But obviously, no one in the family wants to go out! With is not familiar with any relationship! It's been a long time since I came out! It's all home now! Not a good rest! What are you going out for? The place of life is unfamiliar! Even if there are ding ding ding and Da Jun, what about their husband and wife?

Ding Ding looked at the elders in the house without any intention to move. Turning her eyes, she immediately called the housekeeper over. If she didn't go out, could she not have called people to come and serve?

So the whole family from top to bottom bath, wash, and then is the service from head to toe, what ear picking! Clean your face! pedicure! Massage and so on, all to the arrangement, do not pull down! Even an old lady like Grandma doesn't mean to let go! How to get comfortable? Anyway, big brother is not at home today! I will arrange the whole process!

For the elders in the family, it's not much of a toss, there is no such feeling, but after a clean-up, the whole person has become very different! It's like a new person! That's a comfortable one!

"Xiao Ni Zi, you take us as the pig of Chinese New Year! You have to clean it up after you kill it! It's not clean, is it? " Although grandma tidied up very neat and her spirit was much better, she didn't forgive people at all!

"It was too abrupt yesterday! I knew it was such a situation. I cleaned it up yesterday, but it was obviously too late. It was superficial. There was nothing wrong today. What's more, I said! It will be Chinese New Year in a while! New year, New Year! There must be a new atmosphere

For her grandmother's words, Ding Ding was completely ignored. But after the old lady changed her body, she really became more and more energetic. Although she had a pair of front-to-back coat on her body, and it was still plain, she looked very different!

The hair on the top of the head is a little sparse, but it is all folded together and inserted with a hairpin! Don't have a bearing!

"Not to mention, the little old lady's packing is really different!" And then back and forth, with the grandmother's body with some decorative things, anyway, these things are my big brother's! I want to make some jewelry, but after careful comparison, it seems that there are some things that do not match with my grandmother!

After thinking about it for half a day, I took a string of agarwood beads and took it to my grandmother's wrist!

Maybe ordinary people can't see the quality of the beads, but the accessories below are absolutely eye-catching, and even Ding Ding Ding is so moved! Big piece of wax! That's called a conspicuous one!

All of them are not rare treasures!

The old lady looked at the beads on her wrist and moved her nose slightly. The corners of her eyes curled up slightly!

"Where did it come from? It's delicious

"Grandma, do you still know this? It's from my big brother! I don't know how my eldest brother can do things Ding Ding was a little reproachful, "I've made a pile of broken wood, I'm also suspicious! Big brother is not rich, but like what is not good! Must like these rags, I have said more than once! If he is really reluctant to give up, I will buy him a little bit and it will be finished? "

The old lady took a look at her granddaughter, but it's hard to say that she is a straw bag. After all, everyone has a love!

"Good thing! The taste is pure! "

It is not easy to say such words! As for the old lady, she has no interest in other things! What can you do even if you dress up again? Can you still dress up as a flower? And really that dress up, oneself also very don't like!

Ding Ding Ding was a little depressed that she didn't want to dress up again. However, she was very good when she looked carefully! It's not luxurious or even elegant, but sitting there is like a green pine that doesn't fall down!

After a careful look around, Ding Ding Ding is a thumb to her grandmother!

Ding Yu's side is to see his grandfather and grandmother, they are now living in the home, the mood is good, but the physical aspect, how many have so many small problems! It's not easy to have such a situation now! After all, the conditions at home are here! No one else can match it!

"I feel a little thin recently!" The old lady looked at her grandson and said it carefully!

"It's OK. I think it's good to keep it! I'm not getting fat After Ding Yu sat down, he gave his grandmother a glass of water. As for his grandfather, sitting on the chair, he looked at Ding Yu with every eye. Some of them didn't care much about it! I'm just like this. What can you do to me?

How old are you! Still so gas!

"I heard you brought your grandmother back?"

"Originally, there was no such leisure, but there were some other reasons, so I came out to avoid it!"

What is it? The old lady didn't mean to ask! Now, the family's old couple don't want to pay any attention to the family's affairs! If you let them two old guys worry about it now, it's really killing them! No one can bear it!"When something should be released, we should put it on the spot. Don't rush about! Patience is not a bad thing! " The old lady said comfortingly, "yes! What about Tai hee and the children? "

"Taixi will be back in two days! She has quite a lot to deal with. As for the children in the family, isn't it a holiday now? They've all been herding sheep! Anyway, there are quite a lot of things, I'm not good to interfere too much! good! I reckon that I should come back to see you in these two days

"You father, I really don't know what to say about you!"

