Ding Yu had a rest before getting off the plane!

And Rowling this time is with her parents to see Peter, although reluctant, but this is inevitable! To be sure, it's all for coffee! Right here at the airport! But look at the posture around, it seems a bit big!

But Rowling didn't go with her father. She said hello to Pete and left. She sat down at the next table. Elizabeth was with her. As for the others? I really don't mean to rely on it!

To be sure, I don't have enough identity to sit with Rowling!

"You're not involved?" Rowling had a sip of coffee, the taste is very ordinary, here want to drink the most pure coffee, a little too taken for granted! What's more, the purpose of everyone here is very simple, all to meet Ding Yu! Coffee is just a gimmick! I really think everyone has nothing to do!

What's more, even if it's nothing to do! It's not too boring to come here for coffee!

"What happened before has gone too far! Mr. Ding has saved considerable face! It's not good to hurt each other's affection! " Elizabeth had nothing to hide about it! Of course, the reason why I put this matter out is to disclose the information!

Save all aspects of misunderstanding! Now is the best chance!

"So I take it for granted!" In this regard, Rowling is so excited at the same time, there are some helpless, because such a thing can not escape, and can not be like Elizabeth!

Elizabeth can have a choice, but she really does not have any choice! Of course, everything has two sides! If from a good point of view, he can further contact Ding Yu. Of course, what about the bad side? To a certain extent, I need to keep a considerable distance with Mr. Ding Yuding!

"But if you come here, you won't be afraid of Mr. Ding's misunderstanding! Once a misunderstanding occurs, it will be difficult to ease it! "

"Mr. Ding came from afar. As a local villain, I should always show great respect! However, from my personal understanding, Mr. Ding has never liked this way, because Mr. Ding is a relatively low-key person! "

From the speech can clearly feel that Elizabeth for Ding Yu maintain considerable respect, but also maintain a considerable distance! At this point, you can't do it yourself!

I really don't know how Elizabeth regulated it. This is the place where I hope to learn from Elizabeth today!

"I can't change my identity as quickly as you can. I'm worried about what impression I'll leave on Mr. Ding if I do this!"

Elizabeth did not expect that Rowling would ask this question, to know that there is a clear gap between each other's identity and status! She was able to lower herself, but think about it, it seems to be a common thing, because after all, with Mr. Ding, if you can't even do this, then Mr. Ding will never give Rowling that long time!

"This is a very contradictory thing, but it is also a very challenging thing! But before that, I need to ask you one thing. Are you really ready for this? And is it the process or the result that you want? "

It is not difficult for Elizabeth to sell Rowling well, let alone a chance once in a blue moon!

"I value the process more than the result!"

"In fact, Mr. Ding is a person who cares about the process! As for the results? It's not as important as you think! You have to know that Mr. Ding is a doctor! When doing an operation, no one can guarantee that the operation will be successful! Otherwise, you won't sign your name on the letter of responsibility! "

Luo Lin is really a little absent-minded. She knows a lot of things about Ding Yu, but she has never cut in from this angle!

"I have read a lot of Mr. Ding's materials, but the medical information seems to have been put aside."

From Rowling's words, we can clearly feel that we don't attach so much importance to this!

"I haven't studied Mr. Ding's data in depth. To be exact, I think those things are just articles on paper. Just look at the excitement! If I really go into it, I think it's a bit stupid, because it will affect personal judgment, and the result of such judgment may be fatal! "

When talking, Elizabeth also deliberately looked at Pete not far away! Of course Rowling noticed that! At this time, Rowling is also immersed in meditation! Because of her sudden discovery, Elizabeth was right!

But why have you never noticed this problem? What is the cause?

So Rowling was so silent that Elizabeth didn't mean to disturb her. Although Charlotte sat by her husband's side, she noticed the expression change on her daughter's face in the distance!Why did her daughter suddenly become like that? Look at Elizabeth. She was not complacent, or complacent. Obviously, Elizabeth did not mean to teach her daughter! If so, where is the problem? I am quite curious!

