"Pete, the reception is not over yet?"

Ding Yu deliberately set a trap for Peter! Baron was unmoved, and josephart was close to Barron's direction, and the rest of his eyes was staring at OS and Jonathan!

What a smart man Pete is! The reaction of people in the room was immediately given to the income by him! "Not too much attention! Is Mr. Ding interested? It's said that Mr. Ding always works late? Would you like some supper

Looking at the bright eyes of Aus, Pete already knows it! Ding Yu is such an asshole. It's already this time! Give yourself a set? Does he hate his own immortality?

Of course, Pete also knows that his tricks can hide from others, but absolutely can't hide from Ding Yu! It's impossible! This guy is a master of medicine, not only modern medicine, but also ancient medicine. He is equally superb!

As for whether Ding Yu will disclose this information to others, it is impossible! I have absolute judgment in this respect!

The mutual cooperation and communication between the two people, there is no trace left, even if it is to verify all the information and clues, you can not find anything! Even if told to others, others will take this as a big joke!

And what does Ding Yu do now? The reason is very simple! Is deliberately in disgust oneself! This asshole!

Peter's heart scolded countless dirty words, and cooperation with Ding Yu is a pleasant thing! But what about the price? It is not what people can bear, if there is another time, he will never directly stand on the opposite side of Ding Yu! Really will live ten years less!

What's more, how old have you been, let alone ten years! Even if it is a year, such a price oneself also can't afford!

Of course, what I said is not good! What did you do in the evening? No one knows. Even if you know it, you will definitely be confused at this time!

It's all old oilseed in dumima! Except for Ding Yu, the people in this room are one by one, not a good bird! Don't look at now, all of them are the same as people! Behind the back! It's the same mess!

"You will prepare something special for us just now, if it is vulgar, forget it! I'm still waiting to go back? After all, the journey back is a little long. Who knows if there will be any trouble on the way? "

Ding Yu's sinister intention is highlighted again! After all, you have not never done such a thing!

Barron and josephart felt that their bowels were beginning to turn! If it is not the occasion is not inappropriate, this is the time to laugh! Ding Yu's words are too poisonous!

I just tell you plainly that if there is a little problem on my way back, even if my head hits the car door, I will attribute the responsibility to you! No doubt about it!

Pete, as well as OS and Jonathan next to him, have a few twitches in the corners of their mouths at this time!

Who could have thought that Ding Yu would be so shameless at this time! It's a bit shocking!

But think about it, it seems reasonable. If Ding Yu is not shameless, he is not black! That's really weird! Sometimes it is impossible to prevent this guy's revenge! When others attack him, they really need to be on guard, because Ding Yu's Revenge means may be ten times as vicious! Even more than 100 times!

"Mr. Ding, I have really made considerable preparations. However, I can guarantee the safety. At that time, not only me, but also quite a number of people will personally send Mr. Ding back! I don't know if Mr. Ding is interested in it

"Oh? What I said is not very nice to me. In this case, I will not accept it. I am ashamed of it! "

Nima's! Pete's heart secretly scolded! But there is still a smile on his face!

"Mr. Ding, this way, please!"

The so-called little show? It's simply to eat something, and then do some follow-up discussion!

When Ding Yu was ready to leave, Barron shook hands with Ding Yu and said, "Mr. Ding, I will visit you in person when you have time tomorrow."

"I hope there will be such a time!" Ding Yu nodded, and then they separated! As for why Barron visited, from the perspective of the face? Is to discuss the distribution of interests between each other, as for the secret inside? It must be for the children! This has been decided before!

When Pete looks at Ding Yu, he looks suspicious!

In my opinion, this is not normal, even if there are some anomalies. Even if we need to discuss the so-called distribution of interests, we should find a place to discuss in detail, rather than visit each other!

The so-called visit must have something to ask for, but what does Barron want from Ding Yu? On this issue, Pete has considerable doubts, but at this time his head is really a little bit painful. It is true that he used quite a small means before, but it seems that there is a little more blood left!"Sir, please Since we want to send Ding Yu back, we can't have any problems with the whole play!

