As he lowered the phone, Leo took a deep breath and hit his hands on the desk!

It's obvious that Leo's depression is hard to vent! Terry is the same old guy as himself. Everyone has equal power! How can he eat ready-made food, and what he wants is rare!

It's true that Terry thought about quite a lot of things and made an opening for himself! But they eat meat! Drinking in a big bowl, but what about yourself? You can't count the leftovers from your face! This is a little intolerable! It's too emotional!

If it's someone else, Leo will be desperate now. We must let him know that he despises the fate of his family and the forces behind him, but this man is Ding Yu! I am really helpless now! There is no way!

Even now Ding Yu is a kind of indifferent attitude! If anyone wants to come and do something! Ding Yu will be particularly happy! Welcome to do business, the more people come, the better!

Because of this, fighting with Terry's family? How many people will be on their side then! And Terry? How many people will be on their side? What's more, Ding Yu? For him, nothing to do with it! He just needs to sit there and watch the play! He has nothing to do with him!

So no matter what consideration, it is not appropriate to have any action at this time! Can only be a look at!

It's not right. Now it can't be said that it's a pity!

"Go and arrange for me to find out for me all the children related to the Baron and josephart families on the family side! I don't care what they are like now, I don't care where they are, twenty or forty hours! Bring everyone here

Then Leo turned his head and looked at his special security guard. He was deliberately staring at him! "Do you understand?"

"Yes! Mr. Leo! Follow your instructions

Ah, Leo, when he was waiting for the rest of the room, he sighed once!

Such a thing oneself have no other way, even now this time still can't give the matter to make a fuss too big, why? After all, the negotiation is still in the process of ending! Any action may be extended to other meanings!

Ding Yu's side can be better. There won't be too many people coming to disturb you at this time, but what about Taixi? It's almost boiling! Even too busy! There are so many people can't believe it!

What's the situation? Why is it all of a sudden?

Some people want to please themselves, this is understandable!

But the coming people are so dense, this is not the rhythm of taking yourself as the queen, just want to let yourself go to heaven!

Even if it is Taixi's efforts to sink, to his body bound with iron, can not sink down!

What to do? Tai Xi's heart is also a little confused, the child's father did not call, to a certain extent, it depends on how to deal with it! It's not that the father doesn't know how to deal with it! This is a kind of test to oneself! At this time can we calm down!

"Mr. Dashan, I don't understand? Even if they want to please me, don't they? "

Dashan blinked his eyes. He also felt that he was a little strange. The people who came here were a little bit more senior. These people came here to be lobbyists to a certain extent. This situation is abnormal and very strange!

Even on your own side? There are quite a number of people come to greet you, along with the gifts sent over, even they have no way to resist!

"Sir didn't contact me?" Dashan showed a considerable attitude, sir can not be unaware, since Mr. know, but there is no contact, so now everything, you need to decide!

What about me? Responsible for protecting your safety, in addition to these, it is able to give some suggestions! But quite a thing, Dashan must achieve a good explanation! This is a way of dealing with people!

What's more, why do you really want to do it? Dashan has completely understood now!

Madame has not experienced the test in quite a way, so when encountering things, she will appear a little confused and even at a loss! Oneself also passes from this time! So it is very clear, at that time, what kind of hesitation!

Now this is the time for any help and support from the outside world? Not the best choice, at least in Dashan's view! Is it true that Sir can not mention any opinions and opinions? It's impossible! Sir, I hope my wife can come out alone! The effect of this is the best!

Taixi puffed his face, and at this time, someone came to visit! Hee Tai, now I've got some stiff faces! Can't you stop a little bit at this time?

Dashan looked at the visitors, and after a considerable analysis, it is obvious that there have been quite a lot of things, and it should be a good thing. If not, although quite a number of people will come to visit his wife, there will never be so many heavyweights, and the purpose of their visit is very simple!In other words, people do not have any purpose at all. It seems that they come to know and get familiar with their wives!

