After a night's rest, when Barron got up in the morning, he could still see the dark circles under his eyes! It's like a panda! You can't wipe it off!

Rowling looked at her father, then looked at her mother, and found that her mother did not seem to be better there! What did they do last night? Why is the mental state so depressed?

Father, stop it! But my mother always pays attention to her own maintenance!

Give yourself the feeling that they were both devastated last night!

"May I ask what happened? Of course, if it's not convenient for you, just think I didn't say it! "

Barron and his wife took a look. Barron shook his head and poured himself a cup of coffee. Although the whole person's spirit did not recover immediately, it has been quite improved. As for Charlotte, she seems to have lost her grace!

"Nothing happened. The main thing is that Mr. Ding set a small trap for us. Although he said he wanted to climb out, he didn't climb out. That's all! Along with the others, they went in too! And josephart? Didn't you see him? "

Barron even looked left and right, this situation is slightly abnormal, josephart will not be able to distinguish the weight!

"I asked about it just now!" Rowling shook her head. "But his mental state doesn't seem so good."

Ha ha! Barron couldn't help laughing. "I thought he could be more open-minded. I didn't think it was more serious than us. I really doubt whether Mr. Ding is laughing secretly now?"

"Is he laughing? This problem needs to be discussed, but we still need to do something about it! "

Charlotte rubbed her temples. She didn't have a rest last night. Her head hurt a little. Obviously, she used her brain too much last night! Otherwise, it will never happen!

Don't you see josephart can't even get up now?

"What's going on with Mr. Pitt?" Charlotte looked at her daughter and asked casually!

"I asked! The situation seems to be more serious! " Rowling said solemnly, "I heard that there was an accident in the early morning of this morning. Although it has been rescued, it is still in the observation room!"

"Well?" Barron was rather surprised. "Is that serious?"

According to his own estimation, Peter should not be like this! But now I heard the news, but overturned their own speculation!

"Yes! I've been investigated! Although the information is strictly blocked, it's ok if you want to know something about it! " Rowling was very careful to reply, "and I heard other news, like Mr. Leo, went to the hospital this morning! I don't know the specific situation! "

"Is Mr. Leo here?" The barons looked at each other again, and they didn't care about it!

"When did it arrive? This news should be strictly blocked! "

"I don't know the specific situation. I've heard about it and verified it! But I dare not investigate the specific situation! "

Although Rowling's family background is prominent, it does not mean that she can really run wild, how possible things!

Do you want your own life? Is Leo the one she wants to investigate? Although Leo did not cover up his tracks, but does not mean that we can be unscrupulous!

"Pete is really useless!" Barron gave a very positive judgment! "If not, Pete! Mr. Leo will never come! He may not lie in bed all his life, but recently, he may need to stay on the bed honestly! So Mr. Leo's purpose is very simple! At least one of his purposes is already clear! "

"Pete can't hold on! So there has to be someone else on top of it, but is this going to be the ultimate goal? Let Leo show up now? Isn't it a little exaggerated? "

In this regard, Charlotte expressed the most serious doubt! After all, Mr. Leo's status is extraordinary. He's a member of the Council! Although we can't find any information about him outside, even Baron, including the forces behind him, has some taboos for Leo!

Such a big person's visit in person must have a considerable purpose!

"Baron, do you think it's because of us?"

"There is a possibility in this respect!" Barron laughed, "but it's OK, and Pete is in the hospital now! Here comes Mr. Leo! And we also get news, whether it's out of human relations? Or out of understanding, we must visit at this time! "

If you don't know anything, even if you don't know! But now that I know it! Then you can't think that nothing has happened! This is extremely inappropriate! And from the analysis of the situation, Leo's side is obviously intentional!Do you really think that the whereabouts will easily leak out? How is that possible?

But then Barron gave his daughter a sign. "Rowling, go and see josephart. I know he's not so good, but hurry up. We need to go to the hospital and visit Leo! Take a look at Pete by the way

When her daughter went out, Charlotte looked at her husband!

