"Barron, you seem to be sweating a little bit!"

Charlotte looked at her husband. It was weird! However, looking at her husband's eyes, she nodded her head slightly, and then gave her a cup of coffee to her husband. The meaning conveyed by her husband's eyes was too clear and clear. You can inquire about the same things, but you don't know anything about them. It's better if you don't know anything about them!

There are not many people who can let their husbands be cautious and careful! Even a slap can count it!

And at this time, my husband will never take the initiative to contact other people. As for other people who want to contact their husband at this time, it is also a very difficult thing, so many things? Do not need to have too many words!

Just understand it in your heart!

"And josephart? What did he do? "

"There's no fooling around, and there's nothing to mess about! It's obvious that the impact was too big in the past, and I'm resting now! " After a moment's hesitation, Charlotte tentatively said, "I think your mood is not right! Yesterday, both Peter and josephart had problems to varying degrees! "

"I have nothing to do!" Barron said for sure!

Now, don't say you're OK, even if you have something, you can only do it as nothing!

Otherwise, people who stare at themselves will rush forward like hungry wolves, which is certain! Even though Terry will support himself! Along with many people will support themselves, but why bother? As for myself, there are some things that can't be committed! I will not commit such a mistake!

"I didn't mean that!" Charlotte shook her head slightly! "I mean, why not take advantage of this time to have a good rest! By the way, what do you mean

"That's a good idea!" Baron immediately realized it and nodded at his wife with approval!

It's really wonderful!

"It's been so hard these two days. Now the more you do! The more wrong people are likely to be! " Barron obviously agreed with this! Even quite agree! "You and Rowling have a good rest while you are still free in these two days."

Barron had no worries about his wife, but his daughter? The situation is quite different! Because she is still too young, as for the task she carries on her body, there is really no need to worry about it!

Even this is a very good excuse! It takes quite a long time to sort out the data. After all, who will be subsidized? Can't have no direction, can't it? And it needs to be considered! That's a lot of money!

In this, we must consider the positioning of Mr. Ding! This matter was mentioned by Mr. Ding! It's true that Mr. Ding doesn't mean that, but he doesn't mean that when Rowling does things, she really doesn't need to consider anything!

Only a fool can do this! As long as there is no problem in the head, it needs to be considered!

"I'll tell Rowling that although she doesn't understand, I'll tell her quite well!"

Besides Baron and Charlotte, these things must be known to Barron. He has worries about this aspect, and this kind of worry can be avoided completely! Do your own wife, is the need to consider these so-called worries! Otherwise, I will be the so-called housewife! Why do these things?

When Rowling was called by her mother, there was still some confusion. She was not so clear. Why did her mother call herself at this time! But Rowling knows it! Although I don't know what happened! But if there is no considerable change, his mother will not call himself over!

"Mother!" Rowling did not directly ask, what happened, this is not appropriate!

If you really ask! Can only say that they too much failure!

"How do you feel?" Charlotte looked at her daughter. She was a little excited!

Obviously, the card game has had a considerable impact on her, and this influence may even be with her life! But I am very happy to see such a change! At least relative to the accident, this change is gratifying! That is, the situation is a little bit not allowed, otherwise, I must celebrate now!

I believe that my husband will agree to this! Because Rowling is also his daughter and his pride!

"It feels good! Even some of them can't do it by themselves Rowling looked at her mother, her eyes full of excitement. "But I'm afraid I can't do it now!" Speaking of this, Rowling even couldn't help laughing. "Mother, I'm very suspicious. Do you think Mr. Ding is still a human being?"

Charlotte can't help shaking her head, that is, in the room, only mother and daughter, if this is said to let outsiders hear! Spread it out! What kind of consequences will it cause? I really dare not think about it!On this issue, Charlotte has a very clear understanding, does not matter what good or bad people! It is not involved in this aspect at all! Do the same thing within a certain range! It may be kind to some people! But in some people's point of view, their behavior is absolutely more evil than the devil!

Such a thing can never be said clearly, stand on a different position and angle! The answer is absolutely different!

"We need to pay attention to it in the future, even if it's just the two of us, and even more importantly, even if we are familiar with each other! Also need to consider clearly, again, can slow down, even be ridiculed is nothing to do, don't worry to express their emotions and ideas! I hope you can learn from it

Rowling was stunned for a moment. She took a deep look at her mother. Then she nodded. She did not exert any force. However, she had already written it down in her heart and even depicted it in her own heart!

Such things do not need to be repeated to mention! I'm already an adult! It's not a kid anymore!

Parents can't! It's impossible to follow you all the time! This is also not a realistic thing! Self reflection is needed! If you can't even do this yourself, then don't think about the future development! Because there will be no future!

Watch your daughter's reaction! Sholott was very satisfied! "I want you to have a rest for two days, at least before you go to see Ding Yu? Can not have any action, I hope you can honestly stay with us, the request is a little too much! But we also have our considerations and difficulties! "

"Understand!" Rowling didn't even ask what the problem was. "Mother, I need some time to sort out some information. If you don't object, I hope I'll live here for two days! If possible, I hope my father and mother can give me some reference! "

"Just now, your father mentioned this to me, and josephart's body had some problems! He took part in the card game and had a good relationship with Mr. Ding! At least we can talk to each other! Now this time is not very convenient for other people to come! So let's take care of it! "

"I believe he must be very upset!" Rowling said jokingly, "it's a torture for uncle josephart! Although I know he needs to rest now, I really don't agree with his pastime in the past! It's a little bit low and boring! Although it's a good way! "

Charlotte is very dissatisfied with a white look at her daughter, although she also admitted, but this word is absolutely not going to say! "He! There are some special ways to relax. It's ok if it's not enough! Compared with Bruno, I think it can be better! "

"Mother! I don't think you mean it

"I'll do something! Don't disturb you and your father! Say hello to uncle josephart for me! I think if we meet at this time, I can't help laughing at him! "

Baron and their side completely stopped, and they really let a lot of people feel a little disappointed! How can you, Barron, be quiet at this time of day, or even do anything else? If such a good opportunity is wasted! Are there so many too much of a pity?

