Elizabeth looked at the document, did not open it immediately, and then looked at Pete with searching eyes!

"Mr. Peter, I respect you very much, or do I quite misunderstand it?"

Pete looked at Elizabeth's performance and couldn't help laughing, even a little proud!

"No, at least at this time, no one wants you to stand on Mr. Ding Yuding's side!" Pete didn't hide anything. He said it directly! "If you stand at the end of Ding Yu? It's hard to say what role Ding Yuding will play! I believe Mr. Ding believes in you! Because this is the foundation of your foothold! "

On this issue, there is no right or wrong. Elizabeth never supports Ding Yu or Peter. She just serves the interests! Of course, the relationship with Ding Yu is very good, this is another matter!

"Mr. Peter, you go first, Mr. Ding, you find me! And also paid such a price, but even so, I will not participate in the specific action! Because I am still quite vigilant to Mr. Ding! If Mr. Ding really has other ideas for me, for me, it is a little too much to lose! I hope you can understand! "

When she finished speaking, Elizabeth also deliberately patted the folder! Expressed their own attitude problem!

For Elizabeth's wanton, Pitt not only did not have any anger and anger, but also very satisfied! Because this is what I want to see Elizabeth! "Mr. Ding is so good! Whether it's the previous layout or the first mover of the launch, it's hard for people to resist. I believe he didn't look for you. It's definitely not because your ability is not enough! "

"Mr. Ding and I have made a lot of exchanges with each other, and there is a lot of comparison between them. Mr. Peter, I believe you are very clear about this point. Mr. Ding has never evaded this point! Really speaking, I am absolutely not Mr. Ding's opponent

"Well, let's talk about it now. What do you think is the reason why Tai hee came here?"

The conversation between each other up to now, also be regarded as finally clear up! Peter has already brought out quite a few things, and the question now is whether Elizabeth can give a satisfactory answer!

"From my personal understanding, the reason why Taixi came here has nothing to do with the consortium to a certain extent! Even if Mr. Ding has any problems, I believe that Taixi has no say in the affairs of the consortium. Whether it is sun Yingnan, Sasha or orange apricot, they will give Taixi face, but they will never let the consortium have any problems and conditions! "

Pete nodded. His fingers, which were still knocking on the armrest, also stopped. "If we analyze from this point, Ding Yu is putting Taixi on that position, so that she can have some experience!" Speaking of this, Pete suddenly laughed, "what do you think of their relationship?"

"Mr. Ding is a very rational person, but he is very emotional in doing things. It's hard to say when there is any situation in Taixi, he will ignore it! Similarly, if Taixi heard of Ding Yu's problems and conditions, it was difficult to sit still! But there is a premise in this! "

Pete suddenly laughed, because he already understood the meaning of the words!

"Good! Very good Before he finished speaking, someone knocked on the door, and then the news record was sent to Pete. After Pete took a look, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious!

"The mountains are coming?"

"What is he doing here?" This is not what Elizabeth said!

When she saw Pete put her eyes on her body, Elizabeth stood up her shoulder for a moment, "Dashan is more valued by Mr. Ding! But now, he should be in charge of his own family instead of coming to our side. After all, there are sun Yingnan, huote and other people here. He is a little too inconspicuous! Unless he is running for Taixi, to be exact, it is Ding Yu who arranged for Taixi

Peter nodded, "it seems that Mr. Ding still has a lot of feelings for Taixi, since the context has been clear! Then you can put it a little bit! Elizabeth, I don't need you to do anything against Ding Yu. Even Mr. Ding's affairs have nothing to do with you. At least this negotiation is like this! I need to find you something else to do! "

As long as she doesn't have much to do with Mr. Ding, Elizabeth can have a try! But how to try! This question? Elizabeth had considerable consideration! Some things can be explored, but some things? ha-ha!

Elizabeth also has her own channels, and has learned a lot about the situation. At this time, Peter is in control of a considerable situation, or even an absolute situation. But to say that Peter is in charge of everything, this is a bit exaggerated!

