The next day, the party went to grandma's house! When he saw his uncle and aunt, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing!

As for the tension? I can't do it myself! Hands and feet do not know what should be placed in the right place!

It's no wonder that they've been far away, but they've never been with grandma!

"Uncle, aunt! I don't need to prepare anything else. I just need to prepare two coats for my grandmother, and a set of bedding for grandma to sleep with! I'm prepared for everything else

Ah? Obviously, my uncle and aunt are puzzled about this! It's understandable to bring two suits of clothes, but what does it mean to bring a blanket? The old lady suddenly came to this idea, the family really did not know how to deal with it!

"Xiaoyu! What does that mean? " Uncle did not understand asked out!

"Grandma almost never went far in her life. Even if she had this idea, when she went to a strange place, no matter how comfortable the conditions were, she always felt uncomfortable. This is a kind of psychological reaction, human nature! Bring her a blanket, which will give her a sense of identity! "

"Is there another way to say that?" My uncle felt the greatest curiosity about this, and really did not think of it!

"I've arranged for a doctor! The nanny, the housekeeper, the old lady's wheelchair and so on, are all ready. Let's go and have a look! It was not easy for grandma to have this idea! Ding Ding and I must have made some arrangements! We, the younger generation, can do something about it

"It's a great expense for you! If we were to do this, it would be... "

"That's what I said?" Ding Yu's face appeared with a smile, "as if I was not a member of this family. I had thought about this before, but I know something about grandma's ideas. She was always afraid that she would not be able to return after leaving this home! It's very simple! "

"Yes! When you get older, some places are just like children! "

Ding Yu went in and took a look at grandma, but soon the old lady turned the others away! He left Ding Yu in the room, "I tell you, I just go out for a walk, and you take care of my home! If something happens, I'm not finished with you! "

"Come on! I check every day! And then give you daily transmission screen! There's a little problem, it's all mine! "

"You said it yourself. I didn't press you!" Although grandma was not satisfied, she still dealt with it!

Grandma snorted, "and I took the key! If I can't come back, I'll give the key to your brother's army. There's your share in it! But the army is in charge

"Don't worry! A little bit of things, I personally go to pick you up! Make sure you get back home

The old lady was not confused at all, and even her thinking and organization were very clear. Ding Yu didn't mean to fool her!

"In two days, the army should have a holiday! Let him accompany you to stroll around. I can't walk away in recent two days. If I have time, I will report to you! "

Grandma snorted, then went down the pit and got into the wheelchair! It's very comfortable. It's not as hard as I imagined, but there are still some people who dislike Ding Yu!

It's almost as much as you should be told! You can go!

The RV is ready! In order to make the old lady travel more comfortable and safe! Unfortunately, there is no airport in the city, otherwise you can get on the plane directly, saving so much trouble!

So the old lady didn't feel uncomfortable all the way! There is a lot of space in the RV, and the air has a good circulation. The people in the house are sitting in the car, very relaxed! Grandma is patting the sofa, looking at her appearance, or more satisfied!

The old lady on the plane is not uncomfortable! After all, it's a private plane, not an ordinary airliner! There is no sense of space, there is no sense of bondage!

"This plane is too big! Just a few of us, isn't it a bit wasteful? " After the plane stabilized down, my uncle pushed his mother, looked out of the window and said to himself! "Mother! How do you feel? "

"Am I in heaven?"

This words let behind Ding Lin do not know what to say! Because the sky is clear, when looking out of the window through the glass, it is very clear. For people like the old lady, such a scene may have never been seen in life. The shock is a little bit big!

The flight time was less than two hours, and landed on the side of the capital. Ding Ding and the army both came! I didn't expect the old lady to come! This is a big deal for the family!

However, the old lady day saw the army and Ding Ding with the children coming over, a face of dissatisfaction, the weather is so cold! How can I bring my children with me? No words! So there is no reason to reprimand a few!But the first stop is neither Ding Yu's courtyard nor Ding Ding Ding's residence, but the army's home!

Living in Ding Yu's Siheyuan is sure, because the environment there is better, and the place is relatively large, but the first place to go is definitely the home of one's grandson! be perfectly logical and reasonable! The old lady still has some of her own considerations, or traditional ideas!

The old lady came to her grandson's home, not too much fussy, room for a family of three, not small!

