Ding Yu is not the first to get out of the plane. Jin takes the lead to stand out and take a look at it. He narrows his eyes slightly. There are so many eyes staring at here! I really don't hide it! After a look, Kim opened an umbrella!

After that, Ding Yu and Tai Xi stepped out of the plane. However, they didn't care about the eyes around them. No matter how many people hate themselves, at least at this time, they will never do it! You can't do it with either of them! If you start now, then the joke is really a little big!

Even Ding Yu's heart still has some expectations, if they can do it, it will be good!

Walking down the escalator and looking at several people standing in front of her, Rowling introduced Ding Yu though she was full of reluctance! Ding Yu first shook hands with Barron and Charlotte! There was no direct handshake between them when they came to Pete before! But look at each other for a period of time!

But in each other's eyes, are slightly calm, there is no too much other extension!

"Welcome, Mr. Ding!" Very polite words!

Ding Yu nodded, "Hello, Mr. Peter. It's been known for a long time! I just wanted to see you today! It's too late to meet

The words are slightly playful, and Pete also smiles. Both of them exert a little force, while the Baron and Charlotte beside them take a look at each other! Feel Ding Yu and Pitt are really very interesting, now this time there are so some flavor to fight! Just a slight touch!

Now that all of them have come, we all walk into a VIP room! It's Ding Yu's rigid requirement. What are the reasons? At the beginning, we were not so clear, but then we all understood!

Because Taixi wants to leave, he doesn't mean to stay here!

As for sun Yingnan, he has already come! But I didn't mean to meet you at the airport! At this time, sun Yingnan put his position very low, she is in the middle of coordination is not false, but since Tai Xi is in, then can not snatch the limelight!

It has to be said that sun Yingnan has considerable consideration on this issue!

Ding Yu watched Tai Xi leave! However, before leaving, Dashan bowed to Ding Yu, showing great respect and no words, but his attitude had revealed everything!

Mr. Zhang has entrusted such an important task to himself! If you say that you have any problems and situations, there is really no other way to express yourself except one death!

What is the reason why the whole family has such a status and identity? The mountain can't be clearer! From each other's identity, Dashan family should do more, because to a certain extent, they are the servants of Mr. Zhang, but Mr. Zhang never means to touch his finger! Even a little reluctant to pay attention to it!

If you look at other families, will their owners ignore the following? May be able to decentralize power, but definitely not like a gentleman! At this point, I really admire my husband!

Even the whole family is very respectful to Mr!

The whole family is willing to die for him if he wants to! But Mr. Dashan and Tanaka's arrangement is to let the two families recuperate and stabilize themselves! This is the main reason why the two families have achieved great development in recent years!

Before Mr. Tanaka came, I'll see you again!

If there is any problem, you should go to the top first and then Tanaka. Anyway, the family has a follow-up! There is no need to worry about other aspects! Even in Dashan's mind there is another layer of ideas!

If you can! So even if you throw yourself in! It doesn't matter!

Even if there is such a situation, sir will definitely keep it in mind!

As far as I know from other sources, the security guards around my husband have been seriously damaged in the Maoxiong incident! Now there are quite arrangements for them, not only for those who live, but also for those who die! And the arrangement is more comprehensive!

There are old people, old people, children! Read there, attack there, absolutely no two words! Until they enter the society, this does not count the money left by these people and so on!

Can someone else do this? I feel quite sleepy! It's not to say that Mr. Zhang is really rich and has no place to spend! No one hates money! Even if Ding Yu doesn't do such a thing, the security money is enough to support their children!

What's more, some people are already alone! The money they left behind? Mr. Zhang did not use any funds, and even set up a fund on his own initiative. What about these funds? It is to prevent other accidents in the future, to keep them for standby and to make them clear separately! In addition to the security of them, no one else, including Ding Yu, can have any contamination!There is such a master! What else to say! Dashan now more carefree is the son that Mr. Dashan has brought up for the Dashan family! No matter from the treatment, or from other aspects, it is basically no different from the apprentice and children of Mr! Even in some aspects, there is no less than!

