Let the housekeeper prepare some gifts, Ding Yu is the first to call the third uncle in the past!

"Is uncle there? I'm Ding Yu! "

The phone was not answered by the third uncle, but by the servant of the third uncle! This is also a normal situation! After all, the third uncle's work is a little bit busy. If he answers Ding Yu's phone call, it's hard for Ding Yu to accept it!

"Hello, director Ding! It's not so convenient now. Please wait ten minutes! " The steward obviously knew the origin of Ding Yu, and his attitude was slightly different!

After waiting for about 15 minutes, Ding Yu's phone finally rang!

"I hear you're back? What do you want this time? Stay here for the Spring Festival? "

"Don't mention it! The grandmother in the family is very difficult to deal with. After hard persuasion, she agreed to stay for two days, mainly because she was too old! I can't bear to go back rashly, otherwise I won't stay here in Beijing! " Ding Yu is also very helpless about this! "The new year is coming soon! I have to pay my respects to my uncle! If I have time, I'd like to discuss something with my uncle! "

"In the evening! I'm not sure now! " But the middle-aged continued to say, "I said it in advance! If the children are at home, let them be honest and honest. If the children are not at home, say again! Don't make such a mess for me. If you dare to do this, I will definitely show you

Ding Yu's smile! I didn't say anything else! My third uncle! Really!

Then Ding Yu called his grandfather and grandmother again. He was not so convenient today. When he had time tomorrow, he would visit them two again! Then I called my father and mother separately!

No way! If you don't come back, it doesn't matter, but if you come back, you have to do something, otherwise you will really be a bastard!

When it was about to the evening, before Ding Yu was ready, the housekeeper ran over in a hurry!

Whispering something in Ding Yu's ear! Ding Yu's whole person has so many bad! What do you want to do, uncle? What I said was that I went to visit him in the evening. Now you come here in person. Is this really good?

The reversal is a little too fast! I don't have any preparation. I don't have any preparation at home!

"How long is it going to be?" Seeing the housekeeper shaking his head, what can Ding Yu say?

"Get ready!" Ding Yu sighed heavily, "let the house clean up! And... Forget it! I went to say it

Then Ding Yu came to the living room and looked at his grandmother and his parents! It is to ding ding to say hello to her own hand, "Ding Ding Ding, you arrange it for grandma! And dad and mom, including uncles and aunts, get dressed up

"Why? This big night! What are you doing? "

Ding Yu glared, "if you want to do it, do it!" After thinking about it, she said the name of the third uncle in her ear, "I'll come to eat later! I was going to visit in the evening, but I didn't think it would turn out like this. You take the family to clean up and dress up, and I will do some other preparation here! "

"I'll go!" Ding Ding's face is a little red, and then the first time to run to their own grandmother and go!

When the third uncle came, Ding Yu stood at the door, with Ding Ding Ding and Cao Zhen behind! Da Jun and Lin Qian, they are slightly excited! "Uncle! Are you doing this on purpose Ding Yu has some complaints about this!

Is it really good to ambush yourself like this?

"You! Isn't it a bit cautious! I heard your grandmother and parents are here! What's the matter? I'm not going to introduce you! " Third uncle's attitude is very harmonious!

Ding Yu turns his eyes, it is obvious that he is expressing his dissatisfaction! But still to Ding Ding and Cao Zhen, Da Jun and Lin Qian introduced the understanding! All four of them are so excited! In the past, I only saw it on TV. Now I see a real person. I can't control it! Legs are soft!

Came to the living room, Ding Yu is for his grandmother, and parents! Uncle and aunt introduced to know about it!

This time, the old lady is really so impressed with Ding Yu! I didn't expect to have such an opportunity at home! Take your seats separately! But obviously, there is no Ding Yu's seat, and there are no Ding Ding's and Da Jun's seats. It's good to be able to stand at this time!

As for the things that sit down and talk about, they are all families! Production! Life and other aspects, for the third uncle, people's livelihood is the only concern! Listening to Ding Yu's grandmother and uncle say that their life has been greatly changed, but also very happy!

However, when looking at Ding Yu, the middle-aged also felt that the rumor was true. Ding Yu had no place in front of the old lady. Even standing there, he had a sense of disdain!However, the atmosphere soon became warm, and everyone had a very good impression on the third uncle. As for the life of the family, there was no burden. Even in the village, it had been better for many years!