Maybe she is really getting older, so the old lady is not so concerned about things outside! On the contrary, it is very concerned about the things at home! "It's not appropriate for you to be alone all the time, daughter-in-law? Still need to stay around, home and there is no lack of that little thing, there is the home of children, education is very good! But also can't say too much at will! Do you hear me? "

Yeah! Ding Yu did not want to refute his grandmother's meaning, nodded! Expressed their own attitude!

At noon, Ding Yu accompanied his grandfather and grandmother to eat some things together, and even some were cooked by Ding Yu himself! Wang Pu looked at his grandson and hummed twice. He seemed dissatisfied, but when he ate, he ate faster than anyone else!

As for Wang Yang after, only leftovers! Or the steward cut some soy sauce meat, otherwise it would be a takeaway! But whether the takeout can be delivered in or not is really what the two said!

"Nothing today?"

"No After eating something, Wang Yang wiped the corners of his mouth, "I've brought medicine to grandma! I went to get it myself. I really didn't know you were here! I heard I came back yesterday! "

"Well! Grandma at home feels like Chinese New Year is coming soon! She is a very traditional person But obviously Ding Yu didn't want to explain too much, so after two sentences, he stopped!

After staying for almost two hours, Ding Yucai and Wang Yang went home together!

Naturally, Wang Yang didn't mean to drive in person, so he gave the car to the driver! And he got on his brother's car!

"Brother, don't you spend the Spring Festival at home?"

"No! Because of other reasons, I came out to walk with my grandmother at home Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "what's more, if you stay in the capital, I don't know how many people are uncomfortable inside! In that case, it's better to go back. It's good for everyone to think about it! "

Wang Yang slightly sighed, "I heard yesterday when the third uncle went to the courtyard over there?"

"Is the news spreading so fast?" Ding Yu hummed, how much expressed his dissatisfaction!

"Big brother, my brother! You don't know what's going on here? On purpose Wang Yang looked at his elder brother and pretended to be helpless. "What is the identity of the third uncle? Are you deliberately pretending to be confused? What's more, in a place like Siheyuan, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at. How can such a thing hide from everyone? "

"So what? Just come over and have a meal. Is it normal

"Yes! It doesn't make sense! " Wang Yang is completely helpless! "Anyway, I can't say you! Maybe in your opinion, it's a common thing, but for everyone, it's too shocking! We all know that you have a good relationship with sanbo! But who could have thought it could be so good? Everyone is really jealous, envious and hateful! "

"That's what you came here to say to me?"

"No! After knowing the news, there are some feelings! " Wang Yang spread out his hands, "don't mention our son! I can't see any shadow now! Anyway, my father has already started to practice trumpet! As for this large size? It's better to leave it to elder brother for you to handle! "

"That's your son, not my son!" Ding Yu also showed his teeth, "what's the matter? You really want me to be the long-term worker, aren't you? Without you, it's not too much! "

"Mad! I feel that I am a little subdued as a father! " Obviously, Wang Yang is definitely intentional. When his son is excellent to a certain extent, he does not show off, especially in front of his big brother. If he doesn't show off properly, he feels a little sorry for himself, "I really doubt how long his head melon seeds are!"

"You didn't make a test!"

Hearing this, Wang Yang laughed, "of course I did! I kiss my son! However, it is not for other things, but for the sake of some safety at home. When other problems arise, there is no preparation! It's true that my son is a son, but I can't really feel it! "

"He can't be bold, at least at this age, he can't be too top-notch! Some things are also very aggrieved him! But there is no way, after all, he was born in such a family, and his future road is also fixed! Relatively speaking, he should be the most burdensome of these children! ""Big brother, you can directly say that my father is a waste, don't you?"

"I barely managed to make it. Although I didn't reach the standard, I still got some achievements! by the way! Where's Xiao Bao? "

"Don't mention it! This sack has been caught home! What can we do if we can't make it at home? " Wang Yang also felt a little funny about this, "what's more, in recent years, Xiaobao said that he had no problem with his ability. When he talked about money, he didn't have any problems. He was also a pioneer! The other two are not in the way of us, and we are not in the way of the other two! "

Wang Yang is quite proud of this!

