"Sir! An invitation has been sent here! "

Of course, the people below have checked it. If there is no inspection, it will never be sent to Ding Yu! Now the means emerge one after another, who knows if there will be any other accidents and accidents, so it's good to be on guard!

Ding Yu picked it up and took a look, and then put it on the side of the position! It's not worth mentioning!

Then he looked at Kim standing beside him! "It seems that they are all impatient!"

"I hope they will still be able to laugh at that time!" Obviously, Kim is quite ready! Otherwise, we will never say such words at this time! "I'm looking forward to it!"

In the morning, Ding Yu did not stay at the manor side, but went to change his clothes button! I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional! It's hard for people who have been watching all the time! Now is the time to do this? What kind of behavior?

Of course. What about surveillance? In order to better protect Ding Yu's safety, after all, Ding Yu didn't bring so many people here! This reason is very legitimate! And it'll make everyone else speechless! If something really happens, is it your Ding Yu's responsibility? Or our responsibility!

You know, after all, it's on our territory! As for whether you Ding Yu is willing or not! ha-ha!

As for Ding Yu's every move, just report it! We're surveillance, not analysis!

At noon, Ding Yu just drank a cup of coffee and ate a small piece of cake! Then he went back to the manor again, obviously to prepare for the reception in the evening!

"Sir, look at the present situation, I should follow your side! But if so, how did they lure me into the pit? I'm a little confused about that! "

"Pete will come by himself later?" Ding Yu is very calm to speak!

Jin Wei's one Leng, "personally escorts Mr. you?" Not to mention, Kim's reaction speed is still very fast, so he suddenly realized, "that is to say, they will send a special team?! And there will be other people to guarantee, follow Kim! This is a very interesting thing

"There must have been considerable consideration in order to keep you here! And what about the manor side? There is quite a distance from the city! If really mentioned, it is a good place! You can do your best

"Sir, it seems that this time we really need to be more indulgent!" When he spoke, Jin was already murderous!

"It doesn't matter, but it needs them to take the lead. As long as they take the lead, other things will be better solved! But there is a saying, all depends on yourself! Can give you less support poor, unless there is no way, otherwise do not expose them all! What's more, since someone has moved this aspect of mind, eh! You know that! "

"Yes! If you don't kill a snake, you will suffer from it Kim's eyes can be said to be very sharp!

Since we have to do it! So be thorough!

Before evening, Peter drove to Ding Yu's manor in person! It's not just Pete himself! Along with Rowling! There are also two heavyweights who are coming in person!

"So lively?" Ding Yu looks at Pete and says something! "It seems that I am not respectful!"

"Mr. Ding! Today's reception may be a little bit special! If you have time, we hope to have a good discussion at the end of the party! I don't want to be disturbed by anyone else! " "I'm in charge of all the security work, and Ms. sun Yingnan can join it for the sake of everyone's safety!" he said, almost in his own voice

Ding Yu thought for a while, "I brought some cigars! Let's have a taste. It doesn't take too long, 15 minutes! I don't think there is any problem? "

All the people around Ding Yu are interested in cigars!

To a certain extent, we are all members of a circle! Even though he is an enemy with Ding Yu, he is not an enemy with the farm, nor with cigars. We have really tasted Ding Ding Yu's special cigars. It is not a gimmick, nor is it created intentionally by Ding Yu to consume everyone's IQ tax!

It's really a good thing, but how to say it? The stock of things is too small! To a certain extent, there is no circulation at all, people with inventory in their hands! That's how many! They are very nice! There is no intention of spreading it out!

I don't care what you think! I'm comfortable anyway! It's like Bruno! When you're OK, you just have one in your hand! But never know to share, even if someone got a few from him, it was better than nothing!

Why! Is it that we don't have money? Or do we not have this identity?

But it has no use. It's Ding Yu's! Even if you have money, I will not sell it to you! What can you do? People who have never tasted it! Maybe there is not too much feeling! But the people who have tasted it are really nostalgic! Absolutely good stuff! Even sometimes, we all think, is God a little too partial to Ding Yu?Why is such a good thing yours? Of course, it doesn't matter if you have such a good thing, but you can't treasure it! Right? Let's ask for no way! There is no way to seek the earth! Can only be hard to bear!

