There were two lights in Leo's eyes!

I know that Barron is very good, but I didn't expect that he would be so excellent?! Many people are deceived by his appearance! I little interesting!

Of course, Pete is great! Even better than Barron's performance, but Pete has been abandoned! At least not for two or three months now!

As Baron's assistant, josephart has played a very good effect and role! Took on a considerable role! Two people complement each other!

What about Jonathan and Oz, Peter's assistants? What did the two of them do, apart from holding Peter back?

No! This can not be said that, they really played a considerable role in assisting Ding Yu and abolishing Peter! Even now can only lie on the bed! They do all these things!

Looking at the secretary who came in, Leo nodded. The Secretary bypassed Barron and walked to the position behind Leo. He leaned down and covered his mouth with his hand! Whispered a few words in Leo's ear! And then left! Did not do any stay!

Leo got the news about josephart, his problem is not very big!

Last night's game, he was an assistant, and did not experience the storm of Ding Yu! But because of the body and age, so there are some small problems!

By contrast, Pete! Oh! The more Leo thought about it now, the more upset he felt!

But Leo now has some other ideas in mind. What about the health of Jonathan and oz? They didn't mention much last night, but they were a little bit reckless. Is that also the reason?

The spirit has been seriously hit, so they need to vent, otherwise they will be put down like this. Who knows what kind of problems will appear? It seems that I have quite misunderstood them!

But anyway? They have committed considerable mistakes, which are unforgivable!

After Barron left, he took a look at Pete. He is still in the observation room. Obviously, it's hard to get out for a moment and a half! As for josephart, he didn't seem to get there! Did one check after another! A little bit of a delay! To this end, Barron even deliberately made a call to Ding Yu!

"Charlotte, you go to prepare two more decent gifts, this time we broke the appointment! Although the situation is special, we can not avoid our own mistakes! Impose it on Mr. Ding. I'll wait for josephart's result! "

For others, Barron will leave directly, even whether he will come to the hospital or not, are two things to say, but for josephart himself is really can not be taken lightly!

Fortunately, the final inspection results, very good!

"See?" Barron handed the conclusion report to josephart, who was sitting next to him. "Don't think that you are healthy enough to be unscrupulous! Pay attention not to drink, not to mess, to rest, and to...! " Anyway, it's all kinds of forest!

"Barron, I never knew you were so wordy

"Can it be the same?" Pete's not angry at you! Now it's no different from the living dead. Although there may not be too many problems in recovering, if such a thing is committed again in the future, there will be no life lost! "

"I didn't expect such trouble!" Josephart was a little dejected, but soon looked at Barron suspiciously. "Aren't we going to visit Mr. Ding? Is it a little late now? "

Looking at josephart's eager look, Barron also laughed, "I've already called Mr. Ding! He is also relatively busy now. Apart from the business of the consortium, I heard that his wife's experience yesterday was very bad! "

In this regard, josephart wanted to smile, at least the smile on his face could not stop!

"I can imagine that at that time, there should be many people coming to visit! I don't know what kind of consideration that lady is! But Mr. Ding is really cruel? At this time of choice, I'm not afraid of any problems? "

Barron has a different view on this, but he also knows that josephart is joking! It's not that I really look down on that lady! If you are aiming at Ding Yu, there will be no disrespect!

What's more, her son and daughter are now the treasures of everyone!

"But it's obvious that it's also a very big blow! After all, once friends! Relatives and so on, this time because of a variety of reasons to find the door! When this kind of friendship and feelings break down, it is really a big blow to life, but it is also very good. You can recognize a lot of problems and situations! "

It's a little cruel, but this is the essence of society. The earlier we understand it, the better!

On this point, Barron has a very clear understanding, but Barron is also very clear, such a thing will break a lot of good things, just like her own daughter, although she realized quite a lot of problems! But I have never killed myself! Even I hope that the later you come, the better!At this point, I really admire the old Peyton family, those crazy people! It's just an unreasonable existence!