"I suddenly found that my understanding of Mr. Ding is quite biased."

"It's normal, even in my personal opinion, this is the only way to go!" When you get to a certain course, you have to understand it

"I seem to understand! We have no way to get close to Mr. Zhang! This is a very important point! "

"Yes! More than 90% or even more people can't contact Mr. Ding. Of course, it has something to do with Mr. Ding's style. He has never been a high-profile person! In that case, how do you need to know Mr. Ding? We can only get to know Mr. Ding through paper and deepen our impression! "

"There are quite a few problems in it!" Rowling pointed out the problem!

"Yes! I don't deny that there are problems, and they are still quite big problems, but what can be done? If we don't understand it in this way, is there any other way, or as if we don't know anything, what kind of situation will it be in the face of Mr. Ding? "

Rowling didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this time!

"I feel that I have come to the wrong area. It is not a simple thing to get out of this misunderstanding. It is too difficult! I even have some doubts

"In the past two years, we have a little understanding of this aspect. Those old guys have seen this clearly, but they have seen it clearly! Doesn't mean things can be solved? How to solve this problem, you must also know, these years the loss of information management department is very big! The speed of changing dynasties is faster than I can change socks! "

"It's a bit too much of a metaphor!"

But Rowling really does not deny it! Why has the contest with Mr. Ding Yuding changed into the current mode in recent years! Because there has been a lack of stamina! It's a blue and yellow situation! And it's getting worse! Too many people have been washed out! But even so, did it work?

It's not only that it doesn't have any other functions, but also that it's weakened too much!

How could Ding Yu be given the opportunity to negotiate earlier? What do you want? Even if Ding Yu is more powerful, what can he do? Let's start the gongs and drums in front of each other! Who dares to compete with me? If you don't beat you and call dad, it's light!

But now? Maybe the attitude towards others is still like this, but the problem of Ding Yu is reversed! Sometimes Dingyu is beaten directly by Ding Yu and calls for Dad directly, which is not without it!

Now that you've called Dad! You can put other things a little bit! Maybe there are still some problems on the face, but in fact? We are here today, but can't explain everything?

Do you know that none of the people who want to help Ding Yu come? Would you rather not? This is not the reason at all. If we really want to come, then the forces behind Peter and Baron must also come. That would be too embarrassing!

So don't say that the face of the person greeting Ding Yu is not enough! Peter is a representative of some forces. What about Baron and Charlotte? It's the representative of big consortia and family forces! Under normal circumstances, Rowling can come forward! But today they are all here! From here, we can see how much attention we attach to Ding Yu!

"Elizabeth, when did you see the way through this?"

"For quite a while, after all, I was not in the game, so the way of looking at the problem may be quite different, but most people are in the game! Since you are in the game, it will inevitably have an impact! Some presumptuous said, at the beginning you want to see Ding Yu, how to do? We can only understand it in a certain way. To a certain extent, we have fallen into it! "

"It's preconceived! It's not easy to come out again! "

"But it's definitely a challenging thing! Nothing can prove itself more than this! I believe that if you take this step, everyone will be impressed with you! "

"It feels so hard!" Rowling has a very clear understanding of this, what a joke, have preconceived! Under such circumstances, is it so simple to want to jump out?

It's like you have identified a thing, but you still need to overturn your own judgment when you decide. What are these things called? Back and forth between the conversion, it is easy to make themselves into mental illness! Even if it's the brain circuit, it's not like this!

"I feel that this is a compulsory way. If you can't make it, then don't try to follow Mr. Ding's ideas. It's impossible! Everyone knows the difficulties! But at least Mr. Pitt did it! "Rowling took a look at Pete who was very happy with her parents in the distance, and said with a helpless sigh, "Mr. Peter is Mr. Peter, I am I. there is a lot of difference in life experience between them. Now, when you compare me with him, do you despise me? Or praise me? "

"I think you should have such potential. If you don't have such potential, I believe Mr. Ding would not have left you a place beside you at that time. As far as I know, Mr. Ding is still very picky. This kind of pickiness is not arrogant. On the contrary, Mr. Ding should attach great importance to your potential."

