When he comes back at night, Ding Yu is looking at the children at home!

"Dad! Mom! I'll invite you to dinner tomorrow. Will you come? "

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying looked at each other, there are so some clothes do not understand, "please who to eat? Lao Zhao and them? "

"No, the children's classmates, didn't you just say that? Go out with the children in the family, always need to give a sweet jujube to eat? Don't let them nag! This has always been a lot of inappropriate! Right? And their performance is also very good! I have a general look at it! It's more promising! "

"I'm a little confused if you don't say it! Let's see tomorrow! If nothing happens, your mother and I will go and have a look! There should be no problem! " However, Ding Lin just agreed to come down, and immediately thought of what, "no! Boss, are these monkey cubs going out again? Although the year has passed! This is not yet 15? Would it be all right if you just let them go out and play? What's more, can these students and their parents agree? "

"These kids are still doing well! Not too many questions! I also communicate with the parents of these students, if you want to say no, there must be some! Don't say it's them! Even if I was a father, it was the same! But if children want to grow up, they can't be caged, can they? "

Cao Zhen looked at his elder brother at this time! This is a good way to speak! Did not directly mention their two children, but step by step! As for her own wife, she's putting on airs!

"Yes! But it's noisy enough! Others also said, but we must pay attention to safety, this is the key! "

"There is nothing wrong with this. There are colds and fever during this period, but there are not too many problems!" Ding Yu told his father truthfully, "I plan to let them both follow tomorrow."

Yeah? Zhao Shuying looked at her two grandsons and then looked at her eldest son with a bad look! What do you mean by that?

"The two of them! It's about to survive! " Ding Yu's performance is very natural. "There are not too many problems in terms of human nature and so on! Earlier, I talked about this with Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding! "

"No way!" Before Ding Yu's words were finished, Zhao Shuying was very direct and opposed it!

Wang An and the children, including their grandson Ding Chang and granddaughter Ding Yun, are what the situation is, others do not know, but they are all in the eye, why do they regard the children as sharp, because the boss is too strict with children's discipline! Of course, it's not that he scolded or beat him! It's not really the reason for this!

But the cultivation of children by the boss? Too cold and heartless! I and my husband, sometimes do not know how to mention it! Although I am also a teacher, I know that doing this is for the sake of children! But two grandsons can't do it. How old are they? Absolutely not!

"I'll tell you, boss! Other things can be discussed, but this matter has no room for discussion! And Ding Lin, I'll tell you, you should be honest with me. It's impossible to tell the truth about this matter! "

Ding Lin's face was about to twitch into a ball! What about your two grandchildren? He is really reluctant to give up, but go on like this, it seems not so appropriate!

My wife and I know how much property my daughter has! At that time, the boss gave all the domestic industries to Ding Ding Ding. Of course, he didn't mean that he and his wife wanted to covet anything! For the two of them, there is no such need at all!

What's the use of greed? And there's no shortage of this at home?

"Boss! What do you think? Anyway, Cao Zhen and Ding Ding are both here, and your mother and I are here. Can you tell me? "

"Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding are also worried about this! You mentioned this to me, but you're afraid the kids can't stand it? I have also carefully thought about this aspect of the problem, they two en really a little small, Cao Zhen can be better, Ding Ding ah! Too much indulgence of children! Moreover, in some aspects, Cao Zhen is more indulgent

Get it! As soon as this word is said, Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding both have some guilty feelings. Why? Because this is the truth! But really, it seems that we can't blame them, can we?

Family conditions are there! At home, whether it is food and clothing, or other aspects! There are no problems, if there is no such conditions, even if! But there are such conditions at home! You also eat radish and pickle every day, which is a little too deliberate!

"So? What are you going to do? " Ding Lin suppressed his wife's anger and asked his son!

"It's not right to let the family take these two living treasures out now, or let Cao Zhen and Ding Ding take them back! I don't think Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding have anything to do. They don't need any help at home, so they go there cool! The two children will stay and send them back after school begins! "Ding Lin at this time is to see his wife, the previous time you said no, this has no problem! The boss took the initiative to step back, now let two children stay, but let Ding Ding and Cao Zhen go back! And look at the meaning of the boss, he has made a guarantee in this respect!

If even such conditions are not allowed to come down, then there is no room for discussion!

