The work of corpse identification is not as troublesome as expected. Ding Yu asked someone to go through the formalities for the ghost's wife. As for the so-called report, it may take some time. Ding Yu's attitude can be said to be very firm. If you guys didn't do things for the tiger, would it lead to the current situation?

It's too late to save now! Ding Yu sent the man back to his home. Looking at the situation in the house, Ding Yu's mouth twitched slightly. The house was almost smashed. Ding Yu also touched his chin twice with his hand. How long has it been and how long has it been! "Clean up and send the old ghost away first. Other things can be delayed!"

Then Ding Yu and Gao Jie also helped. They cleaned up the house a little. At noon, they also bought some food to eat. However, people didn't have much appetite. Ding Yu didn't eat much at noon, so there were more things left on the table.

"You a chief secretary, do you have this spare time?" Ding Yu handed over a cigarette, and asked casually. Gao Jie sighed, "I don't have that kind of mind. What's more, everyone has the same rotation when the earth has left. Besides, the rabbits brought out in these years are not bad. It's very reassuring! And you? "

"This time, I came back to reach a certain agreement with the hospital. I used to work as an exchange student, so I have been in China for half a year. In addition, this relationship is quite special. Now I have something to do during the Olympic Games, so I'm more free!" Ding Yu also said slowly, "what about the others?"

"Some people I didn't notice, some people can't come!" When Gao Jie said this, his tone was quite heavy. The reason why he didn't notice him was very simple. Everyone was not very sociable. As for the reason why he couldn't come, he was settled down.

At the beginning, Ding Yu and Gao Jie had to go out with all their eyes. They were not as many as they thought. Even if Gao Jie came out, they were also scarred. After all, they were on the front line. They were responsible for fighting in silence. Their cruelty was beyond imagination.

"If you can come, you can't At the beginning, there were not many people with good relationship in that team. The main reason was that the action goals and directions of the team were different sometimes. Basically, the team was fixed, and there were not many people who could trust each other because of the special environment.

Previously, Gao Jie didn't inform other people. The main reason is that there is no final conclusion on this matter. What about these guys? The time spent in the army is too long. It is not easy to integrate into the society. If it really happens, it will cause too much trouble.

Just like Ding Yu, he has been very restrained, but what is the result? It's the same as making a big fuss in the temple of heaven in the hospital, but do you? It seems that it is not good to go there. I investigated all the situations very carefully. I thought that I would solve all the problems and then inform everyone.

Otherwise, if these comrades in arms get together and really make something, it will be too big.

Now the problem has basically been settled, so Gao Jie also began to call, "I will be able to come over tomorrow, and I will restrain them!" Gao Jie also made a guarantee in this respect, and then Wang Yang also sent the inspection report to him, and Ding Yu shook his neck twice.

"Take good care of my sister-in-law and children at night. I have other things to deal with. If I want to suppress this matter on this ground, I still need to ask for help!" When talking about this, Ding Yu's expression is also a little strange. Gao Jie also takes a look at it. He has seen the young man in the daytime.

"Don't worry, I'm in everything here!"

"You know, I don't mean this. After everyone comes, you'd better restrain yourself, so as to avoid other situations and troubles. Since the old ghost has gone down, I can find this fair one for him through normal channels. There is no need for other people to accompany him to the funeral. There is no need for this aspect!"

Gao Jie nodded his head. Among these people, Ding Yu is also a man of little prestige. This is not because of the achievements Ding Yu has made at this time, because Ding Yu's position in the team at the beginning can be said to be very special. If the commander is not in, he is the commander, which is recognized by everyone.

Therefore, after Ding Yu said this, Gao Jie also nodded. With Ding Yu's words, things were easier to solve. "After everyone came out of the inside, they went from place to place, and there was no chance to get together. This time is also an opportunity. If you are in trouble, help a leader. Don't do the old ghost thing again!"

After discussing with Gao Jie, Ding Yu also left. Wang Changlin spent a lot of time in the afternoon. Previously, Gu came to find himself with Yin Hongqi, because of his eldest son, "Secretary Wang, what happened? This is what it looks like. Chairman Yin is a typical enterprise established in our province! "Wang Changlin nodded to Yin Hongqi. After Yin Hongqi left the room, he also knocked on the table with his hand and said to Gu Gaoguan, "Ding Yu's roots are in the capital. If I say a word, he may listen or ignore it. I dare not make any guarantee. The relationship behind him is a little complicated."

