Although the game of cards in the room is over! But everyone didn't mean to leave!

Ding Yu looks at Pete sitting on his side, as if he has found something! "Pete, you have a nosebleed!"

In a word, all the people nearby were looking at Pete, especially Jonathan and Oz, who were sitting on the side, slightly nervous! At this time, we found that Pete's nosebleed was just like two streams flowing! Slowly left down, the color has so some blackening! Even if Pete had a handkerchief to wipe, it didn't have much effect! I can't stop it!

Jonathan "yes! Mr. Peter

Two people said with one voice! Pete is doing this to entrust, can not be long no one! This is a disrespect to balun and Ding Yu! But it's hard to say when pete will be back, so now both of them have to top it!

There is a doctor to do emergency treatment for Peter, to prevent other accidents!

And Jonathan and OS came to their private room and took off their clothes as soon as possible! It's almost like pulling your clothes off! With the diamond button flying everywhere!

But the people in the room do not dare to have any other actions. The first thing they need to do is to match Jonathan and oz again to ensure their image! It's not a casual dress!

Peter in the other room, at this time, the doctor is doing emergency treatment!

Leo called again. Leo knew about the game! Thinking of the scene at that time, Leo couldn't hold back his anger! If it is not Peter save the field, then what kind of consequences will be, I really dare not to imagine! It's horrible!

Ding Yu is just a devil. He plays with Jonathan and OS wantonly, and even controls their life and death to a certain extent! Let them live and die!

They are like puppets with strings on them! What Ding Yu asked them to do, they must do it! Compared with Ding Yu, what elites are the two of them? What kind of leader?

Compared with Ding Yu, they are like clowns on stage! But they don't even know? Leo even picked up the phone, his heart full of shame!

It's not that there's no chance, there's a chance, and it's great! However, we have some taboos about Peter! I always think Peter's ambition is a little bit big!

But now, none of them has any sound! Pete didn't have any words. He carried everything and saved Jonathan and oz!

If Pete was just doing something at that time, Jonathan and oz should still be able to live, but the subsequent things will not be easy to do! The forces behind the two people will definitely fight! Then the whole interior will be in chaos!

At this point, Peter is absolutely taking into account the overall situation, and did not shirk his responsibility because of his own personal interests!

Even Pete's whole body died for it! Nosebleed has never stopped! If Leo doesn't call again at this time, Pete may not have too many problems, but what will the internal people think of this problem?

"Pete, I've already said hello to the people on the Council. I've approved your resignation! But you need to deal with Ding Yu! " Leo can't find other people to deal with Ding Yu now! Peter is a very good candidate, but if Ding Yu does it again, I'm afraid he will go to the mortuary!

Pete twisted his nose and nodded his head slightly! "This is the preliminary end of the matter! From Ding Yu came here, up to now, he has always been slow in the implementation, but the starting point is very clear! Also very simple, if you can, I hope to find two people calm a little bit! Come face to face with the situation! If the experience is rich, better! As for Jonathan and oz... "

"I'll transfer them away!" Leo quickly made a promise!

"No, I didn't mean that!" Blood flow out again, across the screen of Leo see very clearly! Next to the doctor carefully checked a time, let Peter relax, now this time not too excited!

"My personal advice, let them stay!"

"Why? The two of them in the face of Ding Yu, the failure is very thorough! As far as I know, you've never been a person who pays attention to feelings! "

"They should have had considerable experience at this time. Such experience is too rare!" Peter said truthfully, "suddenly, new people come. Ding Yu will definitely adopt different ways. It takes quite a long time to get used to each other! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! It can't be wasted! We have neglected this problem in the past! "

"Can they hold on? As far as I know personally, they are a little bit too frightened! ""For them, such an opportunity is too much money to buy! They have to hold on, if they can't, then they really have no effect! If they hold on! Even if they can't deal with Ding Yu in the future, it's a good thing for their own growth! "

From this, we can also see the vision of Peter, of course, we can see the ruthlessness and ruthlessness of Pete!

If you can stick to it, then there is no problem! If you can't hold on, then don't blame anyone! Even the families and forces behind them have nothing to say about it!

This is a good opportunity for you! What else do you want? You know, for such an opportunity, we have paid a lot!

"Let them stand next to each other, follow the advice and feel the pressure. I will ask for your opinions and ideas!" After that, Leo nodded slightly! Although he in a considerable place, some of his opinions and ideas on Peter, but in such a view of the overall situation, Peter's performance is impeccable!

"Pete, what do you think Ding Yu will do next?"

Before the words are finished, Pete, who has already stopped his blood, is like a fountain at this time! Two blood columns burst into the sky, and Leo on the other side of the video is also scared. What's the situation?

Other things can be put out, but the two blood columns can not be put out! Obviously this time can't continue to stimulate Peter! Otherwise, he didn't die in Ding Yu's hand. I'm afraid he will die in his own hand!

"Ben! I don't care what kind of way you use, no matter what kind of means you use, we must ensure Peter's safety, if there is any improper, we can mobilize all the resources! "

Leo was serious! Even with an absolute command!

"Yes! Mr. Leo, my pillow won't let Mr. Pitt have any problems or problems! "

The doctor heard Leo's words, the first time to stand up and bow salute, and then further for Peter to do treatment! Although it's a little tricky, it's not as troublesome as I imagined. It's just that the blood pressure is a little bit high, and there's no obvious problem in other parts! So I dare to make such a guarantee!

