In the afternoon, we go out to enjoy the scenery!

Da Jun and Lin Qian push grandma, while Ding Yu's body is hung with his two nephews, two little guys are not free for a moment! That is to say, thanks to Ding Yu's extraordinary physical strength, change to other people, hold two at once, you have a try!

I'm afraid it's light to get down tired! The weight of the two little guys is not average!

The two little guys are very happy on Ding Yu's body, and their hands are not free!

A large family of people, seems very happy! But Ding Ding here is a big sigh of relief, take care of the elderly things, they are really can't do, but overall planning, there is no problem! As for the fragmentary things, it would be nice if anyone wanted to! Didn't you see that you didn't even pay attention to your two sons?

They are taken care of by big brother, take care of very good! Two little guys, that's a happy one! Ding Ding now really does not have too much interest to be jealous, this is also very good! Save yourself trouble! The two bastards at home, for themselves, the pressure is really a bit big! At the beginning of the time is really born much!

Moreover, Cao Zhen in the family has the face to say to himself, just two sons, a little too noisy! It's better to give birth to a little girl. Ding Ding Ding has some other ideas about it, but she is afraid to come out again. What can I do then? Her two living ancestors have exhausted her both physically and mentally!

If you want to have another son, don't you want your old life?

There are a lot of people in the family! But when I went out, I didn't mess up at all. I was surrounded by the old lady. But the old lady was obviously different from each other. She drove her son and daughter-in-law, daughter and son-in-law out of the house! Is to leave the grandson and daughter-in-law to the side of the position, followed by the granddaughter!

As for Ding Yu? There's no chance to go forward at all! Don't even think about it!

Ding Yu is with his parents, uncle and aunt at this time! Let's have a chat, have a look at the scenery and enjoy yourself!

"I have to say, although the construction is still good, how to say? The craftsmanship is a little heavy! "

"Daddy Ding Yu couldn't laugh or cry, "the scenery is just the foundation. If we say that it is the pursuit of the most primitive, on the one hand, it is a problem of safety, on the other hand, it is a problem of environment, so we need to consider comprehensively, you! It's too demanding! "

"I always feel that it's not as good as the pure natural environment. Although there are quite a few farms in our side, how can we say that? All of them are of natural style, and the same is true of our farm paradise. The performance is very simple. The environment here is definitely better than ours, but the road is a bit different! "

"The country is too big! The style is different, each has its own outstanding and performance! "

Ding Yu does not need to argue with his father, there is no such need, we are talking about each other!

"I think so, but the four seasons here are like spring, and I feel a little uncomfortable. It's better for us to have four distinct seasons! Spring, summer, autumn and winter, each has its own scenery and characteristics! "

Listen to my uncle's words, everyone is laughing! It's not easy for uncle to have such feelings! We don't mean to come here to punch in. It doesn't need to be like this! Just come out and have a look at the great rivers and mountains of the motherland!

"I can see it on TV! But take a look with your own eyes, touch with your hands, walk with your feet, and find it is really different! Great My aunt is very simple, she has never had such an experience in her whole life. She didn't expect to realize it today! Excited are so some do not know what to say is good!

Ding Yu's side is carefree, while Rowling's side is a little silent!

Since Mr. Ding Yuding has pointed out quite a way for himself, then don't pretend to know it! So in these two days, Rowling disappeared directly! Can be said to be disappeared without a trace, really not many people can know where Rowling is!

It's obvious that Rowling used the farm. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for her to escape!

Why does the farm do this? There is no reason, nor can we find any reason! However, there may be a problem from this. Ding Yu is still more willing to see Rowling. Otherwise, how could Rowling want to use the farm!

But with this one thing, it shows that the forces behind Rowling have been united with Ding Yu, which is too much nonsense!

Peter directly called back the report he got, but he didn't throw it on the ground directly, but his action is enough to show the problem! I have said it very clearly! Now this is the time to be sure! Can not have any vacillation, Ding Yu is a wise man!

Now that he is a smart man, Ding Yu will not go to bed directly. Are you kidding? Now that we have just seen a little dawn, Ding Yu has started to settle down directly? Do you really regard Ding Yu as a fool? Now I can understand why, at the original time, everyone was played by Ding Yu!

