Pete touched his forehead. He didn't know whether it was sweat or ice water. Now he couldn't tell!

Wipe it with a towel! But still have a lot of flow into their own neckline! I don't know if it's sweat or ice water! But now Pete doesn't feel any coldness at this time! Even the fire in his heart is about to burn up!

If you don't eliminate it, maybe pete will burn to ashes!

"How long will it take Ding Yu to reach it? I need a relatively accurate time! "

The man standing by Pete's side helped his gold rimmed glasses. "Thirty hours of full time! After all, he still needs to rest. If it is a specific time, it is unlikely that we can control it! "

Do not need to give any advice, because the head of their own needs is the result!

"Thirty hours is too short! There is too much time consumed by Ding Yu! He! It's just intentional! " Pete took a big breath, and it was obvious that he felt a little upset about it. "I believe many people have already heard the news now!"

"From what we know, it's like this! Quite a number of people are already aware of this situation! Although Ding Yu's consortia are not well-known, they are closely related to the major consortia and families. They maneuver in the capital market, but due to many reasons, we are not disgusted with Ding Yu! "

After taking a look at Peter, he continued, "if we take appropriate measures, we can delay a little time. But if we do this, it will certainly cause a rebound in many aspects, and it is even difficult to guarantee whether Ding Yu will make trouble by taking advantage of it! After all, this time he came on his own initiative

"Mike, do you think Ding Yu knows? This time he came so abruptly, it's very risky behavior!"

"Hard to say!" He pinched his finger, and Mike was calm. "From my personal point of view, it's quite risky, even very dangerous. But this kind of risk and risk is just something on paper. From a practical point of view, he has made a good move!"

"Yes Pete sighed, "he took a good move of chess, which no one thought of. He was very direct and put the corresponding situation in front of us. As their saying goes, two powers harm each other, and we can only make one choice. This is the power of Ding Yu, which we did not expect! How could he be

"Head, what do I need to do next?"

This is a very tactful remark. Pete narrowed his eyes and changed an ice bag for himself again!

Because of the feeling given to Pete, the ice bag on top of his head can't feel any coolness any more!

"What a surprise! Suddenly, we didn't have any preparation. We originally planned to negotiate with Ding Yu. This negotiation needs considerable time and preparation, but it is just a cover on the table. However, Ding Yu's sudden arrival caught us by surprise. Some of our things need to be adjusted! What's going on with Elizabeth

"She's got the news. I just talked to her on the phone, but it's so sudden! Suddenly, there is no preparation It's not to say that there is no need to speak for Elizabeth's sake. It's just to tell the truth. There is no point in slandering Elizabeth at this time!

"When can she come back?"

"She's already on the road! If you do civil aviation, the speed may be similar to Ding Yu! "

What is the speed of civil aviation, what is the speed of private aircraft, there is a considerable difference between the two! If you want to delay, then Elizabeth may even come back later than Ding Yu! Of course, if you call a considerable amount of resources, then Elizabeth will definitely come back six or seven hours earlier than Ding Yu! And this is the slowest!

"Let her come back the first time! What about Rowling? "

"Almost! But it should be a little earlier than Elizabeth! After all, her plane is faster than Elizabeth

There is no way to solve this problem! People have this resource, it has nothing to do with ability! Peter is also very helpless about this. Some things can be made by himself, but what about the equivalent? They still need to measure to deal with!

"What's going on? Are you busy now? "

"The news didn't spread widely, but I believe it won't take too long. After all, sun Yingnan officially sent a note on this matter! That is to say, they are ready to do it in a fair and aboveboard way. In this case, the more people know, the more security will be guaranteed! I'm sure they'll make quite a decision! "

Peter naturally knows what Mike means. Will sun Yingnan keep such a thing secret? It's impossible! Not only will not keep secret, but also will strengthen the propaganda!

Pete is really feeling that there are some headaches, but even so, Pete dare not have any relaxation, especially at this time! The more now, the more calm you need!But NIMA's business is all over his head? At this time, I want to calm down, but can I calm down?

