Ding Yu didn't show any interest in how Rowling worked! Not even too much attention!

Just do your own thing! As for how Rowling does it! That's her choice! They don't interfere and don't want to interfere!

It doesn't matter. Even if it's too big, there's no problem. No matter it's your side, the power behind Rowling, or even Pete, it won't be treated as a thing! Everyone's heart is very well known!

Elizabeth did not know about it, but she felt something of it! So I ran to the hospital the first time! After a check-up, it seems that there are some physical problems, even need surgery!

We really don't know how long it will take, but Elizabeth has a problem. We can't stop it! Right? There is no such reason!

And Rowling in knowing the news, is slightly humming! "She's smart. I wonder if I'm going to have a look? What kind of operation is it? "

The security guard at the back touched his head, "the supervision of the hospital is very strict. We can't get any information, but we know from other channels! From the point of view of knowing, it is an operation of toe, which is dispensable! However, if you are serious, you may not be able to walk in the future! What's more, her ears seem to have some problems, which need further treatment! But I heard that it was just the cerumen problem

"Since Elizabeth does not mean to do so, do not look for her! She is already very sensible! If we do not let go of this, it seems too impersonal at the same time, it will offend people! This is not good, and it is not so proper at the same time! "

This is not comfort, but the truth!

How to do this is mutual! I can't say I did it myself! If the other party doesn't understand, it's just for nothing! Now that Elizabeth was so sensible, there was no need for her!

But not to Elizabeth, or to any other side! And now Rowling is quite ready, these guys! Although we can't say it's not far from death, it seems that it's the same kind!

When Rowling is cruel here, Elizabeth is lying on the side of the hospital honestly, not to mention, the massage in the hospital is really comfortable. She even has the idea of hiring a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, which is relatively cheap! It's totally beyond imagination!

To know the luxury goods on the assembly line, I have seen too much! But when you come to China and have a look at the luxury goods in China, just like joking, you just have a look at it. It's really too luxurious to buy!

Along with their traditional Chinese medicine and other aspects, Elizabeth was so stunned! It turns out that there are such a group of people under the heaven and earth. They were really too ignorant before! And the understanding of China is really too little! You don't know the real flavor if you don't come and feel it yourself!

Elizabeth spent these two days at ease, every day is a traditional Chinese medicine massage, we really do not know so much about this, really think Elizabeth has what problems and conditions, otherwise, every day to massage why? What's more, when I came back, the smell of the whole body was pungent!

What's more, is Elizabeth in the team? How many are so unpopular! She herself is a little transparent, or everyone knows that she is a Pete's eye liner. Such a person does not mix with them, nor is it a bad thing, is it?

"It's all done?" Sitting in the room, Rowling's face was full of evil spirit!

"It's all over! No one escaped from the gang, and they were stewed with a spoon! I believe that Pete should have got the news. This time, we are a little bit noisy, but there is no opinion at home! And there's no movement from Pete! This is a little different from the past! "

Rowling nodded slightly, the family is not only no opinion so simple, even completely supportive attitude, for this point, Rowling is very clear!

It's obvious that what you do at home is seen in the eyes. It doesn't matter whether the way is vicious or not. It has nothing to do with these things at all. What the family cares about is whether they will handle things properly! This is the key! Not handled well! No matter how important your identity is!

However, from the current situation, everything is still under control!

Peter knew the news at the first time. Although he still couldn't get in touch with Ding Yu, the tacit understanding between him and Ding Yu really didn't say! Ding Yu didn't do it himself. There are some regrets. But he once said that Ding Yu was a smart man. He obviously knew his purpose!

Directly to these guys to a spoonful of stew, not to say, with their own are not affected by any!Even Rowling also got considerable exercise, I have to say, in this cooperation, we all achieved their own goals! They are all beneficiaries. As for the so-called victims, they do not need to struggle now!

Rowling has filled them up! Do you need to say anything else?

