Whether Rowling can keep calm or not is really a matter for discussion!

Charlotte is worried about this, so deliberately called her daughter to the side of the position to tell, at least now there is quite a time, after all, her husband mentioned the people and Peter have not come! When they come, the game will begin! At that time, it would be really late!

Ding Yu is willing to sell this favor, but his family can not be vigilant at all!

Daughter is good! But in front of her husband and Ding Yu, to a certain extent, it is really just a child! It's not an equal order at all! After all, not everyone is Ding Yu! There are essential differences!

Ding Yu's rise and fall is amazing, but Charlotte deeply admires her! The study in Boston alone was enough to make me feel ashamed. Even my family felt so ashamed!

Because the study is not for decoration! It's a place for Ding Yu to learn! Almost every day, Ding Yu is reading in his study! Work and so on! And learning time is never ten minutes eight minutes, almost all night long!

Take a look at your own situation! After becoming Baron's wife, how much of a week is devoted to study and study? For myself, those things are like knocking on the door! Knocking on the door doesn't have much use!

I spend more time on communication! Dress up! Or deal with affairs!

From the point of view of truth, standing on Ding Yu's position, does he still need to use these to prove himself? Or is it for the outside world? Not at all! But Ding Yu did not change his style! He uses others to socialize! It's used for all kinds of entertainment! Free time is used to enrich yourself!

That's because of this! That's why Ding Yu was able to get to this point today!

Of course, in the process of learning, Ding Yu constantly enriched himself and constantly realized himself! I'm afraid that's why we have studied Ding Yu a lot, but we have no choice but to do something about it?

Because Ding Yu is making progress all the time? And everybody? It's hard to catch up with Ding Yu! Now Ding Yu still does this! In comparison, even we did not catch up with Ding Yu at all!

What a pity?! His daughter can't be Ding Yu's wife! If Ding Yu can become his son-in-law, what kind of promotion will it play for the whole family? It's just unimaginable!

Even if the family betrays the original power, it is fearless! Because giving up now represents the rise in the future!

Now, it is impossible to place the target on Ding Yu's body! Although the relationship between her daughter and Ding Yu is OK! But Taylor and III are already in the front! Now I have quite an idea, that is Ding Yu's children and apprentices! It is true that their identities are more complex, even different!

But if you can really catch one! It's hard to imagine how it will promote the whole family!

Heard the sound of the door, Peter took the lead in coming in! Looking at the table placed there, slightly stunned, although he got considerable news, but not very clear about the specific content!

Looking at the empty chair there, Pete knows the body of balun and Ding Yu with his eyes! Barron didn't respond! And Ding Yu is sitting in an invitation gesture!

"How about it? If there is nothing, sitting down may be an option! "

This saying is very obscure, even a little vague! Pete looks at the four empty chairs and the cigars placed there! Nodding at Ding Yu, he found a seat and sat down!

Before long, another old man came in! Balun stood up and introduced Ding Yu! The expression on Ding Yu's face is very plain, and there is no excitement because of the noble status of the visitor! To a certain extent, the identity of each other is not too much, and even Ding Yu's status is even higher than them!

"The party ahead is about to start!" Peter's hand is turning the chips, it is obvious that he wants to open the topic!

Barron said with a smile, "there are too many parties in the party! Not too much interest, especially at this time of the day, the reception is slightly different! But I made a bet with Mr. Ding just now?! The bet is a box of cigars! "

Finally, the old man who came in at last heard this, and his eyes were bright! "Mr. Ding, may I add it?"

"Mr. josephart?! Are you going to clear today? I don't have so many chips

"Bruno, that son of a bitch, used this to piss me off? I've tried my best, but I can't start. Today I have such an opportunity, I can't give up! As for the stakes? It's not that important! " Then I also took a look at Barron. Obviously, at this time, I want to stand with him!

There are six chairs in total. Now there are two chairs missing! Why are the two chairs empty! Charlotte's on the side! She didn't mean to sit down! Can't that explain quite a problem?Ding Yu looked at josephart and couldn't help laughing. This old guy is not so smart! They all say that people are old and spirits are ghosts. It's not nonsense!