So you must be careful to deal with it! With the problems that Peter can't solve, can he solve them by himself? Are you kidding? To a certain extent, it's OK to keep a certain amount of attention! In addition, Elizabeth will not have any action, even if Peter "angry", she is the same!Is it true that Pete can't solve it? It's not like that! Since you can't solve Pete, how can I solve it?

"Rowling! Should I say welcome back? "

"Father! Mother Rowling said hello to her parents, found her place and sat down. "Quite a situation, I have reported it! Isn't it a bit bad to be aggressive at this time? "

Barron, sitting on the throne, looked at his wife and laughed at each other!

"I heard that you were given some advice by Mr. Ding Yuding! I didn't expect that such a thing would happen! "

Rowling didn't take it as a matter. "Mr. Ding has considerable consideration there! This is a very normal thing. Now the question is, are we ready? Since Mr. Ding Yuding is here! Then it means that the negotiation between each other will officially begin! This is the first question

Barron looked at his wife and they looked at each other again! Her daughter's words really made them both very surprised and even shocked. Now, her daughter didn't pay attention to the details. Not only that, she pointed out the key point directly!

Is this the reason why you exercised in Mr. Ding Yuding? But only a few days? Has this effect already? Is it because your daughter is too good? Or is Ding Yu too good?

"As far as we know, Elizabeth is back! That old Pete guy has already lent her away

"So soon?" Rowling snorted, "Elizabeth is a very powerful character. She is a little too belittled! She didn't suffer any loss from her hands, but Mr. Ding Yuding was very fond of him. I thought there might be some incense between them, but later I found out that it was not such a thing at all! "

Ha ha! Barron looked at his wife with a playful look in his eyes!

"Speaking of it, you stayed with Mr. Ding Yuding for a period of time. From the point of view of me and your mother, you are still very good. Don't believe that there is no chance at all?"

Rowling snorted, obviously dissatisfied with her father's words!

"The communication between Mr. Ding and me is very pure. At least Mr. Ding's side is very pure. It's very difficult for him to make so-called decisions. In my opinion, there is not much of the effect of the information at home!"

Barron slightly explored his body, and it was obvious that he was quite interested in it!

"Do you think there will be such an opportunity in the future? I suddenly develop, you seem to grow a lot

"There is no possibility!" Rowling will also have incomparable regret and sigh for this! "It's like King III and Tyler, and I've discovered it all of a sudden! Why the third and Taylor have such a name! Mr. Ding has given them considerable guidance, which is exactly what I lack! "

Barron frowned at the question! "I don't think there are too many things that can impress Mr. Ding. Even if this negotiation is inclined to Mr. Ding, it will not play a very important role! But as far as I know, both of them have never relaxed their demands on themselves! "

"Is it because Taylor has a great affection for Mr. Ding?"

"Ghost talk!" Rowling looked at her father, and that's all about it! It's not on a channel at all. I don't know what my father is thinking about! Too hard to understand!

"Taylor almost became Mr. Ding's student at that time. Due to many other reasons, this is a pity. This is true for Taylor and seems to be the same for Mr. Ding! What's more, I have contacted Mr. Ding's apprentices and children, and he has no taboo about this? "

"As far as we know, there doesn't seem to be much contact!"

Rowling doesn't care about it at all! But she really didn't mean to blow the beans! Just smile! "Mr. Ding didn't mean to avoid it too much! I have a close look at his apprentices and children, the way with our family has the same place, but there are many different! I can't tell you the details! "

The barons are curious about this. Everyone knows that Ding Yu's apprentices and children are sweet cakes, and even many people have expressed considerable interest in it. However, Ding Yu's apprentices are really not easy to handle because their identities are extraordinary. But are the two children of Ding Yu's family? We all expressed considerable confidence!

To be exact, we are very greedy for the two children of the Ding family. We wish we could swallow them into our stomachs! Even some families have been in advance with Ding Yun and Ding Chang two children have contact and contact! But so far, there are not many who can surpass these two children!

On this issue, many people are quite scratching their heads. Why? Did Ding Yu's children eat the elixir? Even if Ding Yu's education is so different! But we can't go too far!But look at Ding Yun and Ding Chang's performance, and then look at their own children. Maybe the IQ problem is not big, but EQ and other performance? There is definitely a gap! And this gap is not a little bit!

