In everyone's eyes, Peter is still very annoying!

Of course, it is also confirmed from another angle! Pete really has a considerable ability, not everyone can be so disgusting! Disgusting also needs capital!

"Mr. Baron, since it means so! Why don't you tell us about it? "

Listening to josephart's proposal, Barron really thought for quite a while! At this time, Charlotte is sitting next to the position, such things she can participate in! As for Rowling, don't think about it! She is too young!

After taking a sip of the coffee cup, the aroma is rich, so Barron also sends out a little sigh!

"This problem needs to be cautious. I just feel that it doesn't make sense! Even now I have no idea what Mr. Ding means? If Pete is his man? "

Ah? Charlotte exclaimed, then apologized! What a shocking news!

I really didn't expect my husband to say such a thing. Pete is Ding Yu's man! Is this possible?

Looking at her husband, Charlotte found that her husband did not seem to be joking, but his eyes were also slightly free. Obviously, he did not make such a positive! It's just a doubt!

"Barron, why do you make such a judgment

"There are too many explanations. Of course, on the surface, there are not too many problems. But looking back, I always feel that it is quite strange, a kind of unspeakable strangeness! What is it! I can't say it clearly! "

Baron shook his head, and josephart was calm!

"I was also in the game at that time, but obviously, I was completely driven by Mr. Ding Yuding! You can't do it yourself Josephart did not hide his own problems and conditions. "Even I personally enjoyed it very much. If Mr. Baron didn't mention it after he came back, I would still have no reaction."

"Josephart, what are you feeling now?" Charlotte also felt the same puzzled, after all, the first half of their own participation, but then out of their own!

"I don't have any feelings, but I'm quite sure of Mr. Baron's words, because on the card table at that time, Mr. Baron found a loophole, but I didn't find anything. It was Mr. baron who recommended me!"

Barron shook his head. "It's not like that." It's not Baron's self abasement. "At that time, everyone's eyes were attracted by Ding Yu and Peter! Pete, in particular, was a bit overwhelmed, while Jonathan and oz had already become puppets by then, and I had some tricks on it

But when it comes to this, Barron obviously stops for a moment! "Now speaking of it, I also have some doubts!"

"What do you suspect?" Charlotte responded more quickly. "You mean Mr. Ding did it on purpose, didn't you? He sent you the message on purpose, so you can see the flaw? "

"Whether he delivered the message on purpose or not, I dare not make any guarantee for that!" Barron's face showed a little puzzled look, which was quite puzzled! "But if Mr. Ding really wants me to be hoodwinked, I think he should be able to do it! But give me a personal feeling, things seem to be I found, this loophole is I found

Josephart and Charlotte were confused by Barron's words, so! What exactly does that mean?

How do you feel that after Barron came back, the whole person was possessed?

You don't talk incoherently, but? How to describe it? Charlotte and josephart were scratching their heads anyway!

Looking at the way his wife and josephart looked, Barron burst into laughter. "Your mind has fallen into the stereotype! I'll explain it carefully! At that time, I still kept a little sober, and was not driven by Mr. Ding Yuding! "

Josephart knocked himself on the head with his hand!

"That is to say, Mr. Ding still controls the absolute initiative. If we don't find anything, we will get quite a hint in the end! Even Mr. Barron's discovery is just a little magic that has been covered up! We thought we discovered it on our own initiative, but in fact? It was Mr. Ding who left it out to us! "

A voice from Duang! Barron hammered the table hard!

With his own finger not to stop lighting josephart, the expression is also a little excited, the whole person is like a madman!

"That's what I mean, that's what I mean!"

But josephart did not have any joy and joy, but once again fell into a dilemma!

"But Mr. Baron, if so, I am a little puzzled! Even with considerable doubt, why doubt Mr. Pitt? What is the reason for doubt? ""I don't know!" Barron, open your hands!

Charlotte took a deep breath to calm her excitement! But the two hands are still twisted together! The blue veins on the hands have burst up! It's very doubtful that Charlotte will do what kind of action next moment!

