"Grandma, the room is very tidy! It's really a big change compared with normal! "

The old lady looked at Ding Yu and gave her a white eye!

For his grandmother's not waiting to see, Ding Yu is already Xi thought ran! Looking at the aunt who came in with the fruit, she stood up in a hurry! No previous giggle with my grandmother! "Aunt! The new year is over! When will the army come back! If not, I'll have them picked up! "

"No! It's no big deal to have a bit of bitterness at a young age! What's more, if there was no car or road in the past, it would not matter to take a trip. Now the roads are in all directions and the car is very convenient. Don't get used to his bad problems! It's not a kid anymore! Now he! Some of them are going to spill oil

The old lady gave Ding Yu a white eye. She was not a fool! How can you not understand the meaning of this word! That is, the daughter-in-law, so it's not easy to say a lot of things! Otherwise, I promise to let this bastard know about his power!

Run on yourself in front of your daughter-in-law! Do you really remember to eat or not to fight! It seems that he is really not good enough!

"My father and mother asked me to come over and have a look at what's missing at home? If you need anything, you and my uncle can just talk For his aunt, Ding Yu is very respectful! So it's very polite to talk!

"Stop shopping! It's all wasted! " My aunt quickly declined, "when the army comes back, I will paste the word Fu and couplets. Basically, there will be no other things! You! Also tired for a year, take advantage of this leisure, a good rest is! Don't think that if you are young, you can be indifferent! Do you hear me? "

"When will the children come back?"

Hearing grandma's question, Ding Yu was stunned, "did they not call you?"

"Yes! Feel a bit black, but also did not say a word! Chattering on and on, listening to the headache

Ding Yu has already known his grandmother's attitude! So without any hesitation, he said, "these days! Mainly with other students, there are quite a lot of things to deal with! So maybe it's a little bit slower. There's no need to worry about other aspects! It's mainly about safety! "

"Smart enough!" For such a thing, the old lady after the storm is naturally aware of it! It's not a novel means. I used it at that time, but I gave up soon!

"When you come back, let them come and see you, old man!"

After leaving grandma's home, Ding Yu returned to the villa to have dinner with his parents!

"When I had dinner with my students, I have grown up one by one! There are some! In two years' time, I'm afraid we'll have grandchildren! "

"Ah? Isn't it? " Ding Yu slightly has so some dullness, "Mom, is this a bit exaggerated? How big this is! I started to have grandchildren! When did they get married? Is that all right? "

"Some students' children have already gone to college! What do you think? " Zhao Shuying sighed slightly, "but they still have some losses! At that time, there were many students going out, but there were not many left behind! Now come back and have a look! One by one, they all hold their own heads in their arms and feel annoyed! "

"So it is!" Ding Lin said with emotion, "I sat down with the people in the city before, and they mentioned that the requirements for Hukou and other aspects in the city are extremely strict! It is said that there is a large area in the city, but how to say? Still feel a little small! Now the introduction of talent, we are abnormal attention! In the city, it's also very interesting to think of it! "

"I haven't heard much about it. There's no big problem with the introduction of the farm! However, I don't pay much attention to it. There should be special counterpart departments in these aspects! "

"Anyway, now everyone is quite envious of this. In the beginning, these students took money from their families, but now it's better! If anyone has a few acres of land in his family, the rent alone will be enough! It's a pity that we can even make up for it! Their account has been moved out! It's not so easy to come back again! "

"Ah! by the way! Do you remember Lao Zhao, our neighbor? "

"Who?" Ding Yu was stunned for a moment! Dad then mentioned that he really did not have too many impressions!

"It's Lao Zhao who lived in front of our house when he was a bungalow. Do you remember his son?"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, "slug?" Seeing his father nodded his head, Ding Yu knocked on his head, "time is too long! If you don't really forget it! However, I have some impression. I remember that he and Ding Ding Ding are of the same age. Was he in the first grade or two years later? "

"Two years late, because I went to school late! One year later, I fell off the wall and broke my leg because it was too noisy! I've been squatting for another year. I didn't let Lao Zhao die when I was in the first place! ""I seem to have some impressions, but Dad, are you still in touch? I didn't think of it! "

"It's always been connected, OK? In those days, the neighborhood relationship was good! School affairs are handled by your mother, and hospital affairs are handled by me! When you had an accident, he didn't help much, but he sent 6000 yuan to the family! "

Hearing his father say so, Ding Yu narrowed his eyes slightly!