Lin Lin all kinds of add together, if say oneself still have other mind! He is no longer a man, but a pure animal! Is really not allowed by heaven and earth! I am not only unable to face my husband, but also unable to face my own people! And this is absolutely unforgivable! Forever nailed on the pillar of shame!

After Taixi and Dashan left, the barons and Pete also left! Ding Yu looked back!

"Yingnan! Then I'll listen to your arrangement! "

"Well prepared, sir! Kim has gone to do the final security test! It may take a little more time! He said he was not so relieved! " Sun Yingnan did not have any objection to this, and even readily agreed! There are some delays here, sir!

"Find a place to have a cup of coffee? Just now, everyone seemed to be so nervous! "

"Sir, can you not be nervous? Especially now? " Let Ding Yu take the lead in getting on the bus, and then Sun Ying gets on the other side! "Sir, both Mr. Bruno and Mr. Dongfang have called!"

Ding Yu extended his hand, sun Yingnan put the phone into Ding Yu's hand!

"Bruno, you're not greedy, are you?" After Ding Yu got through the phone, he said impolitely!

"Isn't that nonsense?" Bruno of course will not meet with Ding Yu, they do not need to be so polite, because the relationship is too good! Even each other can wear a pair of pants! "I've heard that you brought a lot of things here. Previously, I deliberately went there, but I didn't get too many good things. They even told me that it took some time to ferment! When God gave it to me? My mouth is watering

"I've brought some things that have just been produced, but if you can, you still need to settle down for a period of time! Otherwise, the taste will not be so strong! But you are too rude! I'm here! You didn't come to pick me up? I think it's necessary to think about it. Should I give you two cases less? "

"No! I'm going there now? What about? Say yes! I heard Tai hee is here, too? Is it suitable? "

"I sent her to Boston! If you stay on my side, it's too complicated! It's not so appropriate! " There is no need to hide such things, nor any need! Anyway, everyone should know, will know! "I heard you were worried about cigars, so I called you first!"

Bruno didn't answer immediately! It's about a lot of time!

"Some are too risky? Why don't I go over and have a look. Anyway, I'm an old guy with nothing to do! Even if you don't help me, you should give me some care. After all, unlike other places, it's hard to guarantee that some guys will jump over the wall in a hurry. There are quite a few people in my hand! "

"I have also thought about this issue. I have thought about it for quite some time with Taixi, but I don't think it's necessary! Since she has the meaning of this aspect, let her experience for a period of time! It's not a big deal! If anyone really dares to reach out, I think his head is really broken

Bruno listened to Ding Yu's words and couldn't help laughing!

"Yes, some people have broken their heads! I won't go to Taixi for trouble. At most, I will make some arrangements for her. But are you so sure? She can bear such a thing, I said you are a little too cruel! After all, she is also the mother of the child. Does she ignore such a little affection? "

"Before I came, I had a lot of discussion with her. Do you want to come? Fully respect her personal opinions and ideas! If she agrees, I will never have any objection! But similarly, if she opposes, I will not have any insistence! As a result, she is quite persistent

Ding Yu has no cover up! "After all, she has experienced for several years, and she has a certain feeling for quite a thing! And can feel out, she still has a considerable idea! If so, why not give a chance? Just let her have a try

"It's still a little too much! I happen to have someone over there! If there is any problem, just let Taixi greet by himself! It doesn't matter if you want to be more lively! "

"I knew it!" Ding Yu laughed and said, "I've already sent things to you! I believe you will receive it in a little while! "

"No rabbits, no eagles, right? Too much! " Bruno is very dissatisfied with this, but there are also some intentional elements in it, "OK! I can smell them already! You need to be prepared! Otherwise, it would be a pity for you! by the way! When you have time, together?! It's my treat

Put down the phone, Ding Yu shakes his head, this Bruno, temperament is really not general straightforward!But between each other is really tacit understanding, even do not need to say too many words!

