No one wants to let it!

Ding Yu took up a chip and turned it twice in his hand! "Front or back?"

Pete! Barron and josephart all look at the chips in Ding Yu's hand? However, before they answered, Ding Yu's thumb had thrown the chip into the air. After turning in the air for a period of time, the chip fell on the card table, but it did not fall immediately, but continued to rotate!

Rowling felt her eyes a little uncontrollable and looked straight at the chip!

The chips are spinning on the table like a gyroscope, as if friction doesn't work for the chips at all! It's a bit against the common sense! If the coin didn't fall in the air, it would turn on the table, but the problem is that Mr. Ding directly bounced the coin into the air!

After falling down, it can still turn, not flip! It's a little incomprehensible!

Is Ding Yu using any means in this? But all of them are in front of the public!

After waiting for a few moments, the coin finally did not turn! It's straight, but it doesn't mean standing there!

Ding Yu tiny smile, "positive or negative?"

Looking at the coin people, this time is the expression of horror to look at Ding Yu! Two consecutive questions! The meaning of Ding Yu's words is quite obvious! Whether it's positive or negative, or neither positive nor negative, everything is under Ding Yu's control!

But everyone's reaction is also quite fast! Pete and Barron looked at each other!

"Mr. Ding, so it's up to you to decide, but what if I hammer the table?"

When Barron said this, it seemed that he was deliberately trying to save Ding Yu's face! And sitting in the dealer position Rowling this time, feel that the whole person has so some bad! Because of the nervous reason, two legs already can't help shaking up!

Is it a little provocative when my father does this? Mr. Ding is not easy to get into? But looking at the coins standing, Rowling's mood is extremely complicated, too close to her! Even I want to be able to reach out and push!

It seems that all the things are in their own control! You can make it positive or negative! When thinking of these, Rowling's breath was a little bit short!

While Charlotte standing not far away, is looking at her daughter, she is still affected! That is to say, she didn't do it at all. What she said to her was too limited!

At this time, if she reached out, would she be cut off? It's really hard to say that even with Baron's face, they haven't been able to play any role! After all, it's not that she can get involved if she wants to!

However, none of the four people sitting on the card table paid attention to Rowling's meaning. Even though Barron was Rowling's biological father, he did not pay much attention to his daughter at this time!

At this time, if you make a random move, then it is absolutely not yourself that is affected, but the whole behind you. It is a little too much to lose for offending everyone behind your daughter!

To a certain extent, Barron really dare not!

Ding Yu is looking at the situation on the table! He took out two chips for himself and threw them out at random. Everyone looked at the chips that had been set up before? There are so many scared! A slight vibration at this time may cause the standing chip to fall down! But Ding Yu didn't pay any attention! Even on purpose!

But the coin is still standing there, Ding Yu smile slightly, at the same time his hands left the table!

"It seems that my luck is very good!"

Pete is still thinking! Obviously, Ding Yu did it on purpose! Do you want to gamble with me? If you don't gamble, it means that you have failed. But if you bet, whether the chips are positive or negative, it means you have lost! So this choice is particularly difficult!

Meanwhile, Barron and josephart looked at each other. Josephart carefully raised his arm and kept himself as far away from the whole table as possible! I really have some worries! If you are not careful, will you let the chips fall!

It's not that simple to say something! There are too many changes in this!

Look at the situation, the scene has been controlled by Ding Yu!

Pete is very cautious and careful to hold the chips, and then placed on the table, the whole hand abnormal calm, but looking at the sweat on his forehead, we know that his mood is not as calm as imagined! After placing the chips, Pete even took a breath! Make yourself as relaxed as possible!

"It's a difficult choice, but it's also a choice forced by helplessness!"Pete obviously doesn't want to pick a fight, especially at this time! But not picking things doesn't mean that Peter can get away from something, which is impossible at all, so even under the great pressure, Peter still participates in it! But in the process of his participation, he did not mean to offend Ding Ding Yu too much! This is Peter's attitude now!