Gu Yan also leaned back to his body, "Secretary Wang, I don't think so." Gu Yan knows Wang's family background. What about their work? It seems that there is no so-called contradiction, we cooperate with each other, seek common ground while reserving differences, the cooperation between each other is still very happy, and I am also active today.

Seeing Gu Yan's appearance, Wang also gave a smile. "A year ago, something happened in the capital. At that time, Zhong Yun arrested Ding Yu, and then Xia Yang also stood up. Ding Yu, the child, did not say anything. At that time, he left the capital. Then Zhong Yun and Xia Yang were banned from their homes. All the forces of the Xia family in the military were all It's all cleared up! "

"All, all?" Gu Yan also has some stuttering, which is just like listening to the Arabian Nights!

Wang nodded and said, "all, nothing left. This news is not widely spread. It is within a small range. The family has a special relationship with him. However, it does not mean that I can persuade him. This is two times. In the evening, he will come to eat at home. I will try to test his ideas, but Lao Gu, this matter is still less involved !”

Gu Yan also nodded his head. It was better for him to inquire about the news in this respect. It should not be difficult. After returning to his office with Yin Hongqi, Gu Yan also made several phone calls. When he put down the phone, Gu Yan also took a long breath, "Lao Yin, this time you can say that you have offended your ancestors!"

Of course, Yin Hongqi knew that he had offended his ancestors, and his son was far away in England. He was investigated by a phone call. He didn't know how to describe his speed. He didn't have any reaction time.

Looking at his old friend's condition, Yin Hongqi was also a little surprised.

Gu Yan said in a low voice, "what's the problem? I can't tell you one by one, because I'm also hearsay, but what about this one? I made a scene in Beijing, and the result was that one of them suffered heavy losses. Although it is said that this family is not the top one in the capital city, it is not bad! "

"The people down there are too much nonsense, but there are too many people involved this time! He asked me to hand over all the people involved in the funeral! " After thinking about it, Yin Hongqi also tentatively said, "Mayor Gu, I will try to solve the problems on our side, but my family has been trapped in the UK, so I was given two days' time. Otherwise, it would be really a white haired person giving a black hair one!"

Gu Yan thought for a while, "I'll talk about this matter with Secretary Wang, but the people below should make a good rectification. There are really some things that are not very decent, and they really affect the image. You can make a regulation, I'll see the specific situation, and then talk about it!"

When Wang Changlin came back in the evening, the house was ready. Wang Yang looked at his father and said in a low voice, "my brother is very powerful today. I feel a bit silly. I don't quite understand why my brother did this. Obviously, there are other conditions in it. I don't dare to ask!"

Wang also heard about today's events. His eldest son is so wanton. From what he knew about him, he knew that he was not such a child. But why was it this time? What is the cause, Wang Changlin is really not clear.

Is it because they came to their own territory? It should not be the reason for this. Wang still has some assurance about it. As for asking about his eldest son, forget it! His eldest son's personality is a little bit stronger, at least to give himself this feeling.

"Come back!" Su Yuan took a look at her husband, and then quickly put the plate on the table. After returning, he took a little rest for a while, and then began to be busy. The dishes at this big table were all made by himself. You should know that he has not cooked for a long time.

Wang Changlin slightly nodded his head, and then he also went to the sitting room, "I heard that things are very big today!" After changing his clothes, Wang also looked at his eldest son and said that Ding Yu called out to his father, but he didn't mean to explain what happened today. I'm afraid no one can guess why.

"The people below have different styles of doing things!"

Ding Yu listened to his father's words and thought for a while, and then slowly said, "although I have explained it earlier, I can't suppress their emotions. This matter is still unknown. I can only do it, and then give you an explanation to ensure that this matter will not be too big! Otherwise, it will be a disaster. "

Yeah? Wang Changlin looked at his son unexpectedly. There is something in this word! Hold them down! Who's the mood to suppress? What's more, I'll give you an account of what it's like. I've been talking about the things my son made. Isn't this big enough?"So serious?" Wang Changlin's words are not very much. On the one hand, it's because of sitting in his father's seat. On the other hand, he has formed a habit of working in a leadership position for a long time. "I've listened to some of your things today, and even involved some problems and situations in the UK. It won't have any other impact."