"The children of the family, including you, are all educated in an elite way. Your performance in those years was very good. Although you keep pace with the times, some things will never change! What do you think is the problem between the Ding family's children and you? "

Barron is not so worried about the negotiation! This time, no matter how much you get or how much you go, this Barron will express your opinions, and will never act arbitrarily! So now he is more concerned about Ding Yu's personal situation! Not about negotiations!

"There are so many differences. I have many classmates, but my primary school and junior high school classmates, father! Mother, how much do you remember now? At least for me personally, I can't even remember! Because neither you nor I have much impression of them. There are many high school students, but there are too many like-minded people here! "

"It's said that Ding Yu has cultivated quite a number of children, and the family also has this aspect of operation! But the effect of operation is not so obvious! It's true that many of the people funded by the foundation have been successful, but their details are quite poor. "

"Different, the family has too many purposes! And Mr. Ding Yuding there is very different! I think there must be quite a lot of investigation in the family. Fundamentally speaking, Mr. Ding's education methods are very different. I don't know whether this is because of the problem of inheriting culture from the East? It's hard to say clearly. After all, the whole oriental culture has been inherited for too long! Speaking of it, what we have learned is too superficial

Balun has no way to solve this problem. "You are right about this problem. Their inheritance has lasted thousands of years! And this kind of inheritance has not been broken, this NIMA is a bit too terrible! And these heritages have been integrated into their bones! "

Balun is also a kind of big clan leader! The whole family has quite a history, but how to say it? In the face of Chinese civilization, there is not much difference between Yaya and the children who talk to themselves!

But this kind of thing really does not say oneself wants to peep can obtain! It's impossible! Don't even think about it! To be more practical, it is not to say that we have not tried it, but we have really tried it, and we have also gone through considerable argumentation. But what can we do? No effect!

But now her daughter is in Ding Yu's place, she has a further chance! In Barron's opinion, her daughter is actually very excellent and has a deep foundation. Although she is a little arrogant, how can I say that? Now there is quite a gap, but the future can be expected!

I really didn't think that Ding Yu just guided the direction. Rowling had so many things to bloom. This is something that I haven't done for many years!

Previously, my daughter was calm, but how can I say that? A little proud, even higher than the top! Do you know how to hide yourself, but at the same time, to all the people outside? There is an indescribable confidence!

For this point, balun does not say that he did not want to correct it, but how to correct it is a key problem. If the correction is not good, it is easy to move from one side to the other side. However, from now on, Ding Yu should have no hard work, but he has corrected his daughter very well!

More dare not say, at least five years, Rowling is no problem! She has found her own direction, the rest only needs to work hard and experience at the same time! What will happen in five years? It's a bit early to talk about this problem!

No matter from the father's point of view or from the patriarch's point of view, Rowling has made progress now. For the family and even the forces behind, she has got what she wants!

But people? Are very greedy, since you can get more, why not give it a try?

It is said that there is a child in old Peyton's family who is favored by Ding Yu, but now he has not found out who it is? Since the old Peyton family can have such a child, why can't his family or the forces behind him appear such a person?

If such a person really appears? For the whole family or the forces behind it, it's worth paying what kind of conditions. Even in the next negotiation, it's no problem to stand on Ding Yu's side!

Because Ding Yu is worth the price, or Ding Yu is worth investing!

But Barron is also very clear about this matter. Even if he does so, he still has some wishful thinking! Why? Ding Yu has never been a threatened person! Threatening Ding Yu with such a thing? Really think Ding Yu is good at bullying, isn't he?

Such things can only be done step by step. We all sit down and have a cup of tea. It is said that Ding Yu has a considerable research on coffee, so we can have a cup of coffee together! Then we talked better. We dragged the children from the family and asked Ding Yu to judge it!Who knows, it's against Ding Yu! Right? If this happens, then there will be expectations in the future!

At least it can't be pulled down by the old Peyton family, what's more, it can also have a good relationship with Ding Yu!

It is even possible to have a good relationship with Ding Yu's children and apprentices! Their future is definitely to be expected!

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