Sun Yingnan nodded to Ding Yu and sent out quite a secret code! The new accommodation is ready! The location of the manor is not very far away. As for the former manor, if it lives now, it will make everyone uneasy!

After all, something quite happened. Ding Yu is going back to live at this time? What does it mean? Everyone will have quite a guess. Who knows if Ding Yu has any so-called dissatisfaction, so he continues to stay there? Hard to say!

After getting on the car, I look at Pete sitting beside me!

Ding Yu snorted, "I said that you old man's face is not so good-looking! How much or leisurely a bit better, just now seems to shed a lot of blood, blood pressure must be a bit high! If there is any problem or situation, it will lead to other problems if you don't say it is dead! "

"Mr. Ding, are you worried about carrying this black pot?" Pete didn't say it in a good way!

"Pete, you old man, are you too careful?" Ding Yu snorted, "but everyone is here and there. If you really say everything, do you think it's ok?"

It's true that we have a good partnership, but what about that? Quite things are not as simple as looking at the surface! To a certain extent, if Pete doesn't quit, Ding Yu's heart is really calculated! Of course, Peter's heart should also be the same, are hate each other never die!

"Mr. Ding, I have a question!"

"Are you sure you want to say it?" Ding Yu turned to his head and took a look at Peter! Eyes are not so sharp, but full of deep meaning! You old fox, don't be too aggressive!

Pete was stunned for a moment, as if to determine something, but also like thinking!

"The game is over! In other words, we have reached an agreement to a certain extent, which means that the above-mentioned negotiations should be handed over to lawyers and professionals! This is an obvious thing. Of course, when the final cooperation agreement is signed, you may or may not come forward. It doesn't matter. But what puzzles me and puzzles me is why Mr. Baron wants to visit you. This is not reasonable at all! "

"So?" Ding Yu asked, "what kind of" reasonable "explanation do you want

"Mr. Ding, there's no point in saying that! We are very clear and understand each other! Mr. Barron and you find a place to have coffee, talk about cooperation, and by the way, talk about the distribution of cards. There is no problem! If it was not for Mr. Ding's cooperation, it would not have happened, would it? "

Speaking of this, Peter also seems to have some fire!

Of course, what do you think in your heart is another matter, but you should have a certain attitude. Otherwise, the forces like Leo will have considerable doubts! Although he said that he was about to leave office, the more this time, the more he needed to perform!

"Do you think I need to tell you something at this time?" Ding Yu's face appears a simple smile, slightly ironic. Of course, this kind of ridicule is not aimed at Pete. There is no need for it. To a certain extent, this kind of irony is aimed at the power behind Peter!

Now this time still can not get quite the news, ha ha! Isn't that enough to make you happy?

Pete slightly frowned. Maybe he felt that the situation was not very good. He took a look at the bracelet on his hand, and then took out a small medicine box from his pocket and asked for a bottle of water from the security guard in front of him. Although he swallowed two pieces of medicine!

The longer you stay with Ding Yu, the longer your life will be tested!

To put it bluntly, the longer you stay with Ding Yu, the more likely you will be short-lived! Anyway, after getting out of the car, I completely give up my son and love who. I will never accept Ding Yu's hot yam again! Be able to toss yourself to death! Anyway, now I really only have half of my life left!

Close his eyes, rest about 10 minutes, Peter just a long breath!

"Mr. Ding, I have to say that your words have had a great impact on me, and I have quite a guess!"

Peter's brain is turning very fast! At this point, Ding Yu did not mean to deny it! But whether it is to admit or deny, quite a thing, Ding Yu will not say! What do you do? I need to report everything to you?

Does Peter understand that Ding Yu is hanging himself on purpose? Of course, he also knows that Pitt can only verify his guess by talking to Ding Yu. What is the purpose behind this matter? From Pete's point of view, I don't care at all! They all quit their jobs! Why do you care?But I still do it! The purpose is very simple! It's for Leo and the rest of them!

If you can deal with Ding Yu, you can't say it. Maybe it has nothing to do with me. I'm just responsible for my own affairs! Do your duty! I'll never find it on my head in the future! That's it!

