If it's something else, the children really won't joke, but it doesn't matter!

"Yes! How about the gift, elder sister? Do you still like it at home? " Doubts, with a little pride!

"My mother likes it very much. As for the father, don't mention it! Just eat it! It's better for them to share at least Ding Yun looks depressed! Although the gift is very different! The meaning is different!

"Wei Lai, what about you?"

"Good! Share with me at home, but my dad seems to have been put in the office with the things I brought back! "

Wei Lai is a little proud of this! After all, this is the first time for me!

"This meal you please Ding Yunsi was not polite. "If I had known, I would have been like the elder martial brother! At least the things of elder martial brother are put in the study! " In this regard, Ding Yun has so many sighs!

In fact, Wei Lai and his wife have not been to Ding Yu's study, and they have really gone in. In addition to quite exclamation, they really have not any extravagance. Of course, this is also approved by Ding Yu! If Ding Yu doesn't agree, then don't say Wei came to them! Even the children at home can't get in and out at will!

But Ding Yu is more to let them feel! Let them realize the problem!

When Wei Lai and several of them heard that Wang An's gifts were placed in the study, almost all of them were worshipping eyes, even if they were educated by the elder sister! The expression of envy is still beyond words!

"It's a small woodcarving. I think the master will like it very much!" Wang An is not too proud! "In fact, I think the younger martial sister's things should be more in line with the wishes of the master! Otherwise, the master would not eat it at that time! "

"That's right. It's absolutely in dad's taste!"

"Ding Chang, you disappear again!"

Ding Chang, who was mentioned, waved his hand slightly, and looked helpless! "Just talk! Why do you have to mention me? My gift is OK! Mother likes it very much, dad? Should be ready to give me a love education! After all, the things I sent were a little bit off the mark! "

In this regard, everyone is laughing! But after trying ice cream, I'm ready to leave! But Ding Chang is still very clever, let the waiter pack two ice cream!

Wei Lai looked at the two ice cream sent up, and naturally knew what they were used for. Do you still need to say such things? Not at all! Stop talking about two ice cream! Even if it is 20, there is no problem, as for 200 points even! Their financial resources are really not enough to support their own so to do!

When he saw the children at home, Ding Yu picked his eyebrows to Taixi! What do you mean? Do you need to say?

Tai Xi looked at the ice cream delivered by several children and felt very interesting! I didn't buy it on purpose!

"Looks good?"

"That is! Wei Lai's treat. Originally we were going to come to you directly, but later I still think it's better to give you some private space! As a result, they met Wei Lai and they knocked him out! "

Ding Yu shook his head, but still tried some, but that is to try two, coffee and ice cream mixed together taste, a little too strange! But for Taixi, it is a very good attempt!

"Dad, you look at me like this, my heart is a little hairy

Ding Chang certainly won't drink coffee like his father. There are quite a few things that need to be restrained at this age! It's like my father! What kind of identity and status he is! Even there is no need to have other scruples at all, but dad is always quite restrained and rational!

Take drinking as an example. If you want to try, all the children at home have tried! No one likes the smell! Even at home, the most likely to drink is their own mother! But mother doesn't call it drinking. It's a waste!

And my father? Although there are a lot of good wine in the house, my father is just a hobby and has no interest in this aspect! From this point of view, the father is really a complete weirdo!

Of course, this is a strange person in the eyes of outsiders, and even this weirdo needs to be enclosed in quotation marks. But in my own mind, dad is absolutely unique in the world. Although dad sometimes gets out of line, what's the matter!

"Don't tell me that it has nothing to do with you. Do you think I will believe it?"

Ding Chang scratched his hair, "it's just a little strange! Although not much, but also a lot of! "

Ding Yu snorted slightly, "say it when you go back at night! People are little and ghosts are big! " Looking at Wang an leaning over, Ding Yu also used his hand to pestle his forehead. "You are too. I really don't know what's in your head!"

There are not too many people coming to disturb Ding Yu! Although there are acquaintances, but now is definitely not the best time to meet Ding Yu. If you disturb at this time, you will definitely leave a bad impression on Ding Yu. This is certain!Look at the time on the watch!

"Let's go! All back! This period of time, if you don't go back, it's really a little late! If granddad and grandma go back earlier than us, I think you will know the consequences! "

"Granddad and grandma, they can't!"

