"Zhao Ning, tell me honestly, how it happened!"

The girl standing in front of Zhao Ning wears a white down jacket, but she doesn't feel bloated! The whole person is also light make-up, from the point of view of dressing, is just an ordinary girl, but this "fierce" is absolutely unbearable for other people!

Zhao Ning is also touching his head! Silly look!

Two people stand together, really is a perfect match! At least the feeling is very harmonious! Not calm with a little mischievous! The more you look at it, the more interesting it will be!

"What can I ask you? Don't you say your family is an ordinary family? Make it clear to me, otherwise I won't leave today! If you don't know, you sign it! I've tried my best to find out for you? "

When talking, the girl is very straightforward! There's no tardiness!

"Xiaoju, I'm from an ordinary family! Do I go to graduate school or do I pay for it? And all of them are earned by working for me! I've never hidden it from you! My mother is a housewife, my father was a worker, then laid off! The house is demolished! But the cost of demolition can't be compared with that of big cities! Later or with savings and some demolition money, only to buy a new house! Is that all? "

"Why did you come in! So soon? How many people in the same period! You don't know, don't I? "

Zhao Ning blinked his eyes, "Xiaoju, get on the bus first, and then wait for a while. The train is going to leave! I'm a guaranteed ticket I coax my girlfriend into the car! No way! My girlfriend has been following me for so many years, since I was a graduate student! I can't let her down!

After the train started, Zhao Ning handed a cup of milk tea to his girlfriend!

"Don't drink this! It's too expensive! And it's not good to drink After an angry remark, he picked up the topic just now, "I know your test scores are no problem, but you signed so quickly! I didn't think of it! It's not clear now. I'm worried if there's something wrong with it? "

"My father went to find the uncle of the Ding family." For Ding's situation, Zhao Ning how much or know some! After all, their own foundation is in the small county! "Uncle Ding used to live with our family, and the relationship between our two families was very good."

"What are you doing! It's all connected? I haven't heard of you before? "

Liang Ju shocked at the same time, but also with a little curiosity! After all, it's provincial Expo! It's not any other unit!

"Uncle Ding was a doctor. Later he was promoted to the Dean, not the Dean, but he was very powerful. My aunt was a teacher and a primary school teacher. I was under her hand when I was in primary school. I was strict in school! But we all like it very much! "

When they got off the train, Liang Ju looked at the station outside and couldn't help blinking his eyes. The expression on his face was more or less dull. He never came here. This year is really the first time!

For myself, the impression is just a small county, no big deal!

But now I feel that I have some stupid eyes. What's the situation? It is true that it is not a busy situation, but to their first feeling, is not so prosperous some over the top!

This has not been the new year? Just start dressing like this? Not even the provincial capital, right?

What's more, although the station has quite a situation, giving people a red and fiery feeling, but there is no sense of disorder! What's more, the station here is a little bit high-end?

"Zhao Ning, don't you say your family is a small county?"

Zhao Ning pushed the box, still carrying a lot of things in his hand. Listening to her girlfriend's question, he couldn't help nodding, "yes! This is it! Although later the county changed to city! But we all like that! I haven't been back for years! But it has changed a lot! "

"Yes! Mom and dad told me that they were going to pick you up in person. After all, it's your first time to come home! But there are guests at home

While talking, I saw a middle-aged man in suit and leather shoes standing in front of two people!

"Hello! Is it Mr. Zhao Ning and Ms. Liang Ju? "

A talk, let Zhao Ning and Liang Ju two people have so many silly eyes!

When two people got on the bus, Liang Ju felt that he didn't even dare to speak! What happened? Zhao Ning is what situation, oneself know too clear! The tuition fees of graduate students are all accumulated when working in those years! Usually when the food and clothing to save how much savings, their own contact after a period of time, found that he is very progressive! So two people also slowly came together!

What about your family? It's really good!

Even at home for themselves to find such a boyfriend, how many are so some opinions!

But after contacting Zhao Ning for a period of time, I found that he had no male chauvinism. He was very honest, but he had very good living habits. Maybe his family condition was not so good, but the more contact he had, the more he liked it!But today I came to the small county side, but found that the situation with their imagination seems to have too many different!

When waiting for the car to stop in front of a small building, Liang Ju is silly to look at his boyfriend, "this is your home, you don't say your home is..."

"Yes! My dad's laid off! My mother is a housewife. They still work every day! It's surrounded by houses like this! Very ordinary! "

Talking, looking at their own door was opened, there was a familiar voice, Zhao Ning is pulling his girlfriend to get out of the car quickly! Together with a thank you to the driver!

