However, because they were all on the way, and they were so old, we all relaxed quickly!

Ding Yu had people prepare some food, but it was just that they could eat. All the people in the family had been used to their own taste. Even if the food was good, it always felt inferior to that at home, because they were used to their own taste!

After eating, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying left with Ding Yu! Back home again! Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have a rest! They are not easy, after all, they are not eighteen or twenty years old! Ding Yu sent a little message! Safe return always needs to be told!

As for Rowling and Elizabeth? Ding Yu did not do any attention, you want to do anything, just don't come to disturb me!

The next day, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying came back to life full of blood. They didn't know where the spirit came from. They could clearly feel that they were different! Is it because of home?

Of course, there is no denying that Ding Yu gave them a massage before they had a rest last night!

"We're going back to the community today, and we'll clean it up! And you? "

"I don't have much to do today! It's not easy to come back and have a rest. I've been cleaned up in the community! There are not too many problems! " Ding Yu said it truthfully! "Isn't it a little early to sell couplets and Fu characters?"

"Your mother said it! I still have to clean up at home. What's more, I don't need to walk around before the festival! Are you coming? "

"Give me a break." Ding Yu quickly shook his head, "I'm going to follow you! okay? Don't think about it! "

Everyone is really not general enthusiasm for Ding family now, especially Ding Yu, on the poor hand! So don't give yourself this trouble! "Let the driver follow! That would be more convenient! "

"No, your mother can drive! There is no problem, but there are two still need you to go in person! This is your assignment. Do you hear me Although I know that my eldest son is busy, I still need my eldest son to walk around in person, which has nothing to do with Ding Yu's identity!

"Yes! I understand. I've been tidying up these two days and trying to deal with quite a lot of things. "

Ding Yu went to the farm. It will be the new year in three days! Considerable benefits have been distributed! Everyone is extremely happy, a year of calculation, is a harvest of happiness!

"Ah! I said, did you put surveillance in front of our house! I've just come back, you'll block the door! "

Before arriving at the gate of the farm, Ding Yu saw Zhao Hongyang and his wife!

"Hi! I didn't mean to stop you today! " Zhao Hongyang was not polite at all. "The account of the farm has been cleared, and there are some other things. I came by to have a look. I have already called Uncle Ding before, and I have prepared some things! But good thing, of course, you have little feather. If you have time, do me a favor! "

Ding Yu called a sister-in-law, and then took Zhao Hongyang and his wife to the office together!

"What's the revenue this year? Look at your red face! It seems very happy! "

"That is!" Zhao Hongyang is very proud, with his wife pulled a bit, did not pull! "In front of Yu Shao, there's nothing to hide. It's just our family's three melons and two dates. Yu Shao! Don't mind! "

"Say it! I know that you have donated a lot of money this year, and even other expenses. If you want to, you can do it! do according to one's ability! Don't make a fat face

"Absolutely not! The business has been very good in the past two years. I really made a lot of money. I didn't feel like this before. I made a lot of money. I made a lot of money! idle away in seeking pleasure! What happened? On the contrary, it is to make a whole set of problems for myself, and the family is extremely disharmonious, and there is no good reputation in society! "

The more Zhao Hongyang said, the more excited he was, "but these two years are different! Money to earn more do not say, the feeling in the past is really blind! How about eating those things? It's no use, we people! Or eat some vegetables, eat some cereals more healthy, don't make those messy! Do more good! Even if it is not for themselves, but also for the next generation! At least speaking out, it will not disgrace my son! "

"Sister in law, do you hear me! He did it on purpose! This daughter-in-law has already been decided! I said when I'm going to have a grandson! This is a big deal. It can't be vague enough! "

"Don't mention that bastard! I hear his head big now! Love is what it is? Anyway, the family is not without other children! The daughter-in-law is very good! " Zhao Hongyang said a rare sentence!

Three people entered the office together and chatted for a while. Ding Yu invited them to have dinner together at noon. Then Zhao Hongyang and his wife left!

As for the lunch is also a little bit simple, Ding Yu did not eat much, so we are also simple! We are also more pragmatic, not what outsiders, do not need to be so polite!If it's really a big plate and a big bowl, it seems that there is a gap between each other!

"Everyone wants to invite you to have a meal with Yu Shao! I'm ready to report to you! Of course, there is another reason, that is, you give the medicine, we feel very good after eating it! These two days, I dare not even how to stay at home, almost everyone who comes to the door should mention one! What's more, it's processed wine, OK? It's just a matter of rummaging! I really owe them! "

Speaking of here, Zhao Hongyang also can't help but scold!

