In the morning, Ding Yu gave a video to his grandfather and grandmother, including his parents!

However, Su Yuan was not satisfied with the child's absence! "You too! Let them go out for the Spring Festival? It's a time for the whole family to be happy, but your family is different! "

"How noisy! I'm out! They have nothing to do with it! Spring Festival! The community here is more lively, and the neighbors around are also more tables! There will be fireworks performance in the evening, which should be very wonderful! But for dinner, it should be in the villa! After all, there may be more people coming! The villa is more convenient there! "

In fact, Su Yuan didn't mean to be picky. He felt that he was angry, so he said a few more words!

"And they?"

"The old couple are out! Just back to the community side, that called a busy, neighbors need to contact each other, everything is very good! Is everything ready at home? "

Tai Xi is by Ding Yu's side! For this mother-in-law's habits, Taixi still has a certain understanding, why is this? There must be some other thoughts! In addition, there will be any reason, but these things can be known by themselves! There is no need to say it, and there is no need for any disclosure!

"Mother! Ding Yu and I will go to see you after the new year, that is, a few days! The children are a little mischievous, so they didn't stay at home. Yesterday, a few noisy people were a little bit unreasonable! "

For Tai Xi initiative to take over, Ding Yu or a big sigh of relief! The older you are! The more difficult it is to appease, sometimes I feel it is difficult to do so!

After talking to his mother on the phone, Ding Yu gave a sign to Taixi. Then he walked out of the room. Ding Yu immediately called his third uncle. It took quite a while before he was connected!

"Hello, director Ding!" The attendant on this side of the phone is also very helpless, other people make this call! I can take another way, but director Ding Yuding? Forget it! Before this, I have received the notice!

"Is uncle there?"

"Director Ding, don't make it difficult for you! OK or not? I want to celebrate the new year, too

Ding Yu felt that he had some toothache. "I'll give my uncle an early birthday! There's always something out of place at night, isn't it? "

"Director Ding, please raise your hand!" The phone is always in my hand. I can even say that I haven't done anything else all morning, just waiting for this call. What is the reason? They are not so clear, but the task handed down, they must be completed!

"Director Ding, I'm waiting to go home for the New Year!"

"Yes! I'll call my uncle again in the evening. " Ding Yu really did not mean to threaten others. Even if it was a threat, what could it do? Since the third uncle wants to have a good new year, don't disturb me too much! However, the preparation still needs to be done. Who knows what will happen?

It is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Put down the phone, Ding Yu went out, Tai Xi picked his eyebrows, Ding Yu is shaking his head!

"Blocked by the Secretary! All thinking about the New Year! There is no way but to talk about it after the New Year

Tai Xi is squinting his eyes and smiling, quite a thing do not need to care so much! However, the interval is not too long, Ding Yu's phone is constantly ringing up! Basically, it's all for Ding Yu! If you call again in the evening, you will not be able to call!

"Let's go! Let's not take it at home! Find a place to take a bath! New Year! Always need a wash? "

"What about mom and dad? And the kids at home? Why don't you come and join us

"They don't know where they've gone! It's hard to say, but I don't think there are too many problems! " After thinking about it, Ding Yu took out his mobile phone and made a phone call, but his father's call was through. As Ding Yu expected, he went to take a bath! Old colleagues and friends!

As for the children at home? They are not idle! That is Ding Yu and Tai Xi two people, there are quite a lot of things, so just delayed! But look at the current situation, they really have some wrongs!

Ding Yu is like quiet, so he found a hot spring bath far away from the city! But there are quite a lot of people in this period of time! As for Taixi, but with her subordinates, the problem is not so big!

"Mr. Ding, you are rare to see!"

Now that you are here, don't mention me or you! Everyone wants to see you naked! And it's all men! Is it hard to say that you have more or less than others? There is no such thing at all!

"It's Spring Festival! It must be a clean new year Ding Yu pointed to Zhao Hongyang not far away, "Lao Zhao, what do you say today? But how can I see you everywhere? ""Don't mention it! At the beginning, I was going to go to my old brother! okay? I'm going to be a handyman! Don't mention bathing! Along with the sweat! There is a bathtub at home, but it's not enjoyable! i couldn 't help it! I'm driving this way, too! Have a look? okay? We are basically there! "

Ding Yu changed his clothes. Everyone has a look at Ding Yu's body shape and his own. They all feel that there are some pulling hips! The best thing to do is to keep in shape. Now the living conditions are better! We also have a considerable understanding of their own health! If the body fat, want to reduce down, absolutely not what easy thing!