But some people like to show off in front of their own, when the mind ah! Is really want to start! It's not possible to fight, but there's no problem to grab the cigar!

Of course you checked it! How can not check, even the equivalent instrument has been used! Not only did not check out any problems, but also a lot of good things came out! This is to let everybody can't bear again!

When we arrived at the guest room of the manor, someone had already sent cigars to me! Along with some drinks! There is still a long time for the reception, but there is a cocktail party here! A little bit chic!

Pete took the lead to take up the drink, there is really no fear, try a mouthful, and then personally added two pieces of ice into it, shake twice, try again!

"If it's aged for another two years, I'm afraid it'll be a fine liquor!"

Ding Yu shakes the glass. "There is no problem with the technology. The main reason is that there are some differences in the raw materials. It still needs considerable evolution! But with cigars, the taste is more unique, I like lighter! The taste is very different! "

At this time, many people have already lit their cigars! Try a mouthful, the taste is not ordinary! Although some people feel a little bit dull, but the taste is too good! The spirit of the whole person suddenly raised, and then try to drink! A combination of the two is really extraordinary!

At this time, everyone's eyes are red again. What about them? You can't get it, and Bruno's guys enjoy it almost every day? Why, because of the good relationship with Ding Yu?

But think about it carefully? It seems that it is true! Because of their relationship! So Ding Yu provided it almost free of charge! In addition, the output of these cigars and tobacco is very small, and there is basically no possibility of expansion! We can only stare at their own eyes envy, in addition, there is really no way!

Look at the box on the table, we all want to carry two in their pocket, but no one can afford to lose this person! At least this time is absolutely inappropriate!

"Mr. Ding, after tasting this, some of the others are so shy to see others!"

Ding Yu shakes his head, "Bruno knows I'm here, and he's almost going to grab it himself! If the thing is in his hand, even if it is God! It's no use. Elder martial brother Dongfang came to pick it up in person! The two of them have already occupied a huge part, so much! It's a little disappointing to all of you! "

In this regard, people all stare at Ding Yu angrily! How can you do that? With Bruno and Dongfang Jing, you give preferential treatment because of your friends, right? Mad! In Ding Yu's place? It is really not good to start, because Ding Yu is a hard and soft person! People will not pay attention to you!

We have also thought of other ways and methods, but there is no effect! Because all the secret recipes are pinched in Ding Yu's hand. Along with the people on the land, they have taken the people outside as thieves!

You can't even get in if you want to go in! Because the value of the products is too high! Now it is a kind of price without market! Of course, there are some other products, but can other products be the same as the origin? It's impossible!

But those villages are really rich! Especially if there is a daughter at home! A girl's family, if the craft is complete! It's a matter of holding hands to accumulate a dowry of more than one million for oneself! Even more! As for boys? There are some people who are not popular there! It's really strange!

Sun Yingnan didn't take long to come back, nodded with Ding Yu, and even whispered something in Ding Yu's ear! After obtaining the consent of Ding Yu, he left quickly!

"Mr. Ding? What do you mean? "

"I can do it any time! Just don't know what you think of it? " Ding Yu took a look at the cigars in everyone's hands, and they really didn't want to put them down! Some even carry two and put them in their inner pockets!

It's disgraceful anyway! I don't care about anything else! But there were few people in the room!

Ding Yu and Peter are in the same car. The cigar in his hand doesn't mean to put it down at all!

As for the other two people, they still hold the wine cup in their own hands with no intention of putting it down at all!

Even Rowling had two cigars in her hand. Go back and have a taste for her father! To be more precise, give your father a long face! What if not? It's not the first time for him to lose face in front of Ding Yu! Anyway, I'm thick skinned, it doesn't matter!

After getting on the car, Rowling solemnly packed the cigar, although the cigar itself has aluminum shell packaging! There is a small wooden box outside, but if you don't pay attention, it is easy to damage! So Rowling found a special box!And when Barron knew the news, he also showed his teeth! Charlotte doesn't know why!

