"Father, you can wait for other things. Do I have to meet Pete?"

Barron nodded slightly. "It is necessary to meet, but we have seen it before! If you have this idea, it's not a bad thing to see you. I'm sure Peter would like to see you! "

In this regard, Rowling slightly depressed, "if you can, try to avoid it! It's a big difference! An old fox, a little rabbit! Mr. Ding said that Peter is a very smart man. The competition between them and the fight between them is very exciting! It's really amazing! If I go there, I'll be there

"Oh? It's really not easy for you to say such a thing! "

Barron felt funny. Although her daughter didn't refuse to stay away from others, she even felt a little approachable, but in fact? Arrogant very, even the eye is higher than the top! Now to Ding Yu and Pitt two people have given very abstruse evaluation, such a thing is too rare to see!

But it just shows that she has begun to mature! At least there is no problem with this road!

"It's just that whether Peter and Mr. Ding have any contact? I can't tell you, but the competition between them is not once or twice! But we are all separated from each other in the layout, but give me a personal feeling, Pete there seems to be a bit of the wind, do not know whether it is true or not? It's just a feeling! "

"Pete fell behind. There are quite a few reasons for this because someone is holding him back. However, it is not fair to judge the two people's funny through such things."

"It's fair or unfair. I don't know. But after deep contact with Mr. Ding, I found that this guy is really a strange person. Even now, he still studies tirelessly and must read every night. But what kind of books I read, I don't know that clearly. Maybe the family can help me?"

Barron shook his head slightly!

"The same is true when he was studying and working in Boston. There were not many people in his study. However, I have heard some rumors. His understanding of medicine is absolutely unique. Whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, it can be said that he is a genius!"

"He had no personal experience. After experiencing the hairy bear, he was always in a wheelchair. Judging from the situation at that time, there was quite intentional element in it! But it can't be denied that he is still quite injured! "

The barons looked at each other, "this is just a guess, no one can say clearly, after all, he is a doctor, and his quadrangle has a special pharmacy, all of which can be digested and processed internally, so that the people who inquire about the information can't start at all!"

But when Rowling heard about it, she narrowed her eyes and looked at her parents!

After looking at their daughter's expression, the barons were stunned for a moment. Then they suddenly burst into laughter, laughing wantonly. "It seems that you really learned a lot from Ding Yu. You even learned this way, even I fell into it. Good! Very good

As he spoke, Barron's chin even cocked up, and his daughter had begun to show some light!

There is no gap between them at the beginning! This is a good omen! Very good start!

"In this way, some people still have some ideas?" In this regard, Rowling slightly shook her head! Obviously, I don't agree with quite a lot of things!

"To Ding Yu? This thing is not very realistic! Not even a lot of possibilities! After all, Ding Yu came on his own initiative this time. If there were any other unexpected situations, he could not account for all aspects! What's more, we need to bear the anger of Ding Yu. Such a thing is not worth the loss

Now that my daughter has mentioned it! He also fell into this trap, and Barron naturally would not do too much cover up! Such a thing is inferred by her daughter, not told by her own initiative! It's just two properties!

"Father, if you don't aim at Ding Yu, it seems that there are not so many people who can be targeted at it!" Rowling's mind immediately fluctuated, "there is no significance or value for Taixi. Maybe it will have some influence, but this kind of influence has no binding force on Mr. Ding's consortia."

"Good analysis! Go on Even Barron even deliberately raised his hand!

"It is a little influential to attack sun Yingnan and other people. It will not only shake Ding Yu, but also shake the consortium. But doing so will destroy the negotiation! If someone dares to be the first day of junior high school, then Mr. Ding will definitely do the 15th grade. I dare not even imagine what the result will be at that time! "

With that, Rowling took a long breath. "Do you want to fight Kim? It's really a good choice! ""What do you think?" Barron still wants to hear his daughter's analysis! Such a thing, I don't have too many opinions and ideas, don't pay attention to it, and will not have any participation at the same time!

But in order to have a look at the overall situation of her daughter, so it is also put forward the problem!