I don't want to, but what can I do? This game was made up by ourselves! Even if he wants to end, there are some impossible, in such a case, he can only be brave enough to rush up, hoping that in this process, Ding Yu will not deliberately embarrass himself and make himself unable to get off the stage!

Really want to say to put single words, Pete did not see fear Ding Yu! However, due to some of the guys behind Peter's influence, I can't get over the face! We must find Ding Yu's trouble! To be exact, we must chop the gold!

If Ding Yu's face is lost and Ding Yu's power is attacked at the same time, the depressed spirit in his heart can be dispelled!

In their opinion, it is beneficial for their own side to do so! As for whether it can be done? In their own territory, how can even such things not be done? It's impossible!

That's why Pete is so passive now! Someone has fallen out with Ding Yu! But if he and Ding Yu fall out, the good situation will be broken immediately! The purpose of Ding Yu's coming here is to facilitate the negotiation between each other, but you don't talk at all. Then Ding Yu can't blame for the next thing! Right?

Barron was not so cautious, but his eyes were still on the chip!

"Mr. Ding! I said he would not fall, at least not at this time, would he? "

Ding Yu's eyebrows beat twice, a little cunning! "Yes, it would be meaningless to leave you! If you fall down at this time, you'll be able to tell the winner! It doesn't seem to have much meaning! "

Hearing what Ding Yu said, Barron suddenly patted the table heavily, and this action scared everyone in the room except Ding Yu! What is this for? Lift the table?

After balun patted the table, he stretched out his thumb. He did this, of course, not to bully Ding Yu. To a certain extent, it was to remind his daughter that although his attention was not entirely on her body, Rowling was his own daughter, and he could not watch it!

Rowling seems to be suddenly shocked! Almost to jump up, and then two legs just clamp, because it is difficult to say if again, they will suddenly lose control! In that case, I would be too conspicuous! Even at this time, I feel a little out of control!

Josephart looked at Barron, and then he took out his own chips and put them on the table. However, he was not as irascible as Barron. He and Barron were one! Balun can not end, then he had better not end, if the end, Barron's power is too thin!

Ding Yu opened his own card! It doesn't seem very big! When everyone shows his cards, Ding Yu seems to have lost! Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head, "it seems that he didn't bluff everyone! It seems that I have lost miserably! "

Rowling wiped the sweat on her forehead with a handkerchief, and then threw the handkerchief into the garbage can outside! This is the rule. If you put the garbage can in it, it's easy to make people think of cheating!

In the end, josephart won! Although winning chips are not many, but it is definitely a happy thing!

"After a game, I feel quite moved."

As for the chip on the table, under Ding Yu's sign, Rowling has already put it away! I was scared just now! Rowling folded up for a while, and then hurriedly went to make up!

Just came out of the bathroom, looking at her mother, Rowling is also neglected to make-up, quickly help her mother!

"How about it? Did you have a lot of feelings just now? "

"It's frightening! I can't hold back just now! If it takes a little longer! I don't even know what's going to happen? Too much pressure! Thanks to my father's help

Now think of it, Rowling is still a little afraid!

Charlotte looked at her daughter and shook her head. "If I can, I really don't want you on the stage. When I looked at you just now, you can't control yourself! Your father's action is too risky! Fortunately, Mr. Ding didn't want to attack your father, otherwise your father would have been eliminated at that time! "

Rowling nodded heavily. Obviously, she realized her own problem!