"I remember! Did you come by bike with slugs? I remember when he was fighting Ding Ding! " Such a mention, Ding Yu's mind immediately emerged some memories! "Yes! I still remember at that time, he sent two pork tripes to the house! Tell me how to treat my mother's stomach

"What's the matter? Is something wrong? "

"There are not so many things. Lao Zhao's luck is good. His son went to school two years late, but the situation turned out to be better! This is not two days ago when the examination of a unit! He called me and offered me a drink

"I'm a little old!"

"The children are still very good. After school, they don't have to worry about it at home! Our old house has already been demolished! He bought a new villa, but because there is land in the countryside, he has a good life in his small life! "

Listening to his father's implicit hint, Ding Yu nodded, "is it from our side? Or somewhere else? "

"I'll tell you? I'm sure I can't hide it from my son. Thanks to you, you old man, you still think you're right

Ding Lin did not have so much embarrassment, "Xiao Zhao was admitted by virtue of his own ability, because the school he graduated from and the graduate school were good, so he gave him some impression points. Now it is different from when he was a child! When I was young, I was a slug, but now I'm a good-looking person. Can I call a slug any more? "

"Dad! Mom! You've been making trouble for a long time. I'm almost confused by you! What is his job now! You must be clear about it

"Provincial Museum!"

Listening to his father's big gasp, Ding Yu didn't catch a breath, "Dad! Mom! You are indeed! " He patted himself on the chest twice. "What did I think it was? I have a good relationship with Guobo! Usually some things have been donated out, and there are people to help at home! If there is anything else you can say directly! That worries me! "

"Shall I say it?" Zhao Shuying is also relieved, "your father always feels a little wrong in his heart! I'm afraid to make trouble for you. If there are not too many problems in the city, the family can even do it! But when it comes to Provincial Museum, who knows what the situation is? "

"It's not a mess. Since the slug took the test himself, it means that he has considerable ability! It's not a bad thing, but I still don't understand. What does a slug want? "

"Isn't that worrying? The mother worries about being bullied! See if you can find someone to take care of it. Slugs are a bit honest! Family background is very common! Who knows what it's like to go to a big city? "

"I see!" Ding Yu didn't know what to say for a moment! "Yes! Other people's face is not given, but Uncle Zhao's face must be given! But I remember that Ding Ding was lying on her back window when she was all right. Anyway, what kind of food does the slug make in her house? She must be the first one to taste the fresh food! "

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are very helpless, but after helpless, they all laughed, "in those days, the kitchen in the house was basically in the back! Because the front is the Chaoyang noodles, and at the beginning they were all burning Kang, so no one can put the stove in front of it

"Anyway, I remember that the first thing Ding Ding Ding did when she came back from school was to lie on her back window and see what good things she had done today. Uncle Zhao didn't have any words for many years. Maybe she didn't feel anything at that time. But now I think, there are not many people who can do this! It's so rare! "

"Lao Zhao is so honest! The same is true of her husband! Too honest people can open their mouth, especially with me and your mother, it's really not easy! If not for their own children, I think certainly not! After so many years of time, he had nothing to do except ask me to eat. This time! I'm stuttering

"Children! It's all the debts of previous lives Ding Yu said, "OK! There's no problem with me! I'll arrange for him to get a thigh! But really speaking, Ding Ding has eaten the things of Uncle Zhao for so many years, and she has to pay a little bit! Can you make her cheaper! "

"Spare your sister! Just her temper, still not fried? "

"Yes! That is, Shangnan can stand it! " Ding Yu said jokingly, "I'll give them a breath later, but it's still unknown what's going on there now. I'll say hello first. It may be new year's later! Is that all right? ""Yes! I told Lao Zhao, let him rest assured! He! I don't know what kind of mind to fuck

After dinner, Ding Yu asked the housekeeper to arrange it and told his parents at will! Save their heart there are so many honest can not put down, for their own, it is really not difficult! Even this matter does not need to personally come forward, human relations are not so used!

The next morning, several children gave themselves a video to come over! They have all arrived in the capital, along with Taixi! In fact, I came last night! Because too busy, so no time!

Maybe the day after tomorrow, I will be able to come back! Hope not to worry too much at home!

What is the reason? How can Ding Yu not know, it must be his father and mother there, there is quite a reluctant! These are understandable! What's more, the grandparents in the capital can't just turn a blind eye to them!