Although it is said that, but Ding Yun still gathered up quite a few things, together with her parents to take the coat! As for the payment, someone else has already dealt with it! Don't need Ding Yu to do it in person!

Back to the community, this time not too many people disturb, after all, is sitting on the car! If you really walk, you really don't know what will happen. It's hard to say!

"Daddy! Feel here and villa that side, have quite different! Villa there is more quiet! Nature! And this way? The condition is suitable, has the quite warm feeling! Each has its own merits! "

Ding Yu carried some things in his hand and looked around!

"The rooms in the community are almost second to none in the whole small city. It's not to say how superior the geographical location is. To a certain extent, there is a market, but there is almost no supply and demand. As a result, a considerable number of people want to enter the community, they need to be audited by the whole community!"

"Dad, do you mean that we all maintain abnormally?"

"Yes! All the staff are protecting the interests of the community! Will also do their own contribution for the community, this is just like the country! Everyone makes their own different contributions, maybe more or less, but not many people will care about it! Everyone has his own different demands! "

Wang an slightly nodded his head, it is obvious that he also understood quite a thing!

Back home for quite some time, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying came back, but there are also a lot of things inside. As for xiaolazy, complacent, have a look at its belly? Just know that you don't need to prepare too much for it tonight! If you eat too much, it's easy to have problems!

"Grandfather! Grandma! Did you come back from the supermarket? " The children at home quickly took all the things down! Even Ding Yun tried some selectively! It tastes good, but I don't dislike it at all! And Zhao Shuying is in a hurry to put things down!

"I said it! This old thing! But we can't stand it. We are so enthusiastic Then he also pushed his husband, "I'll wash and gargle quickly. The smell of smoke is all over the body. I'll change my clothes! Don't smoke, children

When two people go to wash, the children in the family help the little lazy. They clean it up again. They don't need the help of the nanny. For them, it's just a matter of convenience!

To a certain extent, both big bear and little lazy have become a part of this family!

But today's little lazy is obviously too active! When you come back, just lie down! No provocation, no communication with other dogs! It's just lying there honestly!

And Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying here after eating, there is no stagnation, quickly take up their own coat! It seems that communication is not over yet! Along with the children in the family were pulled out! They want to complain? Perhaps in front of Ding Yu's face is OK, but in front of Zhao Shuying's face, or forget it!

When they came back, they were not panting, but looking at their cheeks, I knew that it would not be too good! Along with Wang An and Ding Chang, their cheeks were swollen! Even the lipstick print on it is clearly visible! This shows how popular they are!

"Too tired! The main reason is too much enthusiasm! I doubt it! Did granddad and grandma take us to the thunder! What's more, are you lazy? It went there! It's all caused by it! "

Little lazy has been lying down for a long time! This time is absolutely not bold, although not as smart as small four eyes, but act according to circumstances or can do it! At this point, the little lazy is definitely a talent!

A new wash, a large family are sitting around the sofa in the living room, watching TV programs! As for Ding Yun, he was holding the bear's head and holding it in his arms. He didn't know what he was saying in a low voice!

But Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying did not have much time to go back to rest! Before leaving, he took a warning look at Ding Yu! The meaning is very clear, the children at home will be handed over to you! But don't make those messy, otherwise, Ding Yu will never be spared! Do what you say!

For the threat of his father and mother, Ding Yu nodded to show that he knew! No one dares to offend these two!

"Daddy Ding Yun immediately looked like a monkey picking on the sofa. Fortunately, there was no problem with the sound insulation in the house. Otherwise, it would be hard to say whether she would come downstairs!

Tai Xi looked at his daughter, helpless face, or Wang Yu better! Quiet, and not so many jumps!After greeting Ding Yu, Tai Xi took Wang Yu to have a rest! Such things do not want to know, with Wang Yu also not much need to know! It is meaningless to instill these things into Wang Yu!

Wang Yu is very clever to follow Tai Xi to leave! And Wang Yang is leaning on Ding Yu's side position!

"Dad, it seems that there is something wrong with the recent situation!"

Because there is no Ding Yun's shackles, so small four eyes relaxed a lot, but still lean on Ding Chang's side, after all, it does not want to be too close to Ding Yu, always feel so strange!

