don't have anything, and your uncle and aunt have nothing. Let Ding Ding follow you then! Anyway, he has nothing to do at home! Idle is idle, too

"What about children? With you? "

"It depends? I think I should take it with me. Anyway, Cao Zhen will have a holiday soon! Let's see if they are idle. If they are free, they will follow. If not, they will take care of their children at home. "

Ding Yu smiles, a little interesting!

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