"At last Ding Yu looks at Luo Xuan and is relieved! "I said, Minister Luo, you should hurry up! The flowers I'm waiting for here are also thanks! "

"My God!" Luo Xuan began to complain, "you just make a phone call! But how can I walk away with a pat on my ass! Too many things! I'm already in a hurry! Even because of this, I have done a good job of complaining that I am the leader, and I have no end! "

There was no one else, so Luo Xuan said it with a bit of "recklessness"!

From this we can see that the relationship between the two people is really very good!

"What shall I do, sir?" Ding Yu called himself and asked him to hurry over. After Luo Xuan had explained some things, he rushed over. Even on the road, he was still dealing with quite a lot of official business. There was no way out. The more this time, the more busy the public relations department was! There is no leisure at all!

And you, the minister, can't pretend that you don't know anything?

Ding Yu simply said the situation!

"It's my family!"

"Bullshit!" Ding Yu laughed and scolded, "her name is a little bit longer, Rowling is just her first name. As for her family name, there are all in the information, but what's the next name? It's very hard to disguise her identity. But how do you say it?

If we compare them at home, they are much more powerful than the jade family. After all, the domestic and foreign systems are different! "

" understand! " Luo Xuan a serious said, "I will deal with quite a lot of affairs!"

"This time, we didn't find the staff of the consortium. The main reason is that it involves a little bit more. Under the current situation, we don't need to let the outside world know too much news and information. How they put the news is their business. We will keep silent temporarily! You! Don't fall into the pit! How cautious

Luo Xuan took a deep breath. My husband mentioned this very early! It seems that I really need to work hard!

Three days passed by, and Rowling was on her own! She has collected quite a lot of information, including the family. Even Rowling has done a lot of small moves, but it has no effect!

At first, Rowling was like a pressure cooker to explode! But later, the anger was let out, and the whole person was depressed! No interest at all! What else?

Say Ding Yu is too bullying? Even if you know this, what can you do?

Did not see their own family, this time has been grinning grinning? Just with their own video, they are almost blind! How could Rowling not understand what was going on?

Even they are very grateful to Ding Yu from the bottom of their heart, after all, such an opportunity is too rare! It's not that you have power, nor that you can do it with money! Rowling had such a chance, no one expected it!

I knew that this was the case. What happened to the third generation and Taylor at that time? As for letting them both get ahead?

The only thing that makes people feel sad is that they know such things a little late! If we had known each other earlier, what degree would Rowling reach? Will it be better than Taylor and III?

Of course, there is another question, that is, how long will Rowling stay here? For this, Rowling's family was so upset that they even made some small moves behind their backs, hoping that Rowling could stay with Ding Yu for a little longer, which is of great benefit to Rowling's growth!

Although Rowling there will be a little bit of depression, and even extremely unhappy mood, but so what? If you can't even grasp such an opportunity, then don't occupy this position! Hurry to abdicate and make way for the virtuous!

But Pete and Elizabeth don't have too much movement, it makes them feel a little interesting!

Elizabeth will never do anything at this time, because she needs to follow Pete's will! That is to say, Peter has not finished the integration, the old fox! It's really the master who can't see the rabbit and scatter the eagle! It's all now! Can also be so strong, no wonder was sent out to deal with Ding Yu!

It is really a powerful role. If he has no ability at all, how can there be such a situation?

But Rowling was a total failure! There is no difference in the expected results! It has been three days, no reaction, and even added a lot of catalyst, still did not play any role! Not only did not play a catalytic role, but also there were adverse effects and delayed reactions!

"Mr. Ding, why? I am already very anxious

Ding Yu, who picked up his job, glanced at him, "think about the problem before you talk! And it's time to eat. Your mouth is for eating Obviously, Ding Yu despises Rowling's deliberate affectation!

Looking at Ding Yu, Rowling's mouth is a little impulsive, this bastard! Is the food so delicious? The canteen itself is not without trying, perhaps for ordinary people, it may be very good, but for themselves, it is just a matter of time!It's not bad, but it's not as delicious as you think! I don't hate it, but I don't like it!