"Mother! It seemed that uncle josephart had won just now! But the whole situation is completely controlled by Mr. Ding, and we can't get out of it! What I am more concerned about now is what kind of situation is outside. Has no news been delivered yet? As far as I know, Mr. Ding has never meant to leave the room, and sun Yingnan seems to be indifferent to the south! "Charlotte shook her head. "I heard that there was a little pause there, but the details are still unknown! Now the situation is too delicate! The reception ahead is very lively! But I don't know if it will be served later? It's hard to say! "

"Mother, where does Mr. Ding's confidence come from? Is Kim alone? Is it too weak? I feel so incredible. Even if I have buried quite a few backhands, there should be quite a lot of movement at this time! "

Charlotte shook her head. "Mr. Ding should have a lot of backhand, but he should also be very confident in Kim! As for whether the later hand will be used, this is really unknown! It's hard to say, at least there is no way to make a decision at this time! "

Rowling leaned against her mother as much as possible. She felt like a helpless little girl at this time! No way out! There are really some fears and worries! If my father didn't save the field at that time, what would he be like? After all, the things behind are too messy and complicated!

The gold in the manor is not as unbearable as you think, even a little boring, because the people coming here are a little low-grade, and they have not even sweated! These guys really can't stand too much trouble! Of course, the way they just take may be a little too much!

If a knife can solve the problem, why tease them? Waste your energy! Waste time not to say! There will even be other problems and situations! In order to prevent other problems! I will never be merciful under my hand! After all, there are so many people coming!

What's more important is that these guys don't have much morality. You know, the manor belongs to Mr!

And these guys from outside may also know that this is not their territory, so wanton disaster! Even if it's broken, what can it do? Anyway, it's not mine, and I don't need heartache. If so, why is there mercy?

Come on! The comer behaved quite irritable! And Kim? But not so much anger! In any case, these people, one by one, do not need to see, to know, they are such a group of guys in this life! As for whether there will be a next life, no one knows?! It looks like it's too much!

And the people who enter the manor, at the beginning, are ambitious, just a gold? What happened to him? Superman? You're done with him! There's no need to say anything else!

But when you get into the manor, you throw away all sorts of things, and then? Nothing then? Their enemies are like ghosts! I don't know where the ghost came from!

Anyway, the people around me seem to disappear in the fog. When I react, I also fall down! Anyway, the people who enter the Manor! It's basically a feeling like this! But this kind of feeling need not think to experience again! Of course, if you have friendship with the Lord of hell, it's another matter!

And the people left behind are totally stupid? What's the situation? We've been in four teams! How long did it take? I could hear some news before. Then? No response? This is not normal! Seriously abnormal! There are more than 50 people in the four teams!

Even if these guys are pigs! You can't kill so fast? But it is true that there is no movement! How many teams are there outside, and of course, some other people? But what now? Wash the floor with fireworks! Don't be kidding! If you dare to do this, then Ding Yu will give you a fireworks event!

Since he dares to do the first day of junior high school, Ding Yu will definitely do fifteen! This is a matter of no doubt!

After all, to ensure that the fireworks event is absolutely big, absolutely exciting!

From the current situation, it seems that conventional means have not played any role! What should I do?

What's more, they come here to encircle Jin. To a certain extent, they hope to lure other people out through Jin! Jin's way to Ding Yu for help has been blocked! In everyone's opinion, unless Ding Yu makes other arrangements!

But Ding Yu has plans. Isn't there any arrangement on his side? Of course! And more backhand!

But now the problem is that Jin has not started to ask for help, but on the contrary, his side has been a bit unable to carry! Or do people who enter the manor seem to have disappeared? What exactly is Kim's approach? You can see it!

It's not that Jin used special weapons and equipment. It's not really this! This guy is alone, like a ghost to start cleaning! As for the people who enter the manor, it's like garbage, which is cleared by gold!

It's a little simple to say! Even incredible! But the reality is like this!

So what should we do now? Don't give Kim any room to relax, or do you want to pause to see what the opinions and ideas are? If we are still fighting in small groups, it will not have much effect!However, if the sea of people is adopted, Jin will not stay in the Manor! Are his legs used for eating? So now there is a stalemate? Want to have action, but don't know how to deal with it!

Or in other words, it's like this bird now! Don't worry about the crap! There are not too many restrictions on whether to fire the first shot! There is no possibility of catching gold alive. In that case, it's OK to take his head back! After all, there may be so many useful things on him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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