After arranging things, Wang Yang also called his father, "Dad, something happened here! It's serious. " Wang Changlin's hand also can't help but pinch into a fist, the expression is also slightly a Zheng, the voice of the younger son is some troops! However, Wang Changlin's tone was as calm as ever, "what's the matter? Flustered. "

"Two buses stopped at the door. Just now, I saw the people coming down from the vehicles. The people in the special brigade directly under the military region marked my recognition. They were armed. At least there was a platoon. I don't know what it means! But now the mood seems to have stabilized down! The specific situation is still unknown! "

The people of the special brigade directly under the military area command are armed. Wang Changlin's heart is raised all of a sudden, and even subconsciously swallows a mouthful of saliva. This thing sounds so shocking! People from the special brigade of the military region are all here, and it seems that they are on purpose.

What is his eldest son for! Originally, my father had mentioned this to himself, but what about the relevant things? I have no way to mention it to the father-in-law. After all, it involves other things. It seems that it is necessary to inquire about it. What my son said before was really meaningful.

It seems that things are definitely not as simple as imagined. My son seemed to have made a big noise at the time before, but compared with the coming storm, it is still very childish. I just don't know what will happen next, and my son is still in it.

"Go back! The rest is not something you can get involved in Ding Yu also gave Wang Yang a greeting, "if there is anything I will call you, just keep the phone on!" Ding Yu was also direct, so Wang Yang was expelled. It is meaningless to keep him here now.

Ding Yu waited at the door for a while. Then he saw two people coming from a distance. One of them had only one arm. What about the other? In the evening, with sunglasses on, Ding Yu looked at two people, and then went up. One gave him a foot. Without any reason, he gave a foot. Two people looked at Ding Yu, nodded, and looked serious.

Then he followed Ding Yu and went in. The people on the car took a long breath when they looked at the four men. We don't know the specific situation. However, it is not a normal condition for the special brigade of the military region to be armed on standby. Moreover, some special smell was smelled on these people.

The special brigade's people are outside to guard the door. Not long after Ding Yu came in, Gao Jie also called the bear in. However, he was very dissatisfied when he called in. He looked at this guy and said, "OK, since outsiders are guarding the door, what are you doing here? You boy, wait for me. When this is over, I'll see how I deal with you! "

"Isn't it just that you become the chief secretary? The tone of voice is different! " Bear is also very careless. When he said that, he didn't pay much attention to his words, but Gao Jie didn't care. Everyone was a brother who had eaten in a pot and slept in a pit. More importantly, he died in the battlefield.

"The old ghost's body will be here soon. Let's see you for the last time! If there is no one coming tomorrow, we'll do the rest. Be honest. I'll give the old ghost an account of this matter. " Ding Yu sat in the corner, and when he spoke, his voice was slightly low, and he never looked up.

Other people also successively looked for places to sit down. Ding Yu seemed to remember something, and then he also called, "find me some wine, Yubing Shao! There is to find a better Yangcheng beauty, send some special things, yubingshao? Basically, there are places like this! "

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu also looked at the people and then took out his own cigarettes. He smoked a little more these two days. Gao Jie also took two of them and each of the others had one. Then everyone sat in the room and began to swallow the clouds and spit out the fog.

The old ghost's body was the first to be sent back. Several people filed out to look at the old ghost's body. Everyone lowered their heads and looked sad. Then they also carried the ghost's body into the room. Not long later, Wang Yang asked people to send things over, which was quite a lot.

Ding Yu also opened the seal of the box and pulled out a bottle of jade ice. After opening it, he also fell to the old ghost's side and said, "drink Then Gao Jie also pulled out a bottle of jade ice from it. Everyone had a cup, including Ding Yu. One glass of wine was basically full. Everyone drank it.

Wang Yang saw it in the distance. What about his brother? I didn't give my grandfather and grandma the face, or even the father and mother, but I gave the face to the old man named Norda. It was really unexpected. Obviously, the relationship between them was very unusual.

