"Did you mean it?"

"It's a little too much to say intentionally!" Ding Yu said without concealment, "it's just to give these children more choices! And we should not be too conceited, there is no advantage in it! " When he got here, Ding Yu said with a smile, "do you want to make a bet?"

As for Ding Yu's mention of whether to make a bet, Taixi leaned back on his body. Even in order to balance, he supported him with his own hand and looked back and forth at Ding Yu!

I really need to think about it! Why? Because I have been with him for so many years, two people bet? I never seem to have won! At least in their own impression, it can be said that it is not once!

It's no big deal if you lose twice, but if you don't win twice, there's a problem!

"You seem to want to be a bit of a rascal?" Bet is never bet, although I have some other ideas about things, but I will never be cheated! "I'm not going to bet with you? But since you have such an idea, I can't say anything! "

Ding Yu shook his head. "Their future is bright, which is beyond doubt. But whether they can hold on to themselves is a very important premise! After all, the children at home don't stay long! This is the most delicate moment, and the most critical moment! "

"Is it too risky to put too many choices in the hands of children?"

"There are so many adventures! Even in the eyes of many people, there is something incredible about it! " For this problem, Ding Yu has his own unique understanding and ideas, "what do you think of the children at home?"

"Very well! It's quite independent! " For this, Taixi has a lot of pride, and even some of his friends in his own country have considerable ideas about it!

No matter Ding Chang! Wang an or Tong Tong, they all have considerable consideration! Although they didn't say it directly, it can be seen from the expression of their words that even if they can't become the housewife, it doesn't matter, as long as there is a certain relationship between them!

Because to a certain extent, it is really beyond dispute! We can say that the development of the whole consortium is very clear. It is absolutely huge. It is just because Ding Yu is too low-key that all ordinary people don't know so much about it!

But ordinary people do not know, does not mean that all people do not know! There are still quite a few people who know the situation!

At that time, Taixi was just a nobody, but it attracted Ding Yu's attention!

If she can, why can't others? But there is a saying, Ding Yu's family style and family style that are not said! At this point, we need to pay more attention to it! There must be no scandal or malpractice in this respect!

Don't pull the crotch directly before you start!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are here, of course! It's just that they didn't come late. There were guests in the house before, so they had quite a delay. If it wasn't for the two grandsons, they would not have been in such a hurry!

But the two great grandsons are so taken by the children, and there are some uncles who are not very "serious". The old couple are really worried about it! But when I saw two grandsons, I found that these two living treasures were still very happy!

There are some things I didn't think of!

"So happy?" Looking at the two brothers, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying's heart are put down! Then he pointed to his eldest son. From their point of view, this must be the daughter-in-law's reason. If we really put the two children in Ding Yu's hands, what kind of problems and conditions will appear? It's really not sure!

"I think they're a little bit depressed? Have you taught them again? "

Take a look at these children, in addition to their own two living treasures, other children? There is no special joy, you know, it is still a big new year's day, the eldest son has given the children such a big power, but is this?

"It's OK. Just give them a simple word! There's no big problem. It's mainly to give them some space and time to think! These children are very good, need to set up some benchmarks for them, let them know, not to detour! But this is also a test for them

Zhao Shuying agreed with this, but at the same time, she also warned, "boss, no matter what else is going on? Your two nephews don't have much to do with you, at least not now. Do you hear that? "

Ding Yu is quite helpless. His mother is very strict with herself, for fear that she will take any measures. If she says that she really wants to start, is it possible for these two xiongbao to escape? It's impossible. I just want them to adapt to it now. I don't have any other problems and situations!

So mom's side is just white worry! However, the two Xiong Bao's performance is still very good. I don't know what kind of situation it will be if they can't find their parents after they go back. But in Ding Yu's opinion, the problem should not be too big!Because after dinner, not long time, the two of them have been unable to stand up! Two eyelids can not live fighting, even do not need to take care of, two people have been lying on the shoulders of Dinglin and Zhao Shuying respectively!

"Don't look at me! What I have done today, these children can testify, I really did not move a finger There is no way, father and mother's eyes are so bad, how can they? Things are not their own chaos out! The two of them had a good time, OK?

