Rowling held a reception here on the farm, but it was Ding Yu's enemy that gave people the feeling of two words, which was ridiculous!

It's really out of line. The people who came with Elizabeth are now in a state of rage, and even the whole person is in such a muddle! If you don't show up, don't worry! Let Rowling give such a hand, this is despise who?

Or you Ding Yu has no fear now, that is to say, I have united with the forces behind Rowling! Even the so-called cover up is gone! Is that really good?

So after the party is over, almost everyone left with a black face, but more feeling, should be to escape!

They don't want to stay here for a moment! Too depressed, too depressed! What's your situation? How can you do that? Straight in the face! Although in line with the character of Ding Yu, it is not in line with the current situation!

If the conjecture is true! So all the previous things need to be pushed back again!

When Pete knew the situation, he didn't feel any anger, and even a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect Ding Yu to do this. It's really amazing! It's also fun!

Really worthy of their opponents! Even I have some shame!

Now such a time, Ding Yu dare to play like this? Is it true that you didn't treat the people on your side as a thing? Or does Ding Yu really have a plan in mind? For this point, Pete heart has considerable doubt!

Pete's main goal now is to put it on Ding Yu's body, as for Rowling's side? Pete is really not that worried! Don't look at her now is in Ding Yu's side, it doesn't matter!

The only thing I can't control now is Ding Yu!

Although his attitude has been fully revealed! But there are still some things I can't see clearly, and it's not time for me to see Ding Yu, at least from the current point of view, it's too early!

Do you support yourself? After all, some hesitation and ambiguity! I have shown a considerable attitude! Now Ding Yu will never unite with the forces behind Rowling, but we are skeptical about it. We always feel a little stubborn. For this, Peter can only patiently explain it to you!

Of course, this is not enough! And it's not enough! I still need to put more efforts! Pitt felt a little tired about this. The supporters behind him didn't know what they were thinking about. It's already this time! Even can slip away, really have you!

Do you really think Ding Yu is a bully? Do you really think that the dim sum in Ding Yu's hand is for eating? Right?

Do you know what he's got in his snack? It seems delicious, but he won't have any problems with it, but other people eat it! Maybe half of my life is gone. After all, such a thing has not happened!

"Sir, I feel that after these guys have come, they are all in a hurry and pale face!"

At the end of the party, Rowling called Ding Yu. Although she knew that Ding Yu would get quite a lot of news, Ding Yu got the news and called her on her own initiative. In her opinion, it was two times!

"Are you worried that things will get out of control?" Ding Yu asked back!

"Sir, I'm not worried about losing control, but I'm a little worried about Elizabeth. I talked to her, but I suddenly found out why he looked at her differently! Very clever, I told her that without two words, she had already guessed! Although I have made quite a warning, I don't know if it will play a significant role! "

Oh! Ding Yu can't help but sigh!

"Am I going to give you two words of stupidity?" She knocked her head slightly with her hand. I really doubt where Rowling's reputation comes from. Her performance is so immature that she can say something!

"I don't deny that Elizabeth and even Pete behind her have guessed and even made a considerable affirmation. But if you do, you are only deepening this affirmation! Threat? It's not that you can't, but in the eyes of others, your threat may be more like a joke

Rowling, who was promoted, was suddenly alerted!

Yeah! What's the point of threatening Elizabeth at this time? Can you control the so-called situation? It can't be left or right at all, because the general tone has been set. It's not that she can interfere if she wants to interfere, nor can Elizabeth interfere if she wants to!

"Sir, I seem to be a little bit of a regular!" Carefully think about the reception, what he did, it seems that there are so many ecstasy! I don't know who I am! "Will that break your plan, sir?"

"You think too much!" Ding Yu will accept a sentence, is really not polite at all!

Rowling was a little bit too embarrassed to speak! Want to argue, but the words have already reached the mouth! But that is to say, there is no way to do things, the platform has been built for themselves! But did not think, oneself still did not be able to do well!Who is to blame? Blame Ding Yu? To put it bluntly or their own reasons, they did not have a good to consider! To think!