If it is to rely on the army and their little couple, I'm afraid this life is enough! The old lady is also very aware of this, although she is very old, but there is no problem with her head!

"Not bad! It's OK to clean up! " The old lady didn't have much words, but Lin Qian was still afraid of the old lady! Because she is very clear about this grandmother's status in the family!

My husband has said it countless times! And I have experienced a lot!

Father in law and mother-in-law! Aunts and aunts don't talk! Just the situation of elder brother and Ding Ding elder sister alone is enough to make me feel so shocked. Grandma's attitude towards elder brother makes me tremble in my heart!

What kind of person is big brother? I still know some, but even so, in front of my grandmother, even no place to sit, so it can be seen that general! But grandma is not that kind of special picky character, Lin Qian is in the heart there are so many false! It's really not about other aspects!

I sat here for a long time and even had a meal! Then the party went to Ding Yu's courtyard!

"It's a big place! The environment is also good! " The old lady likes the environment here, green everywhere! It's like two worlds out there! In particular, the koi in the water pool, shaking their tail, is really more like watching!

In fact, the journey is not tiring at all. There is no need to rush or drive! For the old lady, the scenery is a little bit more, so it's spiritual? A little bit tired, in the quadrangle environment, you can get the best comfort, but really there is no problem!

The old lady was sitting in a wheelchair, her legs covered with blankets from home! There is no time to tease Koi, very leisurely! Looking at the old lady's appearance, some people behind looked at each other!

I'm not afraid of the rest, just afraid that the old lady will not adapt! That would be a big deal!

Look at the old lady's current situation, it seems very good! Ding Ding's two sons are a little bit mischievous. They have to stretch out their hands from time to time. It seems that they want to catch Koi! But the old lady didn't mean to stop me!

"Grandma, what's the environment like here? In fact, I bought a lot of things? The housekeeper can be a little better. The elder brother is not particular about this point at all! " Ding Ding has a lot of complaints about this!

The old lady nodded, "not bad, the environment is good! Just a little less people! Don't you feel empty living there

"Wait to see my house! Big brother, the environment here is good! But as you said, there are a few people! Stay longer if you like! It's like adjusting your mood! "

"It's OK, but it's not as comfortable as home! Feel better at home! "

Ding Ding did not understand what her grandmother was thinking? It's a little difficult to understand, but the problem is that the elder brother never mentioned this to himself. It's hard to do it!

The next morning, the family took the old lady to see the flag raising, and even went to the memorial hall. The old lady was very excited! Young people may not be able to understand this, but Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, the elderly people, can more or less understand some, because the old lady has experienced too much!

"That's the chair of the emperor. How about it?"

During the tour, the old lady sat in a wheelchair and looked at the Dragon chair above her seat. She didn't feel too excited. Instead, she was so sarcastic!

"Grandma, some of you are too much! In the past, I don't know how many people expected to be able to sit on this chair, but now it's not as comfortable as your wheelchair! "

"I think so. It's not as good as your own hot pot head anyway." The old lady murmured, "give me, I don't want it!"

The dinner is carefully arranged by the housekeeper. In addition to the old lady's three kinds, there are many carefully made in the family!

But for the old lady, a little taste is enough, and she doesn't have much interest. Even if her grandson and daughter-in-law strongly recommend her, she tries two! At this point, the old lady looks very old-fashioned!

After eating, with the help of Ding Ding Ding and sun's daughter-in-law, the old lady wandered in the courtyard for a while!

Not enough for the old lady to come, or let the Wang family is very surprised! After all, this old lady is no ordinary legend! Quite a thing, the Wangs are very clear about this old lady's sudden arrival, so that the Wangs are really not prepared at all!Especially for Su Yuan, when he got the news, the whole person felt so confused!

Without any hesitation, Su Yuan called his son!

"What's the situation? Boss, what does your grandmother want? " Su Yuan's tone is a little blunt! Straight to the point, to the core!

Ding Yu said, "nothing. The old lady may look a little bit open. She is such a stubborn and lovely old lady. When she was young, she was in charge of the family. As a big parent, she had some habits! Therefore, she is a bit old-fashioned and refuses to leave her home! Life, old age, death, all hope to be at home! "

"So why are you here, then, because of us?" When Su Yuan said this, his heart had already mentioned his voice!

