"Mr. Ding?"

Ding Yu doesn't have any answer, so that Barron really feel a little empty in his heart! So I couldn't help asking!

After that, Ding Yu thought for a while, "Barron, do you believe me?"

What? What does Ding Yu mean? Holding a mobile phone, Barron couldn't help but look at josephart and his wife Charlotte! Ding Yu now suddenly asked himself this question, is really let himself not any preparation!

Does Mr. Cheng Ding want to negotiate with himself now? Don't say, I really have no way to refuse!

Even at this time, Ding Yu has to bite his teeth to deal with the huge conditions! Of course, after the event will not settle accounts, another said, but now, they really have no other choice!

But on second thought, Barron really didn't think Ding Yu was such a person! Why? If Ding Yu is such a person! In a long time ago, he should have hinted at this aspect, or prepared for it!

But obviously, Ding Yu didn't do it! What's more, through the past understanding, Mr. Ding has never seen a case of fire robbery, so Barron soon restrained his emotions!

"Mr. Ding, do you have to answer?" Hearing that Ding Yu didn't make any movement, Barron thought about it for a while, then slowly said, "Mr. Ding, I don't want to hide anything! If in this matter, I believe Mr. Ding, because you have said such words, I believe in your honor! But if it's something else? I may need to think about it! I'm sorry, Mr. Ding. Although this may be a little too direct or even embarrassing, I don't want to hide it! "

Josephart on one side was a little puzzled, while Charlotte was frowning at this time!

Because Barron's answer is not smooth at all, even a little stiff!

"Very interesting answer!" Ding Yu replied coldly, but then asked, "can I trust you?" This question seems to be the same as just now!

But Barron blinked his eyes, though it seemed the same! But the meaning it represents is essentially different!

"Mr. Ding, you should believe me in this matter! Josephart and I, including Charlotte, we are not only paying for the glory of our family! There are other things, if anything else! I think this is a little too much! To say that anyone can be betrayed is a bit too absolute! But it's worth considering! "

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "you guy! It's really transparent! What do you think josephart would do if he asked for it? "

"Mr. Ding, he will be like me! Because we cannot carry our glory

"I see!" Ding Yu replied, "but I thought about it carefully after I came back."

Hearing Ding Yu say that he thought about it for a while, Barron felt that his heart was suddenly raised to his throat, and even the whole person did not know what to do for a moment! I don't know why suddenly Mr. Ding has changed? Is it because of your own side? Or what happened to Mr. Ding!

I don't know, I don't know! However, if there are any problems and conditions, they need to investigate clearly!

Because no one can bear this black pot. The forces behind him, including many big families, have considerable expectations for it. If there are any twists and turns, then it will not be as simple as a storm!

"Mr. Ding, what do you say?"

When he didn't notice, Barron's voice was already shaking a little bit!

"I think so. I don't know how many children there will be, but I believe it will not be too few!"

Yeah? It was as if Barron had heard the gospel all of a sudden! The whole person suddenly sublimated! The change between the back and forth is so fast that even Barron himself is so reserved!

"Mr. Ding, you say, I listen!" Obviously, Baron's mentality at this time is different from that of heaven and earth!

"It's inconvenient for them to come back and forth. Don't worry. I don't feel at ease here! I really have some worries. If something goes wrong with me, I'm afraid I can't make it clear! "

Hmm?! Baron immediately took the words, "don't worry, Mr. Ding! No matter if there is any problem, we will bear it! There will be no doubt! If you're not sure! Charlotte and I will stay with Kim! Although I know it's not very useful, I can even bring Rowling with me

"Mr. Ding, I know that's not enough. I can look for others! Don't worry

"This is not a matter of reassurance! The manor is not easy to clean up! I don't want to make a fuss about anything else! I'm afraid I won't be able to find a place to live in the future! And we seem to have said earlier that children are the future! In that case, you can arrange the place! Can be a little bigger! Pick me up tomorrowAh?! Hearing that Ding Yu said so, Barron really did not agree to come down immediately, but made considerable consideration!

Is Mr. Ding trying to test himself! But think about it, it seems that there is no such need, now you need to make this decision! Do you pick up Ding Yu by yourself? Or did you refuse Mr. Ding's good intentions?

