"When are you going to be wild? It's not over yet? " After communicating the video with several children at home, Ding Yu said without being angry, "you know, many parents have already inquired about the news with me! And let me remind you that when they talk to me, they are already a little impatient! "

"Daddy Ding Yun in the video is like a little sparrow chirping! But the face is full of youthful and happy expression! Obviously, this time, the impact on their children is very big, or they all got some things they want, which is one of the reasons why Ding Yu let them go out!

As for the things mentioned by Ding Yu, there is no big deal for them!

"Dad, we are all well prepared. From now on, we can't go back to the Spring Festival! But I'm sure I'll be back years ago! Go to the capital first, and then go back with your mother! "

"Whatever you want! Pay more attention to safety. After all, you still have so many students with you! "

"Yes! Don't worry, old man! "

Then Wang Xiaogang was very curious and said, "uncle, are you so leisurely?" It is obvious that Wang Xiaogang said this, a bit of bad intentions! Ding Yu snorted! A glance at his nephew!

"Tomorrow's dinner is for all the people in the city! But you don't have this kind of blessing! "

Several children immediately began to cry. Ding Yu didn't cook, but seldom did. However, some dishes Ding Yu made were very tasty! Several children are very like! So when they heard the news, they were all unable to do it by themselves. Such an opportunity was wasted! It's unforgivable!

"Master, did you mean it?" The expression on Wang An's face is very depressed!

"On purpose, of course!" Ding Yu's eyebrows jumped twice, "so! You can envy it! by the way! Before you come back, mention a few things, the Chinese New Year is coming soon! You've spent so much time outside with your classmates and friends. You have to do something else. Am I right? "

Ding Chang was touching his face, "Daddy, do you think our face is clean?"

"Don't do that to me!" Can Ding Yu not understand his son? So he didn't give any good face at all, "I've already said everything! You can do it yourself! If this matter is not handled properly, you will know what kind of cost, OK! If there is nothing else, I have to do other preparations! "

"Daddy, let's call granddad and grandma!"

But before finishing, Ding Yu on the other side of the phone has already hung up! This kind of rascal's behavior almost makes a few children smoke! My father is too much! There is no such thing!

But Ding Yu didn't stop for a long time. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying came to her door! It is said that he is looking for Ding Yu to have dinner with him, but in fact? It's the intentional count of Luo Ding Yu! Who let Ding Yu offend the children in the family?

These children are the heart of Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying! Although they sometimes say, even when they are young, they can start and preach, which does not mean that other people can! Not even Ding Yu!

Ding Yu here is good or bad, finally is to deal with down!

"Will you have dinner tomorrow?"

"Yes! Previously Zhao Hongyang came to the farm side, although the account is clear! But some things still need him to handle personally! After all, they are all regular enterprises. They can't be as confused as they were in the original time! "

"I heard that their development in the past two years is very good, and they have made great efforts in the construction and education of the city! This is very good! I haven't heard of any mess. It's good! "

"It's hard for them! At the beginning, I was afraid that my body would not fall off! Courage is so big, for the world and society's understanding, there are so some too narrow! Guide and guide! Everyone is the same! I had this experience at the beginning! I can't stand myself a little bit! "

Ding Lin pointed to his son, "we will not accompany you! Your students will come tomorrow! "

"At home? Or in the city? "

"In the city! There are a lot of students coming! I can't let your mother go alone! It's better to be clean here at home! And when they come to the house, they are quite restrained! "

The next day, Ding Yu and his wife came a little earlier than usual! Even Ding Yu has just finished the exercise and hasn't eaten breakfast yet! But it's also very good, someone with their own!

"It seems that I didn't eat in the morning! So eager? "

Ding Yu personally filled two bowls of porridge and placed them in front of their husband and wife! Didn't ask the nanny to help!

"A little busy in the morning! There's really no time Zhao Hongyang is not polite at all, "no, before you come here, we have prepared some small gifts for you!" Then he winked at his wife and saw that his wife took two small cloth bags out of his bag!It's a little bit common. It's only five yuan on the market! Talk about the price, it may be 10 yuan for three!

