Before Ding Yu's plane landed, Su Yuan had already arrived at the airport!

After all, he was his eldest son, but he had not sat down for a long time. Even before the waiters could bring the water, someone knocked on the door. Su Yuan was stunned. But he had just arrived, and even before he sat down, someone came! Is the speed a little too fast!

But when he saw the people coming in, Su Yuan stood up and said, "Lin MI, how did you come?"

"Aunt Su!" Lin Tong nodded his head, looked around, then stepped forward and said in a low voice, "I'm really sorry about director Ding's business. There are many things in it. Originally, we were prepared to come together, but the situation is too special. So I, as a representative, will come to see if director Ding has any needs?"

Su Yuan's eyebrows jumped twice! A little sigh! "I just know the news, there are so many uneasy, so come and have a look!"

"Aunt Su! It's a little inconvenient over there! So I'll come and have a look

Why is it inconvenient? There must be quite a handover. How can Su Yuan not understand this? After all, she is Wang Changlin's wife! Even if it is not experienced, has not heard of it?

"I don't have anything to do. Just come and have a look. Everyone is busy first."

But Lin Tong didn't mean to leave. He came here as a representative and also an expression of his attitude! Su Yuan, who sat down again, sighed. Why? From Lin Tong, we can see how much attention is attached to the boss's affairs!

What kind of work does Lin Tong do? Others don't know, but can he still not know?

After Ding Yu's plane landed, Ding Yu and Tai Xi took the lead to walk down! However, the two people are separated and go, Taixi side is the generation of Su Yuan, Su Yuan to see Tai Xi, can not help blinking his eyes, what is the situation? Why is Taixi there?

"Are you with him?"

Tai Xi couldn't help nodding, "there are so many at home who are not at ease, so I come along with me. Although I can't help anything, it's still more convenient."

Before entering the VIP room, Ding Yu saw the people standing in the corner. A smile appeared on his face. He even nodded his head deliberately. Jin came! Time is not too early or too late, just right!

After entering the VIP room for more than half an hour, Ding Yucai walked out again with two people behind him. Before Ding Yu went to see his mother, Jin went to Ding Yu's side!

Ding Yu glanced at it! "Good! It seems that you have made considerable progress in this period of time! It's a little bit hasty, otherwise you won't come back! "

"Yes!" Kim's answer was very crisp! "I'm in charge of security! No one can step over my body

"Self confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence is conceit." Ding Yu said jokingly!

"The next thing is up to you! I'm not so nervous! "

When he saw his mother, Ding Yu was very honest and went to the position in front of her body!

"Just the two of you?" Su Yuan sighed about this! "And the children?"

"Just stay at home! Such things can't help much at all, let alone that they have quite a lot of things to do! " Ding Yu's voice was not slow. "When they have time in two days, they may come over, but the specific situation depends on their situation. There is nothing wrong with me! Everything has been arranged! "

Su Yuan frowned, "you said it was arranged properly! But do you know how worried the family is about this matter? " Sighed a sentence, looked at Tai Xi, "more I also don't say! You think I'm wordy again! Pay more attention to your safety! Do you hear me? "

"I see!" Ding Yu and Tai Xi said with one voice!

This side of the plane has been checked! Ding Yu and others are boarding! Very fast! But in Ding Yu's plane takes off the first time, Peter has already got the news, the arrival of Tai Xi let Peter have so some did not expect!

Because in Peter's opinion, Taixi is a burden to some extent! Is Ding Yu carrying her at this time on purpose? Or is he really confident and fearless? After thinking about it, Pete thought it was a little impossible!

Because of Peter's understanding of Ding Yu, he is definitely a thoughtful person! Quite things are planned after action, basically will not appear in such a state of agitation!

Therefore, Ding Yu had other purposes when he was waiting for Taixi. What was the reason? At this time, Pete lacks judgment, or he can't find the direction!

As for the appearance of Kim, for Peter, it is not so surprised, even in Peter's view, this is a very normal thing! If Kim didn't show up, it would make Pete feel a little strange!Ding Yu's time was arranged in advance? Or did Kim arrive on time? This problem is worth exploring! But that's all!

