Jin's position is a little bit far away, and the people who follow him are all staring at him. No one knows what Jin means. Since he doesn't know, it's like nothing happened!

No one will come forward to inquire! When you look at gold, it's almost like seeing God!

And this God is a little bit more murderous! If there is no need, we should stay away from it a little bit!

Balun, sitting in the room, looks at Jin through the screen. Of course, his eyes are not separated from Ding Yu, but Ding Yu seems to be silent and indifferent to the fight! But the children are now gathered up! But anyway? In Barron's mind, these children have been largely eliminated!

"Leo, what do you think?"

"With your eyes?! What else do you think? " Leo snorted, their room is similar to Ding Yu's room! Also connected to the screen, the only pity is that you can't see the situation of Ding Yu now! I really dare not, because it is really worried. Once Ding Yu finds out, it will not be as simple as embarrassment!

"Who do you think Ding Yu and Jin are after?" Terry is very interested in this! At least, the children's performance in half a day is very good. They can even look at themselves from the perspective of observation! But this also depends on what Ding Yu thinks!

Previously, Leo was still a little angry, because the children fighting were his own family! Too impulsive! Completely is the role that is used, although later reaction came over, but has lost the first hand!

So what I said just now was a little stiff! "If you look at some children, their performance is very good, at least in my personal opinion. But Teri, you should be aware that the way we look at problems is quite different from Ding Yu's, so even if we can see it, it's hard to say how much effect it can play!"

On this issue, Leo and Terry are very consistent, because they are very clear that everyone's family has their own unique way of education, and their desire for talents is absolutely beyond imagination!

However, the resources of the family seem to be endless, but they can not cover all aspects. This is simply impossible! Therefore, it is very important to explore talents and cultivate them from a young age! Why is Ding Yu so important! Because Ding Yu's way is quite different from everyone else!

And Ding Yu's eyes are too poisonous! Whether it's business or medicine and so on! They are all second to none, even exaggeration, incomparable! And all are through practice, absolutely no boasting!

"But what on earth is Kim looking at? He's been standing there for so long! Didn't react at all? "

"I think the longer the time, the more it shows that Kim is very excited!" Leo knew what Terry meant, and he didn't care if he said it through his mouth! "Just don't know who he's after?"

Ding Yu, who was sitting in the room, suddenly turned his body and leaned towards balun!

Ding Yu's action makes Barron, who has been observing Ding Yu, feel a little silly, because it will be more than an hour! Ding Yu has never had any reaction. Now Ding Yu suddenly leans over, but Barron doesn't react! The whole person is sluggish for a while!

"Mr. Ding?" Barron asked tentatively!

Ding Yu stretched out his finger for a draw, "that little boy is the one wearing a long blue shirt! With a pair of glasses

Although not so detailed, but enough to illustrate the problem!

Soon, the people below took the equivalent information, but Ding Yu still did not want to see the meaning! Barron nodded his head with his hand, "josephart!"

Josephart froze for a moment, blinking his eyes, as if thinking of something! "Mr. Ding, he is my nephew, my nephew. In my impression, he is a quiet child. Usually, he is a little lonely, but there is no other problem! If you don't mention it, I don't even remember the child! "

Although the heart is very happy, even happy to pick up, but josephart is also pressure his excitement said!

Because Mr. Ding will never mention a child for no reason. It must be quite attractive to him! However, it is still unknown where it is!

"I believe your family should have tested his IQ? Ordinary level? "

Josephart curled his mouth slightly. "Mr. Ding, as far as I know, Harry is a little ordinary, at least not a genius, but more stable!"

"It's interesting!" Ding Yu nodded at Barron, "is it convenient for me to see you?"

"Mr. Ding, I'll send someone to send him right away!" Barron is also very excited at this time! Even though they were not children of his own family, the children of josephart's family were no different from those of his own family! Everyone is no different from each other!Even Barron himself went to get the child over!