Their family's way is very powerful, even unique, no family will be like their family! Take such a bloody and direct way, or even a little careless, it will be totally destroyed!

However, it may be because it is too special, so God's comparative care, the blood of the family has not been cut off, intermittent, slightly thin! Later, because of Mr. Ding Yuding, there are not many problems now!

From this point of view, what kind of reputation does Dr. Ding want to achieve in medicine? Old Peyton's family will satisfy him! But Ding Yu did not have any requirements. What about this? Can also see him as a person!

For fame and wealth such things, not so much value!

Therefore, it is impossible to move Mr. Ding through these things! Too much for granted!

As for my own children! I believe it won't take too long for the news to be leaked out. It's impossible for such a thing to be completely confidential! It's also unrealistic!

There will certainly be quite a number of children involved! After all, my family has a long history, and I can find a relationship with a considerable force! But how to deal with the problem? It's not Barron has the final say.

Ding Yu looks at the Taixi in the video. His spirit and mood are very ordinary. It is obvious that the blow he received last night was so big! Once some good friends, along with some relatives have run over, they do not know when they came?

What's more, it's hard to tell the truth from the false. Even at that time, I was about to collapse!

Before I came, I expected that the situation might be quite special, but I didn't think it would be such a situation!

So when he saw the father of his child, Taixi also deliberately closed his emotions and expression, but Ding Yu's eyes were so sharp! See very clearly and understand, but there is no meaning of ridicule!

"I really don't understand why this is happening?"

Looking at Ding Yu's expression, Tai Xi couldn't hold back his emotions and collapsed in an instant! Crying and laughing.

"It's not that this matter is so hard to understand. The real society is so cruel, even ruthless! This is the reason why I advised you before, so that you can see this? It is quite inappropriate! It's even a little extreme! "

Ding Yu is very calm, because he has seen too much! Of course, their original situation has not been better than Taixi to go there! Associated with their own is still carrying, not to say that you want to untie can be untied, how possible things?

Tai Xi face is really a tear, a snot, this if let the outside world see! I don't know what kind of jokes will come out, so we won't pay attention to what happened to you! You will only notice your gaffe!

Looking at Tai Xi who has already made up, Ding Yu really wants to laugh!

"How are things on your side?" Tai Xi asked anxiously as he whimpered!

"Good! It's a bunch of old timers! All of them are like human beings, which is more difficult to deal with. But yesterday, everything went smoothly. I believe that it will not take too long to have a considerable result! " When talking, Ding Yu pointed to his face, "all crying like a kitten. I think it is necessary to let the children at home enjoy it?"

Ah?! At the beginning, Taixi didn't have any feelings, because he was venting his emotions, so he didn't care about other problems and situations!

When getting Ding Yu's hint, he looked at the mirror not far away, and then the whole person was stupid!

But Ding Yu blocked his ears, because the voice was too sharp, so Taixi ran away! Speed, that's called fast! Typical head and tail disregard! But Ding Yu is also intentional! After all, this is the best way to ease her mood now!

After waiting for about ten minutes, Taixi came back step by step! The whole dress, however, did not completely disappear!

"Not bad! Not bad! " Ding Yu said with a laugh! "The whole person looks a lot more energetic! Yesterday, whether it was wonderful or dark, has passed! Today is a new day, and today's situation should change dramatically from yesterday's! "

"What do you mean?" Tae hee has so many shivers!

"Yesterday, I was threatened, even intimidated and so on. Of course, there are emotional tears, but what about today? Yesterday everything is gone, we will use another way to treat you! Shall I give you a hint? "

Tai hee's eyes are full of caution, not curiosity! Instead of asking Ding Yu to answer immediately, he thought about it for quite some time!Then he looked at Ding Yu and said, "yesterday, everything was uncertain! But I just heard from you! Things seem to have been initially settled down! So there are still quite a lot of people coming to visit today! Then their intention to come is obvious! They're here to compliment me, aren't they

Ding Yu is very satisfied with Taixi's reaction! Obviously nod!

