"Elizabeth, what do you know about Kim?"

Peter, sitting opposite Elizabeth, asked abruptly! Elizabeth was asked a little bit distracted, he really did not expect that Pete would ask this question! She didn't answer immediately! But looking at the expression on Pete's face, it's a little long!

"What? Is my face a little dirty? "

"No!" Elizabeth shook her head, and then took a deep breath. "Mr. Peter, do it to King!"

For Elizabeth to be able to see this matter clearly, Pete did not feel too much surprise! But Peter also shook his head in the same way. "I'm very interested in Kim, but it's not in my personal plan to do something about him, but some people don't give up! Mr. Ding Yuding came over with such a big stab! It's really embarrassing to give someone face! Since the face is a little embarrassing, then we need to find it back! "

"Even if it's shameless, you don't have to joke about your life!"

"Well, then, have you ever thought about it?" Obviously, Pete said that on purpose!

"Yes, of course. With Mr. Ding, I have some ideas, but it's one thing to have an idea, and another thing to do specifically! It's nothing to think about it, but it's really a big event if you move your mind in this respect! " Elizabeth, a little more cautious about this, "I'm not in this mess anyway? It's easy to throw yourself in

"Are you so optimistic about gold?"

"It's not a matter of whether you look at it or not. He was trained by Mr. Ding himself! Even Mr. Yu Ding's apprentices and children have never been treated with gold! Of course, this is also related to the length of time! But isn't that enough? "

"I can't make up my mind about it. Some people have already made up their minds! We must give Ding Yu some good looks! "

Oh! Elizabeth sighed! "Mr. Peter, why is there such a dispute? It doesn't make any sense at all! Even if it's true, what can happen? Don't worry about Mr. Ding? "

Looking at Elizabeth, Pete is also silent for a little time!

"Some people or families? The attitude towards Ding Yu is consistent! They want more things, that is to say, they are more greedy. From the beginning of history to now, they have always been smooth sailing, and they can get what they want, and they are free and unrestrained! But on Ding Yu's question, they hit black and blue! There is no face left

Peter said so, is very straightforward! There is no need to add more words!

They feel ashamed to sit at the negotiation table, because they always take all winners. When will they sit on the negotiation table and say things! Even if you Ding Yu is powerful, what can you do?

Of course, I can't move you now, but it's OK to move other people, just like the bastard Kim! He was not trained by Ding Yu? OK! In this case, we'll take gold to open the knife, let you Ding Yu also know that we are never vegetarian!

"Mr. Peter! What do I think of Kim? I don't know how to say it. To be exact, I don't know how to describe it! This guy is strange! But his strangeness is still two times with Mr. Ding! "

"The intelligence department has collected some information about Jin, but what about Jin? He has always stayed by Ding Yu's side. Relatively speaking, he is standing behind Ding Yu. Although he has some performance, but this kind of performance? Sometimes even deeper than Ding Yu's hiding! What's more, what did he do for a while ago? "

"I don't know!" Elizabeth shook her head! And I don't have much interest in it, some things can be known, but some things know! Is to make trouble for yourself! I think life is still very beautiful now! At least it's worth remembering! "

Said a lot, basically no use! But Peter is very satisfied with Elizabeth's state! Did you say that? Yes! But is it useful? Basically not much use!

And Pete believes that Elizabeth knows exactly what she means! It's just that everyone won't say it! What a pity! Elizabeth can't take it for her own use! After all, her identity, for herself, has always been a little estrangement!

Similarly, Elizabeth will not be used by Ding Yu, which is probably the most intelligent place for Elizabeth!

It doesn't matter if you can be employed. It only needs to pay a considerable price! But it is also because of this, so Elizabeth is on the right and left, considerable power will give her face! For Elizabeth, there is no point in the sharpness of the knife!

It is not so important for anyone who is smarter to know how sharp the knife is. What matters is who holds the knife! This is the key!Of course, if someone really recognizes death, this is also a matter of no way! After all, there are hundreds of rice, people have thousands of!

"Elizabeth, if it were you, what kind of way would you feel was the most appropriate and appropriate!"