Zhao Shuying thought and nodded! "Yes! Two kids stay, but boss, we need to talk! You can't have your nephews cut! Nothing can be said! What's more, when there is a need in the future, you can't give up

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "Mom, you are eccentric enough! that 's ok! I know about it! "

"Pity them both Zhao Shuying grabs her two nephews and sighs, but she is also very happy. In the past, the child lived for two days and went back! Now it's all right! Can stay until the beginning of school!

"Mother! As far as they look, they are no longer tires! But there are too many good things to eat

"Don't talk! Don't like to listen! Is this fat? This is rich! What's good about being dry and thin? It's malnutrition at first sight

"All right! Don't be pathetic either. Pack up and leave tomorrow! No matter it's Tiannan or Haibei, you can go anywhere, but after the holiday, remember to come back and pick up the children! "

Ding Yu is very direct to make arrangements! Whether you agree or not, the matter has been settled!

However, what Ding Yu did made Cao Zhen and Ding Ding have some worries. Holding their two sons, it can be said that they are quite reluctant to give up. But where will Ding Yu pay attention to these? But Tai Xi twisted Ding Yu's back waist with his hands! This thing! You can say that you are the most transparent!

If people who don't know Ding Yu, they really think that Ding Yu is delicate and tender. If you look at Ding Yu's face, it is full of collagen. That is to say, because it is relatively cold, we are afraid of it. But in fact, it is even more small fresh meat than small fresh meat. With Ding Yu's bearing, it is not ordinary!

So Taixi side, that is to pretend, if really twist up, I'm afraid his hands than the father's meat even more painful, their own ah! At best, it's just tickling the child's father!

"Uncle Ding, happy New Year!" Wei Lai was the first to come here! And look at this appearance, is deliberately to Ding family to eat and drink, this face is no one! If placed in the past, Wei Lai may also be due to face and other reasons, there are so some scruples, but now is completely not!

When to come, and what he should do, Wei Lai still considered very clearly!

Of course, Wei Lai not only said hello to Ding Yu, but also didn't pull down any of the family members! Including Cao Zhen and Ding Ding! Not to mention, that is, Cao Zhen and Ding Ding made Wei Lai a little strange. As for other people, Wei Lai was too familiar!

Of course, it's not empty handed, but there are no big or small bags. The gifts sent here are really meaningful!

"Yes! This thing seems to be more appetizing! Did you come up with it yourself? "

Wei Lai's parents would never give such things. To put it mildly, it's just steamed bread. There are so many people who can't take it out! But what about Wei Lai? Ding Yu is very satisfied with his own will, not to mention!

"Uncle Ding, it's too philistine to send other things! There is also this trip, the cost is too much! Although there is a lot of lucky money, we will all feel ashamed if we buy things for uncle Ding, so we are going to put a bigger satellite for you! "

"You! This head melon seed is a bit too flexible Ding Yu suddenly laughed and even patted his head, "OK! Go back after dinner! I got the gift! Very good, has the quite intention! What's more, we need to give you a task today, which must be completed! "

"Make sure to finish the task!"

Wei Lai mixed a meal, and then took his two little brothers to the farm with the children at home!

"This boy! Don't talk about your grades? As for this shrewdness, ordinary people can't match it! " Ding Ding looked at Wei Lai and showed great interest. "Big brother, your two nephews don't want to be like their brother and sister. If Wei Lai is like this, it's OK."

Ding Yu's nose moved slightly, because he had already watched, his father and mother showed great interest in it! But is it up to you to decide? Some things don't mean what they say?

Wei Lai has such talent is one aspect, mainly influenced by the family, this is a long time! Absolutely not in a short time to be able to change over! So it's also, um, "if you know what Wei Lai looked like before he went to high school, you'll give up!"

"It's just a child. It can be worse than that! Isn't it? " Ding Ding's face does not believe! Ding Yu didn't pay more attention, "OK! It's all packed up! Let's go after dinner! Don't wait for two Xiong Bao to run back. Will you go or not! hurry up! Don't dawdleAnd on the farm side, when Ding Yu and Taixi come here, all the people have come!

"Eat at noon, and in the afternoon in the bath of the farm! If you want to eat anything, please say hello, but eat dragon meat! I can't get that thing! " Ding Yu deliberately plate his face!