So Ding Yu here told a few words, put down the phone in the hand!

Then Ding Yu was busy again. On the surface, it was about to celebrate the New Year! Everything needs to be put down, but in fact? Ding Yu needs to do a lot of preparation. Do you really think that the forces behind Rowling and Pitt have stopped? How can it be? It's impossible!

After waiting for the new year, what is waiting for you is the storm or something else? Hard to say!

If you don't do any preparation now, you must wait until the storm comes, and then think about stabilizing your fence. Can you live stably? How could it be? I'm not God's son!

They know this, and Rowling and Pitt certainly understand that everyone is taking advantage of such a short rest time to start enriching themselves. When they get to the negotiation table, whoever has more territory will have a greater advantage!

No one wants to lose money. Everyone wants to take advantage of it. But the cake is so big that they all want to grab the big one. But what's the real situation? Finally, we must achieve the so-called balance, so that the tripartite situation can continue to maintain!

So now who is more fully prepared, who will be able to occupy a large piece of cake, this is no doubt! So how can you be idle now? Even Ding Yu is the same, but some things are not convenient to show it!

But at noon, Ding Yu was kicked by Xiao lazy! It is obvious that he was appointed by his mother, otherwise it would never be so! Take a look at the mobile phone! Looking at the missed call above, Ding Yu patted Xiao lazy's head!

"Mother! What's the matter? I'm a little busy working here. I won't go to eat at noon! Eat for yourself

"Come here! I called you a few times! No one answered! How can I get back to it? "

Zhao Shuying expresses her dissatisfaction seriously! It doesn't look like ordinary anger!

"Something! that 's ok! I'll be right there Can hear the anger in his mother's words, but the reason inside can't blame Ding Yu! After all, Ding Yu has a lot to do here! No wonder little lazy never went back! It is also smart, knowing that if it goes back on its own, it may cause something!

"Just a moment. I'll arrange it."

When Ding Yu comes over, look at the people in the living room! Leng for a moment, but Zhao Guang suddenly stood up! Ding Yu blinked his eyes, "Ouch! Uncle Zhao! When did you come? " Ding Yu quickly stepped forward and shook hands with Uncle Zhao, "I'm really sorry, I didn't know you were here! Don't be surprised! "

"Nothing! don't worry! It's a delay! I didn't expect you to be so busy! "

"And my aunt? Why didn't she come? How can you come alone? " Ding Yu helped him quickly. "Yesterday, my father told me you were going to buy him a drink. I thought today I must have gone to drink! I didn't think you were here in person

"Not because of you?" Zhao Shuying complained about it! "I was going to have a drink today, but your aunt has already made preparations. As a result, Xiao Zhao's business came so suddenly that there was no preparation for it!"

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment. After Zhao Guang sat down, he looked at his father!

"Is nothing wrong?! Didn't I say that yesterday? And I've already said hello! No problem! It's amazing. It should be true after the New Year

"There will be a letter this morning! Originally, Xiao Zhao was ready to bring her new daughter-in-law back! In the morning, I was called back. There were some arrangements. Uncle Zhao was a little too excited! I came here in the morning. I'm going to drink! Xiao Zhao called over there and said to wait! Naoteng has no letter till now! All three of us are waiting here

"Hi! I was thinking of inviting elder brother Ding and his sister-in-law to have dinner together in the past! I didn't want to let go! "

"So fast?" Ding Yu didn't expect that! "Good thing! Now that Zhao Shudu has come! Eat here at noon! There's everything in the house anyway"Don't come here. We'll have to have a meal with Zhao Chao today! As for you? " Ding Lin looked up and down! Of course, the reason why he said that was obviously a joke!

"Uncle Zhao, do you think this is OK? I'm sure not at noon! I don't have much time. If I have time in the evening, I'll have a meal and make amends to you and my aunt myself! Don't mention, for so many years, I can't forget my aunt's craft! At that time, Ding Ding and I were lying on the back window, thinking about when your house would fire! "

"Absolutely no problem!"

While talking, Zhao Guang's phone rang! Although did not listen carefully, but how much still listen to ask some situation, the voice over the phone is very excited, and Zhao Guang hung up the phone, is suddenly stood up!

"Brother Ding! Sister in law, and Xiaoyu! I'm stupid and can't speak. I have dinner at home today! If I don't serve well! If you hit me in the face, if I fart, I'm not raised by my parents! "

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