"Dad! Mom Just finish saying, have not wait to finish saying words, see Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying that come out from inside!

"Uncle Ding, teacher! When did you come? "

"Oh, this is the new daughter-in-law!" Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying both laughed. Today is really a good day!

Everyone came home together! Liang Ju is not separated from his boyfriend, originally thought that the conditions of his boyfriend's home must be general! So when I came, I did a lot of preparation! But when I came, I found that I was a little ignorant!

There is a sentence how to say, I seem to have caught a golden tortoise son-in-law!

This is the house! Although it is said to be in a small county! But not everyone can afford it! I live in a high building, but is the difference between them a little bit big?

"Uncle Ding, teacher, I haven't thank you yet!" His father has told himself some of the situation, even if Zhao Ning is stupid, honest! This time is also sincere to express their own thanks!

"You're really looking for the wrong person! We are to say hello, mainly your brother there to deal with! This is not the main reason. Your test results are very good and your temperament is calm. Everyone has a very good impression of you. It is not easy to have such a steady mind at your age! "

"Brother Yu?" Zhao Ning was really stunned for a moment!

"Yes! He has something in the afternoon, and I don't know if he can come over at night! But it's disturbing you. It's really our problem. "

"Uncle Ding, you and my teacher are all my elders. I have grown up and brought my new daughter-in-law back to meet you. I didn't expect brother Yu to be at home! Did you not come back? "

Taking advantage of Zhao Ning's spare time to change clothes, Liang Ju followed Zhao Ning's position after obtaining permission, and the people behind him also burst into laughter. It is obvious that everyone is very satisfied with the two sentences!

"Zhao Ning, you liar, you cheat me?" What can't be said grabs Zhao Ning's ear! Uncle Ding and Mr. Zhao are not so clear about their origins, but their temperament is absolutely not deceptive! The boss of his own company, he has seen, absolute big man, but his body also does not have this bearing!

"No! When did I cheat you? " Zhao Ning felt the pain in his ear and begged for mercy!

Ding Yu came a little late. After all, there are many things in his hand. He needs to make some arrangements!

Of course, it's not empty handed. It's all old neighborhoods, although we're separated now! But after all, it's still in a city. I spent so much time lying on the window of others. This friendship needs to be remembered!

"Come, come! Still carrying things. What's going on? Treat us as outsiders, don't you? "

"Uncle Zhao! Auntie! It's really the first time I've been here! If the first time I come here empty handed, I don't know what I'm doing here! " Ding Yu presents the things inside and looks at Zhao Ning standing in front of him! I was stunned! There are too many differences with my own impression!

"How many years has it been? If I don't introduce it, I really can't recognize it!"

"Brother Yu!" Zhao Ning touched his head, his face was so red, "this is my daughter-in-law, Liang Ju!"

"Hello!" Ding Yu stretched out his hand, "I am Ding Yu!"

Two people shook hands with each other, Ding Yu patted Zhao Ning on the shoulder, and then said in a low voice, "it's really changed! In those days, they called your nickname! Now all of a sudden, it's a completely different person! I can't imagine it! "

"Brother Yu, I haven't thank you yet." Zhao Ning is very excited to say! After all, it's one time to pass the interview. It's another thing to sign directly! There are essential differences between the two!

"Hi! That's a bit of a layman Ding Yu did not have any domineering, let Zhao Ning really not have much preparation, "by the way! Have you seen Ding Ding Ding? Did you two fight a lot in the first place? "

"She robbed me of my delicious food!" Liang Ju standing next to me heard of course! I really didn't think that my boyfriend could say such a thing. It's really honest and honest!

What Liangju didn't think of was that Ding Yu even nodded, "she is such a greedy problem! Even now, it has not been improved! But these are small things, I said you need to pay more attention to your business! Ding Ding is the mother of two children! Have a pair of twins! You have a stable job now! You can't make the family too anxious! ""Hi, hi!"

Looking at Zhao Ning's appearance, Ding Yu shakes his head, and soon everyone sits on the table, with big dishes and big names on it! a superb collection of beautiful things! It's really that makes Liang Ju feel a little bit tongue smacking. Is this a bit exaggerated?

That skinny shrimp is about to catch up with his own chopsticks! There are crabs, said to be with the basin size, a bit exaggerated, but bigger than two bowls, absolutely not said, there is chicken stewed mushroom, such a big pot!

However, smelling the smell, Liang Ju felt that his saliva could not help it! This full table of things, placed in their own home, is absolutely sky high! You can't even buy it! But here, it is so common!