"Sir, under such circumstances, why send these men here?"

"Think for yourself!" Ding Yu is very impatient, "want to understand again, don't wait for others to help you think about everything!"

Then Ding Yu hung up the phone. She was really tired. I didn't know what happened to Rowling. She felt like she was on purpose! Can't you understand such a simple thing?

It's absolutely that Pete doesn't control the situation. Since he can't control the situation, he can solve the problem in another way!

In this, I have to say, Peter is also tough enough to dig a hole directly and throw these guys in! Anyway, I didn't let you go, even I tried to stop you, but you didn't listen to me! There are even some other problems and situations. Under such circumstances, what can I do?

Maybe someone will say, is it too cruel! After all, they are our own people!

But in Pete's opinion, he just made a choice! I have already said the truth with painstaking effort! And more than once, the problem has been explained, but these guys go all the way to the black! It's more like opposing yourself!

It doesn't make any sense at all. What can I do under such circumstances?

It's impossible to do them directly, and it's easy to be criticized by others. Then you can change your way and change it into your favorite way and method. It's your own choice. Moreover, I deliberately remind you, but you have no choice but to "go ahead"!

In fact, Peter expects Ding Yu to be able to do it, but the problem is that Ding Yu is not there at all. Can she really finish the task by "giving it to" Rowling? This little girl is still very young!

Ding Yu can definitely see the problem clearly, but he is not there! Just don't know if Ding Yu will give Luo Lin the same advice? Now Pete has so much to look forward to!

Such a thing can't be said clearly, only meaning can't be expressed, understand also understand! If you don't understand, you don't understand! I can't understand anything!

And here's Rowling in Ding Yu to buckle the phone, the whole person has so some bad! From the speech can clearly feel that Mr. Ding Yuding is not satisfied with himself! And this kind of dissatisfaction, is not so simple as to expose the bottom!

Rowling, who was still standing, sat down slowly at this time, her fingers pounding on the table from time to time, and I didn't know what she was thinking about! I don't know! And the close security is honest standing in the door position, for what happened, he is in the eyes, but there is no objection!

What Rowling thinks at this time is why Ding Yu is angry? It's absolutely not that he gave Elizabeth his exposure. It's not because of this. Even after listening to what he said, he didn't even worry that the whole thing would come to light! It's no big deal!

Why is this? Why don't you, sir, be afraid of these people? Elizabeth in particular, she even knew quite well. Although she threatened her and did not allow her to have any words, she would never disclose any information even if she did not threaten her!

Why is this? What kind of problems are there?

After thinking about half an hour, Rowling looked back at her own security, "go and ask the family to send me all the information they have collected about Pete."

Within ten minutes, Rowling saw quite a lot of news and information on the safety line. Rowling looked at the screen with her hands on her chest, and her head was spinning at a high speed. What was Pete doing to let these guys come here?

But after looking around, Rowling found that she seems to have misunderstood Peter, because these people and Peter are not in the same urinal at all! Except for a small number of people who are neutral, most of them are on the opposite side of Peter! That's a bit of a bullshit!

Is it Peter who can't control the situation? That's why this happens?

No! There is something wrong with it! And it's a big problem! Even if Pete loses power, it is not even a few people are unable to insert, and even can only let Elizabeth come to lead the way!

Originally, Rowling, who was holding her chest in both hands, suddenly stood up, but she scared the security guard standing behind her. She thought something had happened? "I seem to have found the problem."

However, Rowling, who was reading to herself, did not move the security guard behind him, as if he had not heard anything!

It is obvious that Pete has not been able to control the situation completely, even to give his own feeling, Pete is now so helpless! But is this really the case? You know, the power behind Pete doesn't mean to exert any force at all now!In this case, a considerable number of people were sent over, even if Peter pinched his nose and agreed! It's not as if you don't have a few of your own cronies. There's a problem in it, and it's quite a problem!

And think of what Mr. Ding Yuding is talking to himself, Rowling suddenly seems to understand. Peter did it on purpose. He wanted to send these guys over on purpose, and then let Ding Yu directly solve the problem for them!

