
Obviously, Jin has some small emotions. The arrangement of Mr. Jin is a bit too bold, at least in his own opinion!

To know where they are now, but on other people's territory, it is true that Mr. Wang is extraordinary, but not to consider their own security issues, now I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at it!

No matter how fierce it is, it has never been able to carry it!

Ding Yu shook his head at Jin!

"Stay here! From the point of view of the actual situation, we want to do something safe! So many children will come! What do you think we should do? We don't have enough people! Not enough space! Why don't you let them wrap us up! What's more, it's a big name, don't you worry? "

"Just let them come! Just take a look Jin's eyes are a little afraid to look at Ding Yu!

It's not a child at home. I can't be so ambitious! This is Kim's idea! How are you doing? I don't care! What I'm concerned about now is the safety of your husband. If it's a child at home, then there's no problem. But you're not children of the family. If you say something ugly, I'll take care of you?

Looking at the expression on the gold face, Ding Yu has some helplessness!

"Tomorrow is to go and have a look! Directly throw out the problem, there is any situation, and we have nothing to do with it. I believe that at this time, some people are even more nervous than you and me! After all, quite a number of children are involved! "

"Sir? Is Barron worth believing? "

"It doesn't matter what you believe or don't believe. We still have a good foundation. We can't be too tight at this time! It can't be too loose! Need to keep a good distance! Considerable things need to be done step by step! As for whether there will be good seedlings, no one knows? Neither you nor I can tell you clearly! "

"Sir, I still feel too dangerous! After all, the card game is just over. Some people are on fire! Who can guarantee that they will be able to accept such a fact in a good mood? If it's me, I can't accept it! Under such circumstances, it's easy to do other things! "

"It's not as bad as you think! At least at this time, we can still keep quite calm

"Sir, I still don't think they can trust too much. I'd better prepare for it."

"Whatever you want!" Ding Yu didn't mean to be too stubborn. After all, Jin's starting point did not have any problems. As for the things he considered? He is really not so worried, but since he has this aspect of the mind, he is not too good to refuse what!

After getting up in the morning, Ding Yu did not show any difference with the usual, still the same! After the exercise, there is no deliberate to close what! Having a look at Jin standing beside him, Ding Yu feels that he has some toothache!

"Gold! Let's not exaggerate like this?! How do I feel like you have an arsenal with you? We're going to be guests, not to fight! "

"Sir, I've tried to be as concise as possible! And give me personal feeling, still have quite insufficient! If I can, I still think I should carry more things to make it safer! "

"How can I suddenly find that you have changed a little?"

Ding Yu is very curious about this. In the past, he was very straightforward? How now suddenly the style changes so fast, this is absolutely what I did not expect! In a moment, there are really so some puzzling!

"Sir, I am still me!" Kim shook his head slightly. "In fact, I also feel quite a problem! I am still in the process of adaptation! It's hard to say what kind of feeling it is

"I think I get it!" Ding Yu also showed some teeth, "but this thing! It is really not a sentence two sentences can explain clearly! If you can, like Dashan, you'd better settle down a little, but fortunately, we don't have any other things! If there is nothing else in these two days, we will start to leave! "

When Barron came over, it was a little low-key! But Ding Yu looked up at the air! The same is true of Kim!

The two helicopters are a little bit higher! But it's still visible! Obviously, in order to protect Ding Yu, Barron thought of many ways. Of course, there is no sense of awe in doing so! It's hard to say it clearly!

Of course, this shock is not for Ding Yu! Unless the skull is broken! Will have such opinions and ideas! Otherwise, I would never have done such a stupid action!

"Mr. Ding!" When Barron saw Ding Yu, he was very respectful!

Because Ding Yu's performance has already conquered baron. Of course, Baron's doing this has intentional elements in it, which is really a matter of opinion! But who would directly point out such a thing?

"Barron, it feels like you're a little nervous?" Take a look at the people standing by! Ding Yu shook his head. "There's no need to do this. It's just a look in the past! I feel the weather is very good today! I hope there will be a satisfactory result! ""Mr. Ding, what can I do for you?"