"Why let Rowling go out? What do you think of? "

Barron poured himself a cup of coffee again, because it was a little hot, so Barron put it for a while! Facing his wife's doubts, Barron sat down and said it again!

"We didn't have a good rest last night. Do you think Mr. Leo can have a good rest?"

Charlotte's expression immediately became frightened. "Do you mean Leo is still worried about Pete? Is this possible? If so? Pete is in danger? "

"And now Mr. Leo has delivered such a message? Does it mean that he is quite worried about us, otherwise, why is it so? "

The shadow of man's name tree! Charlotte has seen too much cruelty and heartlessness! So now I can't help but have some other ideas!

Looking at his flustered wife, Barron shook his head. "What have we done? No! " In this regard, Barron was very positive, and also quite confident, "we did nothing, we just within the scope of permission, legally grab our own interests! Even Mr. Leo, I would still say that! "

Looking at her confident husband, Charlotte restrained her slightly nervous mood, but she was still a little unsure!

"Will it be the same as we think! Pete really has a problem? "

"Now it's all speculation! Even if Pete really has a problem! So it doesn't have much to do with us! At least on this issue, we have no conscience and no shame. We cooperate with Ding Yu, but similarly, we are not completely on Ding Yu's side! And Ding Yu? We are quite attracted to him, but he is also ruthless and ruthless when he starts to attack us

When josephart came here, he didn't even wash well! The hair on the head is like a chicken coop!

"Pete! Good morning, Charlotte Rubbing his head, josephart was like a hangover! Now I still don't wake up, the whole person seems very painful, "if there is nothing, I want to rest for two hours. I really can't hold on, and my head is like a needle prick! Please forgive my rudeness

"Is Mr. Leo here?"

Oh! Ah?! The frightened josephart froze there, and immediately saw josephart's blood rushing out of his nose because of his panic and other reasons. The speed was called fast! And josephart himself did not notice!

Looking at josephart's condition, Barron now understood thoroughly!

Pete's situation last night may not have been a fake!

Josephart is one of his most trusted people, none of them! But what about him? After hearing the considerable news, because of the impact, the blood pressure of the whole person soared in an instant! In addition, I didn't have a rest last night, and I had a lot of hard work. So now the whole person is about to collapse!

"I'm fine!" Looking at the bustling crowd, josephart shook his arm as much as he could!

"When did it happen? Why is Mr. Leo back? I just lay on the bed to rest for a while, and haven't had a good rest yet? How do you feel that in a moment, the whole world has changed a lot? "

Barron did not speak. It is not appropriate to speak at this time. After all, there are so many people!

After all this was done and the staff had left the room, Barron said cautiously, "we're going to see Mr. Leo in the hospital. After all, Pete has fallen! We all need to visit. Let's go

"I'll change and wait for ten minutes!"

Looking at josephart leaving, Barron shook his head. "Pete gave me a performance last night in the game. I thought he was on purpose? I don't want to fight. I've seen it again today! Pete may pretend, but josephart will never

"It's a little too scary! If you are a little careless, will there be other problems? "

"I don't know?! But from the present situation, everything is OK! "

Although josephart's side has been dealt with quite well, it seems that the situation is not so good!

"Barron, don't look at me like this, will you?" Sitting in the same car, josephart said, without a good breath, "I'm just a little excited for a moment! It's no big deal! "

"You are no big deal! Pete didn't make a big deal last night, but now you know what it's going to look like Looking at josephart, Barron was really worried!Josephart didn't know what to say! Fortunately, I also found a doctor to accompany me!

"I don't know how it happened. Anyway, I suddenly felt my head buzzing! It seems that something is suddenly broken! I'm afraid we'll have to have a good examination later! " Josephart knew what happened to Pete yesterday! "No preparation at all!"

"It's because of me that I didn't prepare you!"

This reason really can't be attributed to other people's body, if it is not too hasty, it will not be like this! I don't know if josephart can handle it? If you can't carry it, it's easy to have other problems and situations! This is not what I want to see!

