Ding Yu and Tai Xi two people back not long time, the children and parents have come back one after another!

But also is a nap for a period of time, and then began to busy! There are many people in the family, and there are a lot of things to prepare. After all, Ding Yu is a big belly man, and the children in the family are one by one, that is, Wang Yu can be a little more normal. As for other children? Don't mention it!

For these chores, there is no need for other people to help, we work together! But the children you meet at home are often you touch a handful of flour, I kick you a foot, in any case is busy is not happy!

But Ding Yu will not be too quiet tonight! Quite a phone call came in at seven or eight o'clock! Along with the rest of the family is the same, we even stop to see a party time!

But even so, the whole family is sitting on the sofa. Ding Yun jumps on the sofa from time to time, just like a crazy girl! There is no honest time!

Together with Taixi, they have slapped several times! But it doesn't work. A slap can be honest for five minutes, and then it starts again! And Ding Chang is a strong arch fire! The angry Tai Xi can only hold the little girl Wang Yu! In addition to Wang Yu, there is not a worry free!

Look at the time on the watch! Ding Yu took out his own telephone and dialed the familiar telephone number!

"Uncle, happy New Year! A new year for you! Wish you good health! Happy family

"You The middle-aged man on the other side of the phone finally sighed when he received the call from Ding Yu. In the morning, he didn't answer Ding Yu's phone call because there was no decision on the matter! I can't talk to Ding Yu rashly! As for now, it doesn't matter!

It's not to say that things have been decided. Whether it's yourself or Ding Yu, they won't mention something quite in this time period. Let's bless each other! That's it! So I temporarily ease down!

"You too, have a good new year! Don't keep thinking about other things

"Yes, uncle, I won't bother you!" But before Ding Yu put down the phone, Ding Yun snatched the phone over! "Hello, third grandfather. I'm Ding Yun. I wish you a happy New Year!"

Happy voice is like a little sparrow!

There are so many twitches in Ding Yu's mouth! Even quite helpless with his hand hit his head! My own daughter! It's really not ordinary people to crazy, even now this time to take the initiative to rob the phone in the past, not implicit at all!

I had a chat with some children in my family. I even took the initiative to talk to Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are excited! I didn't respond for half a day. My face was flushed! Scared Ding Yu to do a check in a hurry, but must not this time period appear quite thing!

Ding Yu looks at her daughter, but her daughter seems to have never been treated as a thing at all, and now she knows how to find her so-called umbrella! Ding Yu bit his teeth slightly!

And Ding Chang on one side is looking at his elder martial brother. There are so many difficulties! Who knows that Ding Yun should have done such a move! Let them also have so some feel at a loss! This is not too simple to jump!

But the fireworks in the evening let everyone look forward to it! Because it's not firecrackers in the past two years! The harm of firecrackers is some big, but the cold fireworks are not the same! Each community has its own preparation!

Almost all the people in the community are out! But we still have a considerable distance from fireworks!

This time is also the best time for everyone to socialize. Quite a lot of people are with Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying! Ding Yu and Tai Xi greet each other. As for the children in the family, they have been fighting with the children in the community for a long time. They are no different from each other!

When the fireworks were set off, the whole night sky was lit up by colorful fireworks! Colorful!

The people standing below are watching the sky! Obviously also attracted by fireworks!

Until more than one o'clock, we just lie on the bed with a little tired and excited!

But the next day, up very early, after all, today is different!

"When I opened the window for a while, I couldn't smell anything outside!" When eating breakfast, Ding Lin still expressed some feelings for the environment which was still fresh! "Placed in the past year, a piece of smoke!"

"Fireworks are still very beautiful, for ordinary people's families, there may be a little bit of small expensive, but it is absolutely not unbearable! Even a considerable number of families are so happy about it! "

"Now everyone's life is much better, and the following hospitals are the same. They are all connected with the city. What situation can be directly transmitted to the city! There will be no delay at all! How could this have happened in the early years? But now it's all right! Although quite a number of villages have been merged! But the conditions have changed dramatically! Just a few years? It's changing so fast! ""Dad, is it too old-fashioned for you to go to the countryside for free consultation?"

