Have been waiting for everyone to eat and drink enough, Ding Lin is to send the car home to send back!

"I don't know what's going on with Ding Ding? This child! Are already the mother of the child! Sometimes it's hairy and irritable! "

The house is finished! I'm worried again, daughter! Ding Yu took a look at Taixi! Two people are looking at each other with a smile!

"Ding Ding called in the morning! No problem. She's not a child! What's more, these two years because of the relationship familiar! There are not too many problems there! The Cao family still very approve of it! "

Zhao Shuying looked at her eldest son and nodded her head slightly!

What is his daughter's temper? Can he not know? Is the son-in-law really good-natured? It's really hard to say what will happen if you change to someone else! But I also did not see two grandchildren in a few days! I don't know how they are now!

Two skin monkeys! When I don't look at it, I really want to, but after I look at it, I feel a little too noisy!

At this point, it is really not comparable to a few children at home, they are very honest and clever!

"Yes! Didn't you say to invite the children to dinner together? What time? "

"The third day of junior high school is not suitable. It's the fourth or fifth day! The specific time hasn't been set down yet. It's just some kids. They shouldn't have any problems! Anyway, it's Chinese New Year! It's just fun

When Ding Ding came back, she was a family of four. When she came back, she said hello to Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying were holding two grandsons who looked like little bears. Their eyes were almost invisible! Even holding it will not let go!

"It's all good at home?" After Cao Zhen and Ding Ding are finished, Ding Lin is also holding his great grandson!

"It's all very good! My father and my mother deliberately asked me to greet you two old people. My father's work is a little bit special. Otherwise, he will come to visit him. When you have time, you must go there to have a rest

Ding Lin burst out laughing! "Yes, when you have time, you must visit your family!"

Then she looked at her daughter and shook her head slightly, "Ding Ding Ding! After that, if you don't stop eating, it's not like you can stop eating! How old are you? "

"It's home!" Then, holding Ding Yun's head, the two began to head the cattle! In fact, two people are not greedy people, but who do not let who, this is also no way of things! There are so many competitive!

Ding Yucai has no time to pay attention to his sister and daughter! Taixi was sitting next to his sister-in-law and his daughter, making a little fuss! It's not a big deal. If it's not for the sake of identity, I'd like to make a fuss! Only a little bit more than people, their own is not very good!

Soon, Ding Ding caught Wang An's brother and sister and Ding Chang. She didn't mean to play alone! Or a few children together to catch more interesting, as for their two living treasures? They are too young! Now it's not fun at all. Even if you can't move it, you're bored to death!

"If you're OK at night, go to the hot spring."

"To Lao Dong?" Ding Lin seems to think of something, "I heard you gave him a prescription, so fast?"

"It's been two or three days! The end of the old Dong himself, the drugs are sent to Lao Xu's side! Things still work well! Anyway, Dong tried for two days, and the effect was very good! I also found it from the book, go and have a try! Look at the effect! If there is anything wrong, just correct it! "

Let's go! No one in the family was left behind!

After hearing of Ding Yu's arrival, Dong Chuang had to wait for Huangtu to pad the road, and Qingjie met him!

"Mr. Dong, I'm bringing a large family here! Then it's up to you! "

Not only Dong Chuang, but also his daughter-in-law!

"Uncle Ding! Auntie First to Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying greetings, and then Ding Yu and Tai Xi, Cao Zhen and Ding Ding! Anyway, none of them were left behind!

"I can use it myself, but the things I prepared at the beginning were not so complete. Brother Xu's things only arrived yesterday! I found a few older brothers, a few tried, the effect of the first two days is really great! "

When he was talking, Dong Chuang put out his thumb and looked at his wife, "Mr. Ding, today uncle Ding and his aunt are here! I have never had any chance to be a junior. Today I have a chance. If I lose the chain again, I really can't mix in this city! "

Men and women are different, so everyone went to their own places! As for the children in the family, the same is true. But before this, Ding Yu also told the children at home that they were not allowed to soak in the hot water pool for a long time. After all, their bodies did not grow up. It was not good to soak in high temperature for a long time! It doesn't matter to play with water!Dong Chuang himself accompanies, Ding Yu is to go to the pool there to have a look!