In the evening, Ding Yu did not let these children leave, but they had already contacted the family! That is, staying in the farm side, the farm provides all aspects of security and protection, and this protection is definitely more safe and insurance than their own!

But when he went back in the evening, Ding Yu still made a phone call with his third uncle!

"I said boss, can't you wait a little bit?"

"Uncle, I want to wait, but you also know that even if you want to press down the matter, it's too difficult! And every day will be a new change. If you want to seize the initiative, you need to make a considerable response and arrangement, and you need to advance some! "

The middle-aged man on the other side of the phone sighed, "I don't agree with this matter in principle, but we have discussed for quite a long time. This matter is still left to you to make this decision. But there is one point that must be explained in advance. You can't go alone in Longtan. This is absolutely not possible! It's not safe! "

The reason why I said this is also because of what happened in Maoxiong's side, Ding Yu's personal security can be said to be a heavy loss, and with Ding Yu, Ding Yu had to start in person, so that these can no longer follow the security around to go to the children's side!

The reason for doing so is that, on the one hand, Ding Yu has considerable placement and consideration for security! On the other hand, it is absolutely because they have no way to continue the campaign! Under such circumstances, Ding Yu's safety will definitely be tested, which is a certain thing!

Now Ding Yu wants to go his own way. How can we not worry about such a thing? If Ding Yu really has any problems and conditions, then we will really regret it!

After all, the things Ding Yu will face this time can be said to be extremely dangerous, but he does not deny that Ding Yu also has his consideration, and what about his consideration? For the future development of him and the whole consortium, it is of great significance!

"Uncle, I don't want to take it with me! But I know that if I don't take it with me, your pressure will certainly be inexplicable! Why don't you get two people over here? If you can, it's better to be a legal expert! "

Middle aged people admire Ding Yu's understanding. When people from other fields go to Ding Yu, they will be interpreted by accident. But if you look for legal experts, this is another thing! At least even if you want to interpret, there will be some embarrassment, even shame!

Of course, Ding Yu's consortia also has its own legal team and even specialized law firms. However, if you find two domestic experts, the coverage will be diversified, which is worth pondering!

"I'll report to you tomorrow morning! Still need to keep in touch all the time, I need to tell you to say two words, no matter what kind of problems and conditions, everything should be based on your own safety! "

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yu called Tai Xi over, "my plane tomorrow!"

Tai Xi Leng for a while, immediately brow lock, "safe?" Other aspects of the problem, Taylor did not have any consideration, or even any worry, but security issues, he is really not at all reassured, "and..." For a while, Taixi's heart was a little bit chaotic, and I didn't know how to deal with it!

Ding Yu is smiling, "the problem is not big, previously the hair bear thing is noisy relatively big, but this time the situation is not the same! It's not the same place! If anything happens again, it's not as simple as disgrace! So it seems that there are some dangers, but in fact, the problem is not so big as imagined

"Ah Tai Xi sighed heavily, "I still have some worries. I'll be with you."

Don't say, Ding Yu seriously considered it, and did not directly deny this matter! After thinking about it for a long time, Ding Yucai nodded to Taixi, "I don't have any problems here, but you need to resist the pressure on your shoulders, which may be a little bit too much! You need to make this decision! "

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Tai Xi is hesitant! It is not to say that she is afraid of being in danger, which has nothing to do with it. If the father of the child agrees, it means that she has considered her opinion carefully! Not to deal with yourself!

But the question is, are you really ready to pass? When I was just now, I still had some too impulsive! I want to accompany the father of the child! As for other aspects are really not considered!Now that his mood has settled down, Tai Xi is considering whether it is really appropriate or not to follow Ding Yu?

"I didn't think about it carefully before. I just thought I should accompany you, but when you were thinking about it, I was also thinking about it! Is it really appropriate for me to stay with you at such a time? "

He didn't let Ding Yu speak, but Tai Xi said it again! "I think if I stay with you at this time, there will be many other negative effects! And these effects will make you extremely passive, I believe your opponent will not miss such an opportunity! This will make you more passive

"I'm going to show you. After all, you've also experienced quite a lot. This is a very good opportunity. What about you? Although the space is not small, and the competition is also very fierce, but the plate is too small! It's too tiring to dance on eggs, and there's not enough room to show off. This is a rare opportunity! "

"From my personal point of view, I think it will cause considerable obstacles to you!"