Until this time, Luo Lin just called Ding Yu again! "Sir, many things have come to an end! Judging from the current situation, Pitt's reaction is slightly normal. It can be said that everyone has maintained considerable stability! "

"So? What do you think will happen next? "

"From the current situation, I think we all maintain a stable situation. Although we say that we have made considerable achievements this time, judging from the situation in the future, Peter will definitely stand on his own feet through this incident. He is a very troublesome opponent and will have a considerable impact! But from the overall specific point of view, it is still good! "

"Pete is still very good! But he will never stand up now, because for him, the strength of support is not enough, he needs strong support, and then he can compete with us! "

"Sir, why such a judgment?"

"Why does Pete have the current operation? The reason is very simple. He has been integrating considerable power. Previously, this power was too redundant to disperse and could not have a useful effect! It is very difficult to integrate this power on his own, but if he is allowed to do it, he will certainly be criticized by others, which is not to say that he has no such ability! "

"This old fox really deserves the reputation! Sure enough! Use our hands to achieve our purpose Rowling said indignantly!

"It doesn't matter to me. It's a chance for you to experience! What about him? There will be no follow-up problems in other aspects. Even if things are finished in the future, he can also retire after success, which will not lead to dishonor, because relatively speaking, he did not offend too many people! Isn't it? "

"Isn't it a little unfair, sir! And I am the sinner

Rowling said so, it seems that she is complaining, but in fact she is asking for benefits! With you is to move the head, and then the people below run broken legs, especially me, like a silly girl! But no way! What can be done? So take advantage of the opportunity now, seize this opportunity!

"That's a little too much!" Ding Yu couldn't help humming, "do you want me to call your home and ask, eat my food, drink mine, this doesn't count, even now you have to eat and take, I said you are still a girl! Can't go too far! Isn't it? "

"Sir, I don't know if you've heard such a saying that people are shameless and invincible in the world."

"I can't say anything about it!" Ding Yu slightly hummed, "that piece of sign is not white to take, since chose! Then don't regret it! You can't bear it

"Isn't it? It's just a gold coin, sir. You are a little too stingy

"You can't bear it!" After pondering for a moment, Ding Yucai said again, "go back to find someone to ask, and take that thing for you. It's not for you to show off!"

After hanging up the phone, Rowling is very puzzled to look at her own pendant, can't it really have other functions? Not really? Elizabeth had it, and did not see what Elizabeth was like!

After thinking about it, Rowling thought it would be better to meet Elizabeth at this time! She is quite carefree these days! See oneself all have so some envy unceasingly! okay? None of the people who came with her had a good end, but she was the only one? Scorpion's Baba is unique!

How can this work? You have been at ease for such a long time. Is it OK for me to have tea with you? However, when she came to the cafe, looking at the decorations in the cafe, Luo Lin suddenly woke up. It would be a long time before the Chinese new year came!

No wonder it's been so festive here! Store exception furnishings have explained quite a problem! They say that the Chinese year is very interesting. Now the cafes are all started! Is it keeping pace with the times?

Elizabeth did not let Rowling wait for too long, she came to the cafe alone, saw Rowling, slightly bowed, which achieved the opposite position of Rowling! There's nothing on the attitude. I can't find any problems!

"What about the other things? I won't ask for a moment! You don't know how to say it! From the present situation, Pete would not have come over years ago! You don't have a problem with that, do you? "

"No, judging from the understanding, Mr. Ding is back now! I will only prepare for the new year and ignore other common affairs. At this time, I believe everyone will not disturb Mr. Ding too much! "

Two people's dialogue, seemingly unrelated, but in fact they are talking about the same thing!

"It seems that you haven't returned yet, which shows that Mr. Ding and Mr. Peter haven't talked on the phone yet!""I think it's because it's too early to look at it now?"

Rowling nodded, then picked up the coffee cup in front of her! Say something else. What about your gold coin? I didn't see you carrying it! In the safe? "

Elizabeth was puzzled by Rowling's words, but then she shook her head!

"I consecrated it!"

"Offering?" Rowling really did not think that Elizabeth might treasure it or even put it in the safe, but she did not expect that Elizabeth should be worshipped! What does that mean?

"Why do you do that?"