"I think it would have been more effective if josephart had said it!" Looking at josephart nearby, Ding Yu said jokingly, "but look at this guy, I feel that these two days should be suffocated!"

"Mr. Ding! There is no exaggeration, mainly because I couldn't keep up with you in the past! "

Disgraceful thing, but how to say, this represents a person's EQ!

And josephart doesn't really care about things like this! But obviously josephart didn't mean to delay! You have to know that you waste one more second! For those children, it may be the greatest opportunity in life to be wasted!

This is absolutely not allowed!

After getting on the bus, Ding Yu looks at Barron sitting on his right hand side!

"No rest? How do you feel a little dark under your eyes

"Mr. Ding, I'll make you laugh!" Barron also sighed, "although I'm not good enough to do the same thing, I can't give everything to other people. Can't I not understand the situation at all? But fortunately, the children are here! It has also undergone considerable inspection to ensure that there will be no other problems and conditions! "

"What? There are a little more children? "

Balun is very attentive to look at Ding Yu's movement and expression, convenient for him to make a certain judgment! The more now this time, the more need to be careful! Because I am not sure what will happen next!

But Barron also knew that Mr. Ding would not like himself too much at this time! Because too serious, not even too much atmosphere! Now if you are sitting next to Ding Yu is josephart, the effect may be better! But there is no way, now this time must be their own sitting here!

"Mr. Baron, how are those children arranged?" For a long time, Ding Yu did not ask about the arrangement in this respect?

"Mr. Ding, let them sit there! Maybe there are so many people! " It's not that Baron has no arrangement, but there are quite some arrangements! But everything depends on what Ding Yu wants to see? This is a process!

Even Teri and Leo are quite curious about this. What will Ding Yu do? Is it hard to see with your eyes? But if so, what can Ding Yu see in the end?

Is there any idea of stealing teachers? On this issue? ha-ha!

But one thing can be affirmed! That is, Ding Yu will never see any signs. If you can't even do this, then they will not create such a large family property and protect it at the same time!

Really think that all things are imagined in the simple, how possible things, do not be naive!

After arriving at the place, Ding Yu found that it was bigger than expected! At the same time, it is more quiet!

On both sides of the private road, a little dense trees! You can even see the head moving! Obviously, in order to protect the safety here, quite a number of people have been arranged! As for whether Barron found it himself, this question? To be discussed! At least in Ding Yu's opinion, it's impossible!

"Mr. Ding, the children are all on this side of the manor now!"

In the process of coming, everything is very smooth! The boulder on Baron's chest finally loosened!

Ding Yu looked at the path, "Mr. Baron, arrange for them to relax and relax! It would be better if I could see their images. I hope to be able to observe their performance! "

"I will arrange it immediately!"

Ding Yu did not want to investigate their children's homework immediately, so he contacted them personally, but hoped to have a look at these children first! Let them move freely! Anyway, the manor is very big here! Although there are many children, such a test really makes some children stand out!

After getting out of the car, at the invitation of Barron, Ding Yu came to the room. What about the layout of the room? At least Ding Yu himself is not so concerned! But the screen on the wall is a little bit conspicuous! However, although there are quite a number of people, they can only hear the rotation of the machine, there is no other noise!

"Can I have a cup of tea? Thank you

Did not choose their usual coffee, but chose tea!

While balun and others are sitting next to Ding Yu. Ding Yu looks at the screen with his eyes fixed on the screen with a teabowl in his hand. It seems that he is thinking about something, but it can be seen that his eyes are always focused on the screen!

After watching for more than ten minutes, josephart gently touched Baron next to him, but Barron shook his head slightly at josephart. Don't disturb him at this time. I don't know what Ding Yu will do and how to choose, but these are not important! At least for myself, it's not so important!"There's a fight!"

Ding Yu took a glance, there was no reaction, and the expression on Baron's face was a little embarrassed! At this time, it may not have much impact on reputation if such things come out. But what about fighting? After all, it will affect some senses!

"Mr. Ding?" Barron asked tentatively!