"Pete is an old guy with no experience and experience. He was selected to face Ding Yu! Mr. Leo must have thought it over. If we look at the matter comprehensively, what about Peter's performance? It should be impeccable. Of course, there are some flaws, but... "

Charlotte eased her mood and said thoughtfully! "You mean that when you face Ding Yu, you will either lose or win. It won't be like this! But isn't Pete a big loser? He has been admitted to the hospital now. Judging from this situation, he can't even make it through! "

"No! It's not like that! " Barron was sure, "I can make sure Pete is going to make it! There's no doubt about that, but I just don't understand! "

"I have carefully seen that Ding Yu and Mr. Peter have not made any contact. I mean, there is no physical contact between them in the card game. And although we can't find out now, can Mr. Leo check it out? Impossible things, such things can be over everyone's eyes? "

"But we should not ignore one point, that is, Mr. Ding Yuding is a genius, but also an unparalleled genius. In medicine, although he does not seem to have much achievements and focus, we can never ignore it!"

Josephart's brow is frowning, which is an argument, but the problem is that there is no condition to support it!

"Mr. Barron, from my personal point of view, I think there are quite a lot of unexplained places in this. If they really want to contact, there is only one way, that is through Elizabeth! After all, Elizabeth had quite a lot of contact with Mr. Ding years ago. Besides, does Mr. Ding dare to have private contact with Peter? "

"If through Elizabeth, through the second hand? It's hard to keep things secret! " Charlotte shook her head directly and said no, "I have seen Elizabeth, and I have read some of her materials! She can't participate in such a thing. I believe that even if Mr. Ding is brave enough, Peter will not dare to do it! "

For this, Barron did not deny it! Yeah! If Elizabeth had been involved, it would have been investigated by now! Although Elizabeth is a good knife, it does not mean that she dares to do anything!

"Why don't we go to Mr. Ding for verification

But as soon as this was said, Barron began to laugh! I feel that the atmosphere is a little too tense, I'll make a little joke! I always feel like this is a game? But I don't know where to pick up the thread! "

After saying that, Barron is helpless to back his body!

"Baron, are you influenced by Mr. Ding?"

"What do you mean?" Barron took a look at his wife. Since she said this, she obviously had considerable consideration!

"Did Mr. Ding do it on purpose? He wants to induce you! Or he deliberately revealed some flaws, of course I said that, but from your words, I feel that you have not grasped any clues, but you have such an idea out of thin air, which is a very strange thing in itself

Barron puffed his mouth and looked at josephart, who was sitting there on the sofa!

"I don't feel like that! Even to give me a personal feeling, things are going smoothly, there are some small episodes during the period, but did not affect the whole plan! Even more brilliant than I imagined, if you look at this problem from the surface! We're all at a loss! But in the dark, we win more than we think

"Go on!" Barron didn't mean to interrupt josephart!

"Even in the last game, it was even more amazing. Mr. Ding told everyone clearly! I have this ability, also have this kind of means, take hold of you is in the matter of a hundred percent! If you don't believe it, you can try again! "

"Anyway, it gives me a personal feeling. This Mr. Ding is too terrible! He gave Pete, and even Leo and the whole Council considerable face, but also gave them a warning! Finally, Jonathan and OS were released, which showed that he was very rational. Under the circumstances at that time, he was able to make such a choice. Now I think about it, I feel that it's so incredible. If he just refuses to let go? I can't imagine it! "

Barron held the coffee cup, but he didn't mean to drink it. After half a day, he put it back again!

At that time, Mr. Jonathon didn't dare to win with Austin, then, if it wasn't for sure, then Mr. Austin wouldn't let go! Let aus take all the responsibility alone! But the family and power behind OS will not do it! They go back to Jonathan! The others they won't look for! There will be chaos in the interiorJosephart's expression was also very serious. "If you look at the problem from this angle, if Mr. Ding really starts directly and ignores Peter, then Peter will certainly be criticized. This is no doubt. But will Mr. Leo and the Council put all the black pot on Mr. Peter's head?"

"No way! At least according to the treatment at that time, Mr. Pitt had no problem! "

However, just as the three people were ready to continue the discussion, there was a knock at the door!