"This is obvious! I hope you are ready to be queen To this end, Ding Yu also deliberately raised his hand, "do you want me to prepare a crown for you? There's still this collection at home

"Just laugh at me!" Tai Xi is very dissatisfied with his mouth! But the heart of the sorrow is dissipated a lot, the child's father is still very aware of their own! After all, he still has quite a lot of things to deal with. In such a time, he takes out a lot of time to accompany himself. What else does he need to say?

"Don't worry! I can still deal with it! Just go out for a cup of coffee and go shopping! I can still grasp this point clearly! What's more, don't you already say it? I'm the queen, and I'm in charge of some things! "

"Smart!" Ding Yu said with admiration! "Would you like to congratulate you and celebrate in the evening?"

"Just laugh at me!" Tai Xi hummed, and then self-confidence seemed to return to her, "I will not disturb you! Someone will come to the door later. I'll close it up. I was in a bad mood yesterday. I let out some steam, but I still didn't perform well enough! "

At the end of the day, the sound was almost too thin to be heard! Ding Yu smiles! After two words of encouragement, I hung up the video!

Ding Yu stood up and even walked in! Then he patted Kim on the shoulder. "Speaking of it, I really envy you. Do you really have the potential in this respect? Can you be so stable in such a night? I think it's hard to close your chin when you see you

"Sir Kim called out sincerely!

"Don't be so numb! Although I pointed out a little, but all of them are relying on your own efforts! From this point of view, the relationship with me is not so big! I hope you don't live up to your potential! "

Jin didn't mean to talk much. He gave a little smile to Ding Yu. But seeing Jin's smile, Ding Yu shook his head!

"Forget it! You'd better stop laughing! Really if the children in the family see it! I don't think it's a little far from them to think about ugliness! "

Ding Yu is deliberately joking, but Jin is quite helpless!

"Sir, this is the news! Pete's in hospital! It seems that the situation is more serious. I heard that the new comers there! What is the situation? Our channels are still relatively limited! "

Ding Yu nodded, "Jin, you said we are going to visit Peter now. What will happen?"

Listen to Mr. Jin felt that Mr. Jin was on purpose! I'm afraid that when Peter doesn't pay a visit to the door, he won't be sent out! And there are some intentional elements in it!

They've been hospitalized! What do you want to do? Do you have to die before you give up? It's not appropriate! It'll be gossiping! What's more, it will deepen the contradictions and conflicts between each other. At this time, there is no such need!

"Sir, don't say you went to see it! Even if you send a bunch of flowers in the past, for some people, it is provocative! Even can not accept the existence! Or, you're thinking about it. It's certainly not Mr. and you that they are the first to target, but Mrs. Kim is here, and we are all there! "

Kim's consolation is a little blunt!

Ding Yu smiles! "It seems that they really hate me! I'm afraid that Baron and they didn't come here because of this! Think about it, Baron's side should not be so easy, otherwise it will not be so! "

"Sir, is it too abrupt for Barron to visit at this time?"

"He! It seems that there is no problem, but inside my stomach! I don't know how much bad water there is! Let's take a look at the situation! Since you have promised someone something quite, you can't break your promise! However, it is hard to say whether their family can produce the so-called good seeds! No one knows! "

That's what I said to Kim! To others! They don't know how it happened!

It is not so easy to choose a qualified child! Otherwise, why has Ding Yu accepted only two apprentices so far? No matter at home or abroad, I don't know how many families and consortia hope their children can be taught under Ding Yu's door!

Because Ding Yu's children are so excellent! We all have the same education. Why do the children you educate have a school of their own? There must be some reason for this, either for the children or for Ding Yu!But considering the situation of these years, children occupy a considerable reason, but Ding Yu still played a crucial role!

Other people have no way to replace Ding Yu! So we are also quite looking forward to Ding Yu!

But expectation is a thing, Ding Yu has never let go of this gap! Taylor is such a premise, but how old Peyton's family finally took a bad move. Now I think, the old Peyton's family has long regretted death! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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