After lunch, Ding Yu is eating in the farm, while Rowling follows Ding Yu behind like a little daughter-in-law!

"Mr. Ding, aren't they in a hurry? According to what I know, they should be very anxious, but Peter did not make any response. It is obvious that he did not fully integrate all the forces. Under such circumstances, Elizabeth and their arrival are out of reach! Are they so sure? "

Ding Yu looked up at the sky and said, "I underestimate your opponent! The person you need to face now is Peter, not Elizabeth. If Elizabeth is in your position now, her ability and talent will be revealed! But life is like this. The question is, can you realize that this is the key! "

The words let Rowling a little bit silent, "you mean to tell me, to have self-knowledge?"

Hearing Rowling's words, Ding Yu's face was a little embarrassed, and even looked back at Rowling. What circuit was wrong with her head, she could say such stupid words, and even let herself not know what to say for a moment! Is there really something wrong with her?

"Don't tell me that you did it on purpose, or I will readjust my view of you!"

"All right." Rowling raised her shoulder for a moment. "I understand what you mean, Mr. Ding. Find the advantages, but make good use of them. But Sir, it's a little difficult to do this! I'm not a person who likes to make choices. To be exact, under certain circumstances, choices are meaningless to me personally! "

"It's necessary to be in awe if you're wandering in this world!"

"Mr. Ding, I don't feel any awe in you!" Rowling chooses the hard top!

Ding Yu shook his head. "There are rules and rules to do anything. This is to restrict the existence of all people. No matter whether you are high or not, it is the same. If you know the rules and do things within the scope of rules, when you are like a fish in water, you can't do anything but maneuver freely."

"Mr. Ding, I seem to understand what you mean." After all, Rowling's friends are three and Taylor!

As long as a little brain, you can understand some of the situation! It's not that nobody mentioned Rowling before, but Rowling didn't hear her! Or she didn't mean to accept it!

"I feel like I was a little bit too farcical before." However, Rowling's painting style suddenly changed. "Mr. Ding, I don't understand that if you do this, is there any suspicion of aiding the enemy? After all, our relationship is a little complicated!"

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "what is your pursuit? Or what is the pursuit of your family behind you? Benefit! There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of interest itself, but the interest is placed in the hand, without any function and circulation! No exchange! You can only sit on the golden mountain and starve to death! Very simple truth! "

Rowling's eyes couldn't help moving. "Mr. Ding, I didn't see that in the process of this time, you won't get anything. It's not enough just for me, even for the family!"

"How beautiful you think! For me personally, you or the family behind you is not important at all. I can even ignore it! " In order to show the effect, Ding Yu even pointed to his eyes!

"Don't be confused by what you see! I don't need to get anything from you. I'll invest a lot in you, but I can get more from my opponents

Rowling can not help but stop their own pace, and so on the reaction, Ding Yu has gone far!

Angrily stamped her feet, Rowling went to chase Ding Yu the first time! Because the explanation is very clear and clear! So Rowling doesn't have much to understand! Is the previous time I have so many too believe in themselves! Always feel oneself is omnipotent! All will present in front of their own!

But now, the situation is not like this, in front of themselves, only others let themselves see! If you want to understand the essence and change, you need to see through the essence! But this is exactly what Rowling lacks!

I thought I was an old man! I have experienced more things and met more people, so I have been able to stand at the top of the pyramid! But now, everything is illusory! It's just a disguise given by others!

Although she still failed to catch up with Ding Yu, Rowling showed a completely different state from the previous one. Seeing the security behind her, her eyelids were jumping straight. Who knows what kind of things Rowling will do? Hard to say!

However, I am honest with Rowling's side position. Although there will be no problems and problems on the farm side, I still know what my responsibilities are!But Ding Yu had some other ideas. He stayed on the farm for a long time, and Grandma had been out for a few days! Although I report to her every day, I said it! When you have time, go and have a look at her. From the current situation, it seems quite appropriate!

Now that you have this aspect of the mind, then start to do quite a preparation!

And Rowling is like a cat smelling a fishy smell! Go straight to Ding Yu! Just clap your hands on the table in front of Ding Yu!