"Nonsense, it's mainly old age! Some aspects have fallen behind! This is a must admit, do not admit can't, but talk about a health talk is no problem! Many people listen to it. Now people here are paying attention to it. If we go to the countryside, I'm afraid we'll all go to other counties and cities! "

Because we are going to have dinner this year, so after the family had dinner, they went to the villa. The main reason is that although the area here is not small, how can we say it? Relative to the visitors? Still a little small! Even can't move! And that kind of environment is also quite restrained! So it's better to go to the villa!

In Dinglin, they did not come to the villa for a long time, someone arrived one after another! Of course, there are also lucky money! But now there are quite rules in the city! It's a red paper ticket. It can be less, such as asking for a lottery, eighty-eight dollars, sixty-six dollars, and so on. But no one can exceed one hundred dollars. This is the rule!

No matter it is any red or white matter, let alone, this is really the unanimous approval of all people, not to say that we really can not get more money, it is really not like this! The main thing is too much irritability! Today, your son's entrance examination, tomorrow's daughter's marriage and so on. Are you going or not!

How much is given from one family to another! Even if it's easier to make money, you can't do it like this, can you?

So Ding Yu took the lead and got everyone's response. Isn't it 100 yuan? Even Mr. Ding is like this. What will others do? So not long after, the wind really stopped!

Treat a meal is a compensation, no one can stand it! Right? However, we have no complaints about the Ding family. We even show our respect for the Ding family from the heart. We even hope that this kind of atmosphere can spread far and wide!

Today, most of the people who come to the villa are relatives of the Ding family, which is not different from those in the past years. With Ding Yu, sometimes they can't sit on the sofa. Quite a number of people here are Ding Yu's elders!

Although we are very polite, but this kind of politeness can not be treated as a thing! Ding Yu didn't mean to play. There was no need. We all came here happily. Why do we have to make a little more trouble! After all, it's the first day of the New Year!

What's more, when I came here, I didn't mean anything else! Let's be courteous to each other!

Tai Xi did not have any leisure, with Zhao Shuying behind, just like a little daughter-in-law in the boudoir! Even Ding Yu is busy. What can Taixi do? What's more, this is not the first time!

However, a few children are not so busy and even a little idle. There are so many people coming to the villa today. Although there are parents' dissuasion, it is basically impossible for them to be honest! So it's good to let Wang an take them with them!

There are not so many messy things. Before everyone came to the villa, they had already done quite a lot of preparation work. Now the living conditions at home are very good! Just the Ding family? Ding Yu, in particular, is too busy sometimes. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying can be better. They will attend almost anything!

Ding Yu doesn't mean that he won't attend. There is no such time. Many of the relatives of Ding family work on the farm. Everyone knows Ding Yu very well. Usually, it's basically the farm and the family. Sometimes we go to the hospital. Besides, there is no other entertainment!

From the point of view of the common people, Ding Yu is the most powerful person! In a small county, you can walk horizontally! But when did you see Ding Yu Yao's powerful, along with the relatives of the Ding family, it was the same. Who made a mistake! If you are reasonable or unreasonable, you should get on the top 20 first!

Don't care whether Ding Yu was born or not. He was provided by Ding Lin. no one can deny it!

The old Ding family now has such achievements, the ancestral grave is not smoke! Another said, but no one wants to do things under the banner of the old Ding family. It is not easy to make things. If you find one to deal with one, it is absolutely not easy to let go!

What's more, they are all relatives of the old Ding family. What's their status and status in front of Ding Yu? In addition to Ding Yu's voice, there is no use for them to howl!

But what about the reality? Ding Yu welcomed them in and served them with good smoke and tea. With Ding Yu, he did not have any position to do. One year is like this, several years is still like this! Isn't that quite a problem?

"Xiaoyu! There's no need to be so busy! "

Ding Yu has been busy for almost a morning! We'll have dinner in a minute! Even if the parents are all elders, Ding Yu is a younger generation, can not let him have been so hard-working!"Second master, it's OK!" But Ding Yu still sat down in the next seat, and even took the initiative to give everyone a smoke! "Second master, how does this taste?"

"It's delicious, but what do you say? It doesn't feel exciting! " The old man is not polite at all, but half of the cigarette can't be seen after this one mouthful! "It's better for our family to grow it by ourselves. It's good to work! But now it's the spot in front of and behind the house! The others have been rented out! But it's good to grow something you like to eat! "

"Why didn't my uncle come with me?"