However, it gives Dashan the feeling that he is just showing himself in front of these people, but these people even nod when they look at them. This kind of eye edge is far more impressive than his own past visit!

Want to know oneself this time but hold the attitude that does not succeed to become benevolent!

Last night, the situation was also a real crisis, because I had already felt that many people gathered around. They looked at his wife and his eyes, just like a bird in a cage!

And they can clearly feel that they are ready to try! Even in the constant temptation, he can feel the cold under the muzzle of the gun, although he finally gave up! But that kind of suffering taste, let Dashan have no how to respond to it today! The spirit above also has quite tired!

People who think they make a fuss about it are absolutely blatant!

If someone else comes and tries it, you will know what kind of taste it is!

Because there is no way to determine, the next moment, there will be bullets on their bodies, I am afraid that they will really become a hornet's nest! And last night, I was always under such a perception!

Why is this? The mountain is very clear! The other side is on purpose!

Exert great mental pressure on yourself and let your emotions collapse. Once you do anything at that time! Then the other party can start! No one knows when the sword of Damocles will fall from overhead!

Always nervous, let their nerves have come to the edge of collapse!

Even Dashan is not so clear now, how he survived! I don't even want to think about what happened last night! I need a suitable time and opportunity to slowly understand!

After all, I still have this quite task now. I want to protect my wife's safety absolutely, unless I fall down! Otherwise, no one can cross their own line of defense! Although he is not the most powerful, but his heartfelt visible!

"Sir, many people have visited Madame!"

Jin just elaborated the facts, and did not express any opinions and opinions on this matter, and it was impossible for him to express any opinions and opinions on this matter! I need to follow the orders of my husband! That's what you should do!

"I'm going to Taixi at this time. I think it's just to have a face-to-face interview?! Even those who visit Taixi don't know why they want to visit Taixi! " Ding Yu ha ha ha smile!

"Mrs. Kim's situation is a little anxious! Even those who are not quite clear about the situation have made considerable preparations at this time, and they all want to visit Madame! There are too many other problems revealed in this! "

Ding Yu said! "What about Dashan?"

This question is a little abrupt! Kim nodded. "I read the briefing and listened to some people's reports. Although Dashan has experienced quite a lot of things, he should not experience so many things like this! However, from the above performance, there is no problem! Now it's up to him to resolve it? Is it possible to turn these pressures into your own motivation? "

It's not an easy thing! It's even quite a difficult thing!

Jin is very clear that Mr. Jin does not have any words now, which is a kind of encouragement and reward to Dashan. He just doesn't know whether Dashan himself feels it or not! If he can't feel it, it's a waste of opportunity! Such wasteful behavior is really so shameful!

Of course, if there is no waste, where can the mountain go at this time? For this? Jin is really interested, more curious!

Because he has taken a considerable step forward. I'm afraid that only Jin knows the most clearly and clearly in his own heart how much it costs. Moreover, Jin is very clear. Without the guidance of his husband, I'm afraid he can't even touch the door, let alone go so far now!

"Nobody knows!" Ding Yu shakes his head. "Such a thing needs to have quite understanding, also need to have quite opportunity, can say is indispensable! I hope Dashan will not fail to live up to our expectations

Ding Yu doesn't mean to block any progress. Dashan is under his own door. If he can go further, he will only be more happy and will never have any other ideas? Now that everything is in front of the mountain, what can he do? This question? It's really not Ding Yu who can decide!

They have given considerable resources and pointed out some directions. What's left is not what you can intervene in!

Or that sentence, oneself is just a person, not what God? Even God can't help sometimes!"Baron, I hear you have a lot of fun there." Terry in the phone seems calm, but it reveals a lot of joy. After all, such a thing is absolutely worth being happy. Barron and josephart did a great job! It's the same with Charlotte, who seems to have done nothing!

But the more like this, the more can reflect Charlotte's ability! Don't publicize, do things from beginning to end, speed and degree! Not blindly eager for success, also did not use their own capital complacent! It's really Barron's best helper!