"Don't you have a rest, sir? You don't have time to rest in the next time! "

Ding Yu shook his head, "it's still early! But what about your appearance? There are so many forced! Under such circumstances, if you don't show up, everyone will feel a little uneasy! "

"I feel good! There is quite a time to practice! There are some passes that have no problem! "

Ding Yu put his hand on Jin's pulse and nodded after exploring for a period of time, "there is no problem for you to deal with the security! I won't have any space to do this time! It's more frightening, but you? Some are so hard to say! Be careful with your response! Don't neglect others too much! "

"Sir! I don't feel too much! " "Since they want to play, then accompany them to play! It's not a big deal. I've had quite a lot of experience in the past, even in the future. "

"It's hard to say what will happen in the future. We still need to deal with the temporary situation." Ding Yu's eyes slightly turned for a while, "the mountain should arrive before us! He will follow Tai hee and let her handle the situation on her own! "

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Jin's eyebrows wrinkled slightly!

"Is that right, sir?" It's obvious that king is worried about this!

"Since she has followed me! Then we need to let her see that her country is too narrow and redundant, and her handling of some things is too narrow. She has been in such an environment for a long time, and inevitably will bear considerable influence, so she needs to see it! There are not too many disadvantages! "

"Sir, there is no problem in seeing it, but it will be quite dangerous and under great pressure."

"I know! This is the choice she made. Now that she has made the choice, it is necessary to follow the law of it! "

"Too risky!"

"The plan has begun! Now it's too late even to change! Just let her have a try! There will be danger, but it will not be so big. At most, you may feel a lot of pressure. That's all! "

For this, Jin has so many bared teeth! "Sir, I don't know what to say, but my first task is to make sure you are safe. As for the mountain side? He has considerable operational experience, but what do you say? Too much textbook! We have to mobilize other people, at least to ensure the final safety! "

"It can't be too reckless." Ding Yu explained a word!

Jin did not object, and immediately left his position. As for the two legal experts who followed Ding Yu, they had met with Ding Yu earlier! But quite a thing to obey Ding Yu's arrangement!

"Although I saw coffee, I think you'd better not drink it now!"

It is to bring a cup of water to Ding Yu instead of the coffee in his imagination. Now it's better to use less because Ding Yu needs to adjust his work and rest time. At this point, he really does not have any talent. For Ding Yu, it may be just a matter of sleeping!

It's the same with the children at home. They can adjust without even two days, but for themselves, there are so many weak chickens!

"Feel your heart beat so fast!" Let Tai Xi sit down beside him! "Kim told me earlier that you would be in great danger. If you look back now, you still have time! Even if you don't get off the plane, everything can be adjusted! There is no problem! "

"This is the time! Is that really appropriate? " Tai Xi looked at it, "or think about how to deal with the next situation! I have already started to do a lot of preparation work! Anyway, I don't have any problems here. Mr. Dashan should be here before me! "

"So confident?" Ding Yu laughed, "it's also a good thing! However, it needs to be mentioned that at any time, we should be absolutely calm. No matter what problems arise, we need to keep calm! " Ding Yu said it emphatically!

"Any time?" Taixi has some doubts about this!

"Negotiation is a cheating process! During this period, there will be countless unpredictable situations, which are all used to be things! In this process, everyone's means will be no wonder, only you can't think of, no they can't do! It's a real situation! Nothing can't be understood! "

There are so many twitches in the corners of Taixi's mouth! "That is to say, even if I sit at home, they will be everywhere!"

"Absolutely! Here comes your friend! Do you want to meet, or when you hear the bad news about me, do you want to have a look? Even some people from the consortium have come! Would you like to receive it or not? Wait a minute"Is it so direct and crude?"

"There's something wrong with thinking!" Ding Yu shook his head again, "is to chat with you, report the situation?"

"Yes, I can't refuse to do so! I can't refuse it For such a thing, Taixi is not that he can't think of it, but just now, he was a little too nervous!

"So in the process of chatting, I will give you some news, which will make you lose your mind. How can you deal with this situation?" Ding Yu looked at Tai Xi thoughtfully, "no matter the size of the action, it will be artificially enlarged, so you need to resist the pressure then!"