But now Ding Yu is not here! So if Ding Yu doesn't solve the problem, someone needs to stand up and solve this guy! And you seem to be the right person, aren't you?

After trying to understand this, Rowling couldn't help but take a breath of air conditioner! My God!

Play so big, play so hard? Even have already played the flower! Previously, I thought that Peter was a tough old guy, but I didn't think that this old guy was cruel and vicious. Even on the surface, I always thought that this guy was a good old man!

Never thought, it's not honest goods at all! Think about it, it seems that I think a little too much! If Pete is really honest, then why should he compete with Ding Yu! Originally, I thought that the three families were in charge, and I was also a party figure! But now, what are you! I'm afraid not even a hair!

Others are just due to some reasons, with their own play! If you really don't know what's good or bad, what's waiting for you? Will you be sold and help others count money? It's quite possible!

Now Rowling is really so afraid of some, whether it is Ding Yu or Pitt, are into the fox! Even it is a thousand year old demon! What about yourself? Compared with them, it is a pure rabbit!

That is to say, they dislike that they may get stuck in their teeth! So I didn't show any interest in myself!

When thinking of this, Rowling took a deep breath, feeling that God was really on his side. He had been protecting himself, otherwise, I'm afraid he would not have left any slag now!

What's more, fame is such a thing! Sometimes I can't believe it too much! I've been bragged about, but what about the reality? What kind of goods do you look like? At last, I can see clearly!

But Rowling soon realized it! Whether it's Peter's idea or Ding Yu's explanation! You need to do the things in front of you! That is to say, fill the soil for these guys who fall into the pit! This is what I should do now!

No wonder Mr. Ding said earlier that he had no brain. Now it seems that it is true! I can't even see such a fundamental thing! What we need now is to stabilize the situation, but it is obvious that these guys who come here still want to show off. They are more anxious, but their anxious direction is fundamentally wrong!

But they not only did not realize their own mistakes, but also tried to impose these mistakes on themselves and Mr. Ding Yuding. This is why some of them can't be tolerated! So they must be dug and buried!

What's more, we must pay close attention to this matter! Why say so, the reason is very simple!

If Mr. Ding comes back, he has not been able to solve this problem, then Mr. Ding will need to solve it in person! For Mr. Ding, he may carry some things, but for Mr. Ding, it is a dispensable influence, at least it will not cause any harm to the general!

But what about yourself? What kind of impact will it cause!

Mr. Ding gave himself quite a chance to put this meat in his mouth! What's the matter? It really needs Ding Yu to chew it and then put it into his mouth. It's another matter whether he is disgusted or not. He can't afford to lose this person! To know that they also have a considerable name!

At that time, if there are really any problems and conditions, will you lose yourself? Will you still be able to show up to see people? Rowling has a lot of doubts about this!

You should know that things like this are confidential, but how can they be kept secret?

Now that we have made quite a decision, then the rest is how to operate!

"Now it seems that I am a little bit too stupid!"

Also did not wait for the rear security to speak, Rowling took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice, "I need help from home now, these guys are coming! Hum! I need to find their detailed information, let the family send the relevant information, I need to arrange them! I'll let them go back with their tails in their mouths

"Yes! I'll do it at once

"And more!" Rowling's words did not speak, the security is to re turn his body, "to find Elizabeth, tell her,..." In the middle of the story, Rowling stopped and said, "forget it! You go ahead and do the work. I'll arrange it for Elizabeth

Some things can not be said directly, absolutely not! No matter how confidential the words are, there is a possibility of leakage, especially for such a matter, although everyone has already made a secret! So I need to take some other ways to do it!The family behind Rowling was greatly relieved when they got the news. Rowling! Maybe there are not too many problems in ability and qualification, but how to say? Not too much experience and experience!

Do you really think that all the things can be easily completed when you attend several meetings or are involved in some things? How is it possible that the world has never been so simple!

But from this can see another problem, Ding Yu is really good! No treasures! For Rowling's training can be said to be dedicated, after all, can not monitor Ding Yu, can not also monitor Rowling? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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