"Dad, that's what we call good intentions to do wrong. Is that right?"

Ding Yu nods! Obviously, Ding Yu agrees with this!

"Yes! Sometimes good intentions do wrong, hurt people are not one or two! Help people feel that they are not wrong! But the people who are helped feel that it is not helpful! Both sides are hurt! There is a question that needs to be mentioned here, how to judge it! "

Tai Xi looked at Ding Yu and from his own point of view, he felt that the father of the child was too abstruse! It's even a little too super class! But look around these children's expression, they seem to be a little thoughtful!

"Uncle Ding, in fact, I feel Panglong is very good! Even quite excellent! More than us in many places Feng Zihan next to me raised his hand and said! "Even we all think Pang Long is a little bit introverted. In any case, the matter has been handed over to him. It can be said that there is no big or small matter. There is absolutely no problem. At that time, we just need to ask him! Is sometimes a little bit timid! besides? Everything is OK! "

"It's a little stuffy! Even the feeling? When a leader does not have too much courage, but when auxiliary, absolutely will be a unique candidate?! Is that right? "

Everyone is nodding! This is the best evaluation of Pang Long!

"Well!" Wei Lai also nodded heavily, "Uncle Ding, Pang Long is not so timid. How can you say that? When you let him stand alone in front of him, he even forgot his last name! Too nervous! I don't know where the tension comes from, just like what kind of support is missing! But if someone stands by his side, it's OK! It's almost impossible! I'm really envious, but I can't do such a thing! It's too hard! "

"You don't sell well, you talk more!" Ding Yu white one eye, but Wei Lai is thick skinned, this is also no one!

"It's not a bad thing. Even in my opinion, it's a reflection of Pang Long's ability. There are many people with great strength, but it needs to be distributed as a whole. Some people are down-to-earth, while others are keen on finding their own ability and showing their ability. But what about you now? It's not time to shape, so don't go too far! If you can, settle yourself and get in touch with yourself! "

"Uncle Ding, why?"

Ding Yu shook his head. "Wang An, explain it to these idiots!"

Wang an raised his hand, but did not stand up, almost all the children in front of Ding Yu are like this! Because this is Ding Yu's request, this is not a classroom! No need to stand up and answer questions! That would be too restrictive!

"We all have to face the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination, even if your mathematics is more powerful, the full score is 150! But what about your Chinese and English? The total can't be a zero score, even if it is 100 points, the full score of 150 points, the two subjects add up or a hundred points difference! These are the foundation, you can make your own excellent place more excellent, but support your foundation absolutely can not have any problem! Without any pillar, there may be considerable problems! "

People at this time do not need too much thinking! This time, we all know what the situation is!

Of course, if you really indulge in some aspects of genius, you can, no problem! But it's obvious that you're not on this list!

Since you can't be a genius in some aspects, then you need to maintain a considerable stability, which has nothing to do with like or dislike!

Some people are better at math, but they don't like Chinese and English. Some people are better at geography and history, but they don't like tasting society and biology! But no matter you like it or you like it better, you can't avoid it in the exam!

Of course, there are quite a lot of exam styles now, but even if it is, you can't avoid the equivalent subjects! If you can't have a good foundation, you can't get up a tall building! This is a very realistic problem!

"Here? I would like to mention another question. Do you think that what you have learned is useful or useless in the future? " Ding Yu mentioned this problem, very abrupt!

Everybody, look at me, I'll see yours!

It's the same with the children at home. For them, it's too big and too profound! Whether it is family or school and other aspects, they are infected! But give yourself a feeling? Parents in school to learn the knowledge, the specific application, seems not so much!

Looking at the expressions of many children, Ding Yu is proud to take a look at Tai Xi, and Tai Xi shakes his head at Ding Yu! The father of the child! Sometimes I really don't know how to describe it!

"What you have learned in school is so basic! Can be said to be the root of the root! What about mathematics? From zero to nine! Subtraction, multiplication and division! What about Chinese? From Pinyin to Pianpang and so on, these things seem very simple! But it's something that goes deep into your bones. What about these? It's basically what you learned in primary school! If you're here, give up! So you don't have too many problems in writing and buying vegetables! It should be quite a life! ""Uncle Ding, what if you graduate from junior high school?"