There was no hesitation for long. Barron almost bit his teeth and said! "Mr. Ding, it's our faux pas!"

"You! Sometimes I feel a little too much thinking! " Ding Yu really didn't mean to test balun on purpose. At this time, he didn't mean to say, "it's inconvenient for me, and it's not so convenient for you! So it's not as good as everyone's mutual convenience, such words may be more appropriate! I'll be waiting for you tomorrow! "

"Mr. Ding, I'm grateful again!"

After putting down the mobile phone, Barron did not jump with joy, but found a suitable place to do it. "Josephart, Charlotte, do you think Mr. Ding was intentional? On this issue, I really don't have much preparation! I didn't expect that Mr. Ding would suddenly come up with such an idea! What's more, Mr. Ding should have considered this aspect a long time ago! "

Josephart took a look at Charlotte, then said aloud, "I think this is more in line with Mr. Ding's personality!"

"Personality?" Barron glanced at josephart, "tell me! I don't know. I think too much? Or is there really something wrong with it? Anyway, it's a bit confusing now! "

"First of all, my statement just represents my personal concept! I don't know what you think, but from my personal point of view, I never think Mr. Ding is a selfish man

Charlotte nodded slightly. "I agree with that!"

"There is no denying that everyone has an exchange of interests! But Mr. Ding has never been insatiable! Even to a certain extent, he is very considerate and considerate for everyone. It should be a pleasure to be friends with Mr. Ding! "

Baron couldn't help laughing when he heard his good friend say so!

Now, Mr. Ding, how do you feel that I'm flattering? No wonder Mr. Ding praised you a lot

"Don't say that. I admire Mr. Ding very much, OK?" Josephart couldn't help laughing. "But if I can, I really want to be friends with Mr. Ding. But from now on, there should not be too many possibilities in a short time. Although we can talk about it, I personally think that he should pay more attention to you!"

"So you think it's good that Mr. Ding suddenly mentioned this matter this evening with a certain starting point! Of course, there may be other issues involved in this! "

"Yes! I don't deny that! " Josephart suddenly turned to a serious book. "Don't say it's Mr. Ding! Even if it is me, if I encounter such a situation, I can't think of it at all. If something happens, what I'm talking about is who is it? Mr. Ding's? It's still ours

"It's hard to say!" Barron frowned, too! "It's not easy to say!"

"Yes! Maybe we need to take the responsibility, but we know how things happen, but how can the outside world understand such things? No matter how good it sounds, it will not be of any use. When the wind comes out? I don't know what kind of situation it will become! I don't even dare to make this assumption! "

Barron and Charlotte looked at each other! It seems that it is true!

If you start from this angle? There are some problems in some aspects. It is really not clear when it comes to time!

"We don't know whether such a thing will happen. This is just our hypothesis. Maybe Mr. Ding didn't consider this aspect. It's because we are too thoughtful! But I personally think? Mr. Ding is still very comprehensive in his consideration of the problem! "

Is it true? No one knows, because Ding Yu did not mention this aspect either!

"I need to speak to Mr. Terry! I think he should also consider this aspect! "

Without any delay, Barron picked up his mobile phone and immediately changed the phone! sit square! To show respect! Although there is no outsider on the scene, Terry can't know what Barron's attitude is now, but from the subtle point of view, maybe one day, it will be useful!

"Baron, it's settled?" At this time, Terry has a certain uneasiness in his heart!

"Hello, Mr. Terry."

Hearing Barron's voice, Teri's heart can't help but thump for a moment. Suddenly, he has a bad feeling!

"Mr. Terry, there have been some changes in my side. To be exact, I have made some decisions. I don't know whether it is right or not! But under the circumstances, I had no choice! Only promise to come down! "Terri gave his index finger a good rub with his thumb! I don't know what happened, so now I don't need to rush to make some decisions, but if Ding Yu really stood up for himself! Even if there are unexpected consequences, he must let Ding Yu know that the reputation of the family can never be deceived!

"Personally, Ding Yu has always been a believer."