"Mr. Ding, this is not just cleaned up. Although it's a bit troublesome, it's to be clean! The hot spring outside is living water. We don't need to play with those virtual ones! As for the sewage treatment, we have also invited experts, we can not say that we enjoy the benefits! I don't care about anything

"Good! Very thoughtful Ding Yu looked at the things he took. "I heard that when you went back at night, it was a bit too natural and unrestrained! Pay attention, after all, it's not eighteen or twenty years old! "

Looking at Dong Chuang's face, Ding Yu said something funny!

"Hi!" "Mr. Ding, you don't know that the tiger women in our family are real tigers! But also blame me, I did not expect the effect will be so good! What kind of things are there, others don't know, I know the most, are pure things! There is no falsehood

"Mad, these old friends, one by one, are not good things, anyway, these two days they are smart bad!"

"Warn them, raise a raise, mainly for the sake of good health! It's not to say that it's not the effect that makes them vigorous and vigorous. The body needs to be maintained slowly. The way of human relations is OK, but it needs to be controlled. It can be soaked twice a week! Too much is not very useful, and it may even have adverse effects! "

"Yes, I'll listen to you! We must warn them

Ding Lin has already taken a shower outside at this time! Hot springs don't mean to take a bath immediately. It's not like this! You need to be prepared! But bubble a bubble, still really is alleviate, especially old people! With Cao Zhen also feel his whole body fatigue swept away, although there is no toss back and forth!

But after running such a long distance, it's impossible to feel tired at all. But after getting off the hot spring pool, it's really comfortable! They even have to shout twice!

After soaking in the hot spring for quite some time, I washed it again, and then took a rest for a moment. I heard that it was the prescription prepared by elder brother. At the beginning, it was a little hot, but then I felt that the whole body's meridians were dredged!

Especially after the bubble back and massage, whether Ding Lin or Cao Zhen, all comfortable sleep in the past! Although the sleep time is not long, but wake up, is the spirit of refreshing, one by one full of spirit! I don't know what it is because of. I don't know why!

"Yes, it's lucky that the facilities here are very complete. Otherwise, there will be some troubles. However, we must control the temperature. As for other aspects, I don't understand. It's your own business! I'm not a professional, so I won't give you any opinions and opinions! "

"Mr. Ding, if you say so, I'm really embarrassed!" Dong Chuang is really very grateful. He got such a prescription. You don't need to know that he will definitely be rich in the future. It's obvious! For Mr. Ding, it may be just to write a prescription, but for himself, tens of millions of wealth!

I can only do high-end customers in the future! You should know that the more high-end, the more money will be made, and now the city has developed! People have money in their hands! Even if you can't come every day! Once a month, no problem!

"Mr. Ding, I'll take out half of the shares!"

"Forget it Ding Yu said with a smile, "if we two people do business together and talk about unimportant things, but this is not a partnership. However, if I come back in the future, I will definitely not pay. Don't you call back then?"

"Mr. Ding, I don't want to take such an extermination!"

Looking at Zhao Hongyang who came over, Ding Yu said, "brother Zhao, are you so Kung Fu today?"

"Hi! It came yesterday! Comfortable! At ease, even last night, Mr. Dong and I personally tried it! I'm still talking to Mr. Dong? Other people don't believe it, and they can't believe you! This is not today's home guests! It's no fun to smoke and play cards. It's better to come here! Anyway, these guys are comfortable! "

Touch the sweat of a forehead, Zhao Hongyang is not polite at all! "Yu Shao, I saw Uncle Ding just now!"

"Ding Ding, they are all back! At home these two days are also greeting guests! Also very tired, all come to bubble! Speaking of, we are also unique here! The place is not big, but there is almost nothing missing. The city has already developed quite well. We need to go further! "

"No! Go and say hello to my aunt later

After Ding Lin and Cao Zhen wake up, they have a simple rinse and come to the guest room. Ding Yu and they are all there. They are here to eliminate the sweat on their bodies. By the way, they think about what to eat when they go back in the evening!

As for the children at home, they have stopped quite a lot. They are gathering together and don't know what they are playing with? Ding Yu didn't care, but his two nephews, from time to time, ran to his side, and even climbed on his own body, your father was beside! My grandfather is here too!But Ding Yu did not have any impatience, even teased two little guys from time to time, washed white clean! As for the children in the family, they are not as rich as they are!

Zhao Hongyang and Dong Chuang look at everything in their eyes, especially Dong Chuang. They really want to send 50% of the members. Even 70% of them do not mean that there is no room for discussion! But Mr. Ding didn't mean to care!