Leo didn't mean to call Jonathan and Aus, he didn't want to talk to them now! What did you say on the phone? Continue to support both of them? In other words, they are not wrong, all the mistakes are Peter's?

The reason is unreasonable and contradictory!

And just the two of them were teased by Ding Yu just like monkeys! I don't know what it is! Really let two people go up again, do not say what kind of things, even the forces behind the two people and the family can not bear it!

Once and twice stupid, still can understand, but one after another stupid, really unforgivable!

And Pete has given himself a lot of face! He even gave himself quite a step, and did not directly vent his anger on Jonathan and Aus, and even made a considerable response and bedding! These are all need to appreciate!

Of course, Pete won't fight with himself directly, but if he doesn't say so, what kind of situation will it be? These problems will be on his head in the end! I have quite strong power and extraordinary power. But how many people are staring at themselves?

In the face of such a major mistake, no one will directly overthrow themselves. But if we say that they can give a considerable solution, then we are standing on the opposite side of many forces, which is not a good thing!

However, although Leo did not call Jonathan and Aus, the forces behind the two people at this time are severe criticism of the two people! What can be said about making such a stupid mistake at this time!

But what about Pete? Did not mind the past, or the two of them to get out! But the same Pete obviously can't support it anymore! Because they have already inquired about Pete's situation, they spray directly in the rest room!

It is obvious that the blood pressure is high to a certain degree, otherwise it will never be so! At this time, how can we blame Peter? Even if it's a black pot for Peter, I don't know where to start?

Did Peter not manage the team well? did not! It can be said that all the previous Pete handled very well! Although the time may be a little bit slow, but everything is in order, but due to someone pulling Pete's hind legs, the forces behind him do not have enough support for Peter, so Peter always has some links at the critical time!

Now quite a lot of problems have been clear! What else do you want? What else?

So don't hold on to Pete's problem! To a certain extent, Pete has been "abandoned"! And he had been prepared for this aspect before, and now it happens to have such a step, so let Peter come down?!As for who will take over, who will carry the black pot, such a matter has no matter!

Jonathan and OS, who changed their clothes, went back to the room again! Ding Yu is chatting with Baron and josephart, and they don't talk about the negotiation. They just talk about cigars and drinks! Everyone complements each other, just ordinary communication!

The game is over! As for now still did not leave! It's not to say that we must see jokes, boring things! It's better to go back to a soap opera than to watch such a joke? May even trigger their own smile!

Both Ding Yu and Barron didn't pay much attention to the two people who came in!

And josephart looked at the two men and nodded, "what about Mr. Peter? Is there anything wrong with him? "

There is a little intentional element in it, but more or josephart is testing the two of them. Now it depends on their response and reaction! Of course, to a certain extent, josephart is a little more serious!

Because everyone is a participant in the negotiation and each has a certain identity. Maybe Ding Yu and Baron are much higher than others. But what about josephart? It's still a little worse than that. But now Josepha has such words to run on two people, which is to deliberately put the two people in the perspective of backward learning!

Whether you are convinced or not is not so important! At least this time is not as important as you think! We've all won! Josephart didn't mean to be killed by a stick directly, but there were not too many problems in molestation!

After a village, there will be no shop!

"The game is over! Mr. Pitt hopes to be able to treat you well, so we need to prepare well! May delay a little time! If there is any disrespect, please forgive me! "

After listening to this, Ding Yu and Barron, who were sitting together, looked at each other with a smile. Then they put their eyes on the talking AUS. This guy's reaction speed is extremely fast, and he doesn't give up. It's interesting!

"Mr. Ding, what do you say?"

Ding Yu sat there lazily, and even his sitting posture showed some trifles. If it was on a formal occasion, it was absolutely a kind of impolite performance. But now, no one is looking into this aspect of him! Are you kidding?

"After quite a blow, there is no malaise, and even self reflection, not bad!"

Ding Yu gave a rare praise, and Barron also nodded his head in the same way! Agreed!

"It's not easy to react so quickly. It's easy to say whether you succeed or fail. But when you succeed, you don't get carried away. When you fail, you accept it with an open mind. This quality is very rare."

It's absolutely not ironic for two people to talk like this. There is no need to continue to satirize two people at this time!

"Thank you, Mr. Ding! Mr. Baron and Mr. josephart! Thank you very much

Ding Yu and Barron did not say anything, because there was not much need, because from what OS said, we could still feel his pride. This is a good thing! It's also a bad thing! But there's no need for the two of them to talk about it! And josephart? Is the fan smile to look at!

Are you still holding on at this time? When they left earlier, they noticed it! Not only on the chair, but also around the chair! Why? Does the reason need to be explained?

I don't know if they peed their pants at that time? I really look forward to it!

But such a thing is to remember in the heart! If you really say it out, it's too much of a slap in the face!

This big guy? And pee your pants? It's not very decent!

Waiting for Pete to come back again! The atmosphere was warm again!

But look at Pete's appearance, his face is a little pale, even his nose is very sensitive Ding Yu, can smell the bloody gas on his body, but Peter's whole spirit is quite good!

Ding Yu has a certain guess about this! What happened to Pete earlier? To say that his body is a bit unbearable, for Ding Yu, it is absolutely ridiculous!

Although the nose blood flow is more than, but it is definitely not the situation of excessive use of the brain, there must be a considerable means! It's just a little trick, but it's really hard for ordinary people to see through it! Because the means are not like drugs, they can be detected!

Since it can't be detected, it can only be said that Pete is using his brain too much! This old fox! Or to keep a hand for themselves! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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