"There is no idea of this. If it is my own, I choose to run the first time, if I am really being stared at! If you can't run away, then find yourself a suitable place for your grave! Can not choose life, difficult not to be able to choose death? I think this is the most suitable one! Of course, I really don't know what others think! "

Pete smiled, "I've got it about! It seems that this time is inevitable! What do you think? "

"Mr. Pitt, does Mr. Ding know about this?"

Facing Elizabeth's question, Peter nodded, it seems that Elizabeth is still very interesting, did not ask whether to pass the message to the past, but a deeper level! No wonder Ding Yu is very important to Elizabeth, she is so interesting! I am quite moved! There is no other meaning, is really want to get Elizabeth under the leadership!

But I know that this is impossible, since there is no possibility, then there is no need to stay in love with this matter! Too much time, waste energy! It's not good, it's not good!

"Mr. Ding has some insight. Although there are not too many people to send him the news in this respect, it can not be concealed for a long time even if he wants to hide it. Moreover, some people don't want to hide it at all. Their courage is not ordinary!"

"Mr. Pitt, I really have no words! If there is nothing, I'll take a step ahead! I have a good clue about what you have told me. In order to prevent other accidents, I think it is necessary to verify it. It may take quite a while! "

Someone is willing to die, and they can't pull it, can they? Whatever they are like! Have no relationship with oneself, same oneself also does not want to have any contamination!

"Hi! You can go! But the question is what do I do? "

Elizabeth's face is a little dark, Mr. Pitt, you say that? Really good? Don't think that other people are really stupid. Your purpose is too obvious! It's hard to make people face up! Is that all right?

"Mr. Pitt, I still don't want to go to Mr. Ding at this time. I don't know how many eyes are staring at it! Someone was quite dissatisfied with me! I'm coming at this time? " Elizabeth looked at Peter and stood up her shoulder helplessly. "Will they die to me in person? I can't say anything, and I don't have a place to reason! It's just a good excuse for someone else! I'm a motherless child again! "

"Is there such a serious situation?"

"Mr. Pitt, there's no need for such a joke?" Elizabeth, looking at Pete, shivered with a cold, "maybe when I get off, my legs are broken! If I really use climbing, I may have two hands broken, after all, the life is still small, if the life is not there! Then there is no point talking about other things! "

Through the conversation, Peter now has understood Elizabeth's attitude, she does not want to have any touch! It's really not a thing! It's understandable!

It's not that Elizabeth has a good relationship with Dingyu, so Elizabeth wants to avoid it! It's not the reason for that! But because Elizabeth's fear of Ding Yu is abnormal, it is because of this fear that Elizabeth is far away from Ding Yu!

"If it is hard to come true, let me invite Mr. Ding, and I feel a little bit of a bit of a burden on my own!" Peter also felt a bit of a headache, "but Barron and Charlotte are not fuel-saving lights!"

"I can't do anything personally! But Mr. Pitt, since Mr. Ding knows, I think you and he are both smart people, sometimes they don't need too much words! Of course, this is just my personal opinion! I'm afraid no one knows what effect it will be like! "

Pete was stunned and nodded! "You're talking about it! Mr. Ding is a smart man, and also a very clever person, and has his own unique understanding on the considerable problems. If you don't remind me, I am a little bit in the game! But it's not too late to wake up now! "

But Elizabeth has no idea what to deal with, no matter what Peter says! In Elizabeth's mind, Dingyu is a god like character, and he challenges God alone, even if he has changed himself! There is no effect! What's more, can I compare my own banknote ability with Mr. Ding's?

"There will be a party tomorrow!"

"I don't know! I don't know! " Elizabeth denied it quite quickly!

"Romen will definitely be there! Of course, she is just a carry! I think the Baron and Charlotte couple are two, and now this time should be reaching a so-called agreement with some aspects! But the welcome reception is a bit painful for me, the host and convener! This is definitely not what I think! ""You mean I can limp now? Is it? " Then Elizabeth looked at her legs! Then looked at the table, there should be no big problem, even if it can not be directly broken, but there should be no problem with bone fracture! For myself, I can do it completely, and I don't need other people's help at all!

And I can guarantee that if one leg is not enough, there will be no problem with both legs!

Looking at Elizabeth's eyes, Peter's mouth is also a little twitch! She is really not scruple at all! But things fall on his head, Ding Yu is a smart man, even he has guessed his purpose now! But it was manipulated by others! Really good?