"In 30 hours, we can't wait for death. Otherwise, Ding Yu will come and we will hang him. I'm afraid we will not be able to account for all aspects." In this regard, Peter has a very clear understanding, "Ding Yu's arrival, the purpose should be very clear, is to reach a consensus between each other!"

"Head, Rowling and Ding Yu have a lot in common. Under such circumstances, we have not completely reached an agreement. Under such circumstances, we are too passive! It's easy to get caught! "

Peter did not refute this, but similarly, Peter also has his own understanding of this!

"Ding Yu will not be aggressive. If he did, he would not have let go of the conditions previously! The question now? It seems to be Ding Yu's problem, but in fact? It's actually our own problem

"Head, thirty hours will not solve the final dispute, unless unnecessary measures are taken! But the impact of this way is too big, and the associated consequences are too serious! Especially at such a delicate moment

Peter is very clear that such means need to be used with caution on the outside. What's more, the internal relationship is complicated, which can be said to be linked with each other. It can't be ignored. If there is any problem, it will be more than just carrying the pot! Even if you have considerable power and support behind you, you can't do it!

At the same time, Ding Yu took a look at his parents' side, and they all had a rest! I don't want to disturb you! The next morning, Ding Yu didn't even exercise, so she came to her parents. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying were frightened. What happened?

"So early? What's the matter? "

"There's something wrong with the consortium! Tai hee and I need to deal with it. We already knew the news last night, but we are not so anxious! So stay for one night

"Serious?" Heard the eldest son said so, Zhao Shuying quickly let the family prepare breakfast, and deliberately ordered! Get on the car dumplings get off the surface, quickly to prepare, the eldest son's appetite is big! You must be full!

"Are you going by car? Or how? "

"The high-speed rail has not yet passed? It's still early! Take the high-speed rail first, then the plane! I thought there was nothing wrong, but who could have thought that it would happen suddenly? " Ding Yu slowly explained to his parents, "Tai Xi here, I let her with me, which is to let her see and broaden her horizons! I can't stay with you two old people! "

"We have nothing to do. It doesn't matter if you go out, but you must pay attention to safety, right! What about the kids at home? Are they with you? "

"Then there is no need! Let them contact these things too early, in the end, there is quite improper, and wait for a moment to call them back to eat together! by the way! Where are the two bears? They are not up yet? "

"Don't get up, sleep like a silly bear! I don't know when it will be over! " For the two grandsons, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are very concerned, "they are not the same as the children in the family, and I don't know whether it will be riotous today, but their brother and sister should have no problem with them!"

When the children at home come back, there is not too much doubt! Some things are very clear to them in their heart, but it doesn't mean they have to say it, especially in front of their grandparents!

Granny and grandma are worried about it! This is not good!

"Master! Teacher mother! You must pay attention to your health! "

"It's not a big deal! Come on! It's up to you all to do at home! " With that, Ding Yu patted his big apprentice on the shoulder, and the family affairs will be handed over to you!

When Ding Yu took the motor car, Wang Changlin called! Quite a thing I already know! The eldest brother did not have any contact with the family. Wang Changlin can understand this situation, but the problem is how about his wife? She's starting to get a little bit out of control now!

What can I do? So it's also taking advantage of the fact that you haven't gone to work, so please call and inquire about it!

But Wang Changlin is equally clear, this matter is not oneself say two words, or his wife said two words, there is no problem! It's not like this! The boss made a decision there, and the same decision was made on the top!

Under such circumstances, it is of no use to say anything else!

"Why don't you make a phone call..."

Before finishing this sentence, Su Yuan has already robbed the phone! "Boss, what do you want to do? Why don't you talk to your family about such a big thing? Do you know... "

Ding Yu took out his ear with his hand. It was obvious that his mother's voice was a little too loud! Of course, is there another reason? My mother has been out of anger! Now this time, I just need to listen to it! What if not?For about ten minutes, Ding Yu did nothing. Fortunately, someone sent the earphone. Otherwise, Ding Yu's hands would be a little tired! When Taixi looked at his father, his face was embarrassed. Of course, he had headphones and could hear what was said inside!