As for the previous time when he and Tai Xi came over, the greetings from everyone made me still hum in my ears!

"Tai hee, those little girls will be handed over to you!"

Tai hee's eyes are white! Such a thing is still willing to do! What's more, his daughter and Wang Yu are all here! If even these little girls themselves are uneven, their own white long so big!

After lunch, I took a bath in the afternoon, but most of them were playing with water. After playing, we gathered in the hall! Taixi is sitting beside Ding Yu!

"Everyone went out a year ago! I came back late. How do you feel? I didn't ask you before. One is that you came back too late and the time is not suitable. What about the other? You have no time to precipitate, but after these days, what kind of feeling do you have? Who will tell me? "

"Pang Long, you start!" Looking at the children around him, Ding Yu nodded his head and the children standing behind him! A little bit thin and weak, a little bit big head, and even now have glasses! When Ding Yu called the roll, he was obviously shocked, and the whole person's face immediately turned red! With the legs, there are so some shivering feeling!

After greeting his own hand, Ding Yu let him sit in the front position!

"Everyone is not a man eating tiger. There is nothing to be afraid of! In fact, this is also a normal thing! At that time, I was not a person who liked to go to the stage. I was also a bit incoherent when I spoke. But after several times on the stage, I felt that the situation was different! Just slowly get better! These are common sense things! "

Even if it was Ding Yu's comfort, he was still holding his clothes by the side!

"Uncle Ding, I feel a little bit better. I didn't go out of the door before, but this time I have made great progress. I didn't even know where to take a bus or where to buy a ticket. I just follow the army. I'll do what we like."

Take a deep breath, is to give yourself courage! "But this time I know where I should go to buy a ticket, or at least throw it to a strange city. I know how to go home! I couldn't do this at all in the original time! It may be a small step, but for me, it's a big step! "

Ding Yu couldn't help nodding, "maybe some students will laugh at Pang Long after hearing about this, and even think that Pang Long is so useless? So say it! I think things are very normal, even on behalf of quite a number of students! "

"Maybe in the local area, everyone knows how to make a bus and how to travel, but after leaving the local area? All are confused, in that environment, how to face? Don't feel that you are already very good now! What would be your first feeling when you went to another city? "

"Fear?" Wei Lai said thoughtfully!

"Yes! It's right to say that, basically, most people will have such feelings, fear, and have a kind of attitude to examine any matter! Of course, Wei Lai's foolishness and boldness are not among them! He will only be more excited. It can be said that his psychological quality is better. Of course, I prefer to say that such a guy is heartless

Hey, hey! Wei Lai scratched his head and even deliberately clasped his fist around him! It caused a burst of criticism!

However, at the same time, we are also reflecting, regardless of whether we are going out together, but if we really let them out individually, what will happen! Not to mention looking for teeth everywhere, it's almost the same!

The original time to follow parents, all parents have been arranged! You just need to follow the ready-made food! But on the other hand, is it because of this kind of compromise psychology that you are taken for granted as an ostrich?

"When something goes wrong, it's not so terrible! There's nothing to be afraid of. You haven't experienced it, or you haven't attracted much attention. But as you start to contact the society, you need to pay attention to it! And this kind of attention? It doesn't take your energy, it doesn't! "

"Uncle Ding!" Pang Long summoned up his courage, "is this the difficulty in our growth?"

"It's a little too much to say about the difficulties! It's just a little stone! When you were just in junior high school, you had a strange environment! Strange teachers, even quite a lot of strange students, some students do not even need a day, can be integrated into it, but some students, may need a month two months! It doesn't matter what is good or bad, because everyone's way is different! But if you look back now, do you think that's a problem? "

It doesn't seem to say! Even if you think about it, you feel a little ridiculous!"From unfamiliar to familiar, this is a process, everyone has their own different ways and methods, no one is necessarily right, no one is necessarily wrong! And I need to say, without suffering from others! Don't persuade others to be good! Without experience, how can you know the bitterness of others? "

When talking, Ding Yu also deliberately patted Pang Long next to him!

"I'm not going to ask Pang Long why it's like this? Because these involve his personal privacy, I hope he will be more brave, just as I expect you to have a better future! It's OK to help him! But don't let good things turn into bad things

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