The heads of these guys! They can't keep up with Ding Yu's ideas. They don't understand what Ding Yu thinks!Even Ding Yu's intention is to release goodwill, so Ding Yu has given up his previous hatred. But even so, the people on his side have not yet figured out. Under such circumstances, they still ask for this and that?

What do they think of Ding Yu! Now Peter has some feelings. If he put himself in Ding Yu's position, what kind of choice would he make? It's not that Ding Yu didn't give any chance! Ding Yu gives too many opportunities!

If you don't grasp the opportunity, you are making a mistake!

Ding Yu can't give unlimited opportunities. The opportunities he gives are limited. If Ding Yu is really impatient! At that time, it will not be as simple as negotiation and negotiation! Maybe Ding Yu can't control his temper!

When he thought of it, Pete even felt a little chilly!

Ding Yu is a smart man, not fake, but does not mean that he is a good temper, not like this! On the contrary, this guy! You must report it! It's not as simple as losing a piece of meat if you take a bite! It's going to hit the bone marrow!

But Pete really can't carry it now! They are all pig teammates standing on their side! With them, Pete has some doubts about whether he will become a pig!

Their integration has not been completed, in such a case, go to find Ding Yu, the gain outweighs the loss!

And even if you go to Ding Yu, can you achieve the so-called goal? In this regard, Pitt expressed the most serious doubt that it is still some time before the middle-aged New Year! You don't need to be in such a hurry, OK?

If you can't beat Ding Yu, you want to win Ding Yu with the so-called negotiation! Why doesn't Peter believe that?

But some people can't hold on to this anger. They are a little excited now. In their opinion, if they don't go to Ding Yu at this time, they will have no chance in two days! After all, in a few days, Ding Yu may need to prepare for the lunar new year!

At that time, what kind of situation will appear? It's really hard to say!

It has been three days since Ding Yu got the news! Here comes Elizabeth! But Ding Yu also snorted, and did not pay attention to other, for himself, came a little too early!

This is only a week time, can not carry! For myself, a little bit disappointed! It's obvious that Pete doesn't get strong support, which is not a good thing for him!

So we still need to drag them! After thinking about it, Ding Yu asked the security guard to take a message to Rowling, and let Rowling take them to a stroll, so that there was nothing to do!

Rowling got the news earlier than Ding Yu. When she received the security call, Rowling didn't have a silly eye, but narrowed her eyes! Ding Yu asked himself to receive these guys. It's interesting!

Do you want to give them some power, or give them some color to see, or deliberately guide them in the wrong direction? Such thing oneself pour is very interested!

Mr. Ding Yuding didn't call in person, but it doesn't matter. Since he has given himself the power, he can have a try! Anyway, there's someone in the back! Right?

So after the people came, Rowling found the door at the first time! This time, the leader of the team was scared!

What is this? Ding Yu is not on the farm anymore! We all know this, but it's ok if we don't send someone to receive the farm! What kind of a thing is it to ask Rowling to receive her? Does this mean that Ding Yu has stood with the forces behind Rowling?

Elizabeth looked on coldly. Although she did not get involved in the specific things, but out of the understanding and understanding of Ding Yu, Mr. Ding must have thought deeply. This is an undoubted thing!

Why did Mr. Ding do this? To whom is such a demoralization?

For yourself? There is no such need, because they will not play any role, which everyone knows! Since it's not for yourself, is it for these people? What is the purpose of demoralizing them? Tell them deliberately that they have united with the forces behind Rowling. Have you come so late?

That's bullshit! Mr. Ding is a man with a great view of the overall situation! He would never do such a thing, deliberately exposed his purpose, after all, the matter has not yet been known? Isn't Mr. Ding deliberately exposing his weaknesses?

So in my opinion, things are not so simple! I need to watch it carefully! Look at the situation. As for Rowling? Now that Mr. Ding put it out, I'll see one or two of them and see what kind of ability she has! Is it better to see what you hear?

I have met before, but the time is too short, the so-called communication between each other is too formulaic, and this time is different! So I need to watch and see again!Rowling doesn't really have much interest in other people. As soon as these guys see it, they have no brains at all! It's like this now! You can't see any situation clearly. Under such circumstances, what else can we talk about! I really didn't take these guys as a dish!