Then Ding Yu called Dongfang Jing! "Elder martial brother Dongfang, how are you recently?"

"I've let the people below pass! If anything, they will obey your orders! If anything goes wrong, I'll let them know the rules at home! " Dongfang Jing is different from Bruno! For Ding Yu, it is another way!

"There should be no need to exaggerate. After all, there is quite a difference between here and the hairy bear."

"You! People are worried about the hairy bear Dongfang Jing is very dissatisfied with this younger martial brother's indifference! "Shall I go! Anyway, I have nothing to do now! Idle is idle, too

"I just came here to talk about it, but I didn't come here to fight. If it's a fight over here, you may need some more help! It's not necessary now, and the elder martial brother and Bruno really stand up and make unnecessary waves! I think if we can solve this problem peacefully, it's better to be peaceful! "

"I don't know how to deal with it! Look at it yourself and call me when you need it

"Well! I brought something here. Bruno likes cigars. I bring a little wine. It's brewed at home! I deliberately to the deployment of a bit, placed for a period of time may be better! "

Dongfang Jing is very interested in cigars, but he is more interested in the medicinal wine made by Ding Yu himself!

My family has quite a heritage, but how to say? You can't break the shackles! The things of our ancestors are good, but in the process of inheriting, we still have some defects. We can't push new things. On this point, our younger martial brother is very different! He is absolutely a genius!

Especially in medicine, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine! It's all from one side!

There's no bragging, that's what happened! But he does not like to show off, sometimes too calm and low-key! So we don't know this very well, but Dongfang Jing is not such a person! He knows something about Ding Yu! So now a little bit excited!

"Where are the things? I'll go myself!"

Hang up the phone of elder martial brother Dongfang, Ding Yu smiles slightly!

Two different ways of two people, no matter what good or bad, everyone's way of dealing with people is just different!

"I heard that the atmosphere and mood here are so tense?"

"Sir, at this time, everyone's nerves are very tight! There is no way! After all, you came here in person! What should be known about the hairy bear has already been known! Under such circumstances, to say that you have no reaction at all, no one will believe this, just don't know what kind of reaction you will make! "

"What's going on with Sasha?"

"The emperor called in the past and contacted each other. For him, it doesn't matter. After all, the bear is about to eat. This time, they won't show up?! But in the dark will definitely give the greatest support, of course! If it can have considerable benefits, so much the better! "

"He! To be able to sit in that position, the first consideration is always the bear's own interests! However, it is not easy for him to say such words! After all, for him, if we can make a fuss here, it will definitely be beneficial to the bear! "

"Good is good, but from the current situation, the situation is relatively stable! Pete really can't underestimate it! Very powerful, really let me judge, he has controlled the absolute situation, although not all, but is very extraordinary, after all, he is a layman, can walk to now! A little exaggeration

"He is a very clever man! If it is someone else, then this time will never give me such a chance! But he's so smart! So I caught the loophole

Sun Yingnan has extremely rich experience, after all, he also followed Ding Yu out! So the first time to narrow up their own eyes! "He started to prepare for himself so early! It's exaggeration

"Why does he want to master the whole situation? Because he has set himself a final retreat, no matter what the final result is? This black pot is not even on his head! Because he has proved his own ability to get to this point. Why did someone leave his armor and armor when someone went to me

"I can see it now! You give it to your husband. After you came, he gave Rolin a hand in turn

"Smart people don't need to have too many words, even a look and an action! I hit him by surprise, so he needs to master the whole situation! In that case, I will come! If he went to my place, it would be another matter! He can make waves, and I was too passive at that time

"In this way, he already knows it!" Sun Yingnan took a cold breath. "This old guy is really an old fox. We didn't have much feeling before. All of them were forced by him! It's good enough! ""What a normal thing! Without two brushes, how can you sit in this position now! And judging from the current situation, after this matter is over, he will leave his present position and will never have any nostalgia! Because he has proved his ability, his present position is not enough for him! "

"Sir, would you like to give him something sweet?"

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