"Mr. Ding, what are you doing?"

Ding Yu took a glance, "so? Are you questioning me

Listening to Ding Yu's stern tone, Rowling could not help but be surprised, so she stepped back a step, "sorry, Mr. Ding, I was a little too excited before! What a shame! Please forgive me

For Rowling's sincere apology, Ding Yu snorted!

"What can I do without any explanation to you? If you can't learn enough, then find a place to stay quietly, and what you haven't seen is a bad thing! The so-called sex is not a bad thing, you are not at home to develop a problem, it has nothing to do with me! But here you are just a guest

It's not very nice to say! But Rowling didn't get angry about it!

When I heard that Ding Yu was going to leave, I was angry and even shocked!

In his own opinion, Mr. Ding must be angry! And the reason for being angry? It must be because the people on Pete's side haven't come over yet! So Ding Yu is impatient to wait! In that case, give them a warning!

But Mr. Ding's words gave me an alarm! What Mr. Ding does is his business. Even if he has other thoughts, he should not show them here. What's the matter? You really think of Ding Yu as dough, right?

I have so many too much impulse! Mr. Ding is right! Your head is for thinking! It's not for eating! At least at this time, thinking is more important!

What's more, there is something in Mr. Ding's words. Let yourself stay where you are cool! This word has a profound meaning! It's better not to jump too much at this time. They've already got a lot of money. They're still dancing at this time. How do other people think about this?

Do they really have no ideas or opinions? How could it be?

Although it's on Ding Yu's side! Others may have nothing to do about it, but if they jump too much, they will inevitably cause reactions from other aspects, and even they may have made a considerable arrangement!

Ding Yu has already revealed this aspect hint! In other words, if there is something wrong with Ding Yu's forces, that is to say, if they are not responsible for this problem, then they should be responsible for it! This is not a place where you can make trouble and behave wildly!

If you make me unhappy! Then I can assure you that it will not be too easy for you!

It didn't even take more than an hour for Ding Yu to make a decision and get on the train!

When other parties know the news, Ding Yu has already got on the plane! At this point, there are really not many people who can restrain Ding Yu. As for the reasons given to the outside world? Do you need a reason for everything? When in a good mood, Ding Yu may also mention two sentences, but when there is no interest in this aspect, I care who you are!

Of course, Peter got the news at the first time, but he was not as eager as he thought! Luo Lin is even in Ding Yu's side? In fact, the situation is relatively stable, and there is no unbearable imagination!

As for why Luo Lin went to Ding Yu so early, it is absolutely not because Ding Yu and the forces behind Rowling have reached an agreement in some aspects, because they are convinced that Ding Yu is a very intelligent person!

Since they are smart people, they will never easily break the balance between each other, leave their own side alone, and then reach a so-called oral agreement with the forces behind Rowling, which is impossible! Even do not need to collect information in this area, there is no role!

For those who jump up and down, Pete can't look up to them from the heart, but he can't look up to the return. Pete will never have any words. Now is not the time for him to speak. He can't make up for the prestige he has so hard to accumulate because of them!

These people's problems will always be solved, when necessary, they can stand up! There's no need to show yourself all the time. Why not give others a chance?

Peter has a considerable control of things, when he should stand up, he will never have any hesitation, but when he should not stand up, there is no need! Just like now!

Is it necessary to step up? Must relevant personnel be sent to contact and discuss with Ding Yu? In my opinion, it is unnecessary! Can Ding Yu sit still? Why can't you do it yourself? Don't just see Rowling go! Things can't be treated like this! Rowling is in the past! But to a certain extent, she! It's just a cover!In addition, he now got the news, Ding Yu even left! Isn't that enough to say something? However, there are so many stupid people here that they think this is a kind of expression of Ding Yu's dissatisfaction! Under the circumstances, Pete really wanted to spit on his face!

No matter how stupid you are, you have experienced quite a lot! Should have a considerable overall view! It's most beneficial to know how things should be handled. Don't listen to the wind is the rain, OK? Everyone is in a state of panic, so it's good! Inside the head is really a lump of poop!

I really don't know how such people stay in their positions for so many years? God is really blind!

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