Looking at what he took out, Ding Yu gave a whoop and then ordered it with his hand, "you! It must be that I don't have this idea. Now I finally know where your destiny came from? My sister-in-law is still very rich! "

Zhao Hongyang took a look at his wife, "losers! Didn't you say new year? Must go out to order two clothes, this gives me uncomfortable! If you have this skill, you can buy two directly! It's still so expensive! "

"Don't wear it!"

Ding Yu ha ha ha's smile, the thing inside cloth bag, a string of flowing beads, with safety buckle! Safety button material is very good! There is a pair of walnuts, walnuts are not very big! But it's full!

"Yes! But you Zhao elder brother's eyesight certainly is insufficient, should be the sister-in-law's credit Ding Yu didn't politely put the things away, "but don't do it again. What about these things? It's for meditation. There are some good things in the courtyard. I like them better. I'll ask the housekeeper to deliver them to you some other day. "

"No! My feather elder brother son, you this is to bury me

"One yard to one yard!" Ding Yu waved his hand, "is this thing valuable? It's valuable, but it's useless to put it on the treasure house! It's better to buy some gold and keep it at home! It's like Ding Ding Ding! What pearls and Jadeites! What about me? No interest in those! Not to mention my father and mother! They can take a watch at most

"Brother Yu, I think! It's too much trouble with a watch! We are not like that

Ding Yu is helpless to smile, after breakfast, we began to busy up! Then many people came here! Ding Yu can say two words to follow, of course, they are basically family members! The atmosphere is also gradually cheering up!

For kids? Ding Yu basically gives one or two small gifts. They are all customized by the housekeeper. They may not be big, but they are very vivid. They are very popular with children. As for the bigger ones! Ding Yu here is to encourage a few words, of course, there are quite a gift! There are also people who work! Ding Yu doesn't have any gifts!

But there is no problem with two questions, and even take the initiative to pat two shoulders!

As for the parents of these children, whether they are the chairman of the board or what kind of wife! At this time, there is no one running. Don't try to be lazy. All work hard! Do you really think that Ding Yu asked them to come over for dinner?

But these guys don't work for nothing! After a while, they will move away directly after the configuration of medicinal liquor is almost finished! There won't be too much left! Ding Yu may reserve some for his parents and store some at home, but it can't be used as much. After all, Ding Yu doesn't like drinking so much!

The configuration of medicinal wine does not mean to follow the trend! Needs vary from person to person!

"I said it! Everyone's body function is different, so the way of configuration is quite different. Some people need to use high-level drinks! Raw materials also have considerable adjustment, but some people can not drink the height of the precipitation, need a considerable time of precipitation! Put for a period of time, there is no harm, there is no greedy cup! Don't laugh. Do you hear me

Looking at these guys' smiling faces, Ding Yu pretended to be serious!

"Don't go to the hospital! Do you want me to be treated or not? "

"Mr. Ding! Don't worry, they don't want me! I'm all wrapped up! "

"Hou San, what do you want? It's not the time for you to dream. Go away quickly! "

Basically, Ding Yu made a good one, and then someone pushed and pulled it and put it on his car! These guys are bearded! If it is left here for a period of time, who knows how much will be left?

Although it is different from person to person, how to say it? It's no big deal for ordinary people to drink it!

When they were having dinner, Ding Yu opened some old wine for these people. They were all made by themselves in their early years!

"Mr. Ding! We all must drink to you! We've made a lot of money these years! This thing is beautiful in the heart, but the more proud thing is the construction of the country. We also have a share in it, not a dull life! Just know one to eat and drink! Do you think so? "

Some people start, people are no longer afraid! For these people? Ding Yu really didn't expect them to be literate. What a joke, they were all reckless! Every one counts as one! It's hard to get them on the right track! It is not easy for them to go on the right road!

There is no problem here!

When we all said almost! Ding Yu raised the glass in his hand and said, "the development of the farm is not due to me alone, but to the efforts of all of us! The development of the city does not mean my efforts alone, but the joint efforts of all the people. Instead, I want to invite them to have a meal together, but we need to pay attention to the influence, so let's eat by ourselves first! ""I thought, I made money! To send children to a higher level city, or to a province, even if it's to Beijing, even if it's hard work, it's worth it. At least we think it's worth it. But now, the development of our city is still very good! "

"Absolutely! Now I don't know how many people want to come to our city! But it's too late

Everyone's laughter, most of the children are now in the city school! What kind of standard are the schools in the city? We still have a few in our hearts! After all, they all pay special attention to education!