Ding Yu shook his head and seemed to care nothing about it. "It's not a big deal, Baron. I don't believe you didn't fight when you were a child. Anyway, I did! Along with my sister Ding Ding, also had a fight, just a child! Fighting is a very normal thing

What's the situation? Ding Yu not only did not express any antipathy, but also had considerable interest in it? Is this the unique understanding of Ding Yu? It's really a little incomprehensible!

"Mr. Ding, although it's just children fighting, at this time, they have such a performance? Isn't that good? " Since Ding Yu didn't mean to stop it, Barron also didn't let people stop it!

Barron now knows more or less that these children are here, and most of them know what they are here for! I can imagine how much pressure these children have suffered in their hearts. Even though Ding Yu has not given them any pressure now, these children themselves have begun to be so tense!

"Mr. Ding, I've had a fight. I remember the first fight. As for everyone, it was Charlotte's second brother. Neither of us admitted defeat. As for the reason? I vaguely remember that it was because of a pony who wanted to come now. It was even so ridiculous

"The reason for my first fight has long been forgotten! I don't remember that clearly! " Ding Yu still didn't look at Barron, just staring at the screen. There were too many performances in it! "The pressure on these kids is a little too much! Need quite channel to vent! But their luck doesn't seem so good! "

When he heard this, Barron was very interested! However, there is no intention to express their own opinions! Ding Yu how to do this is Ding Yu's thing, he will never want to appear self defeating things!

I don't know whether it's intentional or intentional! The scale of the fight seems to have suddenly started. It's about to become a training ground! Even Ding Yu's attention has been attracted a lot in the past! After taking a look at it, Ding Yu suddenly exclaimed!

I really can see something different!

Then Ding Yu called his hand to the gold behind him! Originally, there were a little bit of gold standing there. Seeing Mr. Zhao's wave, I was puzzled, but I came to the position behind Ding Yu for the first time! Standing behind the sofa!


Ding Yu turned his head and whispered two words in Jin's ear. After Jin stood up again, he watched for a period of time, his eyes staring at the screen! Can have five or six minutes of time, then again bent down their own body!

People's eyes can't help but focus on Jin's body. If we use a little means, it's not that we can't. We can still know what Ding Yu and Jin are communicating at this time!

But if such a thing is done, it can only let Ding Yu look down on it! Even the gain is not worth the loss! And do you really think that Ding Yu could not have any awareness? How could it be? Don't think too simple!

All the people around Ding Yu are from the sea of fire and blood mountain. They are extremely rich in experience!

"What do you say?" Ding Yu asked in a low voice, but there was no meaning to avoid other people!

"It's a very interesting little guy, who knows how to hide himself! Not to be noticed by others! And look at his appearance, seem to have quite reluctantly, have quite idea! But we need to observe carefully! "

Seeing Ding Yu nodding, Jin stood up straight and went out!

Next to it is someone very hot eyes, what happened, we know is not so clear! But it is obvious that the child's performance, let Ding Yu have so many moves, did not expect that things should also have such a reversal!

Originally is a very bad thing, unexpectedly there are such changes, is really a little unexpected!

After Jin came out, he walked slowly, but he didn't go directly to the place where the incident happened! But to find a position for themselves, stand against a big tree! Even leisure time, from the pocket out of a box of cigarettes!

Self care for their own point above! There seems to be some intentional!

All along, Jin has no addiction to smoking, which is very similar to Ding Yu! Ding Yu does not have too much addiction to smoking, but on some occasions, there is no way! What's more, Jin's smoking seems to be a little ordinary, at least relative to his identity!

If he really wants to smoke anything, but this is his personal preference! Jin doesn't have much to pursue!Looking at the middle of the field from afar! There are really so many fun! However, it seems quite different from the previous big fight. It is obvious that these little guys are aware of the considerable problems!

I can only say that their tutor is still very good, at least they know what to do when to do! Earlier, the blood was surging up and my head was overheated! So it's quite a thing to make, but after this effort, we need to think about it! For example, how to solve the immediate problems?

After all, they are still organic children, they will do the same thing in a certain time! In the past, there were many reasons for this, but in the next time, we must control the situation! Can not let the situation continue to deteriorate! Otherwise, it will not be so simple to be eliminated!

Is it a little too mature, or even some too cold and ruthless, no way, the world is so cruel!

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