"I can't bear it! The so-called virtue does not match, there must be disaster! I followed Mr. Ding for several years. Although I have done quite a lot, it is not enough. Mr. Ding doesn't regard me as an outsider, but I know my own problems and situations! Offering up is the best choice for me

"And me? You don't think I should take it with me? "

"Not so clear!" After a moment's hesitation, Elizabeth asked, "don't you know?"

"What do you know?" Rowling is more curious now!

"If I really want to talk about it, I can't say clearly, but I've had considerable contact with Mr. Ding, and I'm very interested in Chinese culture, so I have a certain understanding, but this understanding is not comprehensive! But after I knew about the gold coins, I found a Taoist priest! I've done a lot of consultation with him! "

"I forgot! Mr. Ding is a Taoist! " Rowling patted herself on the head! This thing is really forgotten! In other words, Mr. Ding has always been reluctant to reveal his information. However, he has forgotten the information about Mr. Ding on the first line! A little intolerable!

"Dashan and Tanaka have their own understanding of this, and the same is true of the family with oranges and apricots, but what they get is quite different from what we get! There is even a considerable difference, probably because of this aspect? "

"I'll find someone to check it out. If it wasn't for Mr. Ding's phone call, I really didn't know there was such a door in it!"

"I don't care too much, but a gold coin is enough for me! You can't expect anything else! " Rowling does not understand, has nothing to do with her, but she will still say what she should say. As for what she will do later, it has nothing to do with herself!

"Good coffee today!"

This is already a tea delivery! A little overbearing, but Elizabeth did not take it as a matter! People have such identity, behind such forces, is the envy of their own, reincarnation problem! No one can choose!

And Ding Yu's side? Although the old lady said that she was in a good mood when she was away from home these days, it was obvious that she couldn't move because of the new year's Eve! Even Dinglin and Zhao Shuying are the same!

This will be the new year in more than ten days! Now no matter what kind of things, we need to put them down! Go home first! Ding Yu doesn't have too many demands. What's more, when the old lady comes out, she has already said that when you go back, I will never stop you!

Now the old lady did not say, but her attitude has been revealed, Ding Yu has no other persistence! Simply clean up a bit, we go straight to the airport!

Don't wait for grandma to mention it actively! How embarrassing it will be!

"Grandma, we need to stay in the capital for one to two days, not to say we won't let you go back!" Ding Yu explained to his grandmother patiently! "And one? Is to let you quickly adapt to the climate inside the home, after all, the temperature difference between hot and cold is a little bit big, you rush back, easy to have problems! What's more? The army and Lin Qian haven't had a full holiday yet. They need to go back and stand on the last post! Ding Ding Ding has quite a lot to deal with! "

Grandma, sitting on the sofa, nodded her head slightly! "Just get home the day after tomorrow."

"No problem!" Ding Yu nodded and agreed, "but you old man went out for a trip, and I don't know what you like. So Ding Ding Ding and I, as well as the army, bought some things for them!"

"Spending money recklessly!" Obviously, the old lady and Ding Yu don't have much words! However, there is no intention to oppose it!

With the old lady, Ding Yu pulled the army and Lin Qian two people over! No way, the gap between each other is a little bit big! The relationship between the old lady and herself! It's really not clear!

Before getting off the plane, the rest of the family was indifferent, but the package for the old lady and children was like a bear! But even so, we can clearly feel the difference in the climate!

When we come to the courtyard again, we will be relieved! Previously, Ding Yu's words still have a lot of truth, but now it's useless to rush back at this time!"Housekeeper, please close up! The old lady will go back the day after tomorrow. The Spring Festival is coming soon! Take back what should be taken back! "

"Yes, sir!" But the housekeeper did not leave immediately, but looked at Ding Yu!

Ding Yu naturally knew what it meant and nodded at the housekeeper. Wang's side? I'm afraid I need to go there myself! There is no way, the children in the family are not here! In addition to themselves, who can go? Is the housekeeper going?

It doesn't matter if you don't come back! But I have come back! If you say you don't go there in person, there are some things that can't be said!

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