"For everyone's joint efforts!"

Ding Yu drank up the wine in his cup! There is no implication, even some wanton! Placed in the past, absolutely not common, but today more happy, so Ding Yu also has so some let go!

There is another layer of reasons. Ding Yu has been more restrained and even forbearance in the past six months, or more than half a year?! On the surface, Ding Yu seems to be really swallowing this breath, but in fact? There is thunder in Ding Yu's heart!

Things in Maoxiong's side are so noisy that I almost got filled in. With so much security at home, it can be said that with so much time, the total loss is not as big as once! Can Ding Yu really settle down in his heart? The fire has never dissipated!

Of course, Ding Yu will not vent the thunder on these people in front of them? What's wrong? If there's nothing wrong with it, it's the same!

And to see the achievements of these people today, I really feel very happy, they did not go astray, although the previous time was a little confused stiff, but now it is different! To a certain extent, they are still too weak! I hope they can go further! March forward bravely!

Can your expectations be fulfilled? No one knows about it! However, there is no harm in training. As the saying goes, don't ask about your future when you do good things. If you don't do some things, you will never succeed. But after you do them, even if it doesn't work this time, what about the next time? In the end, there will be flowering and fruiting day!

After dinner, Ding Yu of course also prepared some small gifts for everyone, so he didn't go out with everyone to make a fool of!

However, they are very satisfied. Unfortunately, Mr. Ding's wife and children are not here today! We all know the reason why they are not here. Madam's work is very busy! Let alone the children! They really don't go out to play around. It's really not like this. Today, there are quite a number of children from the staff and the children of the Ding family are classmates!

What's your child doing out there? How can these heads of family do not know what to do!

I don't know if there will be such a chance in the future! But now we still hope that the children at home can cherish this opportunity! There is such an opportunity you can't grasp, just like Mr. Ding layout, the city did not have too many people to follow!

We can say that we know what is going on after we get on the boat! If an opportunity is seized, it is called an opportunity. If it is not seized, it is useless to say anything!

Ding Yu returned to the villa side, went to wash and gargle for a while, the wine gas and smoke on his body all dissipated! Ding Yu just entered his study! Accompany this gang of guys lively for a while, don't say, really is divergent oneself a lot of mood!

As for the things Zhao Hongyang sent over, take it out and have a look, it's not bad! There is no value of this another said, but he is really hard work! This gift needs to be collected by himself. If he doesn't accept it, he will have other thoughts!

Associated with other people, I'm afraid there are other aspects of the mind, in fact, they really do not lack these things! If you really want to, put a few warehouses at home should have no problem!

Spring Festival is getting closer and closer! Ding Yu is not idle here. According to the arrangement of his father and mother, Ding Yu really walked around a few relatives and was warmly welcomed. It has nothing to do with the weight of the gift that Ding Yu brings! It's mainly Ding Yu who got up! For the home, is a great honor!

For the relatives of the small county, Ding Yu can personally come over, has represented each other's kinship and relationship, there is no problem! What's more, Ding Yu has left a meal! Can't this explain the problem? Who do you think Ding Yu has eaten in?

Of course, Ding Yu doesn't drink? It's a pity that we haven't got a good solution for our relatives! If we say when Ding Yu can have a good drink, it is the pride!

As for grandma's house? Ding Yu sent things several times. Of course, he also went back to see grandma's condition. After going out for such a long time, no one knows whether he can adapt to it after coming back!

However, after looking at Grandma's mental state, Ding Yu knew that he thought a little more! There is no mental depression, even the whole person's condition has been stimulated out! I'm afraid that's not what everyone thought!As for the photos? Let Ding Yu don't know what to say! You said the old lady showed off on purpose? It seems that there is no such thing! On this point, we followed Ding Yu's advice! But if you want to say that the old lady is secretive, it seems that there is no such thing!

But I do not expect to bring other aspects of the impact, as for other? Ding Yu is really not that concerned! From the point of view of the old lady, I can understand it! After all, I may not have such a good thing in my life! Can't say, can't I have a self aftertaste?

If someone dares to talk about this matter, the old lady will definitely let him know why flowers are like this. After spending so many years, she doesn't mean that she really can't, but she just doesn't have the interest in this aspect!

If you don't believe it, who will stand up and try it?

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