Then everyone was sitting around the old ghost's crystal coffin. They had already put on makeup, at least restored their previous appearance. No one wants to talk about it. If you are thirsty, you can drink a glass of wine. If you are hungry, you can have something to eat next to you. If you are sleepy, you can sleep on the ground. It is a very simple situation. It is not an outsider.When I got up in the morning, the old ghost's wife and son were also looking at the old ghost in the crystal coffin. They were very sad. However, since it's time for us, we should do some aftercare and let people live in peace. "Let's do it for you! How to solve the follow-up matters? After the old ghost is buried, let's talk about it. Gao Jie, you can preside over it! "

Ding Yu didn't show up, mainly because there were other things to deal with, "bear, you follow me, and little eye, you too, just you two are dishonest!" The two of them have a good relationship with the old ghost, and sometimes they are a little bit impulsive, so Ding Yu needs to keep them in the position around them.

But just after eating, he saw several police cars coming. Bear took a look at Ding Yu, and then he met him. The police officers who came down from the car had already been reported all over the Branch Bureau. The meaning of their coming here is very simple. Let's see if we can solve this problem through the official.

We should know that they are only the vanguard troops. There are still some people who will come later. They are all cadres from the district. It is said that the cadres in the city may also come here today. After all, Yin Hongqi said hello to some people in this respect last night. Don't say I didn't do anything. I can't help myself. You can do it.

Looking at the two buses parked there, the leadership of the police felt a little strange, but also a little annoyed. When are they stopping here to make trouble? Then there were people knocking on the door, but the problem was that no one came out to take care of them, and then some people began to smash the door. It means very simple, hurry up, don't you know the city leaders are coming?

After a while, the door was also opened. When I saw three people coming down from the car, the two people who smashed the door collapsed directly, because two of them had raised their hands and pointed their guns at them, and opened the insurance at the first time. Moreover, judging from the posture, they were all loaded with guns, which was not a joke at all.

"You just smashed the door? What's the matter? " The leader is a lieutenant colonel, who looks at the police officer sitting on the ground. The policemen beside him are totally dumbfounded. This hand is not even sure where it should be. NIMA's, this is not a joke! What's the situation?

The leading lieutenant commander looked at the door and then looked back at the door. "I will report the situation to the relevant leaders." After saying that, I also took a look at the police signals of several people, and then filed into the car. The door was closed again, but the one sitting on the ground never got up.

After waiting for a long time, all the people responded, and then they left the two buses in a disheartened manner. One by one, they were cautious, for fear of disturbing the people on the bus. This NIMA was so frightening that he even got down from the bus with a gang of evil spirits. Then the police immediately informed the leaders of the news.

All the leaders who have come here have realized that the situation is not quite the same as expected. All the people who get off the two buses are loaded with guns. What do you want to do! After getting the news, Gu Yan once again found Wang Changlin, "Secretary Wang, it seems that the military region has not said hello in this respect?"

Wang looked at the direction of the door, and saw that no talent whispered, "Ding Yu was suddenly called away after dinner last night. It's not clear what is the reason. But the boy in our family followed him to have a look. He was from the special brigade directly under the military region. I heard that meaning was to prevent the occurrence of special situations!"

Gu Yan's eyelids also beat subconsciously. In order to prevent the occurrence of special situations, even the people from the special brigade directly under the military region were transferred over, and all of them were loaded with live ammunition. The military even didn't mean to inform them.

The problem is very obvious, that is, there are some dissatisfaction with the work of government departments, at least Gu Yan understands it. When he left from Secretary Wang, Gu Yan also called Yin Hongqi, "Lao Yin, you can go to the town in person. No matter what kind of conditions the other party puts forward, you can't make this thing stir up!"

After finishing his official business in the office, Gu Yan still feels a little uneasy. The provincial military region can speak up to himself, but what about the military region? I can't speak at all, and people won't pay attention to themselves at all. It's even more difficult for them to listen to the so-called news.

What's more, it's a special brigade directly under the military region. What about the military situation? Although I can't detect it, I still know the basic situation. It's not a small matter to mobilize the troops. I'm afraid this problem is not something that the military region can do if it wants to. What it needs is the order of the superior!