Cut! Rowling has that little Mania! Although Elizabeth said very well, but now this time, Rowling do not know whether they should believe in themselves! The space of operation is too limited!

But Rowling also knows that this is her own opportunity! If you can break through this opportunity, your future may be limitless, but if you say you can't break through this opportunity, it's another thing!

Think about it, do your parents recognize this thing now? Anyway, from the beginning to the end, they did not seem to mention this problem with themselves! Associated with their own has never thought about this aspect of the problem!

"I will think about it well!" But then Rowling's voice suddenly changed, "what do you think my family will react to this news, especially to my parents when they know it?"

In the face of Rowling's sudden turn, Elizabeth did not panic, "this is a problem! Even a very serious problem! But I think Mr. Pitt should solve this problem for me, at least it is not too big a problem for him! "

"I don't understand! Is that how Pete trusts you? For him, it doesn't seem to have much significance to be involved in such a thing! "

"It doesn't have much to do with trust, and their service objects may not be the same! But Mr. Peter is very clear about what I should do, and I am also very clear about what I should do myself

"Well! I find that compared with you, it seems that there are still some childishness! "

"I've been through a lot of things! If I can, I also hope to be like you! But if you really put me in your position, I will certainly not do better than you! There is no way for me to get rid of it

Elizabeth did not mean to compliment Rowling! Because it's the truth! Of course, I envy Rowling can be born in such a family, but if you change a position between each other, I am afraid that he has already gone floating! You can't do it yourself!

"Speaking of it, I envy you very much. I admire your ability! I'm a bit of a blessing in the dark, and you? Is it not good that there are so many false pretences? "

Both of them laughed implicitly!

"At the beginning, I envied you very much. It's true! How envious! How could you have been born into such a family? Is it God's care? " Because of the relationship between two people and further! At least on the surface, it's like this, so I've opened up a lot! "All kinds of jealousy, envy and hatred! But think about it later! Forget it

"I know who I am. I know it clearly and clearly. I'm afraid that during my high school or college time, I will be completely degraded! I can't walk out at all, which I admire very much! I've seen people like you! A considerable part of them are not able to do it themselves! The temptation of the outside world is too great! "

In this regard, Elizabeth even shook her head. She felt that she could do better by changing herself to someone else's position! I had such imagination, but soon I woke up! Change yourself in that position! When the time comes, even other people do not want to carry shoes!

"I think it's really amazing that you can come out of such an environment, even now you can be so smart! If there is family support, I can do it, and still people think I am a little girl to give face! But what about you? Not too much support, can still do this! It's just an inhuman existence

Anyway, mutual compliments don't need money! Just throw it on each other's body! Is it too disgusting? ha-ha! How can such a thing be judged like this? Can only say mutual appreciation between each other! That's it!

Barron looked at Pete in front of him. The corner of his eye swept his daughter and found that she had a good conversation with Elizabeth!

"Peter, do you think Mr. Ding will be angry?"

"It should not be!" Peter looked at the barons with a smile. "After all, this is his second home. I heard that when he was here, he had a very good contact with all aspects, and the neighborhood relationship was also very harmonious."

There is a lot of implication in the words! We are all smart people, there is no need to say those too polite words, too hypocritical, isn't it? Your husband and wife came here, should not want to see my joke?!What's more, she won't deliberately vent her anger on Elizabeth!

Although in Ding Yu there, Elizabeth has so many tricks, but absolutely did not hurt Rowling, even to a certain extent, also contact with Rowling! Some friendship between each other! If this can't satisfy Baron's family, then it's their family's deliberate provocation!

Of course! I don't deny that there are some problems in this process! But that's a problem that has to be solved!

Rowling seems to have been used! But that is because of Ding Yu's action. It seems that the relationship with him is not so big. If we say that Baron's family really wants to be counted on his own head, it's all right! It doesn't matter!

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