Harry stood there, a little thin! Looking at Barron, he said respectfully! "Hello, Mr. baron."

"You too! Harry Barron looked at the little boy standing in front of him. He was very white! If you look at it from the surface, you really don't see the difference! But it must be something special for Mr. Ding to call the roll in person! Barron was absolutely convinced of this!

"I think the family should have told you that today's situation is a little special, I will not say anything superfluous, so as not to have a considerable impact on you!" Barron tried not to put any pressure on Harry! "There's a heavyweight in there. He'll meet you! I hope you can let go! "

Harry's body could not help shaking, but did not ask any reason! Just nodding! It seems a little nervous!

Looking at Barron's outstretched hand, Harry hesitated for a moment, but still put out his own hand, Barron personally led his hand to the room! When josephart saw this scene, he nodded at Barron!

When he came to Ding Yu, Barron let go of his hand, but still couldn't help but slapped Harry on the back!

Ding Yu looks at the little boy in front of him, while Baron and others wave their hands! Although Barron and they returned to the position above, but the eyes can not help but focus on Harry's body!

"Why?" Ding Yu asked abruptly!

In addition, Terry and Leo in the room are also very nervous, and even Terry's performance is more prominent, because from the identity point of view, Harry really has a considerable blood relationship with himself! But this is also based on data investigation! It's impossible to say that Terry knew about the child before!

Because this child does not belong to that kind of gifted genius, naturally he will not show too much concern!

But now, it doesn't look like this?! Can be dug out by Ding Yu, this boy should be hiding what! But what is it? Can Ding Yu be so interested?

"I like to be quiet!"

Ding Yu suddenly extended his hand to balun beside him. Balun handed a piece of information that had been held in his hand to Ding Yu. After opening it, Ding Yu gave it back to him again, which made him puzzled! What's the situation?

"Too fake!" Ding Yu looked at Harry and said, "you should have done more than one IQ test. You can hide yourself well! Even let everyone look away! This is a bit incredible, especially in a big family like you! I'm really curious how you did it! No other meaning

"How do you see that, sir?" Harry turned his eyes and looked at Ding Yu calmly!

A smile suddenly appeared on Ding Yu's face, which was very strange! It's a little incomprehensible!

"It's not a special skill? What about? Are you interested? "

When hearing Ding Yu's words like this, Barron and josephart's heart almost jumped to their own throat! But Ding Yu's words did not finish, "but from the current situation, you are a little unqualified, not that your disguise is not qualified, but you are a little behind the schedule! I'll give you three years! "

"Three years?" There's no use in Harry's eyes!

"Good! Three years! In the process, you need to learn Chinese! If you are qualified, I can think about it, but if you are unqualified, I'm sorry! " Then Ding Yu tilted his head and looked at the nearby Baron and josephart, "even if they two come forward, it doesn't have any effect!"

"Sir, I don't like to do anything too experimental! It doesn't mean much! "

"Understand!" Ding Yu did not have any dissatisfaction, even some praise, "I don't like it very much, but quite a thing, we need to use these to deal with other people! It's like your usual exam! It's very easy for us to get a full score, but it's really not necessary. Every time you pass the exam, you'll be exposed for a long time. So how can you get a suitable score? It needs some ability! "

"Mr. Ding, is that all right?"

"You are very smart, put yourself in the big environment, but you forget another thing! If you stay in such an environment for a long time, you will change a lot. Even if you hide it well, it will not be of any use! " Ding Yu did not explain too much, "give you a choice, look at these people in the screen, select two people out!"

"Is there any condition, sir?" Harry couldn't help asking!

"It has nothing to do with me, but you will use it in the future! Look at your eyes! But I can give you a hint! If you can, don't pick the same type of person! It's too troublesome! If too many people in a group are of the same type, it will make the whole group sink into depression, and then there will be a pool of stagnant water! "Harry then also stood at Ding Yu's side hand position! Josephart's heart has fallen at this time! But Harry didn't mean to wink at him! This NIMA!