"Pete, you old fox! Are you still holding on at this time? " Ding Yu can't help but smile. When his eyes are aimed at Pete, he is quite suspicious! "You should know that I'm a doctor, and I think I'm good! The blood vessel had already collapsed before! Although it is the nasal cavity! But the next step may be the head! "

The driver sitting in front is still calm, but the security guard in the co driver's seat has a beating heart!

I just know that Peter's physical condition is not very good, but how about the specific situation? I didn't read the report!

But now Ding Yu said such words, he was almost too hot to take a look at the back! Take a look at Mr. Peter's specific situation, because he is also worried about whether Peter will directly fall down!

Although he said he was monitoring, but at least to ensure Peter's health! What is the purpose of surveillance? It's not really that they are monitoring Peter, but the conversation between Ding Yu and Pitt, and these conversations will be summed up, and there is no need to analyze them yourself!

Seeing the change of the co pilot's security, Ding Yu hummed!

"Pete, see? Your security seems to be worried about your health! I really have some expectations Ding Yu's face showed a bad smile on his face, which seemed to show a little bit of pride. "This time, if we really talk about it, we'll have a draw!"

Hum! Peter's voice from the chest, slightly dull!

"Don't be so stingy? What about me? Heavy hero knows hero, whether you are a hero or not is another matter, but can fight each other, heartily and vividly! It's a pleasure Ding Yu suddenly flattered Peter!

Peter took a deep breath. Although he could not see the specific situation of the front security, could he not feel it?

"Mr. Ding, you really hate me, don't you?"

Originally, the security guard was quite puzzled. Why did Ding Yu suddenly compliment Mr. Peter, but after Mr. Peter said something, the security guard suddenly woke up and understood it!

Why does Ding Yu compliment Mr. Peter so much? On the one hand, Ding Yu thinks that Mr. Pitt is very old and fierce, but on the other hand? It is intentional, that is, deliberately put Mr. Peter there, not to let Mr. Peter down!

If there is no problem with Mr. Peter's health, it doesn't matter. But if we look at Mr. Peter's physical condition, can he still withstand such a test? Unless you want to kill him!

So don't look at Ding Yu's words, but the vicious heart in his words is completely revealed!

However, this matter in Peter's heart actually has another kind of consideration, Ding Yu this bastard is intentional! Others don't know their own body, but can they still not know? Ding Yu is intentional! He didn't mean to kick himself out, but he put a layer of shackles on his body!

When Ding Yu is not good, he looks at Peter again!

"Mr. Ding is really young. After all these years, he hasn't seen too many changes. What about me? It's just an old guy who's going on and on! Although Jonathan and Oswald have experienced considerable failure, they still have considerable experience! I'm glad that the people behind me can take the lead

But Peter's heart is also the same alert! Because I have never forgotten balun, I do not deny that Ding Yu's ability to change the topic is really strong, and I don't even have many opportunities to interpose!

And he also really felt the magic power between Ding Yu's words. The person he provoked was definitely not his own, including Jonathan and OS, even Leo who had been hiding behind all the time! This asshole!

Now this time, in addition to the curse in his heart, Pete really needs to think about how to deal with the current situation!

"Jonathan and oz are too young! At least at this time! They want to surpass you? It takes time and experience to accumulate, and someone needs to take them with them. I think you old fox is very good! "

As he spoke, Ding Yu turned his head and looked at Pete squarely. "Old fox, do you want me to give you an idea? At least give me my personal feeling. You are a very powerful guy, and it is also in line with my personal taste. Although the means mentioned above, we have worked hard, but the means are means! Character is character? "

"I think you are a little too bad, Mr. Ding! Of course, I said this bad is a commendatory word, not a derogatory word! I hope Mr. Ding doesn't understand wrong! Also, you deliberately avoid certain topics! Is it because the heart is empty? "Pete stabbed Ding Yu not light or heavy! I can do what you can!

"My heart is empty?" It's like asking yourself, "ha ha, just wait and see! But you're also avoiding me. Really, it seems that there are so many people who are not better than others, are they? "

Take a look at the night outside!

"Pete, you are a very good old fox! However, in the future, there may not be too many opportunities to fight directly. It's a pity! "

When he said this, Ding Yu was no longer slick, his voice became extremely cold, even a little ruthless!

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