"After junior high school, because you have already had a good foundation, you have begun to further deepen, and now you have begun the preliminary differentiation! The fate of life has begun the first step forward! If you can study in, or other conditions, you can go to high school! If you can't learn, you may go to a skill high school. To exaggerate, be an industrial worker! I don't even understand how to make money to support my family! "

"Uncle Ding, can't you? How much work and how much money do you earn? Is there anything else that I don't understand? "

"I don't mean to reflect anyone or despise anyone. It's just an analogy." Ding Yu stressed that! "Even if you graduate from junior high school, even if you have been trained in skills, you need to go to the society and work for at most three years. This kind of post is mainly based on intensive labor and repetition, which does not need much foundation and does not need too much brain work. You just need to maintain a certain level of proficiency."

"I started to work, maybe because of other reasons, I also made money, but I don't know how to calculate my tax rate. To be exact, quite a lot of people lack the concept and understanding of such things as tax declaration! Feeling has nothing to do with yourself! "

Seeing Wei Lai raise his hand, Ding Yu motioned!

"Uncle Ding, we've heard quite a knowledge lecture held by the farm, and we have a certain understanding of it. We don't know how to declare and refund taxes. It seems that we have gained a lot, but actually, we have lost more!"

"The farm has a considerable popularization work. Why is this because everyone's cognition has a considerable defect, that is, the foundation of everyone is not enough! Although the country has been simplified and simplified, and the most simple language and formula have been used, quite a few people still can't understand it! "

"No wonder the 12-year compulsory education has been popularized now."

"After I went to high school, what I learned at this time has begun to be divergent, just like the flowers that are about to open! in early puberty! We have begun to have a considerable understanding of the world outlook and methodology, which in turn affects us, what kind of way is more suitable for us, and what kind of choices should we make! Key high schools and universities, like-minded people get together, everyone's thinking and ideas collide with each other, stimulate more enthusiastic sparks, this is also an important process of our progress! "

Then Ding Yu pointed out to everyone, "just like you are now! When you were just together, we might talk about eating and drinking! In the city, the ice cream is the best, the cake shop is the best, or the fruit is the freshest. But now? We get together and begin to think about our future step by step, start to look forward to their dreams, and even start to work towards their dreams! "

Ding Yu is really talking about everyone's heart! At the beginning of junior high school, we thought more about the delicious food and fun there! And still changed the way to eat, drink and play, only in this way can we vent them, but until today they know that at that time, everyone was very afraid!

Because it's so strange around! Strange let them feel afraid! So we changed the way to toss!

If there is no guidance and restraint, will we wake up now? Maybe we will wake up, but what will the consequences be? Now when we think of it, we all have some chilly feelings!

After quite a lot of guidance and restraint, we are now together, just like Ding Yu said! Everyone's thinking and ideas began to collide with each other! And the result of this kind of collision, can let everybody involuntarily begin to study, even pull all cannot pull the posture!

At the beginning, I was forced to learn, and I really couldn't get into it. But now I can't pull it. The result of the reaction is that we not only improve our performance, but also make full development in all aspects!

"After college? Most people have entered the society and become the mainstay of this society. Of course, the time may be different. Some people need five years, some people need ten years! What about some people? Continue to study deeply, because when you are in University, you have basically determined your future. On this basis, what kind of development will you have? These are some of your own problems! "

"At that time, in addition to systematic training, due to your own requirements, you were already out of the high end of the pyramid! What document! law! Tax and so on. For you, you can read and understand the whole body, and even express your opinions and ideas. What's more, the more help you give to the country and society, the more feedback the state and society will give you! "

"On the whole, I understand a little, but there are still a lot of things I don't understand!"