"Is there such exaggeration?" Ding Yu put down the chopsticks, funny said! "What about it? Also need to use with caution, can not drink too much! If you use too much, it will make a bad thing! What's more, the processed medicinal wine has played a promoting role, which is not as exaggerated as imagined. The day after tomorrow! It's just that uncle Liu is back! I've told uncle Liu to bring the wine back. There are a lot of things in the house. I'll make some! "

"I'll go. It's a big thing. You don't have to work hard! What else is missing? I'll fix it

"It's OK. It's just a welfare for everyone. If you don't have anything to do, come and have a meal together! it's my treat! We have worked hard for a year, so we can't have any welfare! Isn't it? "

"Yu Shao, you are open! okay? They're going to drag their families! At this point, they are absolutely shameless Obviously, Zhao Hongyang is also deliberately joking, as for the color of his wife, Zhao Hongyang seems to have nothing to see the same! It doesn't matter!

"Is the new year coming soon? It's not a bad thing to be lively! No outsiders! Come and have a meal! However, there is a saying, don't be a big bag, I'm not rare. If anyone violates the rules, don't say that my broom will be thrown out! "

When Ding Yu left, he paid the bill in person. Now it's all paid by mobile phone! It's very convenient!

Zhao Hongyang looked at his wife with a look of complaint and incomprehension. He shook his head at her. After waiting for her to get on the bus, Zhao Hongyang sighed, "do you think I was a little too much just now! Dare to say anything? "

"No, even if you have a good relationship with Mr. Ding, you have to be more restrained! After all, Mr. Ding is not an ordinary person! "

"You! It's really long hair and short insight! " Zhao Hongyang shook his head. "Who do you think Mr. Ding is! Do you really think Mr. Ding likes to be on top? This is all the speculation. I have a good relationship with my husband. I know very well that he is a man who doesn't ask for much! "

"I just feel that our words are a little too presumptuous!"

"Hi! Who are we? Sir's partner? Or the subordinates of your husband. They are nothing but good friends. That's all. Since they are friends, they are cautious when they get along with each other. They even dare not speak loudly! Is this still a friend's? Even if it's a help, don't you? "

"I don't understand! Why

"If you don't understand, you really don't know anything! Just tell me about you girls. When we are together, we drink tea and chat and do some other business. Now, who is more rich in the family?! Absolutely short-sighted, no future! Now we have to look at the education at home! Look at the development of the market and so on. What's the meaning of those useless ones? It's just for physical and mental satisfaction? It's better to go home and daydream! "

"Who are you talking about? I think your skin is a little itchy? "

"Shall I reason with you?" Zhao Hongyang, sitting in the driver's seat, roared. At this time, he could shout, and after a while, he would have to be as honest as a quail when he returned home!

"I don't listen to reason now! What do you say? "

"What else can I do? Soldier, they are both at home! Let them come together! Mr. Ding still likes soldiers! As for the others, I'll inform you that there are not too many people! If there are too many people, it is not a lively thing! Be careful! "

"You need to prepare something. The new year is coming soon! Although it's Mr. Ding's treat, we're empty handed, it's not like words! "

"Let me prepare! I'll discuss with you that you don't need to prepare those useless things. Even if it's placed at home, Mr. Ding doesn't like it. What's more, it's not the first time you've contacted Mr. Ding! Look at sir. Do you think he has any special hobbies? We usually drink tea and have a bath! Mr. Ding... "

"Ah! Don't say, I really know what Mr. Ding likes! At least they should be interested in it! "

"What do you mean? How do you know that? " Zhao Hongyang is very curious about this, but think about it, although he said that he has considerable attention, but how to say? Mr. Ding is too strange! He's on this side of the county! He can't be seen at home, on the farm, or in the hospital!However, due to the middle of the year, there are quite a number of physical problems, so this half year is basically home and farm two lines!

What do you think Mr. Ding really likes? I can't see it at all! Or say oneself still really did not notice how!

"You men! Hum As he spoke, he was disdainful. "I have observed and inquired about some things. Mr. Ding likes antiques in the courtyard over the capital, but I don't have to think about it! It's not to say whether we can afford it or not. We have never heard of rumors in this respect! "

"I know something about it!" Zhao Hongyang ordered a cigarette for himself. "There are several things in our house. Mr. Ding has not been to our house. You can see his eyes! There is no interest in these things at all, I guess! At most, it is collected by the people below! "

"I said my wife, my own ancestor, but you said it directly!"