Also did not let Ding Yu wait too long! Harry pointed to two people on the screen!

A man and a woman, but the boy is a bit too big! It's like an adult child! As for the girl? Charlotte took a look at Barron! I don't know whether Harry did it on purpose or not! But the two people he picked out, think carefully, seem to be in the original plan!

And it's so practical!

Ding Yu did not have any measures, "stay and watch, for you, it should be a good opportunity!"

"How can NIMA see it?"

Terry is a little bit silly, Leo is even more so! Their eyes have always focused on Ding Yu's body! And they can be sure that Ding Yu has never had any connection with this boy named Harry! It is impossible to do the so-called investigation in advance. Under such circumstances? Why is Ding Yu's eye precise?

It doesn't make sense! They read a lot of material, but they never found any difference in Harry! If they had known this, they might have pulled Harry out before. How could they have left the opportunity for Ding Yu?

But think about it carefully. How old is Harry? Why is it like this? There must be some reasons for this, but the problem is how to find the reasons in a moment?

"Terry, there must be something wrong with it?"

"You mean Harry?"

Leo glared. "Old man, don't challenge each other's patience, OK? I'm talking about Ding Yu now! Although I am very unhappy with Ding Yu, as far as I know, he is unlikely to contact Harry, and even less likely to know about Harry. Otherwise, he will not do so now! "

"Of course I understand it!" Terry frowned. "I'm sure you should be investigated! I've just been investigated! From birth to now, no difference has been revealed! All of the things are very indifferent, indifferent to make people feel so dull! I'm a little confused? "

"My hand won't stretch that long. I just investigated something out of range!"

Terry is more concerned about internal affairs than he is, so he investigates from the inside. What about himself? There is quite a cover identity, so start from the periphery, but the investigation so far, there is no exposure!

So what happened to Harry? Are children so evil now?

Why investigate, because there are so many things worth exploring! What is the reason for Harry to be in this situation? It can't be said that it always comes out of thin air, can it?

Ding Yu wants to know more about the relationship between Ding Yu and his family, because he wants to know more about the relationship between them!

Although said this time Ding Yu opened a hole! But Ding Yu can only choose a fair number of people! And these people must have a quantity! He will never tell everyone apart. It's impossible!

But looking at the current situation, it seems that there are so many difficulties. Ding Yu just sat in front of everyone, and then began to face. Such behavior really makes people feel so upset! But what can be done?

You don't have the vision of Ding Yu! There is no Ding Yu's ability! All the others are nonsense!

"That is to say, there is absolutely no connection between the two. Even if we want to copy mechanically, we can't find any connection. Is that right?"

This is more like asking yourself! Although the time may be a little short, but the actual situation is like this!

It may take some time to investigate Harry, but Ding Yu doesn't need to investigate at all! Because all the information of Ding Yu is here, it can be said that all the families and consortia with some strength are on file!

What's more, it's the kind of thing!

Although said that did not find out a bottom to drop, but also is similar matter!

What's more, Ding Yu's track here is not very big at all, quite a few!

After finding no other reason and reason, we can only say that Ding Yu's vision is too spicy!

"Terry, I suddenly found out that you seem to be deliberately changing the subject?" Leo did it on purpose!

"Is it?" Terry, of course, knows what happened? Harry has chosen two people, both of which have a lot to do with his family. No matter what the final result will be, at least now Terry has the bottom of his mind!

But what about Leo? The family's children are not said, and their performance looks silly! There's no comparison with Harry! I was really amorous when I was before. Why should I come here? Isn't it good to stay at the hospital honestly? You can even listen to Pete's opinion!He has eased over, although the spirit is slightly dispirited, but there are not too many problems!

Maybe he can't lead a lot of things, but there are not too many problems when he is a staff officer! Why do you have a fever and come to Terry? Isn't this a typical way to find yourself uncomfortable?

Think about it, Leo's heart is really so some want to curse!

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