"It's not about that, Mr. Terry. It's that I haven't finished!" Barron quickly apologized, "this is the situation! I just made a phone call to Mr. Ding. Mr. Ding didn't refuse anything about the children! But he put forward an idea. At that time, I couldn't help it. I knew it was very impolite. Although Mr. Ding didn't mention any reason, I think he should have given considerable consideration to it! "

Ah? There's no problem with the kids! Terri's heart just dropped!

"Is there anything difficult to say about Ding Yu?" Since Ding Yu has no problem, everything is easy to do! Maybe Ding Yu has other considerations! But for myself, nothing is a problem! I still have this point to grasp myself!

"Mr. Terry, that's it! I originally planned to send all the children to Mr. Ding to have a look. But Mr. Ding said that the place he lived in was a little small, and it was not so convenient, so let me pick him up tomorrow! He will come by himself then! Mr. Ding was not aggressive. I thought about it a lot at that time, so I made this decision for a moment! "

Terry blinked his eyes. "I think I get it!" I suddenly understand! Ding Yu suddenly made this decision, absolutely has considerable consideration! He may believe Barron, but he will never trust everyone!

Who knows what kind of problems and conditions will happen after going to Ding Yu?

Even Terry doesn't dare to make this guarantee! Ensure that there will never be any problems and conditions on your side. You can only prepare for this aspect, but you must say that there will be no problem! I don't believe it!

This time, although the scope of disclosure is not so wide, but there are quite a number of people know! Can these people be sure to be one with themselves?

Are you all in your own blood? What about other families? Is that just one question? There is already a little estrangement!

At that time is really reckless, does not matter the future of the child, anyway, is not his own legitimate relatives, destroyed also destroyed! It doesn't matter. As long as you can put the black pot on Ding Yu's head, all the costs are worth it!

Don't underestimate some people's cruelty and inner darkness! It's true that everyone says children are the future! No one is allowed to hurt a child in any name, but? This kind of thing oneself hears more, sees more!

Now Ding Yu has made quite a decision! Don't let the children go to him, but Ding Yu! In this way, the problem can be solved to the greatest extent! At least when there are some problems and conditions, you can't find problems from Ding Yu's body, that is to say, even if you want to buckle the black pot, you can't buckle Ding Yu's head!

It can be said that Ding Yu considers the problem comprehensively, or Ding Yu is cautious and careful!

But also need to see from it quite a problem! Inside! It's not to say that Tietong is really a piece, or there are quite problems! But what a clever man Ding Yu is! He will never tell these things! What's more, what's the relationship between these things and Ding Yu! How much care he didn't see!

For Ding Yu, as long as these things don't involve him, it's OK! As for how to deal with other problems, it's all other people's affairs, and they're all family affairs! He will stand as far as he can!

Even Ding Yu is happy to have such a thing happen!

"Sir, it's up to me to make it. I'll take all the responsibility!"

"Ha ha!" Teri smiles, and he believes that Barron will definitely think about this matter! Although there are quite a lot of waves, I still appreciate the decision made by Barron! Under the circumstances at that time, didn't Barron know that it was quite risky for him to do so? He must know!

But in the face of Ding Yu, he must make this decision quickly! If you do not make this decision, then there may be other changes, and such consequences will be extremely serious and bad!

"Ding Yu doesn't like to be lively. Don't be too noisy!"

When Teri knew something, he hung up! But this heart did not immediately calm down!

Ding Yu's actions are praiseworthy from the surface, and from the inside, they are considerate! Now all the things are left to their own side? If we say that under such circumstances, there are still quite a lot of things, then it will not be so simple that there is no way to explain it!

Everyone's face and honor will be thrown on the ground, I believe that not many people can accept such consequences!You have stepped on the honor of our family and influence on the ground, so any action we take is understandable! isn't it?

But Terry thinks so, and doesn't do anything! I just ordered my own security! It's enough to account for something else! I really want to have a look, if someone is really mischievous, how many people will come out with me!

Such a thing is definitely not a single event, there must be many connections behind it!

Not bad, I have a certain cooperation with Ding Yu here! But it doesn't mean that they really walk together!

Everyone is just a coincidence after the situation, common seek some interests just!

It won't be the first time, it won't be the last! When you first pit us, but never scruple to our identity, now appeared quite bad, you want to turn around!

If you don't believe it, try it!

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