Ding Yu made a finger ring, called out the waiter standing in the distance, and said two words in a low voice! Not long after the waiter went out, he came back with the tray in his hands! There's a box on it! Ding Yu took the box and looked at josephart. "I have good things. What about yours?"

Josephart's eyes are brighter! "Your cigar is smooth and smooth! First taste of indifference! But the aftertaste is long! It's like the history of China! Long time, worth to taste carefully! I have a single barrel of whisky! fluent! But it's freezing in the throat! I think the combination of the two will produce unexpected results

"Barron, Pete, what's your opinion?"

"I just tried! Whether it's wine or cigars, they're all matched by Mr. Ding. I'd like to try different flavors too! "

Barron stood up on his shoulder and said, "the taste of the cigar is very good, but I would like to try this one more!"

All four of them were interested in it, and soon josephart had the wine delivered! I don't know where he got it from. But judging from josephart's attitude, we can see that he didn't attach great importance to the drinks he took! But everyone is also different from person to person! Everyone has their own way!

"Mr. Ding, the party is on! But the game hasn't started yet? "

Ding Yu just took a look at me! I just don't know what kind of mood some people will be like now

Barron laughed and motioned to his daughter! The game officially begins, but everyone's mind is not focused on the game. If you want to play cards, you won't be in such an occasion!

At this time, we are sitting here waiting for something to ferment! Whether Ding Yu is really in the heart has the quite confidence, this matter nobody knows, who also cannot say clearly! That's why two chairs were left behind!

Of course, if that happens, why do you sit down? What do you want? How is it possible that there is such a cheap thing in the world?

Ding Yu took out a box of cigars, and josephart took out his wine! These are not money to measure! So if you want to sit down, you have to pay a considerable price, and you also need to satisfy all four of you! Otherwise, stay where it's cool! It's a matter of fact! It's so simple!

After the game began, Rowling was still nervous. Anyone who took out one of them might not be famous, but their energy was beyond imagination! Even if I am not involved in it, just sitting here, I feel like there are some Alexandrians!

Ding Yu took a look at his own card face, very helpless! But did not abandon the card immediately! After waiting for three public cards to come out, he raised his shoulder and said, "Pete, do you think you can still call now?"

Taking a look at his cards, Pete shook his head. "I don't think it's a good idea! Look at both of them. Now all the interest is in the game? Mr. Ding, if the card game is lost, then the cigar business is small! It's really easy to have big problems then! "

Josephart has abandoned his cards by this time! Just like Ding Yu! Smoking a cigar, it's very floating!

"Mr. Ding, I think it's a good idea to close the door now!"

Looking at josephart, who made a joke, Ding Yu really thought about it! "Josephart, what if you break in? I just came to the party! I don't want to be this villain! Originally some people have quite big opinions and ideas to me! Although I'm sitting here, I don't seem to have much say! "

Barron looked at his face and looked at Pete with a smile! "What do you say, Pete?" It's like asking Pete whether to bet or not, and it's like asking Peter's opinion! And Rowling felt her head a little bit bloated! There is no conflict! But the verbal confrontation between each other is really all the time!

If there is no mother's reminder, then I must indulge in it! This is a matter of no doubt! But even if there is a mother's reminder, he is still not too good! No way out! Some of them are not really able to deal with things!

To be exact, my own experience is still too little! Lack of adequate response!

Although I have attended several meetings! But how? At that time, I was just a bystander! But now there are some really different! I'm not exactly a bystander!

"What else?" Pete also discarded the card immediately! "Can't this explain the problem! I think cigarettes and cigars are really a good match, and I feel better when I feel inexplicable! "

Barron folded the chips in his hand! Soon the next game begins!

But the gate over there has been completely locked at this time! Of course, it doesn't mean that the door can't be opened, but it gives a signal to the outside world! Now want to come in, absolutely not a simple thing, have ability, you don't come in!We have completed our task and trapped Ding Yu here! Whatever the reason! At least we did it! What will happen next? should be regarded as a different matter!