Ding Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes, "if you understand now, then I will doubt it! Are you people or monsters This is a joke, but we all have some bad meaning!"All right! You skinny monkeys are almost done! Food needs a mouthful to eat, can't swallow jujube whole! Slowly to digest, slowly to taste, let your aunt tell you something else

Then Ding Yu pulled Tai Xi out! I said dry mouth, you do not idle! Come here today! It's not just to watch my show! Tai Xi expressed considerable interest in this, and those little girls also opened their eyes to look at Tai Xi! The expression of envy is beyond words!

Taixi's way of starting with Ding Yu is quite different! More is the external spirit and appearance, how to show a person's spirit and bearing, sitting posture! Standing or walking and so on! How can you show yourself at the same time, attract other people's good will, and will not let others dislike!

There's no need to make a fuss about the guests and the masters, because the father of the child has already adopted a certain way. If he says that he is still the same as him, he can not achieve any effect, at the same time, it will arouse the disgust of the children! In this way, there are many problems, so it is better to find a new way to arouse the children's interest! Can also give them more performance!

"How about it?" While taking advantage of his leisure time, Ding Yu seems to "don't like it."!

"It's fun. It's quite interesting." Tai Xi's eyes are very big, even quite bright! "These children have no contact with this issue at all. After contact, they know quite a lot. From the current situation, they have shown a lot of interest and interest."

"They are still young. Some things need to be done step by step, but what about some things? Just give them a wake-up call! If they are willing to learn, they will not have too much delay! "

Taixi is the father who looks at his children! Then he sipped his mouth and said with a smile!

"I don't think you care about these children in general. At least you didn't do this when you were in Beijing or abroad." For these things, Taixi's heart must have considerable consideration!

"At home anyway! There's nothing else, and these kids grew up with the kids at home In front of Tai Xi, Ding Yu didn't hide too much! "If they can grow up, they will play a huge role in the whole city!"

"Would it be too much attention?" In this regard, Taixi has a considerable worry, "to know that every child in the family is one, it has been quite noticeable! Under such circumstances, we really don't have any opinions and ideas about the things you make up. I don't believe that? "

"I have quite a feeling, but no one wants to go beyond it!" Ding Yu is a little indifferent to this, "what do they think of these children? Is this a problem? No one can interfere, at least not you and I can interfere! "

"I don't understand! Is it because these children are not good enough? " Taixi is quite puzzled, "I feel these children are very good! Maybe not much in a short time! But as time goes on, I feel that their performance will get better and better! That's for sure! "

"Whether they perform well or not, the choice is in their own hands!" Ding Yu understood what Tai Xi meant. "They have such an opportunity. Do you think it's good to restrain them? I don't look at things like this! It's not a big problem to restrain them, or to tie them down, or even to take them further. But I will never do this, because in my personal opinion, this is a pure act against common sense! It is a great injustice to these children! "

"That's not what I mean!" Tai hee's eyes are a little big!

"Yes, but from my personal point of view, I hold that they should know quite a lot! Sometimes the more constraints, the more counterproductive, there are adverse effects, this is not good! It's better to be open! Let them have a good understanding of the world, which is the best, the most appropriate and appropriate! "

"But you don't have a comprehensive understanding of this aspect!"

Ding Yu smiles, "you! I know the mind. I'll make an analogy! What do you think of money? Is it important to keep it at home? Or is it more important to take it out for circulation? "

For this issue, Tai hee is able to understand, after all, he also has a considerable operation! He is also a vassal of business!

"No doubt, the more money I have, the faster the circulation is? Such as real estate, such as gold and so on! "

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "it's useful to say it's useful, but it's useless to say it's useless? It doesn't work at all! "

Taixi snorted heavily, and then he heard Ding Yu say, "every child in the family, including your baby son and daughter, is going to develop in the future. It's a little premature to mention it now. Do you really think they don't understand anything? Wrong! They know more than you think"I didn't find out that they paid attention to the company's business!"

"It's not necessary to make a lot of noise. It's not a good thing! You know, whether it is the accounts of consortia or farms, there are a lot of them who handle them. In addition, they have their own industries, but they are attracted by their performance! So it ignores the equivalent things! "

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