Looking at Rowling who appears in his office again, Ding Yu holds the documents inside upside down on the table!

This is Ding Yu's personal habits! Even if her face is not Rowling, Ding Yu will be like this!

"Mr. Ding, you seem to be very sudden!" Rowling, sitting down, is very casual! But keep your eyes on it!

"It's just that you've changed your style all of a sudden. I'm not used to it!"

This dress and make-up let Ding Yu have some eye opening flavor! The upper part of the suit dress makes people have some amazing feeling! Visual conflict is very obvious, with the previous time to come here, completely like two people! The whole person's style completely changes!

Let oneself have so many outside, the pendant on her chest! Even gold coins as ornaments, this is really let oneself did not think! Is it so straightforward? Is that obvious?

Or a little bit too rogue! The question now is whether or not you Ding Yu wants to ask for this keepsake back!

If Ding Yu opens his mouth, he is not a gentleman!

"I feel very good!" Rowling is a little proud! "However, I made quite a choice without Mr. Ding's consent. It's really rude. For this reason, I deliberately prepared some gifts! Make amends to you

Ding Yu takes a look! Well, let's hear it! I don't mean to keep talking!

Since Rowling likes it, she won't ask too much for anything. There's no such need! What's more, if Elizabeth did this, she would let her know what flowers are and why they are so red. However, if Rowling did this, she really did not have too many problems. The situation was better than people!

Because the family power behind Rowling is too large, he needs to be cautious!

Of course, this is just a statement of performance. Specifically speaking, Rowling's identity is extraordinary, but if Ding Yu really pulls down his face, it's not that it can't be said, but it's a bit too bullying! Spread out, for their own reputation is always so some bad!

And this time Rowling came here with considerable sincerity. She was good at calculating!

Under such circumstances, Ding Yu doesn't intend to pursue anything! There's not much need!

"I came a little early. I didn't have any preparation. I was delayed by some things these two days."

Rowling's eyebrows fluttered twice. They knew something about it. Old lady, they went out! Does this matter matter? It doesn't seem like a big deal, but it doesn't matter? It seems that Ding Yu is more important!

"Mr. Ding, it's a bit abrupt here!" No way out! Rowling can only pretend that she doesn't know anything. If she follows Ding Yu's words, her thinking will definitely be biased! I need to be vigilant about this!

After all, the person he is facing is Ding Yu. He has done a lot of preparation before he comes here. He can't be like "Mr. Ding, this is our sincerity!" Immediately put the document in front of Ding Yu!

But Ding Yu didn't read it. It's not that he couldn't understand. It has nothing to do with this. Ding Yu looks at Rowling in front of him!

"Let me guess what you want. The farm is what you are interested in. But in the current situation, this is actually impossible. Despite the complexity of the farm structure, there is basically no outside intervention. Moreover, if you join in, there will be considerable problems in the whole farm structure. I accept it No, under such circumstances, there is only one you are interested in. It is the consortium side! "

Looking at Rowling, Ding Yu waved her hand, "but I'm curious about what I've seen in the consortium."

In fact, this is not difficult to guess, as long as the idea is a little clear, you can guess to! Although the consortium is bigger, but the farm is the foundation of the general existence, Ding Yu will never allow anyone to peep at his own foundation!

Therefore, Rowling's choice can only be to retreat and seek the second place, and transfer to the consortium's body!

But it's not so easy to chew down this meat!

"Mr. Ding, we very much hope to have a good talk with Ding Yu, but we have not known each other for a long time. We have a deep misunderstanding. Now that we have such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we can't be so abandoned. What do you think of Mr. Ding?"

"It feels a bit intimidated!" Ding Yu means to say!

"I'm sorry, I'm a little too serious!" Rowling's face suddenly should be, "Mr. Ding, you make me feel a lot of pressure! Even the whole person can't help it! Please forgive me for the offence

It's your own problem! Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. "We made this decision unilaterally, but it's not appropriate. It's the combination of three aspects. There's no absolute fairness. But we need to be relatively fair. What do you think?"

Ding Yu didn't seem to be greedy because of the things Rowling took out. The whole person was very calm. It seemed that he was not so interested in the same things! The more this time, the more calm we should be!Don't be misled by the appearance. If you see the appearance, you will definitely regret it in the future!

In front of Luo Lin, everywhere shows weakness, but what does her heart think, Ding Yu how much or can guess some! Little girl's ghost heart son has a little so many! Really can't underestimate!

Facing Ding Yu's lack of oil and salt, Rowling seems to be a little angry, but she is more vigilant. It's already this time! Ding Yu didn't get lost, even calmer than before!

Really wonder if this guy is ice? Two times with him, I also noticed Ding Yu's eyes, can be said to be pure and bright! This makes Rowling have some doubts. Is she really not attractive at all?

Or is it his own set of people, which makes Ding Yu feel very boring?

In the past, although it can't be said to be hopeless and disadvantageous, when other people look at themselves, how much can they see some desire from other people's eyes? Of course, everyone's desire may be different! There are also big and small points, but we all have considerable interest and imagination for themselves!

But when I got to Ding Yu, I really ran into a wall! Although the surface seems to be OK, but in fact is already black and blue!

I don't want to be like this! But what? All around by Ding Yu to hang hit? It can be said that the left side was slapped, and he still needs to extend the right side of the face, and even he needs to smile to Ding Yu!