If I had known that this was the case, I would have passed everything I said! After all, their relationship with Ding Yu is very general! If you want to taste the specialty of Dingyu family, you are really sleepy! And there is no collection on the market! The people who can access these things are limited, and there is not much possibility to release them!

"What's wrong with you? What happened to Mr. Ding? "

"No! My daughter brought me something back! I must treasure it After two laps, Barron sat down again, but there was still some excitement on his face! "Ding Yu and sun Yingnan came together, but Jin stayed at the farm! There are basically not many people on the manor side! "

"Mr. Ding should know! But why is it so big? Are you so confident in Kim? Throw gold directly into the fire pit? After things happen, even if Ding Yu wants to rescue, it's too late! What's more, when Mr. Ding really arrives at the reception, all the communication will be cut off immediately. Then

Charlotte shook her head. "Baron, since Mr. Ding has made such a decision, he must be quite prepared. He obviously believes in King. If he doesn't believe it, he will not make such a decision! However, there are still quite a lot of unexplained places in this! What do you say? "

"Of course, there are some things that can't be explained, and even make people feel confused! What is Ding Yu's dependence on? Why does he dare to go deep alone? Moreover, he has kept the gold. If there is any problem and situation in Jin, it will be called that the land is not working every day! It will be very troublesome! The situation has been paved in the early stage! It's going to collapse right away

"Do you think it's Rowling from our family?"

Smart people don't need too much cover up!

Barron looked at his wife and shook his head. "She can't get involved in such a thing! Although she doesn't have much experience! But she knows quite a lot about it

"If it's not Rowling, who is it? Pete? " Charlotte could not help it, "but from the knowledge, Ding Yu and Peter are antagonistic, and have never heard of any news! What's more, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at Pete. Dare he? Dare the world

"Is this the case? It's a bit worth pondering! "

Barron is very suspicious now, but his own doubt has no basis! As far as I know, Peter and Ding Yu have never met! That is to say, Ding Yu came here and met each other for the first time!

Does it have anything to do with Elizabeth? Barron is really not sure about this! But if you think about it carefully, Baron doesn't think it's possible! If Elizabeth dares to do so, she is looking for death!

No matter which aspect will not let her go! Don't think about it, no one will know! This is impossible at all! Just do it! Certainly will leave behind the quite trace, check out is the time sooner or later just!

"Then it's Pete, but this is too hard to understand! It doesn't even make sense! Who is Peter? And even if he wants to unite with Ding Yu, there is no reason for him! Because they have a fundamental contradiction! This contradiction can not be solved by Peter, or even the forces behind him! It can only be a certain degree of relaxation. "

Barron, who sat down, was also immersed in meditation!

"It's not Rowling, it's not Pete, then it's us!" Barron said something out of the blue!

"Are you stupid? Or am I stupid? How can we get in touch with Mr. Ding, through Rowling, or do we deliberately show our friendship to Ding Yu? However, we have quite a tacit understanding with Ding Yu. This is true! But for such a thing, we need to have a good understanding and cooperation with each other. We don't even have time to be alone with Ding Yu! "

"Has Elizabeth been quiet?"

"No, even directly left! I'm afraid that there will be any contamination with her. It's as if there are some dogs chasing after her Charlotte moved her nose slightly as she spoke of it! "In that case, Elizabeth should have known quite a thing, but she did not dare to get involved in it! So now it's faster than a rabbit! "

"Do you think she's so smart? Is the channel of information so smart? "

"Is Elizabeth clever? This problem remains to be discussed, but her news channel is not as smart as imagined, but she ran away! There is only one reason! She didn't want to carry the black pot, Peter must have given her quite a hint, even directly mentioned it in person! But Elizabeth would not dare to get involved in such a thing

"Yes, she is. She is just a knife, though she is beautiful! A slightly sharp knife, she does not have the initiative in a certain matter! She can only be held in other people's hands. If she can't understand such a simple thing, she can't get to this day! ""So it's really interesting! Rowling is not, we are not, Elizabeth is not, then only Ding Yu and Peter are left! Either Peter or Ding Yu directed and acted by himself! ha-ha! Which one is it? "

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