"No Ding Yu's face was a little dark, "it has nothing to do with the family, old lady! I may feel that I'm a little old, and I don't feel so good in my heart. In fact, I have checked, and there are not too many physical problems. I just want to think a little bit more. So I asked the housekeeper to have a good reception here! "

After hearing his son's explanation, Su Yuan breathed a sigh of relief! But then it was full of doubts!

"As far as I know, the relationship between you and your grandmother has never been so good!"

"Hum!" Ding Yu expressed his dissatisfaction slightly! "My problems with grandma? What the people outside see are all illusions. Grandma has her own opinions and opinions! But she was very kind to me back then! Although my father and mother adopted me, I'm afraid there would be many problems if my grandmother didn't suppress me at that time. In this matter, the old lady was also under a lot of pressure, so it's normal to have some opinions on me! "

"I didn't expect that you and your grandmother have such a relationship! No wonder you never mind! "

"It's not easy to come out. You must have a good reception! She is very old! Not good enough, not too much worry about things, so it is relatively healthy! That's what it looks like on the whole

Su Yuan felt that his nose was a little crooked, and he understood the meaning of his son's words!

If nothing happens, he's going to hang up!

"How are you? This time, I didn't come back with you. I heard that things are busy there

"It's just OK. There are not too many problems on the farm. At most, it's going to be Chinese New Year! So we are a little busy. As for the consortium? It's not a big problem! "

Ding Yu didn't disclose any problems, because the situation was quite special. Although he said that there was no problem with his mother's line, Ding Yu was still in a cautious state! And my mother knows! There's not much need!

"Chinese New Year is coming soon." Su Yuan especially stressed this point, "pay more attention to yourself!"

"Well! I got it! Say hello to my father and tell him not to be too tired! "

Put down the phone, Su Yuan rubbed his brow, at the same time a good sigh of relief, there is nothing wrong with the Ding family, it is a good thing! As for my son? Oh! I don't know what to say!

After Wang Changlin came back, Su Yuan mentioned the quadrangle with her husband!

"Oh, the eldest one's grandmother is here? Didn't she have a bad relationship with the boss? The old lady does not want to see the boss! "

"It's not such a thing!" Su Yuan immediately explained, "this old lady! In the past, I didn't know so much! So there are some misunderstandings! But this time she came, it had nothing to do with the rest

After saying that, Su Yuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief! "I thought it had something to do with our family?"

"A little too much! If there is such a situation, the boss won't say nothing about it! " Wang Changlin said comfortingly, "yes! What about boss? I've heard that there are quite a few things about him

"Asked!" Su Yuan looked at her husband discontentedly. She was not a child. She didn't care about her son. "But he didn't say anything. You don't know his character! It's no use asking! He just doesn't want to say it! It has nothing to do with the rest! "

"That's the way! There are not too many problems! "

For his son, Wang Changlin is still very clear, "since the old lady has come! When we can communicate with other parties, when we can give convenience, we should give some convenience. At the same time, we should call the housekeeper. We are not so convenient, and we are not good at coming forward! "

"I've already called. There's no problem with the housekeeper!"

These things don't even need Wang Changlin's orders. Su Yuan will do them well!

Not only the Wang family, but also other aspects have received considerable news. Ding Yu's grandmother has entered Beijing! Although that is to come out to play, but there are a number of, we have warned the children at home, give me a bit of honesty!Waiting quietly, if you can't help it, is it going abroad or what? Get out of here!

Don't stay here in the capital! Where you want to go, you can't stay in the capital!

Or more frankly, where is the old lady anyway, you will leave me quickly! No adhesion with the old lady is allowed! No one can bear the consequences of Ding Yu's anger! Especially for things like this!

Although we usually quarrel with Ding Yu very fierce, but we need to distinguish what kind of things it is!

If it is a fight between each other, there is no problem, but it involves the family! Can Ding Yu still calm down? It's impossible, even if it's to die, you don't need to take such a way!

Because it's definitely a trick to die! Therefore, everyone's idea and view now is to stay away from the old lady, the farther away the better!

Moreover, we have also inquired about the situation. The old lady came to the capital for a trip without any other purpose!

It is possible to go to other places, but basically will not cause any other impact!

Of course, if someone is really desperate, then Ding Yu, or even does not need Ding Yu's hand, will let many people know what is fierce! What is the result! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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