After pulling into the distance, all the problems are not problems! It's not so nervous!

While there was still some time to eat, the family took some pictures of the third uncle. However, no one could sit in the middle of the table except for the third uncle and grandma! Is really envious of things!

After dinner, Ding Yu is pulling his third uncle to the study, because he obviously felt that the third uncle is a little too enthusiastic! Warm let oneself have so some not quite adapt, you so really good? It's too much!

"Uncle, you can't accept this for me. My heart is beating so much!"

"You're afraid, too. It's rare! It's really rare! "

"Third uncle, can this be the same?" Ding Yu complained again, "you know my grandma! And my parents, including my uncles and aunts, are all small families. You will frighten them if you are so big

"It's not so convenient at home. Don't you have something to do with me?"

Since Ding Yu is not willing to mention his adoptive father and mother, the middle-aged man has no intention to force him! After all, this is Ding Yu's private affair. It's really hard for him to get involved too much. If he really gets involved too much, Ding Yu will be hard to do!

"Rowling has always been on my side! Pete's side has gradually stabilized the situation! next? We may need to have a good talk, because the Chinese New Year is coming soon! So things will come to an end temporarily, but in the end, we still need to face them! "

"So?" The middle-aged man frowned, "what do you want? Xiaoyu! You won't be... " Looking at Ding Yu nodding, the middle-aged man even stood up all of a sudden, "this is not a simple adventure, no way! I will never agree! "

"Uncle, this seems to be an adventure, but if you think about it carefully, there is still a lot of room for things, and this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" Ding Yu is showing his attitude at this time!

"No, according to what you said, Pete can come here. If he comes, then you will preside over the matter, and even give up some conditions for this, which is not impossible. But what will happen when you go to them? Can you guarantee it? Or can someone else guarantee it? You are joking about your life

Middle aged people say so, is really angry! Ding Yu even wants to personally in the past, this risk is too big! After all, today is different from the past! How long did it take for the hairy bear to happen? At that time, he really wanted to kill Ding Yu. If Ding Yu went to their territory, who knows what kind of things they would do?

"Uncle, it's not easy to get to this stage. I'm not reconciled to it."

Ding Yu explains why he must be too much! "Although it is said that those guys set off fireworks wantonly there, but in their own territory, they will not and dare not do so. Even if they are quite sure, they will not do so, and even they will do a good job to prevent the occurrence of this problem!"

"It's not something you can't be sure of! Do you know what the impact of your presence is? "

The middle-aged man was so angry that he even stood up on the table!

"And me? It's just an ordinary person, not a fairy! The earth has left the same rotation as me, and there will be no problem. Uncle, you overestimate your grip

"No! This is definitely not as simple as you think The middle-aged man shook his head! What kind of achievements Ding Yu has achieved and what kind of credit does he have on his body? I remember very clearly!

Just because of some reasons, there is no way to commend him! Really, if we publicize what he has done, it will be better at home, but what about abroad? It's going to explode!

What's more, what Ding Yu does is for himself! Relatively speaking, not much is for Ding Yu's own sake! A lot of it is for the country! For the whole country to pay so much, now let Ding Yu take his own life to joke, no, this is absolutely not! I will never agree!

Other things have to be discussed, but there is absolutely no room to discuss this matter!

"Uncle, you can't think of such a thing. Can they think of it? I don't think they'll think of it, and what about this time? Can do considerable extension for the follow-up! Some things still need to be well prepared. This time we sit down and talk about it does not mean that everything will be fine and impossible in the future. "

"Don't talk! I know you have more ghost ideas, but I don't agree with this He waved his hand and said, "now you need to sit down to stabilize everyone's mind. If you don't sit down, you will make quite a problem! There is no way to solve these problems in a short time! ""You go back to the Chinese new year first. This matter will be put aside first. I will inform the relevant units. You are not allowed to do anything without permission!" Looking at Ding Yu, the middle-aged man once again warned, "I tell you, you give me an honest New Year's day, don't make other moths, otherwise I can't spare you! Do you hear me? "

Looking at Ding Yu who doesn't have too much reaction, the middle-aged man is a little excited!

"You give me a word, you must give me a word!"

"Yes! Third uncle, during the Chinese new year, I will never move around. Is this OK? "

"I knew that there must be something bad in your heart! But what about this thing? It's not as simple as saying it! " Previously, I gave a lot of criticism, so now I have to pacify him. I know Ding Yu's donkey! It's holding back! If you don't give some sweet taste, you may make something!