"What's wrong?! Say it all

"Too calm! I heard that Rowling and Elizabeth were here! Even the Chinese New Year is coming soon! They didn't mean to leave! The identities of the two of them are inside the system at home! And they all have a considerable logo, so we can see the general! If you really don't want to disturb dad, you can come back after the new year, isn't there any problem? "

"It's also a statement! But it's hard to buy air tickets after the New Year

Ding Yun is relying on his father, is very discontented to say, "Dad! It's hard to buy a ticket. It's just relative to ordinary people. What's more, for Rowling and Elizabeth, it's not difficult to use a private plane. Their continued stay here has proved quite a problem! "

"Wang An, what do you say?"

"The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind is not strong! It may be the situation of the master, or the situation of Rowling and Elizabeth. It's hard to make this decision now! But after the new year, we still need to face this problem. We all need to talk about it! "

Ding Yu turned a blind eye to the small movements of his daughter Ding Yun, "yes! After all, we still need to talk about it! But what about this problem? It's a little too profound for you! To be sure, this question is still in the air. No matter what you think of, don't say it or ask it! "

"Dad, don't Tong Tong and Xiao Gang talk about it?"

"No, it doesn't matter if it's face-to-face, but absolutely not if it's not. There's no room for discussion about this matter! I have told you very clearly already

Ding Yun is a little dissatisfied, kicking Ding Yu with his feet, and with little four eyes, there are some who want to get up, or Ding Chang is pressed down!

"Dad, I feel there is quite a change in this!"

"Don't try! It doesn't make any sense. Go and see for yourself Ding Yu was not polite at all, "and one point, my grandfather and I will get up early to cook on the morning of the Chinese New Year. Wang An and Ding Chang, you two can't escape!"

"Why not me?" Ding Yun is not satisfied with this! "Dad, you are too partial

"It's not impossible, but the situation is a little bit special. Usually, they are the aunts and chefs at home, and even your grandmother's chefs. Although your mothers have less time to come back, they need to rest on that day! So we need to shoulder all this! I don't mind if you want to! "

"Forget it! I think it is a very good virtue to respect women! "

Ding Yu white one eye, but did not have too much reprimand, immediately put them three to drive away! Go back to bed and rest! At this time, don't say anything and have spirit. Ding Yu can't listen to such words, otherwise you will definitely know the power of it! And the children in the family are all grateful for this!

No one wants to try!

On the morning of new year's day, Ding Yu got up very early, and so did Ding Lin! After a simple activity, father and son entered the kitchen, but Ding Lin was more of a conductor, and Ding Yu dealt with quite a lot of things!

And Zhao Shuying is to seize the want to help Tai Xi, and Ding Ding and Wang Yu two little girls, is also surrounded by them, they just need to sit and wait to eat ready-made good! It doesn't need that much trouble!

Ding Yu's standard may not reach the master's level, but there is no problem in cooking a few dishes! No matter is the color collocation, or the plate, is not said that kind! Not only is the kitchen inside Wang An and Ding Chang silly eye, with Ding Yun and Wang Yu two girls, also do not live to run to the kitchen!

It's really delicious! The two of them can't sit still!

As for the small four eyes is directly lying in the door position, small lazy they are impatient, it is obvious that they have a little impatience, but really dare not provoke small four eyes, a slap can give them to shoot!

And now this time to go to Zhao Shuying to help, also not too much effect! So they can only be anxious up and down disorderly string!

What's more, they haven't eaten all night! There were so many things I ate yesterday, so it's not so strange now!

Before setting the table, several children in the family also prepared breakfast for the big bear and the little lazy boy. These days, the food is particularly rich. The people in the family are all part of the family, and there will be no deviation!On this issue, the family is treated equally! Did not see Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are deliberately come over to see two times, they are not generally on the small lazy!

"Dad! Mom! Ready to eat! "

Just after breakfast, the phone rings in succession. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are called out by old friends and old friends, and may not come back at noon! Ding Yu shook his head at the children at home!

"I don't have to think about it! The phone hasn't stopped since the morning! "

The same is true of Tai hee!

"I'm still with my husband! Will not accompany you to play! I hope you can be happy

Although several children babble, but still reluctantly agreed! But they also know that they will never be too free in the morning! Today is definitely a busy day, from morning to night!

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