"Such a provocation? It's a little too risky! Even dangerous! I haven't made contact with Jin, but I've heard quite a rumor about him. It can be said that he started his family with Mr. Ding Yuding! Although his qualifications can't catch up with sun Yingnan, Mr. Ding's ability to provide him with personal security is enough to prove that Mr. Ding attaches great importance to him! "

"So what do you think of it? Tell me what you think? "

Rowling did not immediately answer, but considered for a period of time!

"To attack Jin is a kind of provocation against Mr. Ding, and even a kind of threat to Mr. Ding! Success or failure, it is the same! But there are also some disadvantages in it, and they are quite big ones. I don't know if anyone has noticed it! The two sides are too serious in this matter! "

Baron was very satisfied that his daughter could see this. He even took a provocative look at his wife, who was also from a large family. At the age of her daughter, she could not do this! Inheriting one's own blood is really different!

Charlotte looks at her husband and smiles. She can feel her husband's joy and pride. Her daughter is not only her husband, but also her own! The daughter belongs to two people!

But I will not correct my husband! There is no need for such a thing!

"We don't have anything to get involved in this matter. We just heard about it. As for whether the news is true or false, we don't know now."

Barron didn't know whether it was intentional or intentional! Because for myself, it is not so important!

Rowling looked at her father, the heart is very clear, this is a father to their own test!

"I'm sure Mr. Ding will get the news, but Kim's is a little too abrupt! I believe that before this, there have been countless people looking for the whereabouts of gold, but there has been no effect, as if gold disappeared out of thin air! There are even rumors that Mr. Ding has executed Kim! "

"There is no place for such a rumor! Even make people laugh in vain! People like Jin are pillars. Even if Ding Yu is stupid, he will never do so. It is just that some people want to mix water! But the effect is not obvious at all! Now Jin has taken the initiative to stand out and everything is gone! "

Rowling still blinked her eyes. "I haven't personally competed with Mr. Ding, but Mr. Ding's side has a lot of strangers. The origin of these strangers is very inexplicable, and quite a few of them can't find any information!"

"These people should have been trained by Ding Yu. Of course, some of them have a history! The origins of these people are very easy to investigate. They are similar to the security guards who stayed with Ding Yu. However, the security guards at the beginning have been assigned to Ding Yu's disciples and children! On this point, Ding Yu's practice is quite admirable! Very old-fashioned! "

If these people come out, I believe that there will be many forces to draw them in, even if they pay a considerable price, it doesn't matter! However, Ding Yu has made other arrangements for them. This arrangement has advantages and disadvantages!

The advantage is that these people don't need to worry about anything in the future! Of course, it is not without disadvantages. The disadvantage is that these people will certainly have a considerable impact on Ding Yu's disciples and children. Now Ding Yu's apprentices and children have not yet grown up. At such an age, Ding Yu has great heart to undertake these responsibilities!

Of course, these are small problems, at least relative to the present, they are small problems!

"Rowling! Wait a minute. Mr. Ding is coming! Are you going to the airport? " Charlotte asked deliberately!

"Will father and mother come together?" Of course, Rowling could understand the deep meaning. "I can give you an introduction. In this way, Mr. Peter will certainly go to the scene! It's a very interesting thing

After that, I took a deep look at my parents. Is it really good for you to do this? In front of their own face so straightforward! Do you really have no scruples about what you think in your heart? Is this your own parent? Is it true that there is no so-called family relationship? I can't accept the feelings!

"It's decided whether to go or not! I'm against it! It doesn't help, does it? "

Rowling has a very clear understanding of this, "so? What needs to be done next? Or what should I do? Is the most appropriate and appropriate! "

"On the whole, you lack considerable capital." Barron's words are very cold, even ruthless, and they don't relax because Rowling is her own daughter. For couples like Barron and Charlotte, there is no such situation at all! The benefit belongs to the benefit, and the affection belongs to the affection. There will be no confusion!"Understand!" Rowling replied happily at the same time, "on the plane, I have got a new rest, as for the adjustment of work and rest, for me, there will be no problem! But I need to mention one point. Of course, this only represents my personal opinion. I don't want to show too much publicity in such an occasion! "

Barron and Charlotte were puzzled and even looked at each other! It's understandable that my daughter doesn't want to be in the limelight! But why put it forward deliberately? What on earth does she want to express? Don't want to offend Ding Ding Yu? It's not right! Because this thing and offend Ding Ding Yu are totally two times!