"Xiaoyu, have a drink?"

Ding Yu shook his head, "Uncle Zhao, it has nothing to do with whether to give face, my parents are here! You are elders, but I don't drink much! So many years of habit has been formed! When a doctor is a doctor, there is always some trouble! "

Looking at Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying nodding, Zhao Guang did not insist! However, when Ding Yu began to eat, everyone except Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying was shocked! Is this a beast? Where's the food?

But the more so, the more happy Zhao Guang's husband and wife are. Why? Because Ding Yu did this, he really did not regard them as outsiders! What about the farm? Don't they know? If there is no farm, how can their family afford to live in such a small house? It's impossible!

What would Ding Yu like to eat? Even if you change the pattern every day, there is no problem! But when they come to their own home, they don't have any extravagance, and they still miss the old love, which is enough!

After dinner, Ding Yu didn't stay here for a long time, so he was ready to leave! When leaving, Ding Yu patted Zhao Ning on the shoulder, "if you have anything, call me. It's not a slug now! Already a man! And I said that sentence remember clearly, get married early and have children, this matter must be grasped! Can a good girl be robbed by others! It will be too late to repent

When he said this, Ding Yu didn't have too many taboos. After hearing this, everyone burst into laughter!

After waiting for Ding Yu's family to get on the bus and leave, Liang orange helped his mother-in-law to go home!

Back home, Zhao Ning did not know which tendon is wrong! Take a bite on Liang Ju's cheek! The action is too sudden, scared Liang Ju almost jumped up, and then looked at his boyfriend viciously!

Zhao's parents are blind to their son's actions! And even enjoy it!

"All right! Xiao Ning! You take the orange out to have a look! The scenery in the city is still very good, especially these days more lively! You're drinking! Stop driving

"Auntie! It's dark outside! It's not short of a moment! If we have time tomorrow, we will go again! "

As for Ding Yu's side, he drove back with his parents in person!

"Don't say, Lao Zhao is still very good here! It's almost a cottage. Although the place is not very big, there are neighbors on both sides, and the environment is very good! "

"The land in our city is not enough, but if we want to plant the land here, it doesn't mean that we can't do it. It takes too long to get pregnant! And I'm afraid it's hard to eliminate the garbage and pollution left over for a moment and a half! Anyway, for the farm, it's not as useful as you think! But some people like to live here, some people like tall buildings! People are different, it is really difficult to distinguish! Now the conditions are good! We have more choices! "

"I heard there are some built by the sea?"

"It's not suitable for living. If you work, it's OK. At least there are not too many problems with the environment! After all, the province has made great efforts, and has a very strict attitude towards pollution and garbage. No one can afford the manpower, material and financial resources needed for such a thing! But the overall effect is still very obvious! "

"There are not so many old people left in our city. Many people went out in the early years! I didn't think it would turn out to be a good time, but the people who stayed were enjoying the good fortune! Now one by one are crying to come back! It's no use! "

"It's human nature to pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages! Quite a number of people seize the opportunity, some people can not seize such an opportunity! Such a thing is a personal choice! " Ding Yu's performance is very indifferent, "the original time when the farm was first completed, so when the development, some imbalance, but after this stage, the situation is different!"

"But it's still a good thing. People are living a good life now, and even more people are coming to work now."

"It's Spring Festival! What do some people say? You really want money, not life! Even if it's Chinese new year, there's no intention of going home. Anyway, it's just staring at the farm! Because during the holiday, the wages on the farm are several times higher than usual! "

When talking about this, Ding Yu shook his head and said, "there are some high-level people who start to curse their mother!""They need to be on duty, too? It's not easy! "

"It's all money." Ding Yu couldn't laugh or cry, "can't you just let the bottom people on duty?"?! Middle and high-level is also needed, if there is a considerable business, there must be someone to deal with it! We all want to have a good year. The local ones are better. Basically, there are not many people who work in other places? What a red eye

"It's understandable, after all, it doesn't need too much brain power at this time! What's more, it's not as much as you can imagine if you only need to pay and you can get a return! Whether admitted or denied, the labor force needed on the farm side is quite different from the ordinary labor force! This alone is enough for quite a number of people to envy

For his father's words, Ding Yu slightly nodded his head!

"But even so, quite a number of young people are still unwilling to work in this area, which gives people the feeling that they come to be farmers! How to put it? Who knows the benefits? Protect in death, even deliberately hide! And people who don't know the benefits? It's taken off course

Because there is no other thing, so a family of three is very indifferent to discuss, is not a dispute, there is no problem in this respect!

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