That is to say, to a certain extent, this incident has already pierced the sky. Now the thunder has not fallen down because the military wants to wait and see? Or what else? Gu Yan is also at a loss about this. These bastards have come up with such a terrible disaster. Isn't this a typical death seeking?Yin Hongqi came again. Although he said it was only one night, he seemed to have known Ding Yu's strength. People crushed him directly from the influence. It is true that there is a lot of support behind him. However, the problem is that a big hammer hit him directly and did not give him any chance to react.

When he came, Yin Hongqi also saw the two buses parked there. He had heard about the inside of the bus. He also pinched a list in his hand. All the people related to this incident had already investigated, but what about it? Yin Hongqi also played a trick.

It is also difficult for me to accept that all the people are involved. My main business is still in the construction industry. What I can't avoid is to deal with all aspects. If I really put these people into the pit, I won't have to think about doing business.

But this group of guys in the subordinate branch company are one by one, they don't run! All of them are listed. There is no way. Things are caused by you. Now you need someone to stand up and carry this black pot. You are the best choice. Don't say I am unkind. I have never let you do this.

At noon, Yin Hongqi is also a charter party, and all visitors are free. Now, this attitude should be correct. It doesn't matter whether people eat or not. What's important is that you need to show yourself, "Yu Shao, this is the list of subordinate companies, and the details of the matter have been investigated clearly!"

Ding Yu immediately handed the list to the bear next to him. He didn't mean to read it. "Although I'm unscrupulous, I don't want to be unreasonable. If the old ghost dies, you're unlucky. There's nothing to say. Anyway, this matter needs several people to be buried with him. How do you do it has nothing to do with me. Who let the people of your company dominate this time !”

"Yu Shao, I understand!"

Yin Hongqi really understood that the people in his company could not solve all the problems. At the beginning, he did not intend to involve people in the official career. However, from now on, it is impossible. Since things have been made to such a point, there is no reason to speak.

The most important reason is that people are dead. If people are not dead, then this matter is easy to handle, but if people die, this matter is not easy to deal with. Since you have not given people a way to live, why do people want to give you this so-called way of living, so what is said is not so important now.

Yin Hongqi reported this matter to Gu Yan. Gu Yan also felt that he had some toothache. Clean up these guys! It's a pretty big mess, but if you don't clean it up, there's no way to do it. But the mess is better than the mess! I still need to maintain this stall!

So just after noon, the City Council began to act. First of all, all the people in the subordinate companies were not allowed to do so. Then, all the people related to the matter were arrested. The District Bureau could not get involved in the matter, and even some people had been talked.

It doesn't matter whether it's bad or not. At least there's no need to explain it in other aspects. Is the matter handled? In this case, it can be determined that the skin on the body has been stripped. Are these all light and heavy? It's true that he was buried with the old ghost, and now there are some panic.

But the egg does not use, who let the original time this buttock deviate? Money is not so easy to take. This time, it is not only hot, but also easy to lose. For many people, it is really unjust, but what about that?

At the end of the evening, all the people who could come had already arrived. Ding Yu looked at the materials and handed them to Gao Jie again. Then he looked at everyone and said, "we have retired. Now we are all citizens. I don't ask you to do anything. In such a situation, no one wants to see it. If there is any dissatisfaction, put it forward And negotiate to solve it! "

"There are only sister-in-law and children left at home. What should we do in the future?" Bear is also the first to make a voice. This is a very practical problem. How hard life is for orphans and widows, and how difficult it is for their children to face other problems and situations, all of which need to be considered.

"I had been thinking about dealing with those bastards, so I didn't talk about it, but what about this one? It should not be difficult. Even if there is any accident, we all have the money to contribute, and there are big bears. What we are facing now is the actual problem. Don't deliberately pick up this anger! "

"If I'm on the battlefield, I'll jump on him!"

"It's not on the battlefield now!" Ding Yu also said sternly, "and what do you think the people outside do? Is it just sitting there as a decoration? They are not different from us at the beginning, they are all devoted to blood, how? Are you not angry? Do you have to fight? Or I'll reach out with you! "

"Good! When it's over, try it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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