"Don't mention it! Isn't spring giving birth to children? The two of them are not at ease. Go and have a look! " The old man was very disdainful, "let me say it! It's better to get it back. We have beautiful mountains and clear seasons. It's not better than a big city? There is no shortage of food and clothing at home! Even the living conditions are much better! That granddaughter-in-law's family just does not agree! I don't like to see them anyway! How about it? "

It's not just Ding Yu, but the people next to him are laughing!

"Second uncle, I see you! There is a bottom in the heart

"Get out of here!" The old man glanced at him, "you don't know your surname if you have some dry food! Let me tell you! The concept of plain living and hard work can't be thrown away. We are old farmers. What we eat and drink doesn't matter. It's not like fish and meat, but there's no need to be so extravagant and wasteful! What's the use of it? "

"Second uncle, you said it was useless! If you don't, give me all your family background

We did not because of Ding Yu's participation, but more enthusiastic and active up!

"Yes! Xiaoyu, I heard that the land in our city is almost insufficient

Ding Yu nodded his head slightly. "Due to the geographical conditions and many other reasons, many of us here are experimental fields, and quite a lot of land needs to be sampled. In addition, the population in our city has also begun to grow in the past two years. Can't we not have a place to live? But it's not just our side, other cities are the same! Green mountains and green waters are the golden mountains and silver mountains. There is no problem with that! "

"Absolutely! In the past, I knew that many kinds of land, more grain! Put all the mess in the ground. You can't do it if you don't! If you don't tell me about the worms, you can see the color! Size is a problem! It's like raising pigs. Why do you feel that pork is not delicious! The varieties are different! It's strange that it can be delicious! " In this regard, the second master expressed his greatest indignation!

"I haven't heard much about it!" It doesn't matter whether it's true or not! Since the second master has this interest, Ding Yu can not let the situation cool down!

"How to raise pigs in early years, one pig a year? What's more, all the pigs we raise are native pigs, which are kept by ourselves. In addition, the food and vegetables are basically fed. What are the things we raise now? Imported, even in less than half a year on the market! But it grows fast and feeds every day! Is that something serious? "

"In terms of farms, there are some farms for breeding, but we are not so suitable here!"

Everyone is speaking in turn! If placed in the past, we must pursue the best economic benefits! But now the conditions have changed! In this case, everyone's pursuit is also a little different!

"Er ye, do you still have pigs at home? I haven't heard of it! If you knew this, you had to go back and have a taste of everything you said

"Xiaoyu, don't listen to the second uncle. Give them to his grandson! I saw it! Woven bags are not small, packed with sacks! In any case, except for the head and water of a pig, basically all the modified ones are installed! "

"I'd like to eat pig's head, why? PigHead meat is the essence.

Ding Yu sat beside him, and there were some exclamations in his heart!

The old people are like this, although the conditions here in the small county have become very good! No matter in terms of food and clothing or cost, there are basically not too many places to be picky about! But they never want to enjoy themselves! The first thought is basically their own children!

Isn't it that they didn't think about their parents at this age? They are basically the biggest in the family!

So their biggest concern is their own children! Everyone is the same!

When eating, there are several tables. If it's just one table, you can't sit down. It's not that there isn't such a big place in the house. It's mainly because there isn't such a big table!

Ding Lin also took out the medicinal wine and good wine. He could drink whatever he wanted. Anyway, he was not an outsider!

However, most of us chose Shaojiu instead of the so-called rare and precious drinks. In the past, they all thought that they were fine liquor, but now the conditions at home are allowed! After trying, I found that the local liquor was more comfortable! I can't tell you why?

Although Ding Yu has not always eaten so much at noon, he still has no problem accompanying the guests at home! As for Zhao Shuying and Tai Xi, they were not idle. After all, there were men and women among the guests!The man side by Ding Lin and Ding Yu two people come forward, but the woman side, need Zhao Shuying and Tai Xi two people to come forward!

But most of the time, Tai Xi and Ding Yu are almost the same, both of them are the goods to fight!

But more is the family's short things, say a word about the past, talk about the future! Ding Yu and Tai Xi two people do not have any unwilling, also do not have any dissatisfaction, are smiling face to!

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