Originally, we didn't know much about it, but let's have a look at Ding Yu's figure today, OK? Even more brilliant than the model, it is really wearing thin, undressed with meat, absolutely not boasting out! Even give a person the feeling, have enough exaggeration! They are all the same. Why is Mr. Ding so excellent?

The new year's Eve, we are not prepared to talk about other things, are to come to wash!

After all, it's different now! No fireworks in the city now! Except for the pollution-free cold fireworks, other fireworks are not allowed to be set off. There are some reasons for this, which is because of the farm!

Of course, the farm has also given considerable subsidies, mainly because fireworks and firecrackers have considerable pollution, and these pollution has considerable damage to the land, and now the people are very reasonable! Because if there is pollution, it is harmful to the whole land!

There's so much bullshit about everything else! Let us see clearly the power of which is the key!

"I said it's quite a distance from our city! The new year's Day is coming this way

"No way! Mr. Ding Someone brought tea to Ding Yu, and then he sat down beside him. "There are many baths in the city. Today, even in the latter half of the night, they don't have time to come down! I don't feel like this at home. My girl went out in the morning! It's not in line yet

The crowd burst into laughter, "Lao Qu, with you here, why didn't you bring your sister-in-law here?"

"She said it was far away, not rare! I can't beat it! Can't we force people to do this? I came with our monkey cub! My side is even blister peeling! Whether she can get a number on the other side of the line is all about two things

"Lao Qu, you'll wait until you get back to kneel on the washboard?"

"It's better to change it to a keyboard!" Anyway, it's all bragging. No one should dislike anyone!

And Taixi's side? There are also quite a lot of people! We all know something about the identity of Tai Xi! In other aspects, we are not so envious, but when we look at others and ourselves, how can we feel more and more like village girls?

When washing and gargling, they are all single rooms, and so are all kinds of maintenance. But when you come out to have a rest, you can still see the situation! Look at other people's skin, just like the eggs just peeled out of the same, delicate pinch a will water feeling!

And everybody? Even if it was soaked in milk every day, it did not!

You know, people who can come here are basically small and wealthy. At their age, there is not much extravagance in family! Only is that they still hope to be young and beautiful!

But what about modern cosmetics? How to put it? Speaking of it, sex can really play a role! That is to say, thanks to the fact that they live in this city, their diet and environment are affected, so they are better than others!

But one of them suddenly appeared a white swan, this let everyone have so many can not bear, the eyes are almost green! At this time, no matter what else, they are all busy to ask for advice!

Taixi simply explained, of course, also put the credit in this to Ding Yu, Tai Xi is very clear, his body can maintain the status quo is how a thing! All of a sudden, there are so many ladies in the room who quit!

This is too bullying! It has nothing to do with Taixi! Everyone pointed the spearhead at Ding Yu!

The men in the family have quite changed, which we all know! But we are also half the sky behind us. You, Mr. Ding Yuding, can't owe us, can you? No, we have to find Ding Yu for an explanation! Otherwise, we will never get out of this tone!

And then we all came in a big way! But when the waiter saw this posture, the whole person was numb! Along with the manager slippers of the hot spring, they all ran away! My wife is leading the way! What can I do?

Ding Yu looks at the people who come over here. They all look at each other. What's the situation!

"I'll go, Mr. Dong? What's wrong with you? Why did the sister-in-law kill her in person Fortunately, it's not in the middle of the bath! Otherwise, I really don't know how to deal with it!

"Mr. Ding, we have never asked for anything, have we? The men in the house follow you, they are vigorous and vigorous one by one! But we are all about to become old yellow skin! This is what you're wrong with! "Ding Yu blinked his eyes, and then looked at Tai Xi not far away, as if to understand something!

But Dong Chuang didn't understand. He winked at his wife and said, "don't be surprised, Mr. Ding. Our girls are a little tiger! You have never seen the world before. Don't take her for granted! She may be too excited today! I saw you, Mr. Ding, so I didn't control it for a moment

Ding Yu was smiling, and immediately poured tea for everyone. "I also called you sister-in-law. I don't know how to deal with it? Even the whole person is a little confused! "

"Mr. Ding, we don't have much to say! Whether it is work or family, there are not too many problems, but they have no problems! But what about us? The original is ten li eight village famous Jun girl, but accompany them 20 or 30 years of time! What about us? The skin is three feet long. It's unfair. We don't want to look like a little girl, but we can't take it out. There's no way to see people! "

Ding Yu laughed. Although he knew the reason when Taixi came, he said it himself, which was totally different from the wives in front of him! The nature is completely different!