But the problem is that you can't do anything, you want to pretend? But the other side of the phone was my mother-in-law. Fortunately, the father of the child didn't want to look at him. Otherwise, I really expected there was a gap on the ground that I could get into! After all, there are a lot of things involved in this!

I can play around in the mall, ruthless, but in the treatment of such a family oriented issues, the opposite of her mother-in-law, I really feel helpless. Fortunately, this mother-in-law is a little far away from himself. Otherwise, when I think of this place, Taixi will really have some happiness!

Wang Changlin's mouth also has some twitches! He motioned to his wife, "I'll say two words first, and then I'll go to work soon! Let me tell you first. If you don't feel at ease, call me on another phone! "

If it is other times, this call may not work, but now there is absolutely no such situation!

And Su Yuan got quite a vent! So the mood is much better! Then I gave the phone to my husband next to me. It seems that he has already had breakfast when he didn't pay attention to it. It's heartless. It's already this time! He has the heart to eat! How to be a father?

"Boss! Has everything been decided? Is it improper for you to consider this Wang Changlin even let himself show some peace!

Ding Yu's eyes turned slightly, and Taixi beside him also gave a light breath!

"Things come a little faster! Fortunately, I have done quite a lot of preparation before. I may need to go back and pick up a few people, but I can't go home any more! " What Ding Yu said is very relaxed!

But Su Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then snatched the phone once!

"Are you coming back? What time? "

"In about two hours! Need to pick up a few people, Jin should be in the courtyard now! This time, he is in charge of the whole security work! "

"Gold?" For this name, Su Yuan is still very familiar, and Wang Changlin was also stunned when he heard the name, because he had not seen this person for quite a long time! I can't even hear from him! Now suddenly came out, it seems that the son for this thing is not general attention!

"He's in the courtyard!"

"Well!" Kim arrived this morning! The news has been passed on. This is not something that needs to be kept secret. If he leaves, he may need to keep it secret, but if he appears around him, it doesn't matter!

"I'll go and have a look!" For this, Su Yuan has his own ideas and considerations!

"No! There are so many urgent time, and there are so many busy work! There's not much need! "

Before waiting for himself to speak, Su Yuan over there has already put down the phone, and has not given any chance at all!

"What about this? The boss doesn't say, he thinks about it! What's more, things have been settled down. It can be seen from this that it is absolutely not a decision made in a hurry. Even a long time ago, it should have been discussed in this respect! " Wang Changlin has a certain judgment on this!

"What's the matter? I have to take my son to fill the hole, right? My son deserves it. How can so many people be my son? Can they not have a son? Once or twice, how many times has this been done? "

"It's a little over the top!" Wang Changlin took a look at his wife, "the position and angle of standing are different, so the problems considered are quite different. Since he is standing in this position, he needs to bear considerable responsibility! There is no doubt about it! "

When saying these words, Wang Changlin's attitude is beyond doubt! In front of my eldest son, I will not say such words, but in front of my wife, I need to say such words! Something must be warned of her!

"You deserve it, don't you? Wang Changlin, are you still a human being

"I am a man, and I am still his father. I may not be able to do that, but I am proud of having such a son! There's nothing to say Wang Changlin knows that it is very difficult to change his wife with conventional methods and methods! Of course, this way can only be used once in a while, otherwise it is definitely troublesome!

Su Yuan looked at her husband with round eyes. At this time, Su Yuan did not have much rationality! Look at this posture, if Wang Changlin stimulates again, Su Yuan may directly start to scratch!

"Put it down and calm down. You can go to the airport, but you need to pay attention to it!""What do you want to say?" Because of the mention of the eldest son, Su Yuan's anger was slightly eliminated. At least his nails had been basically restrained at this time. Otherwise, Wang Changlin would have gone to work with a face!

It's such a result that the grape shelf at home has fallen down. There's no accident!

"There won't be too many people going to the airport this time, but they will definitely be heavyweights! When the time comes to restrain their emotions, since the boss has made this decision, we should support it, and the boss is such a person! He has always been determined to move later. If he is not sure, he will never take any measures. This is certain! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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