The head of his own family, in order to him can be said to be broken heart, to a certain extent, it is also a little result!

But today I really found an exception. It's not that no one can cure him. Now it's not like this! Ding Yu's grandmother was able to cure Ding Yu. You should know that Ding Yu didn't even have a seat in front of the old lady!

If this thing is really said, I'm afraid that many glasses will fall down!

When was Ding Yu so angry? But today I saw it with my own eyes. It's very important to know my identity? But even if you are in person, what can you do? useless! There is no place for you!

I don't care if you're satisfied? It has nothing to do with me. Anyway, in front of me, you just don't have any position, and Ding Yu? Is also really received this breath, honestly stood there!

You have to know that you are like this in person! If it is not their own face-to-face, what will be the situation, it is really hard to imagine! Anyway, today is really eye opening!

"I still have a meeting here, so I won't stay any longer! To see Mr. Wang tomorrow? "

"Well! It was decided that tomorrow would be the day after tomorrow to send grandma back! If you delay a little time, my quadrangle may start cooking. I believe grandma can do it. I really dare to provoke others. But this old lady has spent half her life! I dare not to provoke you

When the third uncle left, he said hello. The whole family sent him to the door. Even the car disappeared, he didn't mean to go back. His expression was extremely excited! And look at this meaning, I'm afraid it's hard to dissipate for a moment and a half!

Ding Lin patted his eldest son on the back, never thought of such a thing! It's like a dream!

Now think of it, it seems that I was a little too excited before! There are even some incoherent words, but encountered such a thing, how can not be excited? How can you not be excited?

"Grandma! Dad! Mom! And uncle! aunt! Just keep this in mind! Don't talk about it! We don't need to be in the limelight. What's more, we need to pay attention to the considerable influence! "

"You boy!" Ding Lin heavily patted his son's back, the strength is a little bit so big! At this time, there are still some exciting! I'm afraid it's hard to eliminate for a moment and a half! "Don't worry about it!"

Grandma is also, um, the third uncle came over, her old man's touch is still very big!

This also caused a night of time, we basically did not have a good rest! The next morning when the photos come back, it's even more uncontrollable! Whether it's dad or uncle, the whole person has so many can't stand it!

Grandma looked at the picture, but also a burst of groping, the photo is very big! It's even inlaid! Grandma is holding her in her arms. No one else can think about it! For grandma, this is the baby! My whole life is worth it!

"Grandma, go back and put it on the Kang! Don't hold it! Wait a little longer, balmy skin! "

Ding Ding looked at the photo and jokingly said! But just after the words were finished, she was slapped. Grandma was very angry about this. She took the photo frame carefully and looked at it with satisfaction. Then she held it in her arms again!

"You girl! After that, I'll wait for you to pack up! "

The old lady had a rare smile and thought about it! Then he handed the photo frame inside to his daughter-in-law! Even not live to tell, let her take it well, absolutely can't leave hand!

My aunt is also quite excited. What about herself? Is a woman, but did not expect to be able to see the sky, mother-in-law said that there is no wrong, this life is not in vain! Even if you're dead now! There is no regret!

Zhao Shuying is pulling her son's arm. If it wasn't for Ding Yu's good health, I'm afraid his arm has been swollen at this time! There are a lot of photos, but in order to take care of the old people's mood, so first to inlay one! When I go home, I will choose and hang it. I don't know how proud I am!"Grandma! Dad! Mom! I still have some things to do today. The Chinese New Year is coming soon! I need to go out to deal with some things, and I haven't been able to come back for dinner in the evening, so you don't have to wait for me! I'll go back with you tomorrow! "

Finally, Ding Yu said again, this is to his grandmother!

This has become the old lady's heart disease! Forget what, also can't forget this matter! Right?

"Yes! Don't worry about it! Don't worry about us

"Ding Ding! And Lin Qian, if you two don't have anything to do, if grandma wants to go out, you can accompany her. If grandma doesn't go out, you can look to buy something! "

"You don't have to be so wordy!" Ding Ding snorted, "I have already said it! Let's go Then he murmured, "I said that my brother was born by the girls in his last life. You don't believe it!"

Zhao Shuying hated the white one eye, that is, a little more people, otherwise they must give two slaps, what are said, not listening to!

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