"No words!" Dong Chuang's face is black! You tiger lady, what do you think happened? My heart and liver are about to jump out! I think it's such a result. Who can I talk to?

"Mr. Ding, I'm sorry for you!" Dong Chuang quickly apologized to Ding Yu, "today there is one, all the consumption is free, it's our housewives...!"

Before finishing speaking, Ding Yu waved his hand, "what about this matter? Do you really blame me? Old Dong! I really ignored it earlier! Don't be free! Today's consumption is mine! " He didn't let other people talk, but Ding Yu continued to say, "but you have to give everyone a gift! I have to think about my sister-in-law! "

"Mr. Ding, you can't afford to spend too much time on it."

"It's a good day today! I'll give you some fruit plates and tea, and I won't pay for them! "

Everyone is also a kind of laughter! Ding Yu continued to say, "sister-in-law! What happened before? I really don't pay too much attention to it. The main reason is that I usually contact with elder brother Zhao and they are in contact with each other, and I really ignore your half of the sky! But if you say that you will laugh at me immediately, such a thing is not realistic! "

"Mr. Ding!" It seems that the woman sitting in front of Ding Yu seems to be slowing down! Just now, there were so many too impulsive! "It's mainly because we've seen my sister-in-law. Our eyes are already green! Tell us about us, we are all wearing gold and silver now! But when I see my sister-in-law in my heart, the whole person has no soul! "

Ding Yu took a look at Tai Xi, and then he laughed, but let all the women on the scene have some thoughts! There is no way! There are so many who can't resist the temptation of Mr. Ding Yuding!

Let's not say how handsome and handsome Mr. Ding is, but the muscles that leak out of his body really want to let people feel it! There are too many men present! Otherwise, it's not impossible to tease!

"I don't do a lot of research on this aspect. I can try it at most sometimes, but since you are interested! Then I said two prescriptions, when you go back to try, a month to two months time, there are quite a number of precautions, there are also shopping when you pay attention to some, to identify! If you are not sure, let me introduce to you that the purchase of some medicinal materials in the family is done through his hands! "

"Mr. Ding, I didn't say that!"

"Here? I still need to say that it is impossible and unrealistic to keep young forever! But what about keeping your body healthy? You should control your mouth and open your legs. If you eat some fruits and vegetables, you may be able to lose weight. On the contrary, eating more meat may be more effective! "

Ding Yu wrote two prescriptions on the spot. Although Dong Chuang was forced to drive out, the effect was not so obvious! The women of their family are on the front line. What can they do? Fortunately, Mr. Ding didn't take any exception!

When Ding Yu was ready to leave, Dong Chuang also trotted to the position behind Ding Yu!

"Mr. Ding, blame me for this! I didn't arrange it! "

"It would be too deliberate to arrange it!" Ding Yu really didn't put it in his mind. "Although he found quite a lot of things to do for everyone, he really ignored half of the sky at home. He said some things in the original time, but he still ignored it! I'll find you a house in two days. Where's the hot spring? It also needs a certain way, and I don't know if it can work! "

"Mr. Ding, I have to knock one for you!"

"Are you kidding me?" Ding Yu said with a smile, "but once you talk about it, don't give up the capital and seek the end. It's also a business card in our city! Right? I give you a prescription, because I think you can do it well! "

"Mr. Ding, you said that! If I don't appreciate it, that's my problem! So many people in front of each other today, anyway? I can't lose your face"Yes! When I have time, I will bring a piece of my family with me! " After saying that, he also deliberately patted Dong Chuang on the shoulder, "don't blame my sister-in-law! Some of them need to be considerate. They can't eat enough and wear warm clothes! Forget them, without them pointing back, you go home! No porridge

"Mr. Ding, I'll make you laugh! The girl in our family is a little tiger! There's nothing wrong with people! "

"Yes, I will go back first! Hurry home and make dumplings. I'll give you a new year in advance. Business is booming! There is a lot of money coming in

"I should give you a good year! I wish you and your family, Mr. Ding, a happy family! Happy Let Mr. Ding take the lead to say such words, is not appropriate to do their own! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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