Hard power gap! This is absolutely not a few words can turn around!

If Ding Yu is really deliberately bullying. Ling, then he absolutely has the capital to turn over the face, but the problem is that Ding Yu didn't do it. He just used simple words and actions to make himself lose the initiative, just like a puppet who was taken on a string. He wanted to do what he wanted, and he had to do it!

Although Rowling's heart feels a little subdued, but to let Rowling give up now, Rowling is really a little reluctant to give up!

Because Rowling is very clear, such an opportunity is too rare! When you want to look for such an opportunity, you can't find it. It's impossible!

Ordinary people are not their opponents at all. They don't even need to use their brains!

While quite a few people are their opponents, but the problem is that when they encounter themselves, they will always give up and give themselves no chance at all. Rowling is very clear that they are giving face to the family, not really to themselves, because they have not been really convincing!

So don't look at yourself getting a good chance to exercise! Even many people are looking backward, but in fact? How much water there is in this, Rowling's heart still knows how much!

So even if they are so humiliating, Rowling still insisted on coming to Ding Yu here! And the result is not unexpected. Ding Yu is not polite to himself! Rowling is really worried about this!

For such a situation, Ding Yu or see very clearly! There is no need to over stimulate Rowling's self-esteem, but there is no problem with guidance! It's like leaving a chance!

No one knows whether it is suitable or not. No one knows! But in the end, there is a friendship!

"Mr. Ding, will Elizabeth still come this time?"

"Just tell me your personal thoughts and opinions!" Ding Yu said without salt or salt! "If you think about it with your head, it's just for eating! I'll talk about it after I think about it clearly! "

Rowling took a look at Ding Yu, can't you be a little bit more lenient? So straightforward, don't you want face? But think about it, it seems that it is also due to the environment, because there are only two people in the room: himself and Ding Yu!

"I think Elizabeth is coming back!" Rowling said it for sure!

Also did not wait for Ding Yu to speak, Luo Lin explained to say! "Elizabeth is a middleman. Although the opposition between them has been broken, it would be a provocative act to say that they came so directly! At this time, what we are pursuing is absolutely stability and mutual vigilance, but no other contradiction can arise! "

"It's too much of Elizabeth's work!"

Yeah? Rowling was puzzled, and her eyebrows stood up! It is not dissatisfied with Ding Yu, but reflecting on what he has not considered thoroughly! This is what you should do!

"Mr. Ding, I don't understand that Elizabeth has any other function besides being an intermediary. At this time, we may have some quarrels, but we will never use force. I really don't understand what role Elizabeth has under such circumstances."

Ding Yu sighed, "what is Elizabeth's identity?"

"Is she a middleman?" Then Rowling immediately understood, "I know! Elizabeth is a broker. It is not convenient for us to release information. No matter who releases the news, it will cause dissatisfaction from the other two forces. Although we are not so concerned about it, the three parties will agree with Elizabeth's release of news. "With that, Rowling was a little upset. How could she not even think about such a simple thing?

Absolutely was misled before! Therefore, such a result will appear. If you think calmly, you will definitely be able to think clearly about the problems and situations in it. Certainly! What's more, Ding Yu is too shameless! If there are other people here, do you want to find a gap to drill in and lose this person!

"It seems, sir, that Elizabeth and they will be here soon!"

"What about your judgment?"

A rhetorical question let Rowling can not help stupefied, such a thing still need to say clearly? Or maybe Ding Yu has other ideas. In his opinion, there is no need for any argument at all!

"In two days, they'll be here!"

"You look down on others and look up to yourself! It's good to be here in three days! Even in a week, they didn't come here! "

Ding Yu shook his head slightly, pointing to the things on the table, "take it away! It's better to think about how to deal with the next thing if you have this time

Seeing Ding Yu's appearance, Rowling is really angry. She is underestimated by Ding Yu! But there is no way! I'm sure Elizabeth should have heard from her, but will they come in three days? Why do you feel so distrustful? Are you kidding?

After coming out from Ding Yu, the expression on Rowling's face is very calm, without any discomfort!

"Did you get the news over there? Pay attention to their reaction! If you can, collect them! "

"Will it alert them?" Some doubts about security! So subconsciously asked!

"I asked Mr. Ding. My prediction is that in two days, they will send someone over, but Mr. Ding has other predictions! They won't come in three days! They won't come even for a week! "

"I see!" I don't know about the security, but I will follow Rowling's advice!

When Elizabeth got the news, there were some accidents. She didn't think that Du Rowling would go back to Mr. Ding so soon! Is Rowling too anxious, or is the power behind Rowling too eager?

But Elizabeth herself did not have any action, or even any reaction, things have nothing to do with her. If Peter called her, then she might have some action! But Mr. Peter there is no action, so don't be sentimental!

There was no movement on Elizabeth's side, which made Rowling a little unhappy! Although this is expected, it also means that Mr. Ding's prediction may be more accurate!

If you want to get rid of Ding Yu's influence, you must do some actions. But from the current situation, breaking the fence is not as easy as you can imagine! It seems that everything is under the control of Ding Yu!

I'm in the middle of the spider web! Although Ding Yu didn't stop his action, how could he escape?

Feel oneself more is struggling, seem to be bound more tightly! Even Ding Yu doesn't need to do it personally. For this, Rowling has some who want to curse her mother!

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