The second game begins! Throw down your chips!

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand! "Pete, doesn't it look like there's still no news coming? I don't know what happened to the reception ahead? I hope everyone has a good time at this time

Obviously, Ding Yu's saying means something! Haven't you put the target on Kim? At this time, it should be dark outside! There's always a little bit of feedback, isn't it?

For the problems mentioned by Ding Yu! Pete shook his head slightly!

"You may be a little old! Those kids out there are a little naughty! I hope Mr. Ding can understand it! "

Barron and josephart both smile at this! Anyway, they can't find their heads at this time! So there is no need to stand up! They didn't do it. Of course, they are not on Ding Yu's side now! This is also about the past!

Because everyone will be sitting on the negotiation table, it is too early to stand in line now!

What's more, the forces behind Baron are also very important. Why stand in line?

Although the cards have been issued, but Ding Yu did not want to see the bottom card! "Really speaking, the time is not so early! Time to eat! What do you think of a dinner this time? "

"That's a good proposal! Although I am willing to pay! But I feel that if other people treat me, I will eat more happily

Since Barron can't say that, it's good to say it himself! It's not hard for josephart! Of course, there are some deliberate jokes about it!

"Speaking of it, my salary seems a little low!" Peter couldn't help laughing. Ding Yu didn't mean to see the cards, but he did! The bottom card is very good, so it also placed a considerable chip, "and now everyone is so happy, I can't be a disappointment! Isn't it? "

Barron also took a look at his cards! a pair! It's a good deal!

"Everyone is so happy, I should be more than happy!" When Baron pushed out the chips, josephart next to him naturally chose to keep up and follow the boss. It must be right!

Ding Yu still doesn't want to see his cards! Obviously, it's black to the end! In fact, everyone doesn't care who treats at night! It doesn't matter! Don't talk about it! Even if it is a lifetime, there will not be too many problems!

However, in the fourth card transfer, there was a knock at the door, which was not so fast!

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, which was to focus everyone's attraction on his body!

"This card seems very useful to me! I'm going to raise it! " Then he pushed out more than half of the chips in front of him! To know the current position, Ding Yu has not been looking at cards! It's a bit of nonsense to launch chips like this!

Obviously, Ding Yu mentioned this card, should mean knocking on the door!

Earlier, Ding Yu came here once, but didn't seem to get any results! Hu Dingyu is here again! What would be the result? And at this time, the outside door again came the sound of knocking!

Pete took a look at the public card and his own card. There was a knock outside! What is the cause? Is it because gold has been solved? Or to solve the problems and problems of the people who solve the problem!

If it's the first one, it's understandable. From what we've learned, when Ding Yu just got off the bus, maybe it's already started! So many people catch a gold! Even if you can't catch it alive, you should not have too many problems with gold!

If it is the second kind, there are many things worth pondering about! If this is the case, Peter will feel a headache if he starts knocking on the door now!

Although said the matter does not have too many relations with oneself! But those guys make things so bad that the whole negotiation gets bogged down! It is true that there are also some of their own participation! Even oneself also made quite bedding for this!

But how to think of a thing in my heart and how to do it outside is another thing!

But I see Mr. Ding's meaning, he seems to have a plan in mind! For this, I really worry about it! What's the best result for yourself? Both sides should be hurt! Can not let any party occupy absolute advantage!

But now the time is so short, someone will knock on the door, it is obvious that one side is in absolute disadvantage! That's a bit of a headache! This is also the reason why he hesitated to bet!

Ding Yu can not look at the cards, but can he not see it?

"Pete, hesitation is not a good thing! At least this is the time to be decisive! "

Listening to Ding Yu's words, Pete couldn't help laughing bitterly, "Mr. Ding, you didn't even see the cards. Are you so confident? Just a dinner! I can afford it, but it seems a bit too bad to give up nowHe said it in a fog, and then Pete pushed his chips. If he wins or loses on the table, it's not so important! At least for myself, not too much loss!

Baron and josephart naturally have their consideration. At this time, they can follow or not! It doesn't matter! Barron looked at his cards! Then I took a look at the four public cards on the table and spread out my hands!