We can't do everything, can we? If we do everything, what else do you want?

At the same time, standing inside the manor, Jin was squinting his eyes and moving his nose!

"Supervisor, everything is ready?" The security guard stood in front of Jin's body and said in awe! "But even if you are in charge, we still have some worries."

"Not for the time being!" Kim shook his head. "If you stay, it's going to be quite a hindrance to me! They will certainly look for your position. I don't expect to hear other bad news. If you need support, I will send you an alarm! Wireless communication is not easy to use, but we still have hand-made ones! "

The security salutes Jin, and then chooses to leave at the first time! At this time, we don't need any sensationalism, because according to the information we've got, people have come from outside, and there seems to be a lot of people!

"Head? What are we going to do? " A big man waved the sharp weapon in his hand and said loudly!

"You can do it! Now that we are here, we should focus on our goal! If you can, take it alive! You can do it, but if possible, don't fire the first shot. It will be very troublesome! If you can't control it, even the ants here can't stay! Do I understand? "

"Understand!" The following people are very cold to say!

And Kim looks at the people coming into the Manor! It's the fingers of the activists. The manor is a private place, since you've come in! Then there is nothing else to say! What's the trouble now? Just go ahead and do it!

And Ding Yu, sitting at the card table, looks at the cards in his hand! Then I looked at the chips in front of me!

"Well! I'm a little bit more! " Now it's time to add! Otherwise, it would be a shame! It seems that they lose the most in this! After all, the three people in front of me are old guys! A person is experienced a hundred battles, they really can not relax any vigilance! Otherwise, even the dregs will not be left!

Pete looked at his watch. He didn't mean to talk. He looked at his chips? It took a long time to put a few chips on it! "Mr. Ding, is this a gamble?"

Barron and josephart watched Ding Yu, for they both knew that the manor should start at this time! Under such circumstances, Ding Yu pushes the chips? Are you really sure?

From the card game point of view, Ding Yu's luck seems a bit too general!

"Who knows?" Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "now we all hope that I can go out, and even hope to see the situation of exasperation on my face! Only in this way can they comfort themselves by chatting

Barron didn't have too much hesitation at this time, which was also his own chip!

"When we came to the middle game, we really had a good look! Mr. Ding! I don't think you're stealing chickens! But I don't believe it! So I want to have a try? If you don't see the cards, you'll feel reluctant to do so! "

"It takes a price to do anything!" Ding Yu laughs and looks at josephart!

"I think Mr. Ding's words are worth considering!" Immediately also is pushes own chip!

This suddenly let Rowling completely confused! She can understand things! Obviously, father and josephart were standing together! And Mr. Ding and Peter represent different forces respectively!

But now on this card table, Pete pushes out his own chips, and father and josephart push their own chips as well? Is this the failure of Mr. duding? Or support Mr. Ding? Why can't you read it?

Ding Yu sighed a little when he turned cards! "This card doesn't seem to be of much use."

Pete looks at the fourth card! Sipping his mouth, he also sighed, "I seem to have some effect, it seems that it is really some attractive! But I don't guarantee, will this be a trap? Be conservative Then picked out a few chips! Put it on the table!

Barron looked at the switch, and the expression on his face was a little bitter! "Is there any mistake? Now this time comes a card. Should I fight for it? Or as if nothing had happened? Mr. Ding! This card seems very important to me! Even I can be sure, it will play a very important role, but I am a little worried

As for josephart, he didn't pay any attention at all. He pushed out his chips and even smoked a cigar. He looked very proud! "Useful or useless, are already in the game! So I followed! "

There are so many twitches in Rowling's mouth! Everyone has made it very clear! But behind the clear is quite obscure! I have tried not to think in this respect! But you can't block your ears, right?When he sent out the fifth river card, Ding Yu snorted and laughed, "it's still useless! It feels too strange! "

Peter looked at the public card on the table. "Mr. Ding, this card is very useful to me, but I have some doubts now! Because Mr. Ding is so confident

"It's enough for me!"

And josephart didn't have any ambiguity, "I don't know if it's enough, but it's embarrassing to be missing anyone!"

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