Come to the hospital, get out of the car! In a quiet and indifferent office, the barons and josephart went to see Leo. Leo was obviously a little old and his hair was gray, but he was very clean and tidy!

Seeing the three people coming in, Leo's slightly sniffed his nose and showed a little impatience between his looks!

Seeing Leo's appearance, Barron took a step forward and said, "Hello! Mr. Leo

"Hello Leo's hands crossed in the position of the lower abdomen, there are some intentional meaning! Of course, this is also with each other's forces, mutual hostility has a certain relationship! At least Pete and his identity is a little different!

"I'm sorry, when I got up in the morning, josephart had a pretty bad accident?"

"Accident?" Leo couldn't help but look at josephart!

They know the situation of the three of them very clearly, there is no other action! Under such circumstances, what kind of accident can happen? But the smell of josephart could not be concealed!

"I discussed it when I went back last night. There were too many puzzles and doubts in it!" For this matter, Barron did not have any cover up! It's very calm!

After Leo heard that, um! But this dissatisfaction is not aimed at Barron's side! It's about Jonathan and oz! Both of them seem to have been severely criticized! And then they parted! I didn't ask about the specific situation! But as far as I know, they seem to have some wanton! It's obviously venting something! This is also the reason why I didn't ask about it!

But look at Barron and them? I feel a little too indulgent with Jonathan and oz!

After yesterday, they were not complacent about their own success! From this we can see the gap between each other! If this goes on for a long time, the gap will be more and more big, and will be further and farther!

But although the identity of the upper occupy too much of the cheap, but want to find trouble? This is a bit too picky! What's more, when people come here, they respect them. If they don't know what's good or bad, they don't have strength behind them?

"It seems that the spirit is very ordinary!"

"Well!" Baron nodded. "In the morning, everyone's spirits were not so good. Josephart's situation was similar to Peter's. previously, it was a little broken down, but now it's barely settled down."

Leo was stunned, no wonder so!

"It's a little bit bad on Pete's side!" Leo didn't come here for many purposes. One was to have a look at Pete. If he didn't look at him personally, he always felt that he was not at ease! What's more, send people here! Save everyone's mood some anxious!

But after seeing Pete's situation, Leo didn't know what to say! The doctor who brought me here carefully checked it! Fortunately, it was handled in a timely manner last night! Otherwise, whether we can see Peter or not is all about two things!

More than that! Pete needs to rest now, if you let him suffer any so-called impact, it is not as simple as blood vessel rupture! This is not what Bing said, but a warning from the doctor who brought him after a lot of examination!

Through their own doctor check, Pitt was not affected by any external force, also did not take other drugs! In other words, Pete is just exhausted! It's been dragged down!

And now josephart's arrival further proves this point!

Seeing Leo wave, josephart was also taken to check! Leo and Barron were alone in the room!

"I heard that I lost badly yesterday?"

"You've heard that, too!" Barron seemed helpless to shake his head. "None of them won! But with Mr. Ding's cooperation is good! Very powerful! You can show your demeanor in all kinds of positions

Leo observed balun's movement and expression attentively. He could see that Barron's evaluation of Ding Yu was very high! It's the same for Pete, Jonathan and oz!

With each other is not an opponent, not too much relationship!"Did you want to see Ding Yu? But not too much time! I heard that you are going to see Ding Yu today? "

Barron said with a smile, "go and have a look. Yesterday, I felt quite confused. I still need some advice! I don't know if Mr. Ding has this leisure time there? Of course, is there any other reason? There are still some disputes between them! "

You are not my father. I will tell you everything!

I don't deny that you are very good! The power behind me is huge, but the power behind me is not in vain!

And even if the forces behind them have received considerable news, they will all stand on their own side! There will never be any refutation, which Barron knows very well!

As for you, the old man, have quite a few opinions and ideas, so you'd better keep them by yourself!

Anyway, I am like this. There is no problem with etiquette. Even if you want to be picky, you can't find any problems, right? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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