"I see!" Then Tai hee snorted, "I don't want too many people coming. If there are so many people coming, I'm afraid I will be very disappointed. After all, there are so many friends."

"Some of them may be intentional, but some may be forced to be helpless. Everyone has such a time. It's good to keep a fairly normal mind at this time! Friends? It doesn't matter if you want to have a chat, if you want to drink tea, it doesn't matter! "

Ding Yu knows what he said. To a certain extent, it's just rubbish! After all, it is impossible for Taixi not to know what he said? It's just to appease her and relieve her pressure. As for others? Not too many relationships!

Elizabeth and Rowling came back more than ten hours in advance!

Pete saw Elizabeth the first time. As for Rowling? We don't need to meet Peter yet. As for when to meet, Ding Yu hasn't arrived yet. We still have a lot of time for everything!

"First of all, why do you think thaksi came? From your point of view, I think it's a cover. At this time, Ding Yu's hand suddenly comes. I have such a feeling, but I can't find any basis, because there is no such precedent in the past! "

Pete did not have any greetings and politeness, and even Elizabeth's breath did not breathe well, so he stood up for her!

Elizabeth thought for a while, and then said! "Tai hee has never been involved in the affairs of the consortium. She is only concerned about her own affairs in a small range! The consortium has given her considerable resources, but there is little contact between them! "

For this, Elizabeth has a very clear understanding, but she also has a considerable avoidance of Peter's problem!

Pete did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He took a look at Elizabeth!

"Ding Yu won't be here more than 12 hours at most! This time, he took Jin with him, but there were not too many problems with Jin's arrival, because he was always Ding Yu's personal security guard, but with Taixi, it was very strange! "

"With gold?" Elizabeth was stunned for a moment, "I haven't heard of gold all the time. Did Jin appear at Mr. Ding's side so quickly? There's something wrong with the time

For Elizabeth's keenness, Peter was still very satisfied, "yes! From the perspective of time, it's a bit wrong, but it's certain that Jin is definitely not on the land boundary of America. If it's in America, unless Ding Yu has made this estimation in advance, it would be a bit terrible! "

Elizabeth did not answer immediately, but thought for a long time!

"For my personal consideration, Mr. Ding must have made considerable arrangements in advance, that is to say, he must have made considerable consideration about the matter he is going to come over to, but I'm afraid that Mr. Ding alone has said nothing about some things!" After a look at Pete, Elizabeth continued, "I tend to think he's still waiting before the Chinese New Year."

Pete leaned back and put his hands on the armrest of the sofa. The index finger of his right hand couldn't stop beating!

"If you look at it from this angle, then there will be a certain explanation for Taixi's affairs!"

Speaking of this, Pete couldn't help humming, "is this intentional? He used his mother as a bait But as soon as he finished speaking, Peter realized his mistake! "No! It's a mistake. I'm not even right about it

"Mr. Peter, Mr. Ding's coming so suddenly, he must have been well prepared!"

Elizabeth's words seem to be a little different from Peter's, but the people sitting next to Peter are slightly shocked and look at Elizabeth, and even feel quite shocked! I seem to have underestimated Elizabeth when I used to be!

There may be no jumping in the conversation between each other. If we don't have an understanding of the whole event, I'm afraid not many people can understand what the two people are talking about!

"Mr. Ding should be well prepared, otherwise he won't bring Taixi with him, will he?"

It seems that Peter is still entangled with this problem! And Elizabeth? Eyes slightly narrowed up! Some things don't need to be too direct! Always think of the white wolf with empty hands, is this a little too inappropriate?Pete can't see nothing, of course he doesn't have any disgust, even a little appreciation! Because this is Elizabeth, she made such a decision, absolutely in accordance with her character, but also reasonable!

If she really did not ask for anything, she would feel very strange!

Pete motioned to his subordinates, and then took out two files, which did not mean to put on the table, but directly handed them to Elizabeth!

"I can give you an authorization, I believe you will do the right response! It's not just my signature! It will do a good job! " When placed in Elizabeth's hand, Peter also deliberately patted the folder twice! "Another one? It's the best I can do now , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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