This time I came here, it seems that I was in charge of the negotiation! But to a certain extent, Pete really didn't mean to be superior to Ding Yu! If you really want to be divided into high and low, not so short a time can be done! More than that! There are so few resources that can be used! There is too little support behind it!

This time I presided over the negotiation, I will surely succeed. It's just that the cake is bigger or smaller in the end!

But the end of the negotiations between them means that they have made enough of their own capital! Must leave oneself at that time! Can not have any hesitation! At that time, there must be many temptations in front of them! Maybe even I can't refuse the temptation, but at that time, I have to make up my mind!

If Ding Yu does not cooperate, then the whole plan is absolutely impossible to complete! But if you want to let Ding Yu cooperate, Pete's heart has so many helpless! How can others cooperate with themselves? Unless you can release considerable benefits to Ding Yu! But how to release it?

All of us are smart people. We can't cheat. The consequences are too serious. We can't afford it! Of course, I also believe in Ding Yu! Although now stand opposite to each other, but there is a say! Ding Yu's reputation is absolutely guaranteed! Even Ding Yu's enemies admit this!

But no matter what way she adopted, Elizabeth refused to accept it! What can you do about yourself? Is it hard to come true or not? It's not that you can't! But in that case, it is necessary to lose more interests! Difficult!

"Hello, Mr. Ding."

Not long after Elizabeth left, Peter still called Ding Yu! In addition to their own, it seems that there are not too many people can call Ding Yu directly now! Of course, look for a relationship, there may be a considerable possibility! But it is absolutely the act of making enemies out of thin air! You'll never die!

Because this kind of behavior is completely entrapment! Even if it may be a little silly for a while, but after that? There are many people who can connect with Ding Yu's phone, but those who are willing to take the initiative to carry down this matter! Absolutely not too few, just a few!

"Mr. Peter!" The phone is still through one hand! If it wasn't for the speaker Pete, Ding Yu would have answered the phone! Do you really think that all kinds of dogs and cats can fight? How could it be?

"Mr. Ding, I have prepared a welcome reception for you tomorrow evening! If circumstances permit, I wonder if Mr. Ding can come? I've got an invitation sent in! I'd like to ask Mr. Ding to forgive me for my recklessness! "

"So eager?" Ding Yu said a little absent-minded! "Is it a little hasty?"

Peter is also a Leng, thinking for a moment, then slowly said! "Mr. Ding is serious! Everyone expressed great enthusiasm and welcome for Mr. Ding's coming in person! I hope to see Mr. Ding in person

Peter said very cautious, even a little bit careful!

Ding Yu thought for a moment, "I know! Thank you for your concern! Thank you! Hard work

There is a little more nonsense, but it makes Peter lose his mind. What's the situation? Just say I know! That's enough! But what about Mr. Ding? Thank you for your concern? What do you care about? Thank you? Where do you work? Where is the so-called hard work?

Pete's head is starting to turn upside down! A slight cough, is to resolve their own embarrassment!

"Mr. Ding! Things are too hasty! Didn't have time to do too much preparation! It's all right! "

"I hope this party is very exciting."

Yeah! Ding Yu snorted, and then shut up the phone! I played a little trick with Pete! Because I am very clear, the other side of the phone will be wiretapped by relevant people, this is certain! But for myself, it's no big deal! I have got what I want from Peter!

Do not need what straightforward words, also do not need too much communication, there is no such a need! I said what I should say! Peter also responded to what should be answered! We have reached a preliminary agreement!

What is the content of the so-called agreement? At this time, I'm afraid only Ding Yu and Peter are the most clear!Pete knows about it. It's the man who did it! But things came in such a hurry that even Peter couldn't do anything about it! Can't stop it! As for the lack of time to do too much preparation, that is to say, the forces behind Jin's move are not premeditated for a long time! And the last sentence, it is still appropriate! The meaning is more obvious! Within the scope of the rules! It won't go beyond this range!

And what Ding Yu said in the end is expected? In other words, Ding Yu agreed to Pete's request to help him control the overall situation!

As for the issues on the negotiation table, it's a different matter, but before that! We will cooperate with each other!

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