Xitai, who is involved in the financial group, has never been aware of this matter, but I am still moved by this matter! Now I suddenly stand out, you will certainly have considerable ideas and opinions

Ding Yu knocked his head with his hand!

"If, I said, if, I put you alone on the Boston side, can you resist the pressure?" Ding Yu looked at Tai Xi. "I can understand why you don't go to the consortium, but this time it's very important, even quite important. I don't want you to miss this opportunity! But this completely needs to rely on you to support, I will give you the help at that time, will be very limited

Hearing Ding Yu's opinions and thoughts, Tai Xi was stunned for a moment. Even her eyes were narrowed. She was extremely sharp, just like the light of a knife shining in the night!

"I think I can try it?" When Ding Xiyu looks at this, he doesn't have any hesitation! Obviously, at this time, Taixi has strengthened his courage!

Ding Yu is to Tai Xi heavy a nod! "Let's wait and see!"

Then Ding Yu went to the study, opened the video, and started the formal arrangement, "Yingnan, you are responsible for the coordination of the whole process, orange apricot and Fu Zhen are in charge of Asia, Sasha is in Europe! Hort, you're in America! No matter what happens, you have full power to deal with it. Dashan and Tanaka, you two will stay. It doesn't matter who stays! Come out and follow Tai hee. Tai hee doesn't take part in specific actions. She just uses it to attract people's attention! "

"Sir, I'll leave Tanaka at home. He's quite capable. I'm rough skinned and meaty! And I'm quite experienced in action, at least in front of me, there's no problem! "

For Dashan's positive, Ding Yu thought about it, looked at Tanaka in the video, and then made a decision!

"Yes! Tanaka is responsible for assisting tangerine and apricot! During the negotiation period, we have not been able to have a considerable amount of time, at least in such matters, we need to do a good deal in advance! No matter what problems and situations I have here, I have nothing to do with you! You are only responsible to the consortium! "

After taking a look at the crowd, Ding Yu smiles and says, "Jin is in charge of all the security work! My safety is fully equipped

Hearing Ding Yu say so, we are finally put down a little worry, but even so! I still feel a little uneasy! After all, no one knows how the relationship between Ding Yu and Peter will develop!

When Pete got the news, the whole person froze! Totally stupid!

I got an official note from sun Yingnan! Ding Yu will leave tomorrow! As for the destination, there is no need to explain! Obviously, Ding Yu went straight to his nest!

If it's not a joke, then God must not wake up today! How dare Ding Yu do this? Is there water in his head? Now this is the time to come straight to yourself? Is it flaunting? Or bow down and beg for mercy!

After the shock, in order to calm himself down quickly, Peter even rushed to the bathroom and patted himself on the cheek with cold water. After coming back again, he even asked his subordinates to find two ice bags and put them directly on his head, because it was really hard to understand! Why did Ding Yu make such a choice!

You know, all along, Ding Yu has occupied quite the initiative, at least in the quite question above, Ding Yu has occupied the initiative! When he wants to talk, he can talk about it whenever he refuses!

But now Ding Yu has asked sun Yingnan to express his opinions and ideas. Even in a few hours, Ding Yu will make a special plane to come over. Under such circumstances, does Ding Yu want to lose the so-called initiative? Pete really doesn't look like this!Even after waking up, Pete felt a kind of fear, he seems to have been standing on the edge of the cliff!

Ding Yu took the initiative to come over, but the problem is that he has not finished the so-called control. It is true that he has controlled most of them, but there is still a considerable gap between most of them and all of them!

It has to be said that Ding Yu's hand is too clever, but also too powerful! Powerful let oneself all feel chilly!

Previously, I can avoid Ding Yu, because there is a considerable distance between him and Ding Yu! But the problem is that now Ding Yu has come to the door! How to solve the problem?

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