Charlotte stood up and went to the door, waiting for a few minutes to come back again!

"The news I just got is from two aspects. Peter's condition is very serious, and there is no other discovery except for the medicine which is quite therapeutic. That is to say, his current situation is not caused by external factors! This point can be confirmed basically! As for the second news, Peter resigned! Should be said to be dismissed! Someone has taken over his position, because Mr. Pitt has no way to stay in his position! "

When hearing the news, Baron was surprised again!

"Too fast! Pete just quit! "

Charlotte nodded, "I have heard other news. In order to honor Peter, the Council will give a considerable compensation, but what kind of compensation is it? I haven't heard about this yet. It will take quite a while! "

"What a sudden news! It's even out of reach! " Barron put down the coffee cup in his hand, and even when he put it down, he even gave a heavy pause! Obviously a little annoyed!

"Why is this so?" Barron was puzzled! The development of things beyond their own expectations, in their own think Peter should continue to stay in the position above is! It's not to say that you're out of position now! Even if it is powerful, it should not be so fast! What a coincidence!

Of course, there is no need to argue about compensation! It doesn't make any sense! No matter who it is, it's the same. It can only be more but not less! And there is no delay in time!

"Barron, do you think Pete did it on purpose? Anyway, everything that should be done has been done! Even now is the best chance! You're dying! Under such circumstances, you can't let me continue to stay in the position, can you? Continue to stay in the position above, really is to kill people! No one can stand it

Barron tapped his head with his hand! "My mind is starting to get a little confused! I feel very confused now! Originally, I was very suspicious, but now I don't know how to doubt! I feel that the whole person has walked into the dead end, even I don't know when I will go into the dead end

"I have some doubts now!" Charlotte suddenly laughed. "You gave us a hint before you left, but I think, before this? Mr. Ding should have done a lot of preparation, so you will be in this situation! "

Barron was a little distracted, and so was josephart!

Two people look at each other, if the situation is really like this, my mother! Both of them took a breath of cold air! "Josephart, do you think Mr. Ding is really so terrible?"

Josephart was a little sad. "What a hard thing to say! But he always seems to be! It's hard to grasp the context of him! Give a person the feeling is very confused! You can't do anything if you don't want to! Because it is easy to miss, but think too much seems not to be able to easily walk into the dead end, anyway, I now feel like this! Barron, I have some doubts now, Mr. Ding. Is it intentional? "

"What on purpose?" Charlotte asked subconsciously!

"I suspect Mr. Ding did it on purpose! As far as we know, he is more careful! Character is also above the revenge! Although we have reached a quite unwritten agreement, but in the face of such a thing? Does Mr. Ding really have no opinions or ideas in his heart? "

"That's not enough, is it?" Charlotte's face suddenly changed. You should know that this is related to the children in the family. You can't take it lightly. If there is any problem and situation, it will be wonderful!

"No!" In this regard, Barron was very positive and even laughed, "what's the character of Mr. Ding? There are so many hard to say! But the character aspect is worth believing! Since he has promised a considerable time, there will be absolutely no problems and situations! I feel something else now

"Have you figured it out?"

"It's not that I've figured it out, but I've found that I've stepped into a misunderstanding." Barron's eyes suddenly brightened. "At least I found out what was wrong with me?"

Yeah? It was josephart's turn and Charlotte's turn to be dull! What happened to Barron? What's the matter? Where did he go wrong? How did you find out now?

Barron was excited at this time! "All of a sudden, I realized where my problem was? I regard Peter as my opponent and Mr. Ding as my teammate. But this is just my subconscious thought, but it is not the case at all. No wonder! "Josephart and Charlotte understood it at this time, because Barron's explanation was quite clear and clear!

All of us are fighting for our own interests. When we need it, we don't have any enemies. When we don't need them, we don't have friends. To put it bluntly, it's so simple!

And Ding Yu? In this issue, the performance is too obscure and implicit, so I have been misled!

Really, this guy is really bad enough! But I really admire this very much! It's too awesome! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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