What's more, you don't have any ideas. It doesn't mean that people don't have any ideas, do you?

If you don't want to, we will! And very willing!

Even Terry's got quite a bit of news! Terry couldn't help shaking his head! Barron is smart! And some people jump at this time, it is a little bit stupid!

They have what kind of ideas, of course, they are very clear! To be sure, I really despise these idiots! There is no denying that they have considerable power, but what about these forces? How do you come? There is not much to rely on their own efforts to come!

To a certain extent, they all rely on the accumulation of their ancestors! Maybe there are not too many problems for one generation and two generations. After all, the glory of our ancestors is still there! But can it last?

Maybe they have realized quite a problem! They can't be said to be a bag of wine! So when they see a good chance, they can't stand it! But how do you feel about this way? Is really quite despised! Even some of them are dismissive!

We can take some measures or some other ways! But the way you do things is too crude! But I will not make any other mention of this matter!

If you want to jump, then jump! Anyway, neither he nor Baron will have any reaction!

Relatively speaking, I really like and appreciate Barron's performance! When it's time to fight for it, the lion will try its best to catch a rabbit, but when it's time to give up, it's just like it's now! Just stay there! Do not do any movement and reaction! Because he is very clear! What has he got!Now this time continues to jump, will lose too many impression points!

The next day, some people's emotions became so intense! More and more people went to visit Taixi! Taixi's side is really overwhelmed, his side is about to become a market! If you really let go, maybe you can't put your feet down here!

More exaggerated to say, with their own time to go to the bathroom are about to run out! And after these people came, they basically exchanged greetings, without any purpose at all! Of course, the gifts are more exaggerated! Even a lot of Taixi's heart, are trembling!

I don't know if these guys are really crazy? Or is their purpose too clear!

But if there is any real purpose, you say it! But no one mentioned what they were here for? Taixi didn't think he was a fairy! It will attract so many people's attention! Anyway, Taixi has not narcissistic to such a degree!

"And your husband?" A little bit can't help but be angry at the mountain!

There's really no place to cry injustice on this side of the mountain! Things have nothing to do with yourself, OK? I really don't know what you have done there, and I am only responsible for the safety of my wife. As for other things, I have nothing to do with myself, madam! Now that you've found yourself, isn't it a bit offensive to me?

But Dashan also knows that if it is his own, I'm afraid it will be the same!

So many people back and forth! This is not a zoo! Madame is not round and round!

"Madame! I don't know what to say? But I think it will be a little busy there! I'll give you a call if you need it! " Dashan said respectfully!

In other words, Taixi was gnashing his teeth, "forget it! I'll just sit at home! Originally, I thought I could go shopping and have a cup of coffee. Now it's OK! I don't even have time to drink! They are too much! Then, they can say it! Ah

Taixi is also recognized some of their own shortcomings, at least their own face! In other words, they have the support of their father, so they will not have any burden! When I think of this, Tai Xi felt that he was a bit too self when I was in the past!

Originally, I just know where to hide behind, because there is shelter in front of me!

But now I have a considerable understanding, the original stand in front of the scenery, but in fact? What kind of pressure does the father of the child bear? Think about it, I have some heartache!

"Mr. Dashan!"

"Madame, just add me to the mountain!" For the tone change of Tai Xi, Dashan has some doubts! But quickly showed their attitude, the lady said polite words, no problem, but absolutely can't take it seriously!

"I know, I've behaved badly!" Tai Xi was very attentive to say, "fortunately, you are in the back to check the lack of leakage, we are hard! Although the matter is not over, but I will not let everyone in vain! I hope you can hold on for a little time! Thank you

Dashan looks at Tai Xi and marvels at her change! Did you lose your temper just now? It is true that there are so some intentional, but the sudden change, really let yourself a little bit of a surprise!

"Madame! You work hard too More words, no need! As for the situation here, I'm sure you will know! Mr. Zhang will deal with it like this. I don't know. The only thing I know now is to stick to my post!

In addition, I do not need to do any other consideration!

In the evening, Ding Yu received a call from Baron! Yesterday and today in these two days time! Baron and Charlotte, including josephart and Rowling, did not make any movement!

Really let Ding Yugao have a look! It's no accident that Barron was able to go to the card table and even "lost" the game. This guy! Absolutely playing the role of pig eating tiger! A good one! Don't be confused by his appearance!

If you really think he is stupid, maybe he sold him! And count the money for him!

"Mr. Ding, I'm sorry to disturb you! I hope it doesn't cause you any inconvenience! "

"Barron, it seems a little hypocritical to say so!" Ding Yu's speech is a little straight, even some intentional! "I think if you speak in this way, I need to make some changes. Sometimes I really think josephart is a very interesting person!"

Get it! All of a sudden was Ding Yu to hit in the soft rib above! But balun didn't feel any shame. With a smile, he didn't care about Ding Yu's sarcasm and jokes. "Mr. Ding, you still like to joke!"

Oh! Ding Yu sighed, "say it directly! Sometimes it takes a lot of brains to talk to you! ""If it's convenient for you, I'd like to visit Mr. Ding tomorrow! Do you think it is appropriate? "

Ding Yu didn't immediately give balun an answer. Although he said that he was ready, there were still quite a lot of questions and situations about how to do this thing!

It's not a bad thing to think more about it! What's more, how many problems are involved? So Ding Yu must be careful to treat! There can't be any ambiguity!

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