"In the evening, let him come here! I have something to arrange with him! I'm going back tomorrow! It's not so convenient to mention it on the phone! "

"Got it!" Wang Yang took out his mobile phone the first time and called Xiaobao in the past!

Other things Xiaobao may delay, but such things Xiaobao will never delay!

Even when Wang Yang and Xiao Bao just got home, before they got off, Xiaobao ran over and opened the door of the car! Looking at Xiao Bao's dog legs, Wang Yang looked at him with hatred. This is his job. Why do you come here? I just made a phone call, you came here, flew over!

"Big brother!" Xiao Bao is extremely respectful!

Looking at Xiao Bao's appearance, Ding Yu shook his head and slapped him in the face! "Just let you come in the evening! Don't be in such a hurry

"Hi! Anyway, I have nothing to do at home, just running errands! My God, I don't know where the relatives are. It's a gift! It's not so expensive, but it can't hold much! It's just that big brother, you're looking for me. I'm really light hearted! "

Three people walked into the house laughing and joking. Ding Yu, of course, didn't come empty handed, but brought a lot of things! But I was complained by my mother! What do you bring home? No words! Ding Yu is smiling! No other explanation!

"Your father won't be able to come back until evening!"

"Then wait for my father to have dinner! I don't have anything to do anyway! "

Su Yuan is very happy to hear his son say so! Then I went to arrange it! Ding Yu called Xiaobao to his own side position, "I just asked about the things at home! That's your own business. I believe you have your own judgment! "

Ding Yu did not express any support, but when he said this, it was already the biggest support!

Xiao Bao nodded solemnly with Ding Yu. His eyes were full of gratitude!

"Say something else! Wang Yang can't do this! He's a little too decent! But it's not a bad thing. It's mainly about resettlement. " Ding Yu gave Xiao Bao a good explanation!

After hearing Ding Yu's explanation, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are puzzled! It's not to say how difficult things are, but to let them do such things is not a bit of a fuss? Kill a chicken with a knife!

"Big brother, why! You can split the watermelon with your hands. If you go too far, you can't directly use a knife to kill the watermelon! " Xiaobao is puzzled about this! But there is no doubt about it!

"Sing them a enchantment! Otherwise, they don't know the power of it! Some questions will be explained to you after Dad comes back! Not yet! "

Get it! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao looked at each other!

After Wang Changlin came back at night, he saw the people at home, and his face was full of joy! There are almost all the people in the family! After a hot meal, Wang Changlin took the lead with Ding Yu into the study! Wang Li is carrying water, but also stealthily walked in!

"What a pity! I thought Shangnan could come here! In this case, it's not necessary to explain it again! But Wang Li, you can't help but know about it! " Looking at his sister, Ding Yu refused at the first time!

"Why?" Wang Li is very dissatisfied with this, "Shangnan can know, why can't I know?"

However, without too much attention, Wang Changlin expelled his daughter!

"Dad! It's time to tell them something about it! They are doing very well now! Can not always hide from them, let them know that there should not be too much harm! I think they can keep a secret! "

Wang Changlin looked at Wang Yang and Xiaobao, then looked at his eldest son, "are you so confident? The time you sketched this project is not generally long, even more than the input of the farm! It's not a little bit involved in this! If anything goes wrong, it may have a considerable impact on the results! "

Ding Yu is holding his chin. It seems that he doesn't care about it! "Judging from the current situation, even if it can be kept secret, it has not been able to delay for too long. Although the third uncle has put in considerable efforts! But how? Quite a number of problems have alerted some parties! "Wang Changlin thought carefully for a period of time! "Yes! All of them have been kept secret for such a long time. No matter in terms of scientific research, academic research, or investment, it is basically impossible to keep secrets now! But there are not so many people who know it! "

Wang Changlin and Ding Yu's father and son talk to each other, while Wang Yang and Xiao Bao look at each other. It's obvious that they are still so ignorant now, because they don't know what they are talking about!

"Has everything come to this point? I heard you met your third uncle last night

"When we met, we didn't mention this."

Obviously, Ding Yu means something! Don't let your parents worry about this for the time being!

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