"Those are small problems!" However, Ding Yu also understood the meaning of his father's saying, "it's just forcing a child's life. I don't have much interest in such things, but it seems that it will achieve good results if it is used to cheat, at least from now on."

Wang Changlin's eyes are also bright, his son is very intelligent! At the beginning, he knew what he meant. The answer he gave himself was quite clear. At least he could explain to Gu Gaoguan. He was afraid that he would owe himself a great deal of affection on this question.

When talking, Su Yuan also came, and then the family of four sat in front of the table. Wang motioned, and opened a bottle of wine himself. He poured some for his wife, and then poured some for his eldest son and second son. As for the girl? And some of them.

"After so many years, our family is finally reunited, can sit together well together!" After that, Ding Yu held up the glass in his hand. Ding Yu hesitated for a moment and then picked up the glass in his hand. However, he didn't drink it like other people. He just took a sip.

Wang and Su Yuan are happy, and Wang Yang and Wang Li are also relaxed. This face is big enough. When the old man was in front of him, Ding Yu didn't drink it. Although he didn't do it this time, at least he did. From this point, what about his family? I still feel something.

Then Su Yuan also gave Ding Yu some dishes. Ding Yu had a lot of things on the table, but in the end, it seemed that there was not much left. After dinner, the whole family was sitting in the living room watching TV, which seemed to be the same as ordinary people's families.

Su Yuan and Wang Li are also cutting fruit. At this time, Ding Yu's mobile phone rang suddenly. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu connected the phone immediately. "I can't hold it down. Big bear and little eye are coming. Other people will arrive at night one after another! And I feel there are others! "

While speaking, Ding Yu also stood up and said, "let them stand by in place. I said, no action is allowed! I'll be there in a minute Wang Changlin's eyebrows are also involuntarily provoked, this tone is so abnormal, Ding Yu also looked at his parents, "father, mother, I have other things, go out for a while, may not come back at night!"

Wang Changlin motioned to his little son. Wang Yang also went out with his brother. Soon, the two people left together. After arriving at the place in the daytime, Wang Yang also found that there were two more cars and two buses at the gate, but he could not see what was inside. It seemed that it was not as simple as sticking a film.

Ding Yu also noticed the two cars. Of course, he also noticed that the big man standing in front of the two cars had a strong back and a strong back, which was definitely a fight with the big men in Europe and the United States. After seeing Ding Yu coming, he also turned his head and looked at it. The man who was originally holding his chest stood there with his hands in his eyes for a period of time, and then he put down his hand and stood honestly Where?

"And the others?"

"Little eye is in the house!" Seeing that Ding Yu didn't mean to speak, a trace of stubbornness flashed through the eyes of the big man. He persisted for half a day, and then slowly said, "there are two more out there!"

"It's Liuhe and chengfangcai! Let them come here. Since you are willing to stand, stand at the door! There's just no one to watch! " After thinking about it, Ding Yu also turned his head and looked at Wang Yang. "You ask people to bring the old ghost's body here. Pay attention to the measures. Since everyone is here, let's see the last one!"

Wang Yang turned his head and made a phone call. Then he heard a dull sound. Then the door of the bus was opened. Two people came down from the car. Looking at the two people coming down from the car, Wang Yang also took a breath of cold air. It was not that the people who came down made him feel so frightened, but the equipment on the two people made him feel a little worried.

My grandfather and my uncles are officers, so I'm familiar with them. These two guys are armed, and they are not equipped with a gun. This is a bit shocking.

What about the face? They were all colorful and colorful. They couldn't see the specific features clearly. The two people who came down also made a salute. However, the big man saw them and snorted with disdain. Ding Yu also reluctantly laughed and nodded his head slightly. There was no other action and expression.

And the two people who came down to see Ding Yu also nodded, which was a greeting. As for the big man? You stare at me, I also need to stare back, who is afraid of who? You have the momentum, we are not bad! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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