Elizabeth! Yeah! Rowling's heart has so many interests, she has never come, although with her own eyes, that is, a little sign, no action and reaction, this is very abnormal! His heart is really brought up to quite a warning line!

Not easy to deal with the Lord, their own fox, can hide other people, but will never hide from Elizabeth, because she is too smart! Can be valued by Peter, and even trusted by Ding Yu to a certain extent! Can such a person be simple?

Rowling did not relax any vigilance, but Elizabeth was not cheated at all. She sat down in the corner and felt as if she did not exist!

In fact, Luo Xuan also knows the news, after all, Ding Yu has called, but Luo Xuan has no action! Mr. Zhang has already said that he can't show up now. He just needs to hide behind and watch the play! However, according to the information obtained, Luo Xuan is both worried and excited!

Worry because you don't know if you can do it? There are so many things involved! It's frightening to watch! And the so-called excitement, the reason is also very simple! I can even get involved in such things!

My father always said that he was sorghum for horses, but today he was lucky to be able to participate in such a thing. Luo Xuan felt that his whole body was up!

Over the years, I was the Minister of public relations, not to mention, it was like a fish in water. No matter what aspect, I was satisfied! Spirit or material, there is the same! Ding Yu didn't treat himself badly!

Now there is such a thing, although said that his heart still has so some uneasiness, but Luo Xuan has been ready to risk their own small life! I'm not easy to be provoked. If you don't believe it, we'll touch it and see who is more powerful!

"Elizabeth, you don't have much interest in the day! Yes? unhappy? Or are you disappointed? "

In the evening, Rowling deliberately arranged a reception, and then found Elizabeth in the corner! The glass in the hand is placed on the waiter's tray!

"How dare you? After coming, I didn't see Mr. Ding. I was a little disappointed! However, after seeing the arrangement of Ms. Rowling, I still feel quite impressed. It seems that Mr. Ding has a unique vision! "

Rowling looked at Elizabeth attentively. From her words, she could obviously feel some problems and conditions. Frankly speaking, Elizabeth should have seen through it! She's smart enough!

"What? Think you're a little late? "

Elizabeth shook her head. "It's not up to me to decide." After a glance at Rowling, Elizabeth said in a low voice, "Mr. Peter would like to call Mr. Ding. He has said countless times that Mr. Ding is a smart man, and he is also a very smart person."

"It's very difficult for me to say so! What do you think I should do? "

For Rowling's threat, Elizabeth did not take it as a thing. "Ms. Rowling, your identity is noble to me, and I must respect you! For you, I've always been a little ant! At least I feel that way! It's a rare opportunity for you to be under Mr. Ding! "

"Can talk!" Rowling sighed! "I'm so hard to do! There are so many obstacles in keeping such a smart man as you! But I know the relationship between you and Mr. Ding. What's the matter with you! I'm not worried about Pete. I can be sure that he won't do well, but Mr. Ding's side is really hard to explain! "

Is this threat really good? Elizabeth had some helplessness in her heart, but she didn't worry too much. Although Rowling threatened herself, she just said it verbally. There would never be any actual action!

She just wanted to warn some people, such as those who came with her, through herself!

"Ms. Rowling, I can't influence or give advice to anyone!"

"No wonder Mr. Ding thinks so much of you! It seems that I underestimated you too much in the past If Rowling really wants to do something, she will never say so much nonsense! But it is also true that Elizabeth is not simple! So Rowling now has some other ideas!

"Miss Rowling, I know who I am!"

In a word, I'm the identity. I'm very clear. To put it worse, I'm a tool, at least in the eyes of you and Peter. I don't mind calling you some, but can you be better than Mr. Ding? It's impossible! Don't even think about it!

Because you are growing up in such an environment, even if you grow up! You can't catch up with Mr. Ding!Elizabeth did not directly say this, but Elizabeth's heart is very clear and clear! We are appreciating ourselves now, but behind this appreciation is definitely because of Mr. Ding!

If you say that you are sitting askew now, Mr. Ding shouldn't blame yourself, but what about others? How do they look at themselves! Now I need to be firm about my choice. After all, life is a key step!

I do not need to have any action now, we will still be interested in themselves! But if you say you have the action, are you still interested in yourself? Do you have any other value at that time? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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