In other words, people don't value it at all. Their business is clean and clean! Mr. Ding felt very good, so he gave himself a chance! He must seize such an opportunity, but never let down Mr. Ding!

Take a look at Zhao Hongyang to know, what was his situation at the beginning, others do not know, don't you know, they are all in a city, it can be said that he did not look up to see, at the beginning, he was patting the horse chasing himself, he stopped, he could not catch up!

But now? Even if he is driving an airplane, whether he can catch up with him or not is two things to say!

And Zhao Hongyang is not only himself, but also many people in the city! Everyone's money is very clear, together with a special company to calculate their accounts and other things listed, convenient tax returns and so on! Of course, you can not invite, it doesn't matter, and there is no compulsion!

It's just like here. It's not necessary to invite such a company! But what about Zhao Hongyang and these people? The company is big! There must be a special department in charge of such a thing! From this we can see how big the difference is!

To say that you don't envy is absolutely false! How can you not envy?

But now I have hope! Right? I really need to seize this opportunity!

After washing the hot spring, the family is back to the villa. If they go back to the community now, they can live there. At most, there are so many crowded places, but for the children in the family, it is a bit out of line with the matter! They need a lot of space!

"Big brother! Are you so laid back this year? "

When she came back, Ding Ding had learned that her elder brother invited the children to have dinner together tomorrow. Ding Ding Ding was also very curious about this! The children in the house are not in this car anymore! I really can't sit down!

"I don't know!" Ding Yu replied calmly! "But it was agreed to come down a year ago. What will happen in two days is still unknown? Maybe it's like last year, maybe it's another thing! What's the matter? Would you do me a favor Ding Yu obviously means something!

As a result, Ding Ding's head shook like a rattle! Even the whole person is leaning towards her husband's side!

"You don't have to ask me for this matter!" Obviously, Ding Ding has no interest in such troubles. "I can help you if I have dinner tomorrow."

"You can help, can't you?"

As soon as the words were finished, Ding Yu was slapped on the shoulder. Cao Zhen had some teeth to bite about. His big brother! My wife! Would someone else have a try? Make sure you know what flowers are and why they are so red!

But big brother didn't say anything about his wife! What about your wife? Sometimes there are so many small willful, but this kind of small willful? At most, in front of himself and big brother, there is a little bit of exposure, as for others, it is almost impeccable!

It's definitely up in the hall and down in the kitchen! Of course, what about the last sentence? Just listen to it! There may not be too many problems in making a home cooked dish. As for the rest, forget it!

"Big brother, do you think the two of them are coming back to school? Or stay in the capital

"Don't come back! The two of them! It's different from the other kids at home! And relatively speaking, although our teaching conditions and so on have been quite changed, but compared with the capital, there are still a lot of differences, this does not need to be denied, the reality is just! And you are both in the capital! It's OK to leave the children here for ten days and a half months. I can't stand it for a long time! "

"Big brother, you really don't want to start?"

Ding Yu turned to his side and took a look at his head! "If you can be cruel, I don't care! When the time comes, even if it is a runny nose, do not want to regret, impossible things! You have to pay for anything you do

Cao Zhen's mouth some twitch, and then look at his wife pitifully!

Wife! Let's call it a day! After all, what is the situation of the children in the eldest brother's family? Cao Zhen knows something about it. It's not people who can do it! Anyway, give Cao Zhen their own feelings, their children still do not have such a need!

"Forget it! Let's make our two living treasures more nourishing! "

Ding Ding couldn't help but shiver, and then held his own Cao Zhen's arm. "But speaking of it, brother, I'm not saying you, can't you relax a little bit? That's too much pressure on the children! ""Not for the time being! As for when I grow up, or after I go to university, I will not pay much attention to it except when it is necessary! No one can accompany them to fly for a lifetime! We all have our own things to do! Staring at them every day, I'm really idle and have nothing to do! "

Looking at the elder brother some impatient mood, Ding Ding Ding is so proud!

"Well! I also thought that if you had this time, the holiday would be yours! Cao Zhen and I went out to play for two days? "

"You can do it!" Ding Yu is white one eye, "you that little clever, don't have to take out! I'll tell my father and my mother. It happens that these children in the family will have something to do in two days! The father and mother of province are so lonely

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