"I'd like to, but I can't help it! How about this one? "

If it is a serious game, this is not allowed, but because the game itself is private! So we are not so concerned! Although Barron's card is good!

But josephart didn't have a second word. He put forward his own chips! Now josephart is a follower! It's no big deal if you don't! But I am interested in following! As a spectator!

Rowling hands out the fifth river card! Looking at the five public cards on the table, Ding Yu let go!

"Pete, just make the decision! Do you want a clear light? Anyway, we are just warming up now! It's not really about knives and guns! There are still two gentlemen who have not come? Although they have not been able to enter, we still have to leave a seat for them out of humanitarianism, don't we? "

There was a knock on the door again!

Pete can't help but be upset! What is this? Can't you wait a moment even if there's something? Come to the door now? There's no time to breathe! It's really hateful!

"Mr. Ding, there is no way! I think that since you have such self-confidence, there must be some reasons and reasons, but you can't do nothing at all! "

After the fifth river card was issued, Ding Yu nodded and didn't mean to throw out the chips! Instead, he gave the opportunity to speak to Peter, who did not continue to add, "Mr. Ding, the chairs have been vacant for such a long time, and it is always the four of us. Is it a little bit less?"

Ding Yu said with a smile, "I don't want to, but there is no way! You and I can't make all the decisions, right? Mr. Baron and Mr. josephart are here! We need to take care of everyone's ideas! After all, they are all on the same table, and everyone has a chance to speak! "

Pete watching the game? Looking at Ding Yu again, Barron and josephart don't mean to be involved in it! The reason is simple! Things seem to have something to do with them, but in fact they don't have much to do with them! So they are just joking here, there is no meaning to go deep into it!

"Mr. Ding, sometimes imagination is beautiful! But the reality is cruel! Isn't it? "

"Yes! There are quite a time when imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel! I just don't know who the cruelty is aimed at! " At this time, Ding Yu seems to have no step-by-step pressure, but this talk, like a small knife like cutting people!

Because Barron has abandoned his card! So turn your head and take a glance at Charlotte!

"Let the outside calm down! We won't go to the party! If there is any problem at the reception, let them deal with it by themselves! " Barron seems to have other thoughts at this time!

Ding Yu didn't pay any attention, but what about Peter? He took a glance. From the action, it seemed that some people didn't care. But the target he took a glance at was Charlotte. It was obvious that this one eye had a certain purpose!

Charlotte nodded at Barron, though it was interesting to watch the game! But at this time, it seems that other people are not suitable to deal with this matter, but themselves? An outsider to some extent!

But Ding Yu's reaction seems to have settled the matter! This makes me very curious!

After opening the door, Charlotte took a look at the people standing outside! Squint! Also did not have any greetings, the facial expression on the face is also very solemn, "everybody has the quite matter, you do not disturb!" I have a look at the people standing at the door. Their faces are not very good-looking!

Looking at their expressions and movements, Charlotte had a considerable estimate in her heart! "There's still some time left in the game! We need to prepare a dinner party later! " As for this question, can you explain it? Look at your own!

Anyway, I have already reminded what should be reminded!

The door is closed! But what should be seen has basically been seen! Looking at the face of the people outside, Pete's heart has already made a considerable judgment. It must be that something has gone wrong, so now he wants to find himself for help! Although not to the critical moment! But the thing is absolutely difficult to deal with!

But Ding Yu is really smart! Or he's really amazing! Of course, it can also be said that Ding Yu has seen through his mind, so he pushed himself! Directly strangled their own way!How clever Peter is! Since Ding Yu helped himself, he strangled the road! It's too late to be grateful. How can I help you at this time? So it's just a matter of trying to keep sitting on the card table! It's not that I don't want to come down, but Ding Yu doesn't miss any chance! I can't help myself!

The outside can't get in! To a certain extent, all the people who appear now are small minions, and no heavyweight figures have yet appeared. In that case, whether it is Ding Yu! Pete or Barron didn't mean to stand up!

To know that the game has been the most critical moment!