"Mr. Terry! You flatter me! It's just what I should do

"The children at home have been quite prepared, but the other children are still on the road, and there are even quite a few children in the process. I need a specific time now!"

There's no doubt about Terry's words!

"Is the day after tomorrow OK? Sir? "

On this issue, Barron did not deliberately force anything, although he can also make decisions, but there is no such need! What can you get yourself? Right to speak? Or command? I even did it myself! Performance is very strong, but it will make some people hate and disgust!

Now this time, find their own positioning can be! I have already done what I should do. How do I do the rest? Mr. Terry has already called himself. Is he still at a loss?

I'm not a child. I have my own judgment and understanding of the same things. I've already made a lot of publicity. I'm not a step closer. In my opinion, it's absolutely the way to die!

Of course, it may be that you are too timid! But Barron has his own unique way of survival!

"The day after tomorrow, it's a good time!"

Will Ding Yu leave and when? Terry doesn't care that much!

I only know that Ding Yu does a good job, and he will make him feel very satisfied. This is enough! In this case, you don't need to make any mention with Ding Yu. You won't even take the initiative to call Ding Yu! Ding Yu of course will not have any contact with himself, but we should all know each other's existence!

Just like the old guy of Leo, does Ding Yu really not know that Leo is here? Ding Yu absolutely knows what is impossible in his own eyes! And know very clearly, but Ding Yu has no interest in him, so how to choose? Just ignore, of course, nothing!

What can you do, Leo, even if you have opinions and ideas?

Leo can not stand in front of Ding Yu in person, that can only make the contradiction between each other clear! Too direct, too clear, equivalent to the equivalent of the road to the initiative to cut off!

Even now, even if Leo goes to see Ding Yu in person, Ding Yu will avoid seeing Ding Yu when Teri wants to come!

It has nothing to do with respect!

And if they think there is no mistake, even if two people are walking on the street and meet each other, it is true that two people know who they are facing each other, but they will pretend to be strangers! Of course, I just made an analogy! Because this kind of situation will not appear at all!

Is it true that each other's security is dry meal? To a certain extent, when they travel, even a few blocks away the situation has been very clear! It's quite safe!

So if there is no special situation, it will not happen! Of course, if Leo is really shameless, then there is no way. But will Leo really be shameless? It's hard to say, at least at this time, Leo thinks it's impossible!

"Balun, you've had a lot of contact with Ding Yu. Do you think it's good to prepare some gifts now? Or is it better to prepare appropriate gifts after the event, and what kind of gifts should be prepared? "

Barron was really stunned! It took a while to react. "I'm sorry, Mr. Terry. I lost my mind all of a sudden! I didn't think about it! I don't know how to answer this question? For me personally, this question is a little too much of a test for me! "

Ha ha! Terry burst out laughing, Barron! Still very good!

He may not have known what his purpose was at the beginning, but now he has absolutely reacted!

Always cautious, so that he did not make too much nostalgia on this issue, and even did not give himself a satisfactory answer, but Barron's reaction made him very satisfied!

"Ding Yu! He is a very special person! What a pity! Can't get to see each other, it's not so suitable now? "

"Yes, sir?"

"Not at this time!" Terry refused. "Now if we meet, there are too many things that are not so convenient! It's like Leo's already here! But can not have any contact with Ding Yu, the truth is the same! No one will do such a thing, although it is a layer of window paper, but if anyone breaks this layer of window paper, there will be problems! And it's a big problem! ""Yes! Sir, I understand! If I don't have anything special before the day after tomorrow, I won't see Mr. Ding again! " Barron was very serious and said, "before this, I'll stay here! There will be no other action! "

"Relax, there's nothing big about it!" Terry is very satisfied with this! "I've got a present for Charlotte for your wedding anniversary

Why send Charlotte gifts, to a certain extent, is to praise Barron and their performance, but some words do not need to be too direct! So now this is the most secure! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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