Don't want to see Ding Yu? Some of them are not right!

So both of them don't understand! Why does a daughter do this?

"Rowling, can you explain why?"

Looking at the parents who still did not respond, Rowling had some exclamations!

"Mr. Ding is a very rational man! But at the same time, he is a very emotional person! If you use a rational way to contact with Ding Yu, they will be like two parallel lines, there will never be the possibility of intersection! He is more rational than he imagined! It's like a robot! But if you contact Mr. Ding in a perceptual way, there may be different consequences! "

After finishing these, Rowling slightly sighed, looking at her parents deeply! Of course, I didn't mean to criticize my parents! Because I was able to get in touch with Ding Yu this time, thanks to my parents! Just the way parents do it? There are too many defects!

When Barron and Charlotte heard this and looked at each other, they could feel the shock from each other's eyes! On the one hand, I didn't expect my daughter to say such a thing, on the other hand? It is because they suddenly found that their understanding of Ding Yu is quite different!

"Ding Yu suddenly found that there was a deviation between us."

In order to ease the embarrassment, Barron even took the initiative to pour coffee for his wife and daughter! But the coffee is cold! Charlotte was looking at her daughter, her eyes showed a strange light!

"This time we have to go to the airport. Maybe the previous consideration is quite biased, but it is a basic etiquette issue to meet Ding Yu at the airport. However, your proposal is very good. We should make some changes!"

Charlotte looked at her husband and then at her daughter. The husband said that, to a certain extent, he admitted his fault! This is a very difficult thing! To know the identity of your husband is extraordinary! Even in front of his daughter, he will never be so direct!

But today, there are really so-called accidents! It really shocked me!

Shocked at the same time, Charlotte is also reflecting on why her husband changed so quickly? Why? What if the superficial reason? It may be because of her daughter, but in fact, the problem still lies in Ding Yu's body. It can be said that this is the reason why her husband made a decisive change!

Sounds like a little incredible! But that's what happened!

Today's conversation, the change is really so big, even the husband did not want to discuss with you, very directly made this decision, but think carefully, it seems that there are not too many problems!

Because it will not have a special impact on the negotiation, and even can make friends with Ding Yu to a certain extent!

This friendship with Ding Yu is two things! At the negotiation table, everyone will strive for their own interests, but this will not affect the friendship between each other! At least that's what Barron thinks now!

After seeing Ding Yu, what kind of problems and conditions will appear? The specific analysis of the specific problems does not need to be particularly urgent now. Now it is good to give the general direction down!

"Have a rest! I'm going to see Peter later. As far as I know, he's trying to woo Elizabeth! "

Rowling nodded. "Good choice! It's the right choice, because Elizabeth is back! It means Elizabeth's mission has been completed! But in order not to give Mr. Ding any chance, Peter has to make a considerable decision! Really let Elizabeth stand on Mr. Ding Yuding's side, Pitt will be very uncomfortable

"Rowling, you seem to have some other thoughts about Elizabeth? Is it because after I contacted her, I had a lot of ideas? " Charlotte seems to have some other ideas about it!

"A very clever man! Can accurately find their own positioning, for the benefit of service, in the process of absolutely not because of other conditions and affect their own judgment, unswervingly! It's a very powerful role. If I don't use my own power, I'm not her opponent! "

As she said this, Rowling hummed and laughed!Charlotte looked at her daughter, heart is also a smile, the so-called single, absolutely stupid behavior!

But his daughter said this, absolutely not to find Elizabeth to single out, has a considerable advantage not to use, but to use their own shortcomings to touch the strengths of others, which is absolutely unforgivable!

If the elite education is such, then the family's training for Rowling in these years is really a failure!

Even more exaggerated, the whole family can be abandoned!

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