"Mr. Ding, my cards are not bad!" Because there is no meaning to add, and the door has been closed! So once again, the speech returned to normal!

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "I think my card should be very good! So the cards are open? " With everyone's sign to have a look, then Ding Yu opened his own card! There's a little twitch in Pete's mouth! And josephart was stunned!

Looking at his card, Ding Yu couldn't help scratching his head? Is today's luck really bad? At least I'm a giant, and I don't really give you face? If it goes on like this, I may lose all my chips! "

"Is it hard for me to do it?"

It's good for Pete to open his cards! It was josephart who looked at his cards and then at the public cards!

There are some people who show their teeth and say, "I seem to be following the blind. Why is this? I felt very good at the beginning! Why is this the result? "

With the last hapless person is josephart, his card face is even smaller than Ding Yu! I don't know what happened?

"It seems that I should be the most broke today! But Mr. Ding! How about the previous drinks? In fact, I feel very good! Or try something else for dinner! I'm still quite prepared! "

"Pete, would you like to join us?"

Pete shook his head slightly. "I was thinking about what to eat in the evening! I was disturbed just now! I feel quite angry in my heart! I heard that traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to this most? "

"Is it?" Ding Yu asked, "it seems a little early to extinguish the fire now! Who knows what the situation is, six chairs have been prepared, and now there are still two chairs to sit down. It seems that there will not be too many people willing to come to the dinner party! In that case, I'm thinking that it's better to close the door and be more appropriate! "

The game is over! But we didn't mean to leave! After all, I haven't finished smoking cigars. It's really too early to eat at this time! And we can see that Ding Yu is deliberately delaying!

Peter is more anxious, but there is no way to worry! Ding Yu disagrees! Along with Baron and josephart's disagreement, what can you do? Now Ding Yu has more supporters here!

Peter's heart of course is happy that such things happen. The longer the matter is delayed, the more favorable it will be for him! Then you can really control the whole situation! As for those guys? Dead is the best! Originally this is the strategy that oneself and Ding Yu set down!

Of course, two people absolutely did not discuss, but when two people sit together, everything starts to work, there is no need for two people to continue to participate, now this time, two people want to go, one to stay! It's a good play for the people outside!

The outside person this time is not general impatient, why? Because in the siege of gold, has been out of control!

It's not just the first shot! The people brought here were slaughtered by Jin! It's like killing a chicken and killing a dog! It was still in the Manor! But as time went on, it was clear that Kim was not satisfied with the result, and the people outside had already started to flee! What if you don't run?

Waiting to be killed? But even so, Jin still has no intention to give up! He's hunting now!

How long is this? Why has the situation changed so dramatically! You know, the people who went to encircle and suppress Jin were all carefully selected? And it's not a selection over and over again!

What's more, they all go with guys. They're not going to be caught with their hands, or they're just going to catch someone. It's not a big deal! But even so? You haven't got the gold yet!

What's more important is that Kim is now fighting back! Since you can come to me, why can't I go to you? Just reciprocity! Don't say who's wrong! It has nothing to do with this!

Some people were so angry about the manor, but after Jin rushed out, everyone felt scared! Is this still NIMA? Even the devil doesn't have it?!

All the people inside have gone to see God, but what about you? It's not enough! Now it's time to chase and fight! The question is, how many people are left? Now Jin still doesn't mean to take it back. What should I do next?I want to ask for help from Peter, but the problem is that Peter is dragged by Ding Yu! You can't get out at all! It is obvious that Ding Yu did it on purpose!

We all know that Jin is powerful, but we didn't expect this guy to be so powerful! This is not a ghost star, so simple, to a certain extent, is the existence of the devil! You're hurt, you're dead! No one can bear it!

But even so, we still have no intention to break through! You can knock on the door! But if you kick the door, the nature of things will completely change! If Ding Yu insists at one go, his safety is threatened, at that time, quite a thing is really out of control!

So now we can only stand up, what can we do if we don't?

Now we finally understand! Why did Peter have to dissuade him! It was obvious that he knew something about it, but by that time everyone was already in charge! Now I want to come, I'm really upset! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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