"I'll wash my feet at night!"

Zhao Hongyang's expression is so angry and helpless! "Yes! You are my ancestor. I will wash your feet at night! Will you be able to speak this moment? "

No way! Have you been caught? What else?

Hum! To be able to conquer their own husband, or very proud!

"I don't know if you've all found out, Mr. Ding, about what diamonds! There is no interest in gold! Like you, are you interested in diamonds and gold? No interest at all! "

"I didn't have much interest. I don't know why the bear thing sold so much money, but there are some in the gold family! But those are for pressing the bottom of the box! Otherwise, I don't want it? You have to guard against thieves

"Mr. Ding also doesn't like it very much, but there is one thing Mr. Ding likes very much, that is, hand string! Sometimes Mr. Ding will take out the hand string involuntarily, I have noticed several times! Also really went to inquire! Mr. Ding's string is not particularly valuable! It's a little bit common. I think Mr. Ding is a personal preference! "

"Hand string?" Zhao Hongyang was stunned for a moment, "I also have it! From the second! It's nice to see big beads! "

"Don't be ashamed! If you give it to me, I don't want it. If you give it to Mr. Ding, it's just for fun! What Mr. Ding likes doesn't need to be expensive. It doesn't mean that he can't afford to play. Even if it's to get a diamond, it's no problem for Mr. Ding. People have such a mentality. Do you understand that? "

"Ah! Don't say that after you said that, I remember! I've seen Mr. Ding play with walnuts, but it's not the big walnuts in my imagination. It's round and not smooth in autumn! It looks very rosy and bright. As for the hand string, I've seen some of it The more he said, the more excited Zhao Hongyang was, "I know! I'll get something good for my husband! "

"If you are stupid, you are really stupid. Look at Mr. Ding. Does he like expensive ones? I haven't seen it! He! Just like to play on the plate! What others play is just a state of mind, and there is not too much relationship between the noble and the humble! I think we can find something original for Mr. Ding! Don't get those popular goods. I don't think there are too many problems! "

"I rubbed it, but I didn't see it. You girl..."

Zhao Hongyang was beaten by an old punch before he finished his praise. It's just a way for husband and wife to communicate with each other. There's really nothing else! For the old husband and wife, this is also a way to increase feelings!

And other people in get Zhao Hongyang notice, all excited up!

No matter whether it's thanks to the farm or not, we've made a lot of money in the past two years, which has a lot of credit from the farm. If it wasn't for the farm, how could the environment become so good? Never forget the well digger!

What about Mr. nehotin? I don't like social intercourse very much. I don't have many hobbies! If you want to see each other, you really have some difficulties! After all, not everyone is Zhao Hongyang. You can enter or leave the farm at will, or even go to Mr. Ding's home!

But soon all the people got together, Mr. Ding invited to dinner! What's the reason! Can't have no reason? Is it because you've done well in the past two years?

After Zhao Hongyang arrived, all the people knew the situation! Then someone called out!

"Brother Zhao, this is not good! The medicinal wine made by Mr. Ding can't be said! We have basically tried! But can't let Mr. Ding pay in vain! Right? What we do is for the children in our city, for the sake of the city! It has nothing to do with anything else! "

"Yes! Lao Zhao! It would be too careless to do so! The original time we were poor, do not look at the appearance of bright, but inside the pocket than the face are clean! It's just a show! But this time is different! What's more, donation and charity are things that we didn't know so clearly before. Now? We are all sincere, never other aspects of the idea! Do you think so? "

The crowd is also a burst of shouting! There are so many to blame Zhao Hongyang meaning! It's too much to do!"You must stop! The day after tomorrow, Mr. Ding will invite you to have a meal! Mr. Ding makes medicinal wine for everyone. He thinks everyone is promising! Nothing else! But I thought of sending something to Mr. Ding, but? It's not a valuable thing either

Immediately Zhao Hongyang is also the handle string thing to say again!

People immediately have interest! There are a lot of people who play this thing! However, hearing Zhao Hongyang's request, we are also a shock sigh!

From Mr. Ding's position and wealth, people can't afford to play, but Mr. Ding has never revealed this aspect! People are the real players! People play is an interest, with no other relationship!

What about them? Really can not reach that mentality! This may be the difference between people! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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